Revised HR Guide for Line Managers
Organizations capable of setting clear processes and cultural values have higher chances of outperforming their immediate competitors. Organizational leaders should embrace new practices depending on the changes experienced in their respective business environments (Ponnu and Hassan 3). This guide outlines the major stages of the performance management cycle that have the potential to transform the leadership of every line manager. However, leaders should do more than required to produce tangible results. The revised HR guide presented in this document is expected to promote a high-performance culture and improve the level of communication with line managers.
Stages of the Performance Management Cycle
Managers use the performance management cycle to sketch the best business processes. The current performance management cycle has played a significant role in supporting the productivity of many employees. However, a lot needs to be done by organizational managers that want to reach their potential. A better cycle is needed to guide different managers. The cycle will ensure that a positive culture is established, therefore improving the level of employee commitment (Ponnu and Hassan 4). The diagram presented below gives a summarized version of the proposed performance management cycle.

This stage is also known as the objective-setting phase. During this phase, line managers are required to identify every targeted goal. Each goal should be defined in terms of behaviors, actions, and targets (Taylor 13). During this stage, the right objectives are set by the skills and resources available. The involved parties should also focus on the objectives and specify the most appropriate skills for delivering positive results. Every member of the targeted department should be involved and committed throughout the objective-setting stage.
During the second stage, managers should develop the best human potential and expertise to record positive results. Every line manager should focus on the best practices that can increase the level of performance. For example, the employees can be equipped with new skills and competencies. The managers should also identify specific employees who possess exemplary competencies (Ahmed and Shafiq 2). Coaching is also critical in an attempt to improve the level of expertise.
Managers must support and mentor their followers whenever focusing on specific goals. Good managers always help their workers, thus making it possible for them to achieve their goals. The managers should also offer the required resources promptly and should address a wide range of impediments affecting the level of performance. The ultimate goal should be to deliver positive results that have the potential to improve the profitability of the organization (Ahmed and Shafiq 5).
Interim Reviews and Appraisal
This stage is very critical towards the success of every performance management process. This phase makes it easier for the involved parties to examine whether the goals set in the second stage have been met. The line managers get a chance to have a clear analysis of the achievements made by their respective departments. Interim reviews are essential because they guide managers and employers to realize their goals. Regular performance reviews are critical for ensuring that the managers understand what is happening at every stage (Ahmed and Shafiq 3). Appraisals also help managers design better performance management processes.
How Performance Management Promotes Challenge, Improves Capability and Recognizes/Rewards Talent
Experts believe that performance management is a powerful process used by managers to empower their followers (Taylor 16). By doing so, these players work together to ensure various objectives and goals are met, thereby promoting the profitability of an organization. Performance management should be a continuous process of identifying objectives, coaching employees, gathering feedback, and rewarding exemplary results. That being the case, performance management is one of the best tools used by managers to promote the challenge. The process covers a wide range of activities undertaken in different organizations (Ponnu and Hassan 5). The employees are thereby empowered to remain practical and focus on the most desirable organizational culture.
The identified goals pose a unique challenge to the employees in the firm. The workers are encouraged to collaborate and review their inputs. They should also liaise with their managers in an attempt to get the most desirable results. A new challenge emerges, thereby encouraging the workers to put extra effort toward whatever they do (Lunenburg 3). The managers in a given organization should also present the best ideas to ensure the workers are aware of the targeted goals. Successful employees always welcome new challenges. The performance management cycle begins by outlining several objectives, thus posing new challenges to the workers. These challenges should be viewed positively because they dictate the profitability of the targeted organization.
The other important aspect of performance management is that it improves capability. During the implementation phase, managers offer exemplary training opportunities to their workers. This move improves the performance and commitment of the employees. The role of every manager is to ensure the work plans designed by different followers support the organization’s strategic direction (Ahmed and Shafiq 6).
These practices increase the capabilities of different workers, thereby supporting their goals. The cycle makes it easier for different departments to establish positive relationships. Clear communication also emerges between workers and line managers as a result. The workers require timely and constructive feedback from their managers on performance; this practice improves the capability and functionality of every department (Lapina, Kairisa, and Aramina 771). The level of motivation associated with the performance management cycle boosts employees’ morale.
The cycle has been used in many organizations to identify various improvement areas. For instance, the cycles make it easier for managers to monitor their followers and determine whether additional resources are needed to empower them. Employee development becomes a powerful practice toward improving the level of performance (Ahmed and Shafiq 6). Some of the common methods used to develop employees include mentoring, provision of resources, training, and additional responsibilities. Line managers can also collaborate, thereby improving the performance of their respective followers.
Exemplary performance should be rewarded in every successful organization (Lunenburg 6). Studies indicate that rewarding habits and practices encourage more employees to commit themselves to deliver positive results (Ponnu and Hassan 4). Rewards are used to empower workers and encourage their counterparts to put in more effort (Ahmed and Shafiq 4). The recognition of hardworking employees is a positive practice that has the potential to produce positive outcomes. The habit encourages more workers to improve their skills. Such workers also find it easier to realize their career objectives (Lunenburg 7).
Role of Development and Performance Reviews
The performance management cycle is incomplete without undertaking timely development reviews. Line managers should be “on the frontline to help their employees know how they have been doing” (Ponnu and Hassan 7). This is achieved through the use of development and performance reviews. During the process, all parties should be involved to understand what needs improvement. Line managers can use performance forms or sheets to identify the major achievements and gaps that must be filled. Effective performance reviews create the best environment for communication between workers and the management. LMS should communicate effectively with their followers to outline new practices that can deliver tangible results.
Such reviews make it easier for both workers and managers to monitor every targeted result. This knowledge creates the best environment for identifying the most desirable behaviors that have the potential to improve the level of performance. The review process highlights the major strengths associated with the organization. Furthermore, the reviews outline some of the weaknesses that might have detrimental implications on the organization’s performance (Ahmed and Shafiq 6). By doing so, the managers identify the major areas that should be improved or supported.
The review process ensures that the progress of every employee is monitored (Lunenburg 5). The review gives the manager a new opportunity to avail better resources to his or her employees. The important goal is to ensure the targeted employee delivers better results. Monitoring performance is one of the surest ways toward detecting and addressing a wide range of hurdles that can affect the profitability of an organization (Lapina et al. 772). The information obtained from the review process determines whether the employees should be equipped with new skills or resources.
Contribution of Line Managers in the Performance Management Process
Managing performance is one of the fundamental duties of a manager. Many LMs have found it impossible to engage in positive performance management (Ahmed and Shafiq 7). To deliver positive results, managers should guide their employees throughout the performance management process. The first contribution is designing the most desirable performance management cycle. This cycle becomes the master plan that must be followed by every worker. After designing the best performance management cycle, the next step is guiding his or her followers to deliver positive outcomes.
LMs should also provide timely feedback in an attempt to minimize problems. The leader should also offer effective feedback to employees to identify the most desirable performance. A true manager will also obtain suggestions and ideas from the workers. This approach creates the best environment for sharing ideas and improving various work processes (Ponnu and Hassan 7). Throughout the performance process, managers should remove every barrier to triumph. The manager is also expected to outline the best strategies that can overcome obstacles, mentor more workers, and achieve the most desirable goals.
This discussion shows clearly that the LM can undertake a wide range of roles depending on the targeted goals. Such roles will also be dictated by the attributes and expectations of the identified organization. The manager should also accept both negative and positive reviews. The manager will use such reviews to come up with better options that can deliver the required profits (Madu 3). The other critical role is availing various resources depending on the competencies of various workers. The accomplishments of different employees should also be identified and rewarded by the manager.
Throughout the performance management process, LMs should be ready to support underperforming workers. This strategy plays a positive role in improving the level of performance. Every member of the staff should be supported to achieve his or her career goal. This can be achieved by identifying the needs of every worker (Lapina et al. 772). The next move is to offer development opportunities. An LM that embraces these roles will eventually find it easier for his or her department to record the most desirable outcomes. The process should also be reviewed regularly to allow various parties to consider how every goal has been met or not (Taylor 10).
The review will also provide a springboard for identifying where new efforts should be concentrated. In summary, the success of every performance management process depends entirely on how the responsible manager undertakes his or her roles.
Internal Blog
Line managers should possess the most desirable competencies in an attempt to transform their firms and make them more profitable. One of the best tools toward achieving this goal is through the use of performance management. This concept has been used by many leaders to create high-performing working environments. Consequently, such managers have managed to record positive outcomes for their respective business firms (Ahmed and Shafiq 5). This blog is therefore expected to engage LMs in supporting organizational values. The blog also describes how high-performance working can contribute to improved organizational performance.
Line Managers and Organizational Values
A company “with a set of values and a mission statement will find it easier to define its business culture” (Madu 4). Core values are useful because they guide managers throughout the decision-making process. These values educate stakeholders and potential buyers about the unique aspects of a firm. Since the global market has become extremely competitive, it is appropriate for managers to create the best competitive advantages using these values. However, it has become increasingly difficult for many LMs to support the values outlined by their companies.
It is the role of managers to ensure their organizations realize their goals. LMs should therefore undertake the best leadership roles to ensure their companies realize every business goal. A high-performance culture is developed by leaders who are ready to support the values of their respective companies. These LMs can use their competencies to make a difference for their companies. This strategy will increase the level of performance and eventually result in better returns for different stakeholders (Lunenburg 6).
This discussion, therefore, explains why LMs should work hard to support some of these values. For instance, they should ensure their departments demonstrate corporate social responsibility. They should also guide their followers to take positive initiatives and engage in various decision-making processes. Such leaders must exercise the highest level of integrity. This competence will ensure every LM acts with honor and honesty.
Successful leaders also use their skills to support their followers and consumers. These practices have been observed to deliver tangible results in many organizations. LMs that support various organizational values attract the best talent and eventually make their respective departments successful (Madu 6). On top of that, such managers should embrace the power of high-performance working in an attempt to develop the best organizational culture.
Relationship Between High-Performance Working and Improved Organizational Performance
High-performance work has been observed to create a positive culture that can improve the profitability of an organization. It is characterized by several attributes, such as articulated objectives, reward systems, and identifiable standards. The culture promotes teamwork, thereby improving the contributions of many workers (Lapina et al. 773). The presence of these attributes increases the levels of equity and inclusivity. Additionally, the culture strengthens the level of authority and empowerment. Trust and accountability also increase, thereby improving the level of performance.
Another unique feature of high-performance working is the ability to decentralize every decision-making process. The approach makes it easier for different followers to work together. They also find it easier to address every change experienced in the marketplace or industry (Madu 7). Performance management has also been associated with increased leadership in every department. The organization develops similar values and missions that guide every worker. The LMs also find it easier to empower their followers and equip them with regular instructions. The managers inspire their employees through constant communication.
The majority of the workers acquire new insights and are thus able to pursue various organizational goals (Madu 5). The newly established culture inspires a sense of trust at every managerial level. At the same time, the employees are involved in every leadership process. The workers are required to present their inputs and develop the most desirable organizational strategies.
It is agreeable that a positive performance culture creates the best environment for business profitability (Lunenburg 7). This is true because the LMs find it easier to create a customer-focused strategy. The workers and leaders work hard to create appealing brands, and the targeted customers find it easier to connect with the brands. Organizations that “embrace the best business practices stand out in the marketplace thereby realizing their potentials” (Lapina et al. 774). It is, therefore, necessary for employees to understand their roles and organizational objectives. They should also embrace the power of collective responsibility in an attempt to fulfill the ever-changing needs of different customers.
The newly established culture results in collaboration, integration, and communication. The organizations “use the new culture to integrate customer service, purpose, leadership, and mission into a comprehensive managerial approach that can improve the level of performance” (Madu 7).
Positive performance management creates the best environment for resolving a wide range of obstacles. The culture plays a major role in maintaining high levels of customer service quality and responsiveness. The workers acquire new skills through continuous training. The LMs also focus on better practices, such as work-life balance, in an attempt to support the needs of more employees (Lapina et al. 773). The changes experienced in different parts of the globe should be used to understand the growing needs of both workers and consumers. These opportunities should be taken seriously by every company that wants to improve its business performance.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of This Online Facility
This blog will be published on the company’s website and is expected to play a positive role in supporting LMs in the organization. The LMs will find it easier to mentor their followers while at the same time honoring the values of the company. The ideas presented in the blog can help the company achieve the benefits of high-performance management. Every LM and employee in the company will be encouraged to read this online blog in an attempt to improve their level of performance (Lapina et al. 772).
The effectiveness of this online facility will be determined by the goals realized by different line managers. To begin with, evaluations will be conducted periodically to determine whether the company has been able to benefit from every newly implemented performance management activity. Additionally, the performances recorded by different workers will be used to examine whether the blog has been beneficial to the organization (Lunenburg 8). The company will also collect data from employees and managers to understand the effectiveness of the blog. This exercise will be conducted over six months.
The evaluation process will also be expected to present some of the strengths and weaknesses that have been associated with the company within the past six months. The managers will offer meaningful strategies to deal with every existing obstacle (Ponnu and Hassan 7). Similar blogs will also be published to ensure the company is on the right path towards realizing its business objectives.
Works Cited
Ahmed, Mashal and Saima Shafiq. “The Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Telecom Sector.” Global Journal of Management and Business Research 14.3 (2014): 1-10. Print.
Lapina, Inga, Ilze Kairisa and Daira Aramina. “Role of Organizational Culture in the Quality Management of University.” Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences 213.1 (2015): 770-774. Print.
Lunenburg, Fred. “Organizational Culture-Performance Relationships: Views of Excellence and Theory Z.” National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 29.4 (2011): 1-10. Print.
Madu, Boniface. “Organization Culture as Driver of Competitive Advantage.” Journal of Academic and Business Ethics 1.1 (2014): 1-9. Print.
Ponnu, Alicia and Zubair Hassan. “The Influences of Organizational Culture on Performance Management.” International Journal of Accounting, Business, and Management 1.1 (2015): 1-10. Print.
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