The history of ABC Distribution and Marketing Company is the history of development of modern mobile telephony. The company was founded in the 1987, in Canada, when it spun off from (ABC Marketing Partners) a purely marketing and company into ABC Inc a distribution, logistics and Marketing Company and currently a listed company.
Through formal partnerships, dealerships and joint ventures in its international operations ABC Inc has coverage of five continents including America, Asia, Europe and Africa and has offices in over 50 countries. Its core distribution is in digital and mobile telephony equipments including handsets, PDAs, integrated devices, OEM and other accessories. Also modems and software. It is a master wholesaler for different brands and it seeks to add RIMs blackberry into our range of distribution products.
For more than a decade ABC has been selling through dealers, retailers, agents, network operators and MVNOs to various markets which are prime markets for blackberries and other wireless products.
The company also sells directly through carriers, retailers and other resellers who purchase products and manage their accounts through our online facilities. We also partner with other distribution companies, ABC has an established model of recruiting dealers, support and value creation for operators and for dealer’s profits. As master agent for a number of network operators and MVNOs the corporation is talented at commission management and can assist set up and maintain such programs. With our carrier partners the company offers engineering to support next generation voice and data solutions.
As a marketing company, we create communication programs such as sales literature, point of purchase materials, online support materials, advertising in media besides developing of solutions meant to increase client’s sales. We will aim at delivering quantifiable share of the blackberry market.
The company will assist RIM (Research in Motion) in logistics involving inventory, transportation and procurement. The companies can also brand, offer packaging, flashing and kitting being part of our customized service. RIM can strengthen your brand and increase your revenue by using this service. We will also host website, perform outbound marketing, e-business besides maintaining marketing content on this transactional website. This will give your customers alternative platforms to purchase the goods. We will handle incoming calls, emails and fax and also process purchases at our contact centers. This saves cost for your company.
To assist you in inventory Management, ABC will store, repackage and track your products and report the results in a format of your choice. To do this we will make use of our large warehouses.
To help you maintain efficient transportation and reduce costs ABC Inc will use proprietary system of processes and technologies. We will identify, create and execute the best rate, mode and carrier combination. This will be done through electronic coordination and secured sharing in the whole of transport chain (Witold, 2001). This will result to lower freight rates, shortened periods for delivery, and useful information gathering that can lead to increased efficiencies with shipments in the future (Witold, 2001)
Since returns are sales lost, ABC offers systems and processes that minimize the impact. We receive, sort, test, refurbish and repackage returns so that they can reenter the market and create opportunities for improved service.Reverse logistics processes reduce costs and create opportunities for OEMs, network operators, MVNOs, and retailers (Clarke,1998). We will also administer the disposition of recalls, warranties, and exchanges of blackberries on your behalf. We will tap secondary markets that will return costs to your bottom line. By identifying and documenting trends and defects we assist your company reduces return volumes in future (Drucker,1998).
We can assist in creating blackberries customized for specific markets increasing the efficiency of your manufacturing process. ABC solutions will assist you to concentrate on the areas that you are competent in while at the same time your brand will be extended.
We will also evaluate and manage credit lines for your sales channels, invoice for shipped products and collect receivables.
Using our toll-free connections, the call centre has qualified technicians. This will help us to handle and sort out any complaints and issues from customers. In this case we will have our technical team trained on your company’s blackberry technical specifications.
We can help your company create a world-class online experience that drives growth and loyalty among customers. This will be through an outsourced, variable-cost model basis which rids you of fixed costs, capital investment, and delays common in developing internal capabilities (Drucker, 1998).
Our E-business systems are integrated seamlessly with inventory and warehouse management systems. This helps in order accuracy by fulfilling the orders the same day (Witold, 2001). Websites that are fully functional can be developed and deployed quickly thus increases in order volumes will be possible due to the built in scalability (Bolt, 2003)
We also perform outbound marketing by creation of materials such as stand alone mailings, outbound telephone campaigns and bill stuffers after which after every program effectiveness comparison reports are made (Kristian, 1995). Our customized services are value-building services meant to accelerate supply chains, grow sales channels, besides enhancing brand equity (Robert, 1998)
To increase net revenue and penetration in the market ABC has a proven model of dealer recruitment and support which creates value for network operators and MVNOs, and profit for dealers (Robert, 1998)
Merchandising plans can be developed to increase presence of retail and sales performance and involves creating of purchase materials, collaboration on effective SKU plans with customers and retailers, and managing the implementation( Clarke,1998 ).
We manage account receivables using billing systems which accelerate cash flow. We also evaluate credit worthiness and set credit limits of potential participant channels.
For your products to be received in different markets we customize them on your behalf. Through our numerous software programs, we can adopt your blackberries to different language settings depending on the areas we serve. We can also through the network operators preset them so that they can automatically work within their networks. This will increase distribution efficiency allowing you to focus your resources on core competencies and still be able to serve smaller markets with products that are customized and profitable (Drucker, 1998). Your brand equity is therefore extended without overburdening. With such an expansive network of branches and superior services listed above there is no doubt that our company is not only qualified but in the best position to partner with as your company as a master wholesaler for the blackberries. Our processes are aligned to help you save time, costs, generate profits and to help your company’s growth and brand recognition.
The company’s global outlook and international coverage and experience in five continents will give your company numerous advantages. With our warehouses all over your products can reach many markets. Our superb dealer recruitment model creates and supports operators in network value addition.
Board of Directors
The company uses committee structure of management. This system has separation of supervisory and executive functions as its key. The board of directors plays supervisory decision making role, while the executive handles the day to day running of the organization. The BOD has three internal bodies audit, nomination and compensation. It’s composed of 12 members, (five being from outside) to objectively supervise and advice the management.
Peter White the son of one of the founders, a management graduate from Leeds University is the company’s president. He is in charge of all company’s executive officers. He is in charge of carrying out all companies strategies and steering the company successfully.
Director of marketing
The current Director of marketing is Sean, J. At 31 years, He holds several degrees and has an MBA in marketing. He has had vast experience in distribution having worked for Freight Inc, in a similar position. He holds several marketing awards and is a board member of Canada’s Marketing Association. He has numerous marketing awards to his name. He is responsible for the overall marketing division of the company.
Director of Logistics
He has the role of carrying out company’s logistics including transport, orders handling and ensuring orders are delivered just in time. The current holder Michael, M has been with the company for the last ten years. He has been crucial in the successful creation of our logistics software. At 50 years of age, Michaels experience has been very vital in steering the company to its current level. Michael holds an MSC in Mathematics from Iowa State University.
Director of finance
He is in charge of finance and administration. At 47 he has risen through the ranks of the company having started as graduate trainee manager, he has extensive experience in administration. He hold two MBA’s one in marketing and in Finance.
Account manager
He is in charge of accounts and handles client. Feng Lin is the current Accounts Manager and heads the accounts for the company. He liaises with the manufacturers to ensure goods are released to our warehouses. Ensures good relations exist. Facilitate training programs for employees and customers. He has masters in international relations.
Warehousing manager
He is in charge of the various warehouses owned by the company. He holds a degree in and postgraduate qualification in management. He has vast experience in warehouse management. In charge of shipping out the products and receiving them in company’s warehouses.
Other staff
Other staff includes Information systems support staff, web developers, technical staff, call centre support staff among others, all who play crucial roles in the chain.
The management team is highly skilled and experienced in international trade. Remuneration for our employees is slightly above the regions average and ensures that we have highly motivated and responsive employees. We also train in-house from time to time ensuring we have the best teams. To ensure new and innovative ideas regularly the company has an innovation team which works closely with management to identify future trends and any paradigm shifts in technology and advice accordingly. With the committee system of management checks and balances are maintained (Drucker, 1998 ).
Audits are done to ensure consistently high quality of service delivery (Clarke, 1998). Through its highly skilled research and development department the management is able have up to date information on the market trends. High expertise and proper utilization of technology enables the company to be efficient and save on time and costs (Drucker, 1998).
To serve the company when the company is exporting, various staff will be highly required, this will include qualified marketing staff with abilities to brand, prepare marketing materials, effective marketing programs, communication programs and commission programs (Robert, 1998). In the accounting department, faced with the responsibilities of managing accounts receivables, cash flow system, evaluation and management of credit lines, invoicing products and reconciliation of accounts from the branch levels to the headquarters (Clarke,1998 ). Accountants will be in all branches.
Internal Auditors will have the responsibility of checking the effectiveness of our systems and processes and making reports and advisory roles to the management where necessary (Clarke, 1998). Information technology staff is one of the most important in international market in today’s world. They maintain marketing content on transactional websites develop and maintain systems (Witold, 2001).
Knowledge of complex systems such as transactional systems, inventory systems, web development and maintenance knowledge is vital (Bold, 2003). In offering after sales a team of customer care and support staff is required. They will handle complains by customers, returns, receive, sort, test, refurbish and repackage returns (Robert, 1998). They will also administer recalls warranties and exchange (Kristian, 1995). Training by your company will be required. Good communication and personal skills are necessary for this staff.
Technical staff will be involved in training both the staff and clients on the features that the blackberry has and how to operate and maintain. They will explain any technical details. Play a role in customizing. They will be trained by your company to serve specific needs of your product. Shipping staff will be responsible for tracking; shipping staff and ensuring that goods reach the destined customers just in time.
They will create and execute best carrier, mode and rate combination for each shipment thus reducing freight rates, shortening delivery periods and capturing important information for future (Witold, 2001). Warehouse staff oversees warehouse management system, inventory control and dispatch of orders (Bold,2003). Knowledge in warehouse management is vital.
In order to meet the company’s objectives the company uses external resources which include respected international lawyers to work out on any agreements and advice and assist in negotiations for the company. This is very vital due to legal challenges that international business face. Several banks with international outlook are also used by our company. To assist in payments we also make use of respectable online transactional systems such as Pay Pal to reach a wider market.
To advertise products for our clients we make use of internationally recognized advertising agencies who give us huge discounts and wide coverage. Various advertising that bring out the image of our products of the company are used. Freight forwarders assist in ensuring that goods reach their destinations just in time. Translators are used in new markets where negotiations are necessary between our company and suppliers who may not speak a common language.
Operations overview
The company is ISO 9000 certified. It has also been awarded a U.S patent for our proprietary process used in device programming. A culture of quality reiterated by quality assurance system has been instilled in our employees. We distribute devices which address regulatory requirements including CE Mark (Europe), TGA (Australia), (UL and CSA electrical standards and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
It also describes any equipment or facilities that the company needs to purchase to make the project come to fruition. The company in branding for your company will purchase the necessary packaging materials. The already available is enough even for large orders and as such we wont have to increase the size of our warehouses. Due to the new features you company will retrain some of our customer care services who will handle the after sales services of the black berry. ABC Inc products flow from the manufacturer to the clients. By storing the blackberries in our warehouse would ensure that we are able to serve large demands from dealers and retailers as they come.
The accounts managers orders the amount to be supplied depending on information obtained from intelligence systems. They are then shipped to our warehouses where the warehouse managers confirm receipt of the products. To do this we identify and execute the best mode, carrier and rate combination for each shipment. The processes are coordinated electronically along the transportation chain to our warehouses. This gives us information that is useful for future while at the same time reducing freight rates.
The products are moved to our warehouses across the continents depending on established market demands in these regions for the products The orders made online or direct by our clients are delivered just in time. In case of returns they are refurbished, repackaging and sorted out before being sold. This reduces losses to our clients increasing their bottom line. The marketing director runs promotional materials for the products informing all our partners, dealers, carriers, retailers, and other resellers about our products.

For the distribution of blackberry from your company, in addition to the current staff we will need to hire extra technicians and support staff. Training would also be done and there would be need for training kits from your company.
Inventory control is done through our systems where we are able to track the products movement to the final destination. A report can be generated online giving the current up to date information on inventories.
To sell your blackberry devices we will use our existing chain of suppliers. We will continue with our aggressive seeking of new dealers. We will use partners, dealers, carriers, retailers, and other resellers about our products.
Work cited
Bold, T. (2003). Introduction to Business Information Systems: Springer.
Clarke.R N., Coynon, M.J. and Peck, S.I. Corporate Governance and Directors’ Remuneration: A View from the Top; Business Strategy Review , Vol. 9,.1998.
Drucker. P, F. The Profession of Management. New York: Harvard business publisher: 1998.
Kristian, M. Business Marketing. New York : Springer. 1995.
Robert, W. Business to Business: Direct Marketing. New York : McGraw-hill. 1998.
Witold, A. Business Information Systems.New York: Springer. 2001.