Conflict Negotiation and Resolution


The possession of individual views and thoughts about a given perspective or concept in an organization often leads to conflicts. To offer a solution to a firm’s disagreements requires negotiation, which involves all the parties with divergent opinions. According to Hocker and Wilmot (2014), during the negotiation between two parties with opposing ideas, one should generate options, brainstorm on the diverse concepts, and cultivate mutual understanding through meeting collective objectives. The current study aims to comprehend the conflict negotiation process upon the identification of variables that result in disagreements in an organization.

The Factors Facilitating Conflict within an Organization

The main cause of disagreements in organizations is commonly related to management and leadership skills. According to Isik (2018), conflicts and rifts within a corporation are associated with such factors as poor communication and workforce stress and pressure. For a successful leadership model, efficient communication is a key to organizational performance (Isik, 2018). However, poor communication is related to such leaderships that make incorrect assumptions or accusations, causing rifts and disagreements. Therefore, an effective communication style in leadership and organization is important to avoid the cultivation of enmity and animosity among staff.

During burnouts and increased workload in a business, emotions, stress, and pressure are usually experienced because of the inability of certain members to cope. During this time, even the presence of the slightest misbehavior can cause a disagreement because of the ineptitude to cope with such life stressors. Because certain people perceive pressure as a motivation, others see it as a stressor, thus leading to disagreements during the provision of a solution to the cause of stress.

The Impact of Conflict on an Organization

Three main areas of negative results of the conflict in an organization are linked to mental responses, behavioral reactions, and biological responses. For instance, in mental responses, negative consequences of organizational disagreements include; loss of interest in performing duties and responsibilities in a firm, frustrations, and lack of job satisfaction (Hijjawi, & Mohammad, 2019). Behavioral reactions to conflicts in an organization encompass aggression, character changes such as drug usage, loss of morale inefficient communication, and over-eating or under-eating. In physiological reactions as a result of the conflict in a firm, its effects often go unrecognized. As such, because of disagreements, certain people develop hypertension because of their inability to accommodate work stresses. Moreover, because of stress, individuals are prone to develop stomach ulcers because of the overproduction of acids in the stomach during stressful events brought about by conflicts in a corporation.

Based on the above illustrations, it is evident that work performances in an organization are affected by such responses as physiological, biological, and behavioral changes, thus leading to the poor customer or client satisfaction. As a result, more resources would be used to establish the lost trust in leadership resulting in low productivity because of employee conflicts. This results in a loss of time and resources that would otherwise be used to improve other sectors of an organization. In this regard, the firm might fall because of both employee workability and low-key performance areas.

Conflict Resolution Style

Managing conflict among members of an organization with diverse opinions can provide a daunting task. However, through partnership and collaboration, an organization is guaranteed s conflict resolution style that meets most demands of the conflicting parties. Collaboration in a firm involves the actions of being assertive and cooperative in a suggestive course of actions by a negotiator. In collaboration, it is about finding a medium where both parties have an affirmative cause (Isik, 2018). Precisely, collaboration is about working with all members of an organization with negative opinions to identify solutions that work for everyone. Therefore, this provides a win-win strategy because it merges both parties’ resolve to establish a common goal and objective. In this resolution style, both opposing persons receive their desires and at the same time reduce the development of negative feelings

Conflict Negotiation Strategies

In a place where there are no stipulated guidelines or rules on how to manage clashes, negotiation is used to solve such disagreeing individuals. Through conciliation and methodical exchange of views, there is the progression of an appropriate way to attain an indulgent and permissive agreement. In this case, distinctive skills and proficiency are obligatory for solving conflict-related problems in an institute (Isik, 2018). For instance, if a director lacks the necessary skills of negotiation, indiscretions and uncertainties are witnessed. Therefore, a strategy that entails collaboration, efficient communication, and avoidance of bias ensures negotiation processes.


Negotiation strategy and efficient conflict resolution skills are necessary for any organization because of the possibility of disagreements. Through training and workshops, a company can employ the use of negotiation experts who are cognizant of the guidelines and principles of effective negotiation which can be used by a particular set of employees. Since conflicts are closely related to a poor working environment and low work productivity, effective negotiation that ensures team spirit and morale, increased productivity, advanced relationships, and customer satisfaction guaranteed a firm’s performance. According to Hassannejad et al. (2017), providing a win-win strategic solution through parties’ collaboration warrants the ability to avoid future disagreements. Therefore, the actual outcome of effective negotiation is an improved Company’s growth and development.


Disagreements occur in a corporation because of the possession of personal disagreements based on divergent opinions, thoughts, and perspectives. As illustrated, acknowledging the presence of factors resulting in conflict is important in identifying the best conflict resolution style and strategies. Notably, poor communication and workforce pressure s are the major causes of disagreements in an organization. However, such negative behaviors can be relived through effective collaboration between the opposing parties using a collaborative model’ win-win approach.


Hassannejad, M., Zarei, A., & Ashrafganjouei, F. (2017). Analysis of the relationship between the application of negotiation style and conflict management strategies physical education’s experts in Iran. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 3(2), 31-36.

Hijjawi, G., & Mohammad, A. (2019). Impact of organizational ambidexterity on organizational conflict of Zain Telecommunication Company in Jordan. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 12(26), 1-14. Web.

Hocker, J., & Wilmot, W. (2014). Interpersonal conflict (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Isik, U. (2018). The relationship between school administrators’ in-house communication and conflict management strategies according to physical education teachers’ perceptions. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 4(4), 266-271. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, November 18). Conflict Negotiation and Resolution.

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BusinessEssay. "Conflict Negotiation and Resolution." November 18, 2022.