Performance Appraisal Program: Organisational Development


The purpose of this project is to examine the application of the performance appraisal program as a tool for promoting employee and organizational development. The study is based on a case study of FERMA to gain a realistic understanding of the application of the performance appraisal program. The choice of FERMA as the study subject is informed by recognition of the Agency in promoting an efficient transport system in Nigeria. To understand the application of the performance appraisal program at FERMA, the study is based on the descriptive research design. The design has been enhanced by the integration of the case study and descriptive survey approaches.

The study notes the existence of significant gaps regarding FERMA’s efficiency in applying for the program. One of the notable gaps relates to the view that FERMA considers the program as only an HR norm. Thus, the management team has not attached the relevant value to the significance of the program. Although the employees recognize the presence of the performance appraisal program as one of the human resource practices at FERMA, they are of the view that it is not valuable. This sentiment has arisen from the ineffective application of the performance appraisal process and procedures. For example, the employees are not involved in making critical decisions relating to the program. Therefore, the program is applied in isolation. Based on the findings, some recommendations that FERMA should consider in improving the value of the performance appraisal program to the firm’s operations are proposed.


​About FERMA

An efficient transport sector is critical in a country’s socio-economic development. As one of the government agencies in the Nigerian transport sector, the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency [FERMA] is charged with the responsibility of maintaining over 32,000 kilometers of the federal roads. The agency was instituted to minimize the bureaucracies associated with road maintenance in the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. The FERMA’s role entails undertaking simple road maintenance such as pothole patching, vegetation control, and asphalt re-laying (Olatunji and Diugwu, 2011). The agency has integrated a flat organizational structure that is headed by a Managing Director, who is assisted by six Executive Directors [EDs]. The EDs oversees the operation of the different departments. The agency has a total workforce of 1,300 employees. The employees include engineers, technicians, auditors, ICT staff, and administrators among many others. FERMA should integrate effective human resource management practices to achieve its goal. One of the HR practices that the Agency should consider entails performance appraisal.

Despite FERMA being an intervention to deal with the negative performance of the Federal Ministry of Works, the effectiveness of the agency is still questionable. Most roads in Nigeria under FERMA are in deplorable condition, which indicates poor employee performance (Olatunji and Diugwu, 2011).

​Background to the study

Human resource is an indispensable element in organizations’ growth and sustainability. Thus, organizational managers should ensure that their workforce is competent coupled with having the relevant knowledge, attitude, and skills. Arthur (2008) insists that organizations must be concerned with sustaining the value of the employees’ skills, knowledge, and attitude to be competitive. One of the approaches that organizations can use in achieving this goal entails the integration of performance appraisal. According to the “Harvard Business School”, performance appraisal entails the process used by organizations in evaluating and supporting their workforce’s on-the-job performance (Authur, 2008, pg. 4). Alternatively, Sandler and Keefe affirm that performance appraisal mainly entails undertaking a periodic review of how an organization’s workforce is performing relative to the set goals (Author, 2008. Pg53). Therefore, continuous assessment of the workforces’ performance is paramount in making the requisite alignment and re-alignment.

Any form of assessment forms the basis of ongoing learning, which is beneficial to both the employees and the organization. Subsequently, the employees’ capacity to adapt to the dynamic and complex work environment is improved (Bednall, Sanders, and Runhaar, 2014, pg.45). Ayers (2015, pg 170) further emphasizes that performance appraisal programs “can be used as a management tool for controlling organizational performance in”. Conducting performance appraisal gives organizational managers insight on how employees are undertaking their jobs. Arthur (2008, pg. 2) corroborates that performance appraisal increases the degree to which an organization utilizes its workforces’ skills, interests, and knowledge.

Performance appraisal is classified amongst the fundamental human resource management functions. Both the private and public sectors are adopting performance appraisal in their strategic human resource management. Kirkpatrick (2006, pg. 20) stipulates that performance appraisal is critical in fostering a high level of accountability amongst the public servants. The “OECD” (2005, pg. 139) points out that most “government agencies utilize the appraisal results as basic data for the promotion and performance bonus”.

Problem statement

The effective application of the performance appraisal system can contribute to the improvement in an organization’s overall performance due to increased productivity from employees (Selvarajan and Cloniger2012, pg. 3063). Arthur (2008, pg. 3) further accentuates that effective application of performance appraisal goes beyond ensuring optimal utilization of human capital by fostering an environment for improved employer-employee relations, employee career development, and human resource development.

Despite its relevance to improving an organization’s long-term sustainability, the adoption of performance appraisal in both the public sector has been relatively low. The author affirms that some organizational managers have the perception of the process is time-consuming, non-productive, and difficult. Additionally, some managers fail to understand the connection between the employees’ commitment and effectiveness on the organization’s overall performance. Conversely, some employees perceive the process as a faultfinding undertaking that is aimed at justifying a firm’s decision not to promote employees.

Despite a company’s relatively low level of adoption, the value of performance appraisal cannot be underestimated. Farndale and Kelliher (2013, pg. 879) assert that employment of performance appraisal provides an organization with an opportunity to improve its HRM strategies such as the reward strategy. The performance appraisal system must be designed effectively to enhance its value to an organization’s performance management approach. Kondarasuk (2011, pg. 61) argues that the absence of or implementation of an ineffectively designed appraisal system hinders an organization’s overall performance.

​Aims and objectives

The purpose of this project is to undertake a critical evaluation of performance appraisal in the context of an organization’s determination to foster the employees’ development. This purpose is achieved by conducting a case study on FERMA. The case study will provide a realistic understanding of how employees perceive the performance appraisal methods used by FERMA. Moreover, the case study will provide vital insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the performance appraisal at FERMA. The study will focus on the following objectives to achieve this goal

  1. To assess critically the perception of subordinate employees on performance appraisal program at FERMA.
  2. To undertake extensive scrutiny on the strengths and weaknesses of the performance appraisal program used by FERMA
  3. To critically assess the goals and outcome of performance appraisal in FERMA on employees at the management and subordinate levels
  4. To examine critically the gaps in the efficacy of the current performance appraisal program in structure and purpose regarding best practices and organizational context.

​Research questions

The following research questions were taken into account to achieve the above objectives.

  1. What is the perception of subordinate employees on the performance appraisal program at FERMA?
  2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the performance appraisal program used by FERMA?
  3. What are the goals and outcome of performance appraisal in FERMA on employees at the management and subordinate levels?
  4. What are the gaps in the efficacy of the current performance appraisal program in structure and purpose regarding best practices and organizational context?

Significance of the study

The findings of the study will be of significant importance to organizations in Nigeria due to several factors. First, the study will enhance the view of performance and lead to its appreciation as a productivity tool for firms. Secondly, the study will result in the improved structuring of performance appraisal amongst organizations. Moreover, the study will provide managerial practitioners insight on how they can apply performance appraisal to maximize the value of their human resources.

Limitation of the study

Due to the scarcity of resources about time and finances, it was not possible to conduct the study on all employees at FERMA. Therefore, to deal with this challenge, the study was based on the concept of sampling. Subsequently, it is assumed that the selected respondents will be representative of the prevailing situation regarding the employees’ performance at FERMA.

Literature Review


Chapter 1 highlights performance appraisal as a fundamental strategic human resource management practice that organizations should adopt in their quest to promote their performance. This chapter involves a critical review of past literature on performance appraisal. The significance of this chapter is to identify gaps and areas of improvement concerning performance management. The chapter is organized into several sections. Section 1 entails a review of the application of performance appraisal at FERMA in Nigeria. Thus, this subsection identifies the areas in which FERMA has erred in implementing performance appraisal. This goal is achieved by taking into consideration the research objectives. The second subsection entails an evaluation of the critical issues that organizations should take into account in designing an effective performance appraisal system. The analysis in the two subsections provides insight into the critical issues that FERMA should take into consideration in using the performance appraisal system as a tool for promoting organizational and employee development. Therefore, sections will form the basis upon which the study draws recommendations on the critical aspects that FERMA should integrate the necessary corrective measures. Therefore, the review will enhance the contribution of the dissertation to FERMA’s development.

Evaluation of performance appraisal at FERMA

Agbola and Abena (2011, p. 82) affirm that performance appraisal comprises a fundamental strategic technique in an organizations’ quest to maximize the value of their human capital. Despite the efforts by the huge budgetary allocation, Ogunleye (2013, p 12) emphasizes that a significant proportion of roads in Nigeria is in deplorable conditions hence making road transport unsafe and slow. This aspect indicates the existence of inefficiency in the FERMA’s approach in executing its road maintenance and monitoring role. One of the factors that might have triggered this situation at FERMA is the lack of employee commitment towards the attainment of the overall organizational goals.

The quality of an organization’s working environment is correlated directly with the level of the employees’ commitment. The performance appraisal programs should be designed in such a way that they address the employees’ individual development needs. This goal can be achieved if an organization integrates the necessary competency development and training initiatives. Bhattacharyya (2011, p.57) asserts that individual employee development is greatly enhanced by the feedback obtained from the performance appraisal process.

Developing employee commitment is an essential human resource management role that managers must ensure. However, the attainment of this goal is influenced by human resource management practices adopted by an organization. Effective integration of the performance appraisal process constitutes one of the fundamental aspects of promoting employee commitment. The performance appraisal system should be employee-centric, which means that it should not only be a checklist on the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. On the contrary, organizations should be a basis through which an organization undertakes a wider understanding of the employees (Qureshi and Hassan, 2013, p. 60). Thus, the performance appraisal process should enable employees to understand the firm’s commitment to their development. Employees have personal and career development goals when joining an organization and intend the firm to facilitate their attainment (Falcone and Tan, 2013, p. 45).

The performance appraisal system should ensure that employees are aligned with the organizations’ goals and mission. Agbola and Abena (2011, p.82) maintain that performance appraisal “is a strategic tool to link employee activities with the organization’s mission and goals by identifying results and behavior needed to achieve the organization’s goals”. In line with its commitment to deliver its mandate, FERMA has integrated a performance checklist that focuses on several areas. The checklist is comprised of a set of standards that employees are required to observe to achieve exceptional performance. Secondly, the criteria assert that employees must be actively engaged with other staff members in undertaking their duties. The third aspect highlights the importance of being fair, developing a committed workforce, and continuously improving its performance.

The current performance appraisal system at FERMA is ineffective in ensuring that the public servants working within the agency understand and are committed to the attainment of the Agencies goals and vision. It is part of our objectives in this research to scrutinize the strengths and weaknesses of the performance appraisal program used by the Agency. A Public Service Charter guides the Agencies operations. Article 21 of the Charter emphasizes that the employees should depict a high level of professionalism in their service to enhance their output. Despite the formulation and implementation of a comprehensive performance charter in evaluating employee performance, the Agency’s appraisal system is weak in that it is not aligned with the employees’ personal and career development goals. Thus, its efficiency in promoting the creation of positive perception amongst the employees is limited.

Goal alignment is a critical component in promoting organizational performance. The likelihood of employees performing at an optimum level is considerably higher if they accept challenging goals as compared to less complex goals. Moreover, the job roles and responsibilities must contribute to personal development and career progression (Arthur, 2008, p. 142). The relevance of goal alignment is further underscored by the goal-setting theories (Ayers, 2015, p. 171). The goal-setting theory stipulates the importance of establishing an effective feedback mechanism that illustrates the goal-to-performance relationship (Latham, 2013, p. 334). Thus, the lack of goal alignment has limited the Agencies’ performance appraisal program capacity to contribute to improving its performance management practices.

The effectiveness of the performance appraisal system is further determined by the performance appraisal process. The performance appraisal process should further be comprised of an effective performance feedback process. Furnishing employees with performance feedback improves their understanding of how their activities contribute or fail to enhance the achievement of the organizational goals. Thus, it can contribute to improvement in employee performance. The feedback mechanism should be based on an extensive discussion with the employees.

In conducting the employee appraisal, FERMA needs to consider undertaking a comprehensive discussion with the employees. The discussion should be aimed at identifying the employees’ performance problems. This approach enables organizations to be effective in designing employee development programs such as the need-based training (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 57). Implementing need-based training based on the performance appraisal contributes to renewed knowledge and skills. Therefore, one can argue that performance appraisals are fundamental in ensuring that an organization integrates programs that amount to the employees’ personal development. Furthermore, organizational leaders should be conscious of the importance of nurturing positive job behavior amongst their workforce (ibid.).

Qureshi and Hassan (2013, p. 66) assert that the performance appraisal process should contribute to the formulation of effective human resource management decisions. Thus, the performance appraisal process should be effectively designed to evaluate ‘within-individual’ and ‘between individual’ performances. The ‘between individual’ performance evaluation seeks to gather the information that would improve decision making on issues such as salary increment, employee demotion, promotion, or transfer. The current performance system at FERMA has not factored in the evaluation of ‘between individual’ performance. This situation is well illustrated by the assertion by some of its members at Akwa Ibom and Cross River states. The staff members affirm that they have been receiving salaries without doing any work (Charles, 2015). This aspect illustrates that the company has not tied the employees’ pay to performance, which is a major weakness in the company’s appraisal system. Moreover, the failure to link employee pay to performance indicates the existence of a remarkable gap in the organization’s performance appraisal system.

Conversely, ‘within-individual’ performance evaluation aids in determining the employee’s training and development needs (Qureshi and Hassan, 2013, p. 60). FERMA must ensure that the employees perceive the performance appraisal program adopted by a firm to be valuable and, as part of the objective of this dissertation; we will try to establish whether this is the case by critically assessing the employees’ responses to our questionnaire and interviews. This aspect means that the program should be designed in such a way that it incorporates issues related to the employee’s personal and career development needs.

The current performance appraisal system at FERMA has not clearly defined the Agencies commitment towards promoting employee development. Subsequently, the agency is experiencing an increase in the rate of employee turnover. The high turnover has arisen from the development of a negative employee perception on the chances of attaining personal development and career goals. In redesigning the performance appraisal system, FERMA must focus on ensuring that the system contributes to the evaluation of ‘between individual’ and ‘within individual’ performances. This approach will improve the capacity with which the firm utilizes the performance appraisal system as an employee personal and career development tool hence promoting their level of commitment to the organization and productivity (Selvarajan and Cloniger 2013, p. 3064).

Considering the existence of redundancy at FERMA, the organization’s management team must ensure that the performance appraisal systems contribute to the entrenchment of justice in the performance appraisal system. This goal can be achieved by integrating fairness (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 55). Selvarajan and Cloniger (op. cit.) emphasize that organizations should be concerned with integrating procedural justice, for example, by entrenching accuracy and fairness in the appraisal system. The concept of fairness should be entrenched by eliminating errors such as rater bias. Integrating this approach is essential in ensuring that the performance appraisal system is effective by identifying the specific areas in which the employees are deficient in their performance.

Armed with the above theoretical insight about FERMA’s performance appraisal system, as one of the objectives of this work, we will use the responses we will get from the employees to examine the gaps in the efficacy of the current appraisal program in structure and purpose regarding best practices and the organizational context.

Performance appraisal systems

The process of employee appraisal has become a basis for evaluating the employees’ strengths and weaknesses over the past few decades. Its relevance arises from its contribution to the employee and organizational development. The performance results provide managers insight on how to increase productivity (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 57). To succeed in developing an effective performance appraisal system, HR managers need to integrate the best performance appraisal practices. If the performance appraisal system adopted by an organization does not meet this objective, the management team must undertake an extensive re-look on the defective appraisal aspects. For example, if the appraisal system is linked to rewards and only a small proportion of employees are rewarded, the employees who are not rewarded may be de-motivated (ibid. p. 55). On the contrary, the performance appraisal process should be fair and equitably administered. Moreover, it should illustrate the organization’s commitment to meeting employee expectations.

The existing performance appraisal system indicates the prevalence of remarkable gaps. Thus, the organization should take into account several issues in designing and using a performance appraisal framework. Armstrong (2009, p. 67) identifies different issues that organizational managers should consider as a way of becoming effective in performance appraisal. First, the appraisal system should be based on a well-formulated policy. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that the expectations, roles, and competencies necessary for attaining the desired level of performance are stipulated clearly. The policy should not only be used as a benchmark for assessing whether the employees have achieved the desired level of performance. Conversely, it should be used as a human resource management decision tool. For example, the performance appraisal system should involve a systematic approach to gathering evaluation information regarding job contents (Mello, 2014, p. 525). Consideration of this information will improve the performance appraisal system’s effectiveness in its job redesign process hence improving the value of the job to employees’ development.

The appraisal system should be aligned with the stipulated departmental and organizational objectives. The individuals charged with the responsibility of undertaking the performance appraisal should be trained effectively to eliminate the occurrence of negative aspects such as bias. The performance appraisal process should be based on a comprehensive set of standards. Some scholars criticize the adoption of evaluative performance appraisal arguing that it might lead to the reduction in the employees’ level of commitment and relationship amongst employees. Mello (ibid.) argues that the lack of predetermined performance standards increases the chances of the individuals charged with the responsibility of overseeing the appraisal process making subjective guesses or developing feelings that might harm the process. Therefore, the firm should ensure that the appraisal process is accepted by the employees by ensuring that it is not subjective.

In addition to the above aspects, the process of appraising the employees’ performance should be based on individual targets. The purpose of setting such targets is to ensure that the employees’ evaluation, departmental, and employee goals are aligned with the overall organizational goal. The organization should further ensure that regular monitoring of the employees’ performance is undertaken (French, 2011, p. 80). This assertion means that performance appraisal should not be confined to an annual formal HR event. On the contrary, the appraisals should be undertaken continuously to identify gaps in the employees’ performance. This approach increases the likelihood with which an organization integrates prompt corrective actions. In undertaking performance appraisal, organizations should gauge the employee’s actual performance against the set targets. This approach is critical in ensuring that an organization succeeds in evaluating the effectiveness with which employees accomplish the assigned roles (Kirkpatrick, 2006, p. 47). Moreover, integrating this approach enhances an organization’s efficiency in measuring performance outcomes that are difficult to quantify.

The effectiveness of the performance appraisal system is influenced by the extent to which an organization has appreciated the communication. The importance of communication arises from the view that it aids in enhancing the value of performance appraisal by sharing information on employee performance. Kirkpatrick (ibid.) asserts that communication makes employees understand the expectations of the appraisal. Moreover, communicating the purpose of the appraisal makes employees develop a feeling of involvement in the appraisal of their job performance. Armstrong (op. cit., 98) emphasizes that goals and feedback should be incorporated into the appraisal process to achieve the desired accomplishment.

The communication process should not only be limited to the purpose of performance appraisal. On the contrary, it should also entail the provision of feedback on the outcome of the appraisal. According to (ibid., p. 101), organizations should ensure that communication on performance appraisal is based on evidence (101). The process of providing feedback should entail informing employees about the results of the performance appraisal, the critical incidents identified, and significant behaviors. Furthermore, the feedback should involve commending employees for exemplary performance, provide insight on how employees can improve their performance, and inform them of where they have performed dismally (ibid., p. 105). Consequently, in the process of undertaking performance appraisal on its employees, FERMA should ensure that it bases its employees’ motivation approaches on the gathered evidence. This aspect is essential in making relevant adjustments aimed at improving the employee’s performance and productivity.

The available literature shows that the data obtained from the performance appraisal can be used in making managerial decisions relating to different such as salary administration, employee promotion, retention, and termination (Lyster and Arthur, 2007, p. 56). In its quest to use performance appraisal as a tool for employee and organizational development, FERMA must ensure that the data is not used negatively. Agbola and Abena (2011, p. 87) maintain that despite the benefits that can be derived from performance appraisal, some managers might use it to victimize employees. For example, some managers might use appraisal ratings to coerce and dismiss some employees such as union members and sympathizers. Additionally, some managers may use doctored appraisal results to promote certain people, which is against fairness and merit. Therefore, if FERMA intends to use performance appraisal as a tool for organizational and employee development, the firm must use the data fairly and accurately.

Limitations of the literature review

The review of literature is limited to two main concepts of performance management, which include performance appraisal and the implementation of a performance appraisal system. However, the review has not evaluated the plan or approach that firms such as FERMA should follow in implementing a performance appraisal system.


Based on this preliminary research, we could understand the Performance Appraisal System at FERMA is ineffective in ensuring that the employees understand the Agency’s goals and vision, hence the need to scrutinize the strengths and weaknesses of the system. This ineffectiveness could also be seen in the slow pace at which projects are executed at the Agency, which is likely caused by the lack of motivation of the FERMA employees. This informs the need to study and analyze the Performance Appraisal system of FERMA in this dissertation to recommend the best ways to develop the employees and the Agency as a whole through the use of performance appraisal. The Agency must ensure that the employees perceive the performance appraisal to be a valuable one, and it is an objective of this dissertation to assess what their perception of the system is. We have also established that a Performance Appraisal System must have a goal and some expected outcomes, hence, this dissertation would assess the goals and outcomes of FERMA’s current appraisal program. This will enable us to examine the gaps in the efficacy of the current appraisal program in structure and purpose regarding best practices and the organizational context.

Furthermore, different themes can be identified from the literature review. One of the major themes relates to employee performance. The effectiveness of performance appraisal in promoting employee development depends on whether it forms the basis of managerial decisions on issues such as employee training. Poorly designed appraisal systems might not be valuable in an organization’s quest to enhance the employees’ and organizational performance. The behavior and attitude of employees in the workplace are subject to their perception of the HR practices adopted by the firm. Subsequently, employees may react differently to the application of a performance appraisal system. The organization must ensure that employees understand that the performance appraisal system is intended at enhancing their personal and organizational development rather than punish them.


Research methods and justification

The purpose of this research study is to examine how FERMA can implement performance appraisal as an employee and organizational development tool. The study’s rationale is based on the recognition of the value of employees in promoting long-term organizational success. The work intends to achieve this goal by evaluating the strengths and gaps in the company’s current performance appraisal program. The evaluation will provide insight into the fundamental strategic management issues that the firm should integrate into improving its approach to performance appraisal. The study can be defined as qualitative due to its exploratory nature. Thus, it will lead to the discovery of new ideas and insight regarding the problem under examination (Majumdar, 2011, p. 3). This chapter details the methodological approaches that will be taken into account in conducting the research study.

​Research design and justification

To achieve the research objective, the study will be based on a simple descriptive research design. The rationale of the descriptive research design is to develop a comprehensive description of the state of affairs at FERMA. Tappen (2011, p.70) emphasizes that ‘simple descriptive design focuses on a single group or population’. The effectiveness of the descriptive research design will be enhanced by incorporating the case study and descriptive survey research approaches.

By integrating the case study research design, it will be possible to undertake a comprehensive understanding of the gaps and strengths in the prevailing performance program at FERMA. The case study research design will ensure that the specific components of the firm’s performance appraisal process are evaluated. The case study design will further lead to the development of an extensive understanding of the possible aspects that the Agency should focus on improving the performance appraisal process. Subsequently, the integration of the case study design will aid in refining the performance appraisal at FERMA. Thus, the effectiveness of the performance appraisal as a tool of fostering employee and organizational development will be improved remarkably.

Alternatively, the descriptive survey design will improve the ease with which the requisite research data is collected. Hepper et al. (2015, p. 289) stipulate that a descriptive survey design contributes to the development of self-report on a particular subject. The application of the descriptive research design will enable the researcher to understand FERMA’s opinions, habits, and attitudes towards the current performance appraisal program. Moreover, Hepper et al. (ibid.) stipulate that ‘survey research involves studying the patterns, causes and effects of issues within a certain population’. Thus, the survey design will increase the chance of identifying facts on the issue being studied.

Target population and sampling

Selection of the research site is essential because it influences the usefulness of the information produced from the study. The study’s target population will be comprised of employees working at different departments in FERMA Nigeria. The choice of employees from different departments as the research respondents will aid in obtaining varied and credible data on FERMA’s performance appraisal process. The choice of this target population will aid in entrenching the concept of diversity in the construction of the sample study. Thus, the study will successfully identify the perception of different levels of employees on the prevailing performance appraisal system. Therefore, consideration of diversity in selecting the respondents will contribute to effective knowledge creation.

The inclusion of all the Agency’s employees in the study is not feasible because of resource constraints such as time and finances. To overcome the resource constraint challenge, the study will be based on the simple random sampling technique. This technique will aid in constructing the sample study. Considering that a large workforce facilitates FERMA’s operations, a sample of 20 employees will be selected. Furthermore, the simple random sampling technique will aid in the construction of representative sample size by eliminating subjectivity. This will improve the effectiveness with which the research findings are generalized to the entire organization.

​Data collection

The research data will be obtained from primary sources. The justification to obtain data from primary sources has arisen from the need to increase the credibility of the research findings. The primary sources will ensure that the research data is collected from the real environment. Therefore, based on the primary data, the reliability of the study’s findings will be improved. However, it will be ensured that the data collected is relevant and realistic.

To ensure that sufficient and reliable data is collected from the primary sources, the study will be based on the data triangulation approach. Crowther and Lancaster (2012) define data triangulation as the process of obtaining data from different sources in conducting a particular research study. The researcher will ensure that the three main dimensions of data triangulation, which include time, person, and space triangulations, are incorporated. Time triangulation will be achieved by ensuring that the research data is collected at different points in time. Thus, it will be possible to obtain data from the targeted sources by eliminating inconveniences associated with a lack of limited time. Alternatively, space triangulation will entail collected data from different units at FERMA. This aspect will aid in gaining insight into the overall employee opinion regarding the implemented performance appraisal program at FERMA. Conversely, person triangulation ensures that the study focuses on different individuals within an organization. In this case, person triangulation will enable the researcher to gather the opinion of employees at different levels of management within FERMA on the application of performance appraisal.

To enhance the efficiency of the data collection process, the study will employ effective data collection techniques and instruments that include questionnaires and interviews. A comprehensive set of questionnaires will be developed to collect the required data. The questionnaires will specifically be based on the research objectives. In designing the questionnaires, the researcher will incorporate semi-structured questionnaires. Thus, open and close-ended questionnaires will be developed. The close-ended questionnaires will aid in gathering specific response regarding the research topic. Conversely, the open-ended questionnaires will aid in understanding different issues regarding the performance appraisal process such as the strengths and weakness of the performance appraisal and the employees’ perception of the prevailing performance appraisal program at FERMA. Comprehensive scrutiny of the questionnaires will be undertaken to eliminate grammatical errors and ambiguity hence improving the rate of response (Remenyi 2012).

To ensure that the data is efficiently collected, the research will integrate the survey monkey as one of the core data collection instruments. The SurveyMonkey is software that enables researchers to conduct online surveys efficiently and effectively in disciplines such as management and marketing. The survey software will improve the ease with which research questionnaires are developed and distributed to the respondents. By using the survey monkey as a data collection instrument, it will be possible to distribute the questionnaires through iOS and Android enabled mobile applications. Furthermore, the monkey survey software provides the researcher options on whether to distribute the questionnaire through the web or social media network.

The data collection process will further employ the interviewing technique, which will be operationalized by incorporating the conducting a telephone interview on five officers selected from FERMA’s top management team. The rationale for adopting the interviewing technique is founded on the need to gather relevant research data (Connaway& Powell 2010). Thus, interviewing the five officers will enable the researcher to gather critical information on performance appraisal at FERMA. Conducting telephone interviews and integrating survey monkey will significantly minimize the cost of the study. By incorporating the interviewing technique, the researcher will be in a position to understand the general attitude and perception regarding the prevailing performance appraisal program (Remenyi 2012).

​Data analysis and presentation

To improve the value of the data collected, the study will integrate both quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. Qualitative data analysis will be achieved by incorporating the rating technique. Thus, the Likert scale will be used in evaluating the descriptive data gathered. The Likert scale will aid in analyzing the qualitative data collected from the field. Therefore, a 5-point Likert scale will be developed to gather the respondents’ opinions on the research topic such as the strength of the current performance appraisal system at FERMA. Furthermore, the data collected will be presented using tables, charts, and graphs. This aspect will improve the ease of understanding and interpretation of the data collected by different parties within the firm. Thus, the relevance of the study to the organization’s management team will be improved.

​Ethical considerations

The process of conducting this study involves interaction with human beings during the data collection process. Thus, to guarantee that the data is collected effectively and efficiently, the researcher will ensure that the requisite ethical considerations are taken into account. One of the fundamental ethical considerations involves establishing rapport with the respondents. The credibility of the study’s results will depend on the quality of answers given by the participants. Before the actual research survey, the researcher will seek permission from FERMA’s management team. This aspect will aid in minimizing the perception of the research study being intrusive on the firm’s management practices. Furthermore, seeking permission will increase the ease of credible and relevant data on FERMA’s performance appraisal program. The researcher will ensure that the selected respondents understand that the study is for academic purposes.

To increase the rate of participation in the study, the researcher will assure the respondents of the confidentiality of the information provided through the questionnaire. The participants’ confidentiality is one of the requirements of any research work. In addition to the above aspects, the researcher will ensure that the respondents are respected during the entire data gathering process. This goal will be achieved by taking into consideration two main dimensions. First, the researcher will ensure that the respondents’ participation in the research study is not achieved through coercion. Secondly, the respondents will be provided the right to pull out of the research study without any consequences.


The study is not free from limitations. First, the research study primarily focuses on the performance appraisal system and process at FERMA. The study does not emphasize how the firm can use other HR practices in promoting employee and organizational development. Therefore, the findings of the study are not conclusive on the firm can promote employee development.

Furthermore, the process of undertaking the research study might be hindered by limitations arising from resource constraints, time, and finances. However, this limitation is expected to be resolved using the simple random sampling technique. The simple random sampling technique will aid in minimizing the cost of the study. Subsequently, it is assumed that the selected sample is representative hence increasing the ease of generalization of the research findings.


The application of the methodological approaches outlined in this chapter will improve the value of the study in improving the efficacy with which organizations integrate performance appraisal as one of the essential human resource management practices. The descriptive research design will lead to development of a realistic understanding of the prevailing situation. This aspect emanates from the researchers’ combination of the case study and survey research approaches. Based on the case study and survey research approaches, the study will succeed in generating knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses of the current performance appraisal system at FERMA. Moreover, the reliability of the study’s findings in making decisions on how FERMA can adjust its current performance appraisal system is entrenched by the adoption of the respective data collection and analysis tools and techniques. The primary data collection tools and techniques will ensure that data is efficiently collected from natural sources. Conversely, the data analysis techniques will contribute to effective management and interpretation of the study’s findings. The appreciation of the respective ethical considerations will enhance collaboration amongst the target respondents and other research participants. Thus, the study will be efficiently and effectively undertaken.

​Results and Discussion


This study aims to assess the efficiency of the current performance appraisal system at FERMA in promoting organizational and employee development. The rationale of the study arises from the growth in the rate at which profit and non-profit oriented entities are integrating performance appraisal system one of the critical human resource management tools. Nevertheless, most organizations experience a challenge in the successful implementation of the performance appraisal system. This chapter involves the presentation of the results obtained from the field and a discussion of the findings. The goal of the chapter is to illustrate clearly the gaps and strengths of FERMA’s current appraisal system. The chapter is based on the methodological approaches outlined in chapter 3 and is organized into three sections. Section one entails a comprehensive presentation of the respondents’ descriptive characteristics. Section 2 entails an analysis of research questions and the study’s discussion. The last section entails a conclusion of the study’s findings.

Presentation of the respondents’ descriptive characteristics

The study focuses on gaining extensive insight into the application of performance appraisal at FERMA. The research has gathered data from both genders. However, the level of participation across the two genders differs as illustrated by graph 1 below. Twenty [20] of the 22 respondents completed the survey, which makes the completion rate to be 91%.

Respondents Gender
Graph 1.

The respondent’s marital status varied as indicated by graph 2 below.

Marital status Composition
Married 54.55%
Separated 9.09%
Divorced 9.09%
Widowed 4.55%
Single 22.73%

Table 1.

Marital Status
Graph 2.

The respondents’ educational background differs substantially as indicated by table 2 and graph 3 below.

Educational background Percentage
Primary 0.00%
Secondary 9.09%
University 72.73%
Other higher institution 18.73%
Have never attended school 0.00%

Table 2.

respondents Educational Background
Graph 3.

Analysis of research questions and discussion

The study sought to gain data that would provide insight into the research questions posed. All the study’s respondents (100%) affirmed that FERMA has incorporated performance appraisal as one of its human resource management techniques. This aspect highlights that the firm is conversant on the contribution of the performance appraisal program in the pursuit to achieve competitiveness concerning human capital. Moreover, the firm values the performance appraisal system as one of the components that can contribute to improvement in the quality of the firm’s Human Resource Management. Aggarwal and Thakur (2013, p. 617) corroborate that ‘properly designed and realised process of the employees’ appraisal is not only the necessary basis for a successful employee performance management but also provides valuable information for other human resource management functions’.

In spite of FERMA’s integration of performance appraisal, the study indicates existence of remarkable gaps. Aggarwal and Thakur (2013) are of the view that successful implementation o the performance appraisal technique improves an organization’s capacity to make decisions related to employee training and development, validation of employee selection process, layoff decisions, transfers and promotion, human resource planning, development of interpersonal relationships and career development (Aggarwal & Thakur 2013). In spite of formulating the performance appraisal policy, the application of the technique has been ineffective as underscored by the limited utilisation of the tool in understanding the employees’ level of performance.

The data gathered to illustrate the existence of significant variation amongst the employee’s understanding of the application of performance appraisal at FERMA. FERMA employees have developed varied perceptions of the application of the performance appraisal program within the firm. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the respondents think that the firm has integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage performance appraisal in enhancing the level of organizational and employee development as indicated by graph 4.

Integration of policy Rate of response
Yes 75%
No 25%

Table 3.

Integration of policy on performance appraisal
Graph 4.

Graph 4 shows that 75% of employees are conversant with the presence of a performance appraisal program within the firm. Integration of performance appraisal policy is fundamental in the successful entrenchment of the performance appraisal program within a firm. The performance appraisal policy stipulates the guidelines that organizational managers and supervisors should follow in conducting a performance appraisal. Some of the vital elements that FERMA should ensure in its policy entails outlining the schedule on when to conduct the performance appraisal, the stipulation of the party responsible to foresee the appraisal process, how the performance appraisal will be used in adjusting employee compensation, and how the appraisal will be undertaken (Vallabhaneni 2013). The consideration of these elements will ensure that the performance appraisal policy is valuable to the organization’s focus on employee and organizational development.

Despite the employees’ knowledge of the presence of performance appraisal policy, 44% of the respondents are of the perception that the firm has not attached value to understanding the employees’ level of performance in its strategic human resource management practices. Only 19% of the respondents are conversant on how FERMA values the understanding of the employees’ performance. This aspect indicates a remarkable gap in the application of the performance appraisal program. This explains why the firm continues to experience a high rate of employee turnover.

One of the factors that have led to this situation entails a limited chance of the firm using the performance appraisal in promoting the employee’s personal and career progression.

Hernadez (2010) affirms that the essence of incorporating the performance appraisal program in an organization is to use it as a tool for improving its strategic human resource management practices. This goal can be achieved by developing an extensive understanding of the employees’ performance level. Subsequently, FERMA should consider the most appropriate way of using the performance appraisal system as a source of intelligence on human resource management. Mathis and Jackson (2008, pg. 120) support this view by affirming that ‘performance data on productivity, employee relations, job knowledge, and other relevant dimensions can be gathered through performance assessment’.

Organizational managers must develop an extensive understanding of the employees’ workplace behaviour and level of satisfaction. The performance appraisal program tool can aid towards achieving this end. However, the study’s findings shows that the FERMA’s top management is not concerned with understanding the employees’ performance, productivity, and satisfaction. Subsequently, the firm is characterized by a high rate of voluntary employee turnover, hence undermining its long-term sustainability.

According to table 4, FERMA has not attached the importance of understanding the employees’ performance. The firm should consider using the performance appraisal as a tool for promoting a performance by entrenching HR aspects that contribute to improvement in employee level of satisfaction and productivity. Some of the essential aspects that the firm should consider entailing job enlargement and job enrichment (Hernandez (2010) affirms that employers are liable for bad behavior within the workplace especially if it influences the performance of other employees.

The extent to which FERMA values understanding the employees’ level of performance Respondents Rate
Unknown 6 37.50%
Doesn’t value understanding employees performance 7 43.75%
Rewarding best employees and investing in training 3 18.75%
16 100.00%

Table 4.

FERMA value on understanding employees level of performance
Graph 5.

The study’s findings further indicate the existence of a limited understanding of the importance of integrating key performance drivers in stimulating employee performance. Table 5 below indicates some of the key performance drivers according to the respondents.

Key performance driver Respondents Rate
Training 8 50%
Employee motivation 4 25%
Promotional exams 2 12.50%
Unknown 2 12.50%
16 100

Table 5.

Key performance drivers at FERMA
Graph 6.

Performance drivers are essential in an organization’s quest to achieve performance excellence. Bussin (2012) posits that it is not sufficient for an organization to formulate the goals and missions to be attained. However, the identification and inclusion of the most valuable drivers are essential. Organization managers should identify at least three measurable drivers to be used in promoting employee performance. Graph 6 indicates that a significant proportion (50%) of employees at FERMA appreciate training as a critical performance driver that the firm has entrenched in its quest to leverage on the performance appraisal program.

The International Management Association (2012) stipulates that employee productivity is influenced by different performance drivers such as employee training and the provision of autonomy in making workplace decisions. However, the firm is characterized by gaps in implementing and entrenching key performance drivers because of overemphasis on employee training. To leverage on the key performance indicators, FERMA should consider establishing a balance on the diverse performance drivers such as employee motivation through the integration of an extensive reward system. This approach will improve the firm’s efficiency in using key performance drivers as a tool for promoting employee development and organizational sustainability.

The study shows that FERMA has largely relied on the ranking and rating methods of performance appraisal. Fifty-five percent (55%) of the respondents identified ranking as one of the most prominent methods that FERMA uses in evaluating employees while 25% of the residents cited the rating technique. Conversely, 20% of the respondents indicated the existence of other methods as illustrated by graph 7 below.

Appraisal technique Response rate
Grading 55%
Merit 25%
Other 20%
Response on appraisal tachnaque at FERMA
Graph 7.

One of the benefits that FERMA can achieve by entrenching the merit rating appraisal technique, viz. rating, and ranking, is that the firm can undertake a more specific and formalized performance appraisal. This aspect emanates from the fact that the merit rating technique relies on a predetermined criterion that serves as the performance appraisal standard. The incorporation of the merit rating technique provides room for comparison on the performance of employees within a specific category. Schultz and Schultz (2015) accentuate that the merit rating technique enables a firm to undertake an objective performance appraisal. The implementation of the rating technique can be achieved by formulating a performance rating scale that the supervisor used is in specifying the degree to which an employee possesses the stipulated job characteristics. The rating can be poor, average, or excellent.

FERMA’s overreliance on the ranking technique is one of the aspects that make its performance appraisal process weak. The firm should not over-rely on one rating technique. On the contrary, the firm should consider integrating diverse rating and performance appraisal techniques. This approach will aid in capturing different aspects that influence employee performance such as workplace behavior. Examples of such behaviors relate to time management, attendance, cooperation, initiative, judgment, and supervisory capabilities. Alternatively, the firm can rate the employees by gauging the current performance results with the historical performance results (Aggarwal & Thakur 2013). Through this approach, FERMA will successfully determine whether the employees’ performance has improved or declined. Even though the rating technique is easy to formulate and use, it is substantially difficult to eliminate bias. This aspect means that the performance appraisal results might be characterized by the ‘rater’s’ personal bias hence limiting their relevance to the organization’s pursuit for organizational and employee development.

The limitations associated with the rating and the ranking techniques are integrated to highlight the need for the firm to adjust the rating technique. One of the most important techniques that the firm should consider involves the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS). Effective incorporation of this technique will contribute to remarkable improvement in the value of the performance appraisal program in the attainment of the employee and organizational development goals. Through this technique, FERMA will successfully evaluate the employees’ job performance based on specific behaviour that the firm considers critical in achieving these goals. Nevertheless, successful implementation of the BARS technique requires a high level of commitment amongst the firm’s supervisors because the technique largely depends on the supervisors’ observation (Schultz & Schultz 2015).

In addition to the above technique, FERMA should consider improving its approach to performance appraisal by incorporating the Management by Objectives [MBO] technique. This technique entails the establishment of a mutual agreement between an organization’s managers and employees on the specific goals to be achieved within a definite timeframe (Schultz & Schultz 2015). This technique will enable FERMA to focus on results. Therefore, the likelihood of the firm complying with its mandate of maintaining the federal roads in Nigeria will be improved substantially. To implement the MBO technique successfully, FERMA will be required to ensure that employees develop a comprehensive understanding of their goals. Secondly, the firm should focus on reviewing the extent to which the goals are achieved. Therefore, the probability of successfully evaluating the employees’ performance is high. Moreover, the application of the MBO technique will improve the ease with which FERMA fosters employee development. This assertion emanates from the fact that the organization’s managers will be under pressure to set up higher goals based on the performance appraisal results. The rationale for setting such goals is to track the employees’ improvement.

Seventy percent (70%) of the respondents affirmed that FERMA has integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting an employee performance appraisal. Only 30% of the respondents argued that the firm has not incorporated standards in benchmarking employee performance. To deal with this challenge, the firm should ensure that the employees understand the stipulated performance standards. This will play a critical role in ensuring that the standards are uniformly applied. From the study’s findings, 40% of the respondents indicate that the standards are not effectively applied. Table 7 and graph 8 below illustrates the respondents’ opinion on the application of performance standards.

Effectiveness in the application of performance standards Response rate
Very ineffective 15%
Ineffective 25%
Effective 50%
Very effective 10%

Table 7.

Respondents opinion on aplication of performance standards at FERMA
Graph 8.

The rationale behind the application of performance standards is to eliminate ambiguity in the performance appraisal process. The standards form the baseline upon which performance appraisal is undertaken. Consequently, the supervisor can provide explicit feedback on the gap between the actual and expected performance. The effectiveness of the performance standards in the performance appraisal process can be evaluated by examining several guiding principles. The first principle involves examining the degree to which the standards enable employees to differentiate between unacceptable and acceptable performance results. Secondly, the standards must inform newly hired employees on performance expectations. The third principle entails increasing the employees’ level of job satisfaction because of the creation of knowledge of how successful the job tasks have been performed. The performance standards must be realistic and measurable.

Fifty-eight percent [58%] of the respondents are of the perception that the firm mainly uses the data gathered for employee promotion purposes. Conversely, 24% of the respondents argue that the firm does not disclose the purpose of the performance appraisal data while 12% of the respondents affirm that the data is used for APER forms. Only 6% of the respondents affirm that the data is used to establish the HR database. This shows that the firm has not appreciated the importance of communication in the performance appraisal process. This perception might adversely affect how the employees conduct themselves during the performance appraisal process. For example, some employees might not collaborate in the improvement of the performance appraisal standards. Bhattacharyya (2011, p. 7) affirms that to ‘gain acceptance from the employees, organizations prefer to develop performance standards collaboratively’. FERMA should ensure that the employees are duly informed of the purpose of the appraisal. This will promote the employee’s level of participation and acceptability of the process.

To improve the employees’ perception of the performance appraisal, FERMA should consider redesigning its performance appraisal system by incorporating different elements. Some of the elements that should be factored in the appraisal system include salary improvement, setting targets, evaluation of task completion, and continuous recording of employee performance as opposed to yearly performance reviews. The incorporation of these aspects is likely to contribute to significant improvement in the value of a performance appraisal. To improve the ease of the performance appraisal process, FERMA utilizes a uniform tool in gathering performance data. Using a uniform tool improves the ease with which the performance appraisal process is undertaken.

The responses obtained show that the appraisal system is not tied to the Agency’s commitment to employee retention, recruitment, and organizational culture. This aspect arises from the fact that a firm uses a generalized performance appraisal system that is used by other government departments. To improve the value of the appraisal system in the firm’s employee retention, recruitment, and organizational culture development efforts, FERMA should consider developing a performance appraisal system that is tailored to its operation. This move will ensure that the appraisal system is aligned with the firm’s organizational and employee development needs.

The study further highlights the existence of gaps in the integration of communication within the firm’s performance appraisal process. Sixty-eight percent (68%) of the respondents affirm that the firm has not appreciated the value of the dialogue in the performance appraisal process. Only 25% of the respondents recognize the existence of dialogue while 6.25% of the respondents do not have an idea on the establishment and sustenance of dialogue in the firm.

Incorporation of dialogue in the performance appraisal process Response
No 68.75%
Yes 25%
No idea 6.25%

Table 8.

Incorporation of dialogue in FERMA performance appraisal process
Graph 9.

Graph 9 highlights the existence of a significant dialogue gap within the firm’s performance appraisal process. Nixon (2012) accentuates that dialogue in the performance appraisal process can contribute to the generation of valuable ideas hence promoting the likelihood of achieving personal and organizational growth. Nixon (2012, p. 234) further affirms that ‘performance management dialogues achieve the best results when both the appraiser and appraisee receive guidance on how the meeting(s) will be conducted and what to do when various sensitive topics arise’. The dialogue should be inclusive, which means that it should not discriminate against certain categories of employees. In addition to the lack of dialogue, the FERMA performance appraisal program has not entrenched the concept of feedback. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the respondents affirmed that FERMA does not provide them with feedback on the performance appraisal results.

Inclusion of feedback in the performance appraisal process Response rate
Yes 25%
No 75%

Table 9.

Respondents opinion on inclusion of feedback in FERMA appraisal program
Graph 10.

To improve the effectiveness of the performance appraisal process, the organization’s managers need to ensure that the employees are duly provided with the performance appraisal results. This aspect is essential in providing employees an opportunity to assess their performance. FERMA can improve the provision of performance appraisal results by developing an effective internal communication mechanism. To improve the effectiveness of the feedback provision process, the Agency should take into consideration several issues. First, the Agency should ensure that the party charged with the responsibility of providing the performance results is qualified and credible. This aspect will minimize the probability of employees denying the appraisal results. Moreover, the appraisal results should be timely provided to improve the probability of the employees making the requisite behavioral changes that are essential for performance improvement.

The study underlines that FERMA has failed to appreciate the value of the performance appraisal system in promoting employee job satisfaction and motivation. The respondents argued that the firm has not established a link between the performance appraisal system and employee retention. Nixon (2012) argues that the performance appraisal system should be used as a tool for strengthening the rate of employee retention. Achieving this requires the firm to foster organizational identification amongst employees, which is possible by nurturing a high level of employee motivation and job satisfaction. One of the critical aspects that the firm’s management team should take into consideration entails investing in employee training.


Although FERMA has recognized the performance appraisal system as an essential human resource management tool, its application within the firm has not been effective. This assertion arises from the identification of critical gaps in the application of the performance appraisal system. One of the notable gaps entails the failure to ensure a sufficient level of inclusiveness across the different organizational departments. Additionally, the firm has failed to provide employees with feedback on the performance results. Therefore, the application of the performance appraisal process does not appreciate the importance of the appraisal system as a tool for providing employees a sense of direction on the organization’s commitment to employee and organizational development. On the contrary, FERMA has largely applied the performance appraisal system as a human resource management formality. For example, the firm largely uses the performance appraisal system as a tool for employee promotion. The study shows the utilization of the tool in formulating employee development initiatives such as employee training.

The performance appraisal process should be used as a tool for achieving three main goals that include employee development, effective program, and administrative assessment. Concerning administrative purposes, the performance appraisal system should be used in improving the organization’s capacity to make rational decisions on human resource management such as employee training, transfers, promotions, and demotions. Therefore, the effective application of the performance appraisal process will contribute to the remarkable improvement in FERMA’s capacity to undertake the assigned roles and responsibilities.

Conclusion and Recommendation


Performance appraisal has become an essential component in an organization’s operation (Long et al. 2013). The motive of the study is to underline the importance of incorporating performance appraisal as a human resource management approach towards fostering employee and organizational development. The study focuses on the case of FERMA’s approach in applying performance appraisal. The choice of FERMA as the case study organization is motivated by the need to understand how effective or ineffective the firm is in applying performance appraisal in its human resource management. Mathis and Jackson (2008) posit that both non-profit and profit-oriented entities are appreciating the value of the performance appraisal system in promoting holistic growth, viz. organizational and employee growth and development. Nevertheless, the efficacy with which the performance appraisal system is introduced in the non-profit oriented entities varies remarkably. The profit-oriented entities are relatively effective in the implementation of the appraisal system due to increased understanding of the importance of effective performance to an organization’s long-term sustainability. Conversely, implementation of the performance appraisal systems at non-profit entities is characterized by a significant degree of inefficiency. This assertion is well highlighted by the study on the prevailing situation at FERMA. This chapter provides a conclusion of the study and recommendations based on the study’s results.


The study’s findings reveal that FERMA recognizes performance appraisal as a valuable human resource management tool. However, its application in the firm’s operation is ineffective and weak as evidenced by the existence of remarkable gaps. Therefore, the contribution of the performance appraisal to the firm’s quest for organizational and employee development has been reduced significantly. The findings highlight that most of the gaps in the utilization of the performance appraisal have arisen from the Agency’s failure to understand the fundamental aspects, which include the performance appraisal policies and procedures. Ineffective application of the performance appraisal system can limit an organization’s capacity to achieve the overall organizational goal. One of the causes that might lead to a decline in the level of employee performance entails a reduction in the level of employee motivation.

Agbola and Sumalia (2011) affirm that the goal of the performance review is to establish the foundation for making HR decisions such as the employee reward system. From the study’s findings, it is evident that FERMA has only implemented the performance appraisal system as one of the HR standards. This has created a negative perception amongst the employees. A significant proportion of employees are of the view that the firm has not attached adequate value to understanding the employees’ level of performance. According to the expectancy theory, employees tend to change their behaviour depending on the level of their satisfaction in attaining the desired goal (Armstrong 2009). Agbola and Sumalia (2011) support the view that organizations should consider using the findings of the performance appraisal in designing the employee training and development program.

This assertion arises from the view that the firm’s management is in a position to identify the employees’ strengths or shortcomings in executing the assigned job roles and responsibilities using the performance appraisal system. On the contrary, FERMA does not adequately utilize the performance appraisal program as a source of intelligence on issues related to employee performance. This limitation can be associated with the organization’s failure to incorporate performance reviews as a critical component of the organization’s culture. Therefore, the performance system should not only entail designing and structuring the performance system. Long et al. (2013) affirm that a performance appraisal system might be effectively designed and structured but practically ineffective because of disagreements or rejection by the target users.

In its utilization of the performance appraisal as a tool for employee and organizational development, FERMA has adopted a skewed approach in applying the key performance drivers. Therefore, FERMA has not succeeded in using performance appraisal as a tool for promoting the organization and employee development. The firm has largely relied on employee training as the key performance driver. Armstrong (2009) underlines the importance of integrating a comprehensive performance driver model.

On the contrary, the model should focus on five main areas that include the organization’s culture, strategy, people, process, and structure. The culture aspect relates to the employee’s belief on how work should be undertaken in the workplace while strategy underlines the firm’s commitment to interacting with clients. The process driver highlights how the firm’s activities are operationalized while the people driver underlines the firm’s commitment towards developing a strong workforce through employee recruitment and retention. Finally, the structure relates to an organization’s focus on establishing a coherent work environment through information and knowledge sharing. Therefore, FERMA’s application of the performance drivers such as employee promotion and motivation has limited the contribution of the performance appraisal tool in the firm’s quest for employee and organizational development.

The performance appraisal program should be designed by taking into account the performance appraisal drivers. One of the performance drivers that FERMA is ineffective in applying relates to the process. First, the firm has not ensured that the performance appraisal process is inclusive. Mathis and Jackson (2008) argue that organizational managers must ensure that employees generally accept the performance appraisal program. This aspect is critical in improving the value of the performance appraisal tool in generating critical human resource management intelligence.

Amongst the essential components that should be integrated into the process relates to communication. Employees should be provided with the performance appraisal results. This will aid in determining the extent to which the employees’ job performance is inclined towards achieving the stipulated goals. The goal-setting theory underlines the importance of assessing and communicating the employees’ performance in line with the stipulated performance goals (Mathis & Jackson 2008). However, effective two-way communication is crucial in the process of planning a performance appraisal program. The feedback aspect is essential in providing the employees with an opportunity to understand their strong and weak areas concerning their job roles. Moreover, the provision of performance feedback is critical in instilling a high level of trust and confidence amongst employees in the firm’s commitment towards their personal and career progression.

The study shows that FERMA does not provide the employees with the appraisal results, which leads to a lack of a link between the employee performance and the organizational goal. Subsequently, the employees do not understand the importance of performance appraisal. Moreover, lack of feedback might lead to the perception of the appraisal program as a threat to the employees’ job security. On the contrary, FERMA should use the performance appraisal program as a tool for assuring the employees of its commitment to overall employee and organizational performance.

Another notable limitation of the firm’s approach to performance appraisal relates to the application of unclear performance criteria. The firm largely relies on the merit rating technique. However, its application is ineffective due to a lack of adequate skills and knowledge of the party charged with the responsibility of overseeing the performance appraisal process. Subsequently, most employees at FERMA are of the view that the rating approach does not address the critical issues associated with the employees’ performance. According to Gilmore and Williams (2012), the appropriate application of the rating technique is vital in capturing the requisite information in promoting employee performance.

The limitation of the performance appraisal in contributing to organizational and employee development at FERMA is further underlined by the lack of dialogue between the top management and the subordinate employees. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of the respondents involved in the study affirms that the firm has not appreciated dialogue in the performance appraisal process. The performance appraisal program cannot be implemented in isolation. On the contrary, it should be a holistic approach involving different stakeholders. The lack of dialogue might lead to a poor working relationship between the top managers and the subordinate employees (Landy & Conte 2010). Moreover, the employees might become cynical about the performance appraisal process.


The existence of gaps in the application of the performance appraisal program at FERMA underscores the significance of the Agency’s management team focusing on how best to benefit from the program. In its approach to implementing the appraisal program, FERMA should take into consideration the following aspects.

  1. Employee participation – implementation of the performance appraisal program should not be undertaken in isolation. On the contrary, a high level of employee participation is imperative for improving the relevance of the program to the employees and organizational development. The firm should allow employees to participate in making critical decisions relating to the diverse components of the performance appraisal program.
  2. Feedback mechanism: FERMA should ensure that an effective feedback mechanism is integrated. The feedback mechanism should form the basis on which employees determine how effective or ineffective they are in undertaking their duties. To improve the effectiveness of the feedback mechanism, FERMA should ensure different aspects. First, the feedback on performance appraisal results should be confidential, interactive, frequent, and less formal. Moreover, the feedback should focus on providing employees adequate understanding of how their workplace behavior is aligned with the overall organizational goal.
  3. Incorporation of performance-based pay – to improve their productivity, FERMA should focus on linking the employee’s pay to performance. This aspect will aid in ensuring that employees who depict extraordinary performance are compensated equitably and fairly. This aspect will stimulate employees to be more productive. It is also essential for the firm to consider integrating monetary and non-monetary dimensions of employee compensation.
  4. Performance appraisal techniques – in addition to the rating technique, FERMA should consider entrenching diverse performance appraisal techniques and tools. One of the tools that the firm should consider integrating includes performance appraisal forms. The performance appraisal forms will provide the HR manager insight on diverse aspects such as the employees’ level of knowledge and skills.


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​Questionnaire Responses

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Very Weak

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Trainings are organised for staff in their respective fields.

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it No can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

I don’t think FERMA values understanding the level of the employee’s performance.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Other performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? No
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Very ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

Information not disclosed to staff.

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

I don’t think is of any use.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

The Agency should define tasks for each department unit and asses the staff based on completion of those tasks or lackk of it.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

Not disclosed

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

I’m not sure.

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

No, not at all.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I don’t think FERMA cares about employee motivation.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

No, it does not.

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

No, I don’t think so.

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

No, it doesn’t make any difference.

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge?

Please explain how.

I don’t think it does.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Although trainings are organised for staff but are not tied to the performance appraisal process.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Very weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

PAGE 3: Part 2: General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Strong

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below

motivation of staff

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

Through the performance of their work at site.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

PAGE 4: Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Merit performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process? using the management information system database

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

to increase the well being of Nigerian economic system.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Respondent skipped this

Agency should consider in designing the performance question appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

Through various Head unit of the Agency.

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer. Respondent skipped this question
Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. Respondent skipped this question

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

Through promotion and staff welfare.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?


Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

Yes my working skill has improved

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the Yes performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.


Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Yes by conducting workshop

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Strong
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Strong
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Strong
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Strong

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below training of staff both locally and internationally.

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it No can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

Staffs with good review are given strategic positions in the Agency

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

PAGE 4: Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Merit performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

It is used for promotion of staff

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

I think more needs to be done.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Completion of tasks by staff

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

No idea

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

No I don’t think so

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

Yes it does, by letters of appreciation when they do well, or query when they don’t.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I don’t think they integrate performance appraisal in to these aspects.

PAGE 6: Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

no I don’t think so.

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? no

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how. no

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how. no

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer. no

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Very weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Very weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Very weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? Secondary

PAGE 3: Part 2: General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below

I don’t know of any

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

I don’t think it cares

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Other performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

They never tell.

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

It captures some of the necessary performance indicators but not all.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

No idea

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

It used during promotion.

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

I don’t see our performance appraisal in any way related to retention, recruitment or culture.

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

Yes, sometimes at meetings, exceptional employees are recognised.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I haven’t seen a sign of that.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

Yes, to some extent

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

I don’t think so

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.


Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.


Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Very weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Very weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Separated
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below

Setting up training that are related to staff job schedules , attending workshop/seminar to get more exposure , appraisals

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

By giving out award to the beat staff of the month.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

The data gathered from the appraisal are scores, is used as a percentage to grade a staff for promotion.

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

the method is okay, but I think FERMA should build upon demerits of the individual from is appraisal, by encourage the staff by making sure value is added to where the staff feels weak

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Staff should be placed in course related offices or schedule and attitude of work

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

Used as part of promotion exercise

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

Is only related to promotion exercise.

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

No, the agency does not establish any relationship regarding the staff performance. Appraisal is usually done every 3years for senior officers and 2years for junior officers, within that period the agency does nothing until the next promotion exercise.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

Data gathered from appraisals is added to staff promotion exam scores & interview scores. Appraisal is 20% score.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?


Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

It doesn’t improve because it’s most times been ignored by the agency.

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the Yes performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

No, it’s just for documentation

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

No, it’s just for promotion exercise only.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Divorced
Q3: Level of Education? Other Higher Institution

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Strong

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Welfare to staff in form of groceries and food items.

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it No can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

I don’t know

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Other performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? No
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Very ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

I’m not sure

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

I think it works so it’s ok.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Salary improvement.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

I don’t know

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

I don’t think so. There is not specified time for appraisals.

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. no.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

FERMA doesn’t integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

No I don’t think so.

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?


Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.


Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

No Idea

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

I don’t think so

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

PAGE 3: Part 2: General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Respondent skipped this FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s question

goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Respondent skipped this question
Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development? Respondent skipped this question
Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below. Respondent skipped this question
Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as one of its human resource management techniques? Respondent skipped this question

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Respondent skipped this performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately. question

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Respondent skipped this question
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Respondent skipped this question

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gather Respondent skipped this from the performance appraisal process? question

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding Respondent skipped this the method of performance appraisal tool within the question Agency?

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the
Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.
Respondent skipped this question
Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected? Respondent skipped this question
Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer. Respondent skipped this question
Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. Respondent skipped this question
Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided. Respondent skipped this question

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal Respondent skipped this tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for question

information sharing and collaborative work environment?

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal contribute to improvement in individual goals? Respondent skipped this question
Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? Respondent skipped this question
Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how. Respondent skipped this question
Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results? Respondent skipped this question

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the Respondent skipped this performance appraisal process in entrenching on- question

going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained Respondent skipped this

from the performance appraisal process in designing question employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness Respondent skipped this of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the question

employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Single
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Respondent skipped this FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s question

goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Respondent skipped this question
Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development? Respondent skipped this question
Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below. Respondent skipped this question
Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as one of its human resource management techniques? Respondent skipped this question

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Respondent skipped this performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately. question

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Respondent skipped this question
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Respondent skipped this question

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gather Respondent skipped this from the performance appraisal process? question

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding Respondent skipped this the method of performance appraisal tool within the question Agency?

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the
Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.
Respondent skipped this question
Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected? Respondent skipped this question
Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer. Respondent skipped this question
Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. Respondent skipped this question
Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided. Respondent skipped this question

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal Respondent skipped this tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for question

information sharing and collaborative work environment?

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal contribute to improvement in individual goals? Respondent skipped this question
Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? Respondent skipped this question
Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how. Respondent skipped this question
Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results? Respondent skipped this question

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the Respondent skipped this performance appraisal process in entrenching on- question

going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained Respondent skipped this

from the performance appraisal process in designing question employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness Respondent skipped this of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the question

employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Extremely Strong FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Respondent skipped this question
Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development? Yes
Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below. Respondent skipped this question
Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as one of its human resource management techniques? Yes

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? No
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gather Respondent skipped this from the performance appraisal process? question

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding Respondent skipped this the method of performance appraisal tool within the question Agency?

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the
Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.
Respondent skipped this question
Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected? Respondent skipped this question
Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer. Respondent skipped this question
Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. Respondent skipped this question
Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided. Respondent skipped this question

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal Respondent skipped this tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for question

information sharing and collaborative work environment?

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal contribute to improvement in individual goals? Yes
Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? Respondent skipped this question
Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how. Respondent skipped this question
Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results? No

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the Respondent skipped this performance appraisal process in entrenching on- question

going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained Respondent skipped this

from the performance appraisal process in designing question employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Strong
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Acceptable
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Acceptable
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Acceptable

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Strong FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Respondent skipped this question
Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development? Yes
Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below. Respondent skipped this question
Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as one of its human resource management techniques? Yes

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered Respondent skipped this from the performance appraisal process? question

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding Respondent skipped this the method of performance appraisal tool within the question Agency?

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the
Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.
Respondent skipped this question
Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected? Respondent skipped this question
Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer. Respondent skipped this question
Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. Respondent skipped this question
Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided. Respondent skipped this question

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal Respondent skipped this tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for question information sharing and collaborative work environment?

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal contribute to improvement in individual goals? Yes
Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? Respondent skipped this question
Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how. Respondent skipped this question
Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results? Yes

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the Respondent skipped this performance appraisal process in entrenching on- question

going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained Respondent skipped this

from the performance appraisal process in designing question employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Acceptable
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Acceptable
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Acceptable
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Acceptable

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Respondent skipped this question
Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development? Yes
Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below. Respondent skipped this question
Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as one of its human resource management techniques? Yes

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Merit performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered Respondent skipped this from the performance appraisal process? question

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding Respondent skipped this the method of performance appraisal tool within the question Agency?

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the
Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.
Respondent skipped this question
Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected? Respondent skipped this question
Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer. Respondent skipped this question
Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. Respondent skipped this question
Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided. Respondent skipped this question

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal Respondent skipped this tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for question information sharing and collaborative work environment?

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal contribute to improvement in individual goals? Yes
Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? Respondent skipped this question
Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how. Respondent skipped this question
Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results? Yes

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the Respondent skipped this performance appraisal process in entrenching on- question

going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained Respondent skipped this

from the performance appraisal process in designing question employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Acceptable
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Acceptable
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Acceptable
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Acceptable

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below


Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.


Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Merit performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?


Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?


Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.


Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?


Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.


Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.


Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.


Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?


Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.


Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the Yes performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.


Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.


Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Strong
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Extremely strong
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Strong
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Strong

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Divorced
Q3: Level of Education? Other Higher Institution

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Extremely Strong FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Promotion exams every three years.

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it No can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

I don’t think FERMA values that.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

Using APER forms.

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

It is just a formality.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Hardworking in staff; ability to complete given tasks.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

It is uniform data collection, no difference between the departments.

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

No, I don’t think so.

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

Yes, on weekly meetings, employees are implored to do more.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

Not sure.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

I don’t think so.

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

May be.

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.


Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge?

Please explain how.

I don’t know.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

I don’t know.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Acceptable
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Acceptable
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Very weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Single
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Strong

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Local and International trainings.

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

No idea.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? No
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process? aper forms

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

I think it works

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided employees that are able to complete assigned tasks

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

I am not sure

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer. yes, I believe so

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. no, they do not

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I am not sure.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

No, I don’t think they are related.

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

yes, I think so

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how. no, I believe I was the same afterwards.

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

I am not really sure

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

I want to believe so

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Very weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? Secondary

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below promotional exams

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development? Yes
Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below. Respondent skipped this question
Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as one of its human resource management techniques? Yes

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Other performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? No
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

Not disclosed

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

I think it is ok.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided. performance of staff

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

I think the data is only use for promotion

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

They don’t tell

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

Yes, head of departments do.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

No idea

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

I’ll say yes

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal No contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? yes

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

No, I don’t think so

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Yes, we usually outline the trainings we attended over a period and the trainings we want to attend to improve our work.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer. yes, as explained in 24

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Acceptable
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Acceptable
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Acceptable
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Single
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below

Staff training and regular evaluation of performance

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

Not really value their perception

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

for promotion of staff

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

Obviously the need to do better, the current system is not the best

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Targets should be set for departments and individuals, and each is evaluated based on his achievements.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

No, I wouldn’t say so

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

No, I don’t think they use the appraisal forms for anything apart from promotion

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.


Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I am not sure.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

Not really

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

No it does not.

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge?

Please explain how.

I don’t know.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

I don’t think so.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Very Weak

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below bonus at the end of the year

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

I don’t think FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance or at least they don’t disclose this to staff.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Very effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

For staff promotion exercise.

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

I think it work for its purpose but could be made better.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Staff performance; tasks completion.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

I don’t think the different departments affect the performance appraisal system in anyway.

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

No to certain extent. Performance appraisal is just used for staff promotion

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.


Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I am not sure

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal No contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

I believe the system serves its purpose

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.


Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

FERMA send staff to training but I don’t think it is based on the performance appraisal

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

I don’t know.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Widowed
Q3: Level of Education? Other Higher Institution

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Respondent skipped this question
Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development? Yes

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

I don’t work in Admin, so I wouldn’t know.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

For promotion of its staff

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

It is the same system used every time. I think it works that’s why they kept using it every year.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Staff should have a log in which their performance is recorded on regular basis rather than once a year.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

Same data is collected for each staff regardless of department.

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

The same form is used by all government organisation

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.


Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

NO idea. May be they don’t.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

No, not related in all honesty.

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal No contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

The appraisal is used for promotion.

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

I don’t think so.

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Yes, I think so because we go for training.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Yes, staff goes for training in their respective professions.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Very weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Acceptable
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Very weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Separated
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Very Weak

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below The Agency ensure that staff are at their duty post during working hours.

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

Since the Agency does not give feedback to staff, I don’t think they value the employee’s understanding.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

They use it for promotion

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

It doesn’t really matter, what is important for promotion is passing the exam.

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Staff skill set; meeting of targets.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

It is the same across the departments

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

The system is prescribed by the office of the head of service of Nigeria under which is FERMA.

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

No, they really don’t.

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I don’t think FERMA Integrate the two in any way.

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal No contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?


Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

I can’t really say

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

Yes, staff are sent for training on regular basis.

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Yes as answered earlier, employees are sent for training.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Very weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Acceptable
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Single
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Acceptable

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below Yearly bonuses and work trips.

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

Not sure.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

Staff promotion

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

I don’t think they use the information collected

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

Actual performance of staff, such as achieving department’s target set by the management

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

Same forms are used to collect data from staff in all departments.

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

The forms are from the head of civil servants, so it is not specific to FERMA

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. no

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I don’t think they do

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?


Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal No contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?


Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

I don’t think the appraisal has anything to do with performance

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how. not sure

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

I have done many appraisals but was never sent to training.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Very weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Very weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Weak

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Female

Q2: What is your marital status? Married
Q3: Level of Education? University

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Very Weak

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below

Training of staff

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it Yes can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below.

I don’t know

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Grading performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? No
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Very ineffective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

Data only gathered at the end of each year and when promoting staff

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

Same form every year

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided.

I think what they have now is ok.

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organised into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

Not disclosed to staff

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

Yes, I believe so

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained. no

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

No one cares about staff job satisfaction at ferma

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment? no

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Respondent skipped this contribute to improvement in individual goals? question

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner? yes

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

I don’t see the performance appraisal in ferma is about performance improve

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how. I don’t know

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer. employee training is done but I don’t think it is based on appraisal system.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Extremely strong
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Strong
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Acceptable
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Acceptable
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Acceptable

Personal information

Personal information

Q1: What is your gender? Male

Q2: What is your marital status? Single
Q3: Level of Education? Other Higher Institution

General Questions on Performance at FERMA

Q4: To what extent are the leaders and managers at Very Weak

FERMA committed to achieving the organisation’s goals, mission, and vision? Please tick appropriately in the chart provided.

Q5: What are the key performance drivers that the Agency has taken into account in its pursuit for organisational and employee development? Please outline your opinion below I don’t know

Q6: Has FERMA integrated a policy outlining how it No can leverage on performance information in enhancing the level of organisational and employee development?

Q7: In what ways does FERMA value understanding the level of the employees’ performance in improving its strategic human resource management? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided below. I don’t employees understanding is of value to FERMA.

Q8: Has FERMA integrated performance appraisal as Yes one of its human resource management techniques?

Methodological Approach To Performance Appraisal

Q9: What method has FERMA integrated into its Merit performance appraisal? Please tick appropriately.

Q10: Has FERMA integrated standards as one of the benchmarks in conducting employee performance appraisal? Yes
Q11: How effective is the Agency in applying the performance standards in the performance appraisal process? Please tick appropriately. Very effective

Q12: In what ways does FERMA use the data gathered from the performance appraisal process?

Data gathered during promotion of employees after every 3 years.

Employee Perception On Performance Appraisal At FERMA

Q13: What perception have you developed regarding the method of performance appraisal tool within the Agency?

Question not clear

Q14: What are the most essential aspects that the Agency should consider in designing the performance appraisal system? Please illustrate your opinion in the space provided. performance of staff

Q15: Considering the fact that FERMA is organized into different departments, how does the Agency apply the performance appraisal system to improve the relevance of the data collected?

We fill the same type of forms for appraisal

Q16: In your opinion, is the performance appraisal system adopted by FERMA related to the Agency’s approach to employee retention, recruitment, and organisational culture? Please explain your answer.

The form is used by all government agencies not specific to ferma.

Q17: Does the Agency establish, nurture, and sustain dialogue with its employees regarding their performance? Please illustrate the extent to which this is attained.

No one ever spoke to me about my performance

Q18: In what ways does FERMA integrate performance appraisal in promoting employee motivation and job satisfaction? Please explain your opinion in the space provided.

I don’t think the two are related

Effect Of Performance Appraisal At Ferma On Employee Personal And Professional Development

Q19: In your opinion, does the performance appraisal tool adopted by the Agency create an atmosphere for information sharing and collaborative work environment?

Well, enough data is collected in the forms but I am not sure if it is used after the promotion

Q20: In your view, does performance appraisal Yes contribute to improvement in individual goals?

Q21: Do you think that the Agency is successful in applying performance appraisal in a constructive manner?

Yes, it serves the promotion

Q22: Does your performance improve after completion of the performance appraisal process? Please illustrate how.

I think I am the same after appraisal

Q23: Does the Agency involve the employees in the No performance appraisal process by providing them with feedback regarding the appraisal results?

Q24: Does FERMA use the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in entrenching on-going organisational learning by identifying and developing the employees’ competencies, skills and knowledge? Please explain how.

I’m not sure that is the purpose of the appraisal

Q25: Is the Agency effective in using the data obtained from the performance appraisal process in designing employee and organisational development policies such as employee training? Please explain your answer.

Yes, may be it is used for sending staff for training.

Efficacy Of Internal Measures On Performance Appraisal

Q26: In your opinion, what is the level of effectiveness of FERMA’s internal measures in monitoring the employee performance and predicting their level of satisfaction? Please tick you answer according to the choices given in the chart below.

Efficacy in entrenching performance indicators in assessing the level of employee performance against predetermined Very weak
The degree of commitment to improving employee performance trends based on the employee targets Weak
The appropriateness of the Agency’s internal performance indicators compared to the set targets Weak
Comparison of employee performance against the set targets Very weak
The application of cause and effect analysis in understanding the employee performance results Weak

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BusinessEssay. (2022, December 9). Performance Appraisal Program: Organisational Development.

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"Performance Appraisal Program: Organisational Development." BusinessEssay, 9 Dec. 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Performance Appraisal Program: Organisational Development'. 9 December.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Performance Appraisal Program: Organisational Development." December 9, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Performance Appraisal Program: Organisational Development." December 9, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Performance Appraisal Program: Organisational Development." December 9, 2022.