Effective Techniques of Advancing Employees’ Job Satisfaction


Human resource issues have been affecting the performance of most business organizations. Most business operations are centred on the effectiveness of the department. Companies experiencing such problems are facing problems like employees’ turnover, customer dissatisfaction, workers’ job dissatisfaction, and increased cost of management. To manage the issue of job dissatisfaction amongst employees, an organization should use motivation approaches to influence their productivity and engagement in the job.

Furthermore, the business organization should maximize its management by ensuring proper leadership, behavioural cultures, and support to the team works. Workers, when supported, their performance both at an individual level and at group level increases. To improve organization management, the business company should promote good leadership, cultivate organizational culture, define roles, and give enough support to the workers.


Growth and expansion is a positive sign that the company is performing well in the market. Employees play a vital role in influencing the outcome of the business. An organization that faces high workers turnover rate usually has fewer chances of achieving the required rate of return. The human resource department manages most of the firm’s operations involving the workers and their development processes. When the organization’s human resource is having problems, the firm is bound to spend more finances in recruiting workers seasonally due to high rate of attrition (Lin and Huang, 2020).

A company that has effective approaches to motivating employees offers great job satisfaction that result in retaining workers. Good leadership, a positive working environment, and proper understanding of staff members boost their happiness and discourage issues of absenteeism from work, poor work performance, and customers’ dissatisfaction. Furthermore, having active teamwork in the organization stirs morale in employees as it creates a sense of belonging within workers and the organization’s management.

This paper will discuss factors that Advanced Technologies Company should put into consideration to manage human resource issues within the Green Waste business organization before acquiring it. It will evaluate effective ways to enhance job satisfaction amongst employees, ways in which the management can group employees into work teams to facilitate their effectiveness in the workplace. Lastly, the essay will explore management recommendations that will boost the organization’s behaviour in the short and long-run basis.

Employee Important Aspects

It is important for the organization management to properly understand their respective employee’s expectations and needs that can increase their productivity when met. Generally, every worker has the view of what if done by the firm; they will be contented in their positions. The organization management should be aware of workers’ attitudes, expectations about the job alignment, rewards, learning and development, and leadership and culture. To promote job satisfaction and work morale amongst workers, the business organization should consider the following aspects.

Job Alignment

An organization should understand the basic skills the individual employee has if they fit best with the job description. If the skills and abilities of the worker match the job, the likelihood of the employee being more engaged and productive is increased. While using their relevant skills in the workplace, staff members will be fully committed and very productive in work assigned to them thus will experience job satisfaction.

Effective Leadership

An organization’s leadership is a significant part of the company that most employees pay keen attention to. Good leadership attributes in the firm can easily influence the mind of workers and inspire their effort into the work (Boamah et al., 2018, p.186). Managers should be aware of issues that affect the employees and respond to them appropriately. The treatment they impose on workers should not be oppressive that would make workers feel discouraged. Leading with example and clear vision in an organization gives employees morale to emulate their leaders, therefore, making them feel satisfied with the job.

Enhancing Individual Motivation

For the business to ensure every staff member is working towards achieving the common goal of the organization, they should align the incentives to individuals in the team. Putting the focus on every worker in the group will encourage them to adjust their work rate, creativity, and innovativeness that would facilitate performance in the business (Christensen Paarlberg, and Perry, 2017, p.535). Furthermore, individual motivation would make the workers comprehend how teamwork benefits themselves and the whole team.

Reducing Micromanagement

To enhance motivation and job satisfaction amongst employees, the organization should develop a sense of trust in the business entity. The management should ensure they delegate duties to the juniors to manage on their behalf (Irani-Williams et al., 2021, p.84). When employees are given such a management mandate, they feel responsible and accountable, making them satisfied with their job. When tasks are delegated to workers, they will feel trusted by the firm, which makes them able to retain their positions in such organizations.

Enabling Safe Space for Failure

The organization should create a culture of ensuring positive and constructive feedback is given to any employee who might fail to beat the target. By enabling such an atmosphere, workers will be highly motivated to explore various innovative ideas that would impact the growth and development of the company (Dahlin, Chuang, and Roulet, 2018, p.265). Having a sense of togetherness, whether in failure or success, facilitates employees to do their best, making them content with their duties.


Managers should always be honest and straightforward with their actions. Employees usually rely on their boss’s opinions, and they expect them to stick to their words. Workers will have to look for a new workplace if the boss tends to lie to them (Nasution and Rafiki, 2020, p.200). Employees expect managers to have their interest; therefore, any sign of lack of concern would prompt them to quit the job or become less productive at work. To enhance job satisfaction, managers should ensure they are honest and have workers’ interests at heart.

Security and Safety

The organization should consider having programs like medical check-ups and health insurance coverage. By catering to the employees’ health matters, they will feel secure and safe working for the organization (Irawati and Farradia, 2021, p.732). Such services increase the job satisfaction for workers and make them able to remain working for the firm for long. Failure to guarantee workers their safety would prompt them to seek employment in other institutions that offer such benefits leading to a high turnover rate.

Positive Working Environment

To enhance the productivity and effectiveness of workers, an organization should ensure they provide a conducive working environment that enables personal comfort for workers to make them capable of doing a good job. A safe environment makes employees feel satisfied and can work effectively (Ramli, 2019, p.34). Therefore, the business organization should provide a healthy environment to enhance workers’ satisfaction. An unfavourable working environment would make employees feel uncomfortable, which can result in low productivity.

Ways of Maximising Team Effectiveness

The generation of work teams in an organization is vital in administering a framework for the development of employees’ skills to contribute in preparing, problem-solving, and decision-making to enhance customer service. Depending on the organization there are various work groups; virtual teams, practical teams, cross-functional teams, and self-managed teams. Recently, most organizations create virtual work teams as the main system to ensure effective work (Dulebohn, and Hoch, 2017). These types of work teams vary depending on the role of the team and the specific positions in the organization. Therefore, there are several considerations in ensuring the maximization of team effectiveness.


Communication is critical in day-to-day activities and ensures an efficient work system. Good communication skills among the team members will help employees to have a sense of belonging; they will modify the physical and social aspects of the work. Additionally, it aids in strengthening the relationship among the employees (Kim, 2021, p. 12). The team members feel free to communicate among themselves and air out issues that might arise. Also, through communication, the team members get to know each other better and understand their strengths and weaknesses, therefore, ensuring advancement in the workspace and creating a common vision among the team members. Also, good communication will motivate the team members to perform better in all duties delegated since they will be satisfied individually. An effective communication system will ensure that information is timely and will reach the right audience.


Support is critical in an organization from the customer level to the leaders in that organization. In enduring team effectiveness, support is key from all respective places. Also, support among the team members ensures effective workflow. Communication structure and support are related since support can be given through precise procedures depending on the rules of the organization. Generally, support has a tremendous positive impact on the team members. The team members will actively be involved in every activity that will be carried out in the organization. Also, instances of heavy workflow with support among the team members will relieve stress. Support leads to unity in the team and efficient workflows.

Effective Leadership

Leadership is key in every organization; it play a critical role in work performed. In the teams, good leaders should be chosen to ensure they lead the team well. The qualities of good leaders are; good listening skills, understanding, integrity, make critical decisions, a positive attitude, clear vision, gratitude, and accountability (Olanrewaju and Okorie, 2019, p. 142). Team leaders are the mediators of the team to the head of the organization and help in the development (Xie, 2020, p.221). They help in raising any concerns or recommendations to the leaders of the organization. Also, team leaders will help in solving the differences among the team members and find a common ground.

Clarity of Roles

Team effectiveness can be maximized through clarity of roles. The team members need to be sure of their roles to prevent conflict due to clear boundaries. The leaders need to delegate duties effectively according to their different abilities. Additionally, clear roles will help in the accountability process and prevent confusion and frustrations among the team members, making employees responsible among themselves (Raziq et al., 2018, p.320). Assigning roles individually helps in achieving the expectation since individuals will be aware. Clarity of roles will help employees to have a sense of belonging since the roles will be assigned according to the different skills. Additionally, there should be maximization of duties due to systematic work structure regarding the clear roles. Clarity of roles will build strong relationships since individuals with the same tasks can support each other better.

Sharing of Ideas

Sharing ideas is important in ensuring team effectiveness. People have differing opinions and decision-making skills and knowledge is considered to be very vital (Varga and Csiszárik-Kocsir, 2019, p.16). Through communication and support, ideas can be freely shared to improve the productivity of the organization (Muthuveloo, Shanmugam, and Teoh, 2017, p. 195). Also, leaders can create a safe space for sharing ideas among the team through creating weekly meetings and discussions. Moreover, by the strong relationship among the team, ideas can be greatly implemented with follow-ups.

Understanding the Work Teams

Understanding the work teams is important in team effectiveness. Leaders need to be understanding to ensure a smooth workspace. Also, with understanding the team, skills, strengths, and weaknesses are defined. Moreover, boundaries are sent and roles are assigned as per the capabilities. Conflict is minimal and strong relationships are built leading to productive work. Understanding helps in identifying the gaps among the team members and in the team generally and finding ways of sorting it out (Raithel, Knippenberg, and Stam, 2021). Having a clear insight about the team will help in recognizing the growth of individuals and slight changes that might occur.

Clear Goals and Visions

It is important to have clear goals and vision in the team since they act as a guidance in achieving productive workflow. All individuals need to be aware of the organization’s objectives; they can be defined through regular meetings among the team members and posters around the organization by the leaders (Jensen, Moynihan, and Salomonsen, 2018, p. 355). Goals and vision also help in performing the different duties among the team members leading to high productivity levels. Individuals will be committed since all are working on the same goals. Clear objectives will help in attracting the right target audience and smooth interaction. Individuals will participate in the organization’s activities fully and aim for the partnership for more.

Recommendations to Improve Organizational Behavioural Issues

Effective management in an organization determines the productivity of the employees. There are different management strategies; modification, formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Each management strategy is important in the positive productivity of the organization. Also, through the management, activities will be coordinated and delegated properly (Bucata and Rizescu 2017, p.49).

The leaders will be able to help in employee satisfaction and better customer service. In ensuring there is effective management, it is essential to have recommendations for both the long term and short term to improve the organization’s behavioural issues.

Leadership is important in improving organizational behavioural issues. The right leaders will help in ensuring positive interaction among both the employees and the customer. Also, they will create a safe space for the employees to raise concerns leading to effective job satisfaction (Bake, 2019). The issue of absenteeism among the employees will be critically analyzed. Customer satisfaction will be achieved therefore attracting more clients and reducing the number of complaints.

Cultivating a work culture in an organization will improve the organization’s behavioural issues. Work culture helps in achieving the goals of the organization (Warrick, 2017, p. 396). Individuals will work in regards to the norms and not contrary. Also, to prevent high turnover rates, people should understand the task before being employees. The work culture needs to be consistent and can be changed in due time depending on members of the organization.


Every organization should ensure that all the employees have a conducive environment that would facilitate their productivity on the job. To get maximum output of workers, the business organization should adopt strategies that would make them feel motivated, like ensuring the tasks they do correspond to their skills and also assuring them of safety and security. Advanced Technologies should also encourage the use of team works to promote staff performance within the organization.

They should focus on good leadership, communication, and organizational behaviours to influence the productivity of the individual employee and team workers. To improve the management of organizational behaviour, Advanced Technologies should ensure they cultivate effective management in the organization. They should also make sure the leadership attributes are nurtured to impact employees’ performance. Furthermore, the organization should provide support to workers and define roles to reduce possible confusion within the workplace.

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"Effective Techniques of Advancing Employees’ Job Satisfaction." BusinessEssay, 6 Dec. 2022, business-essay.com/effective-techniques-of-advancing-employees-job-satisfaction/.


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BusinessEssay. 2022. "Effective Techniques of Advancing Employees’ Job Satisfaction." December 6, 2022. https://business-essay.com/effective-techniques-of-advancing-employees-job-satisfaction/.

1. BusinessEssay. "Effective Techniques of Advancing Employees’ Job Satisfaction." December 6, 2022. https://business-essay.com/effective-techniques-of-advancing-employees-job-satisfaction/.


BusinessEssay. "Effective Techniques of Advancing Employees’ Job Satisfaction." December 6, 2022. https://business-essay.com/effective-techniques-of-advancing-employees-job-satisfaction/.