The Training Program for HR Professionals

Description of the Program

Corporate recruitment in remote educational institutes remote educational technologies and human resources issues related to it.

This subject became especially relevant in the context of the current situation of the lockdown due to the 2019-nCoV pandemic. While forcefully shifting to distant education, many educational organizations demonstrated their unpreparedness to the new model of communication with students and managing the teaching process. During the lockdown, many traditional faculty members in schools, colleges, and universities left their jobs due to the inability to work remotely.

In these circumstances, human resources managers are determined to solve the problem of shortening the staff and lowering the quality of education. It can be done by either recruitment of new employees, more prepared for the implementation of innovations, or working with former staff members on reconsideration of their position and improving their remote teaching skills.

The relevance of the program is justified not only by the current situation. The requirement of such a program arises from a global tendency to implement distance education in educational instituted of all levels and specializations, which became evident during the past several decades. Therefore, the knowledge and skills achieved by HR professionals during this training would be in demand after the lockdown as well. As Taguchi (2020) argues, “teachers and students adopt remote learning with no training while this situation is far from ideal, after the pandemic passes, schools may be revolutionized by this experience (p. 254).

The main objective of this training is to reorient HR professionals’ criteria for corporate recruitment, considering new modified circumstances. It implies that the employees who are intended to deliver teaching remotely would require particular qualities, which might be considered unimportant during on-campus education.

Strategy of Program Realization

The whole process of program realization includes four stages:

  • Planning.
  • Designing.
  • Implementation.
  • Evaluation.

The planning stage includes the analysis of the background or pre-set conditions that program developers have to deal with. There are three areas to be investigated: organizational, personal, and task levels. Altogether, they provide the answers to the question “where (in which circumstances), whom, and what to teach?”

At the designing stage, the main concern is the factors that may influence training efficiency. The implementation stage requires the development of a training outline and determining tentative training materials and proposed instruction.

Finally, the evaluation stage allows assessment of training outcomes, its possible drawbacks, and the directions for further improvement.

Stage 1: Planning

Organizational Analysis: Background Assessment

The first step of the training development is the analysis of the background, i.e., existing gaps in knowledge and skills in the field of interest. Training objectives and materials should be “developed and delivered in a manner that responds to labor market trends and specific industry sector workforce needs” (Killingsworth & Grosskopf, 2013, p. 100). Therefore, it is necessary to investigate these trends and needs. The research questions for the current study might include:

  1. What are the existing approaches and methods of corporate recruitment in educational institutions?
  2. What are the new demands that cause the requirement for reconsideration of the traditional approaches and methods?
  3. How the approaches and methods should be changed or modified in accordance with new demands?

To conduct this research, various methods may be used:

  • surveys and interviews with HR managers of educational institutes;
  • studying the literature about corporate recruitment;
  • gathering information about remote education technologies and methods.

To understand current drawbacks and set the objectives for the program, the elements of performance management are to be implemented in the process.

In a given situation, the most appropriate performance appraisal method would be management by objective (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2020). Within it, employees ‘ successful completion of pre-established goals and objectives in a determined time is evaluated.

As current lockdown, educational institutions are already encountering the situation containing pre-established goals of the proposed training. Faculty staff is forced to implicate remote methods of education; at the same time, HR professionals face the challenge of staff management, including corporate recruitment.

Such a situation appeared as an emergency, and employees did not have prior training. Therefore, the results of their performance must provide a clear picture of the real level of knowledge and skills, including existing drawbacks.

Personal Analysis

Personal analysis is required to determine who needs to be trained. It should provide data about two points:

  1. Whether performance deficiency is determined by inadequate training or the lack of knowledge;
  2. Whether current levels of knowledge and skills are sufficient to be engaged in training; for example, to be able to learn remote teaching methods, trainees should be confident PC and Internet users (Klikauer, 2018, p. 76).

This information might be acquired by two means:

  1. Assessing methods implemented by immediate supervisors of HR staff in educational institutes;
  2. Multi-source evaluation of the individuals by their colleagues and customers.

The tools for data collection:

  • Performance data;
  • Questionnaires and attitude surveys;
  • Interviews;
  • Supervisor observations;
  • Tests.

Task Analysis

Task analysis, sometimes defined as operations analysis, is a process of gathering information about a specific job with the aim to investigate its performance standards and the required knowledge and skills (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2020).

For the proposed training, traditional corporate recruitment is the job to be analyzed. Its established methods should be investigated with the identification of their fallacies. The elements that must be included in the analysis are:

  • Channels for recruitment;
  • Methods of determining the criteria for candidates;
  • Methods of assessing the knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities of candidates;
  • Methods of conducting interviews and meetings with candidates.
  • Channels for recruitment

Particular attention should be put on Internet sites and search services, and social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Entelo, RemarkableHire, Gild, etc.) (Recruiteze, 2017). The familiarity and comfortable work with online services would demonstrate candidates’ skills necessary for the established goals.

Methods of determining the criteria for candidates

Teachers and administration staff determined to work in remote settings require a particular set of skills and qualities that might be secondary or unnecessary for on-campus workers. Among these skills are the ability to navigate in online databases, quick typing, familiarity with online communication methods. Such qualities as self-discipline while working at home, and being able to work physically disconnected with a team and live Communication is essential.

Methods of assessing the knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities of candidates

In light of the latest trends in recruitment management, such assessment tools as PeopleAnswers, SkillSurvey, Profiles International, SHL, and others may be considered (Recruiteze, 2017.

Methods of conducting interviews and meetings with candidates

The current analysis demonstrated that to ensure the effectiveness of the recruitment process, traditional face-to-face meetings with candidates should not be avoided as a result of the implementation of modern technologies. It means that “effective recruiting involves more than just identifying candidates … it requires establishing relationships with people” (Wasserman 2018, para. 14).

Stage 2: Designing

When the relevance of the training is justified, the next stage is training design, which sets the objectives of the program. The objectives are based on current needs that depend on present employees’ capabilities and those new capabilities organizations expect them to have (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2020).

These objectives are to be explained to trainees to create a clear picture of the process. The proposed training implies the objectives, where the trainees should attain the following capabilities:

  • the understanding the difference between remote and on-campus methods of education;
  • the ability to determine priority competencies and qualities for potential recruited staff members and shift their focus on them while searching the candidates;
  • relating to up-to-date knowledge about channels of recruitment;
  • using up-to-date information about the methods of assessing candidates’ competencies;
  • acquiring knowledge of the various form of communication with candidates;
  • enhancing familiarity with modern educational technologies and building technical skills (using digital sources, software, Internet, mobile applications, etc.).

Three factors should be addressed during the designing process to ensure training’s effectiveness:

  • Learning readiness is the capacity, motivation, and willingness to learn (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2020). It depends largely on self-efficacy, which is a person’s belief in the ability to mobilize the resources for learning. Training design should aim to increase trainees’ level of self-confidence.
  • Learning styles are classified in different ways, the most common of them are:
    • active or reflective learning,
    • sensing or intuitive,
    • visual or verbal,
    • sequential or global (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2020),
    • kinesthetic, visual, or auditory (Fleming, 2019).
  • Transfer of learning is the ability of trainees to apply their knowledge to their working practice. To ensure it, training should create an environment close to that on the job, and investigate practically-oriented cases.

Stage 3: Delivering

After setting the objectives, the next stage is developing the content, which includes preparation of training outline, electing methods, and choosing proposed instructors.

Training Outline

Introduction: analyzing benefits and challenges or remote learning, and the existing drawbacks teachers’ competencies in this field.

  • Theme 1: Analysis of the existing drawbacks in teachers’ competencies.
  • Theme 2: Remote methods of education: software, learning platforms, digital libraries.
  • Theme 3: Remote methods of education: self-access websites for pragmatic learning.

Commentaries: In light of the current lockdown situation, when educational institutes were forced to shift to distant education, many sources dedicated to innovative methods in the learning process have appeared, mostly in a form or journal article. For example, Taguchi (2020) introduces various kinds of digital spaces designed for learning purposes. Among them are structured, semi-structured, and unstructured spaces for pragmatic learning.

Structured space is a definition for websites, where learning is “structured and navigated through the use of systematic, focused activities on preplanned pragmatic targets” (Taguchi, 2020, p. 354). For example, Cohen and Ishinara (2005) developed a website for learning Japanese with the help of instructors. There are also several instructor-designed digital games for training particular skills.

Semi-structured spaces is a “hybrid environment” that incorporates structured instructions, provided by a teacher, and further continuing computer-mediated communication, including teleconferencing, online chat, SMS, and blogging (Taguchi, 2020).

Unstructured digital learning spaces is the environment where “learners participate in authentic online communities to achieve real‐life goals” without special instructions and instructors (Taguchi, 2020, p. 354).

For example, commercial games, such as World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy X, are examples of such spaces for language learners, where they can interact with native target language speakers.

  • Theme 4: Remote methods of education: using social media in the teaching process

Commentaries: Greenhow and Galvin (2020) provide recommendations for the use of social media for. As they argue, social media has potential as a learning method due to its ability of personal profiling, socializing, relationship-building, and content creation.

Thus, if integrated into a distance education process, it can “help students and teachers stay connected while apart, enhance students’ engagement and make remote learning seem less remote” (Greenhow & Galvin, 2020, para. 3).

  • Theme 5: Remote education and discipline

Commentaries: As Taguchi (2020) notices, “digitally mediated remote learning can promote students’ autonomy and self‐paced learning” (p. 354). However, along with it, remote earning brings challenges to the regulation of the educational process, which is necessary to provide students’ discipline.

In light of this, new methods of enhancing students’ learning activity, as well as forms of assessment that can motivate disciplined learning, should be introduced. Along with it, distance education implies particular parents’ responsibilities, and teachers should be ready for continuous communication and collaboration with parents (MacMahon et al., 2020).

  • Theme 6: Summary of the themes 2-5. Conclusions about new teachers’ competencies to be considered during corporate recruitment
  • Theme 7: Channels for recruitment
  • Theme 8: Tools for assessing candidates’ knowledge and skills
  • Theme 9: Methods of communication with candidates and employees. The importance of personal communication and establishing contact.
  • Theme 10: Personal qualities helpful in the remote type of work. In addition, it is recommended to include in training schedule:
    • several practical sessions (for example, PC session of exploring software for video and audio communication, using assessment tools online);
    • seminars, where trainees should report a summary of any currently appeared source related to innovative methods of remote education;
    • discussions, where trainees should share with the group their suggestions about various subjects covered in training themes.

Training Methods

  • Formal vs Non-Formal and Informal Training
  • Formal training is structured, sequenced, and strictly planned in all aspects. Tutors provide the information to trainees, give the assessments, and evaluate them.
  • In non-formal and especially informal approaches, learners are supposed to implement self-learning in the educational process. In such types, learners sometimes act not as students, but as instructors’ colleagues, exchanging with them their experiences.

In the proposed training program, formal training is supposed to be complemented by two other types. Thus, trainees are encouraged to make their own research on the subjects of interest and share their findings and ideas on seminars and discussion sessions. The exchange of ideas and experience is inevitable in this situation, as trainees, often in no smaller degree than tutors, are professionals of high level with considerable work experience.

Face-to-Face vs Online Training

A part of the proposed training may be conducted online. Considering its subject, such distant mode could simultaneously be practice sessions for trainees, getting them acknowledged with the environment in which their employees are supposed to work.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous

Remote training may be synchronous (group session in real-time mode) or asynchronous (access at convenience). Both of these forms may be implemented in the learning process; information for optional learning could be provided in free access at a convenient time.

Self-Paced vs Facilitated Training

These different approaches are also classified as self-paced or facilitated methods. While the former allows time flexibility, the later determines particular dates for each lecture and assessment. In proposed training, both forms may be combined with the majority of tasks planned in facilitated mode.

In the current situation, it must be considered that a distant form of training should be in priority, as a means of health safety.

Training Materials

  • handbooks with all the subjects covered (in printed and/or digital form);
  • (optional) same material covered in audio and/or video lectures, which could be helpful for people with different learning strategies (for example, auditory-oriented);
  • list of online resources with necessary access data;
  • adequate number of personal computers with installed software necessary for the learning process;
  • in case of distant training, software needs to be provided for installation on trainees’ home personal computers;
  • necessary visuals, schemes, etc., that cover the subjects and help to learn more efficiently.

Proposed Instructors

Considering the contingents of trainees, the level of their competencies, levels, and specialization of educational institutes they represent, the instructors might be chosen accordingly. However, the essential requirements are as follows:

  • The instructors must have extended knowledge of digital technologies, including the latest trends.
  • The instructors must have adequate experience in remote teaching.
  • The instructors responsible for the subjects related to psychology (such as personal qualities required for remote education, psychological aspects of online learning), should be educated in psychology and/or pedagogics.

Stage 4: Evaluation

At the training evaluation stage, two critical decisions should be made: what to evaluate, and when evaluate.

Answering the first question, Klikauer (2018) proposes a widely recognized training assessment framework

Kirkpatrick’s model, concerned with four levels of assessment:

  • Reaction.
  • Learning.
  • Behavior.
  • results.

Concerning the second question, there are three approaches to long-term evaluation:

  • post-measurement (assessing the level of acquired competencies, not including comparison with their level before training);
  • pre-/post-measurement (assessing the level of acquired competencies, including comparison with their level before training);
  • pre-/post-measurement with a control group (Klikauer, 2018).

In proposed training, the second option is supposed to be the most appropriate.

A short-term evaluation may be represented by middle-term assessments, both in theory and practice.


In summary, the proposed Corporate Recruitment in Remote Educational Institutes Preparation Training for HR Professionals is developed in accordance with current needs in the educational field.

As a result of the 2019-nCoV pandemic, many schools, colleges, and universities are forced to shift to remote educational mode.

However, the relevance of this training program is justified by the fact that, before the lockdown, the tendency to implement a distant form of education became evident during the last decade.

In this satiation, challenges are encountered not only by faculty members but, in no smaller degree, by HR professionals responsible for corporate recruitment in educational institutions.

Therefore, training would fill the gaps in knowledge and practical skills of HR managers, providing new competencies that would be in high demand after the lockdown as well.


Fleming, G. (2020). Adapt your studying techniques to your learning style. Web.

Greenhow, C., & Galvin, S. (2020). Teaching with social media: Evidence-based strategies for making remote higher education less remote. Information and Learning Sciences. Web.

Klikauer, T. (2018). Managing people in organizations. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Killingsworth, J., & Grosskopf, K. R. (2013). Synergy: A case study in workforce curriculum development. Adult learning, 24(3), 95–103. Web.

MacMahon, S., Legett, J., & Carroll, A. (2020). Promoting individual and group regulation throughsocial connection: Strategies for remote learning. Information and Learning Sciences. Web.

Recruiteze. (2017). Top 10 trends in corporate recruiting. Web.

Taguchi, N. (2020). Digitally mediated remote learning of pragmatics. Foreign Language Annals, 53(2), 353–358. Web.

Youssef-Morgan, C. M., & Stark. E. (2020). Strategic human resource management: Concepts, controversies, and evidence-based applications. Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, December 22). The Training Program for HR Professionals.

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BusinessEssay. 2022. "The Training Program for HR Professionals." December 22, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "The Training Program for HR Professionals." December 22, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "The Training Program for HR Professionals." December 22, 2022.