The automobile industry is experiencing radical transformation in its operations. With the change of time a lot of revolution is taking place in the industry. The advent of globalization has already impacted a profound effect on the operations and activities of the sector. However this is just the beginning as projections indicate that the sector is marked for more radical change. As a result players in the automobile sector have to be vigilant and alert so as to survive in the hostile competitive environment.
Crucial parameters in the operations of the automotive sector are slated for radical change. The marketing scenarios for instance is going to take anew turn. Product quality is set to wane in influence as customer satisfaction takes the centre stage. It is against this background that majority of the players in the automobile sector are putting in place measures that will ensure their survival and success in the radically changing environment.
Distribution and service delivery are set to be the major factors in the auto mobile industry. There is a series of changes which are going to be experienced all over. Too much reliance on technology as the core factor in the industry is going to experience a downward trend. The role of service delivery is going to be the key determinant in the success of firms in this sector.
Ford Company
Ford Company is an international motor company based in the United States (Bonham 2). The company has along history in the automobile industry. The company has a number of subsidiaries in many countries around the world. Ford Company is a household name in the automobile industry (Bonham 2). The company has been using extensive methods in its production of vehicles. Prudent management systems have been in place for along time. These practices have guaranteed the company an edge over other companies in the sector. As a result the company has been a market leader in the field for a long time.
The company has a lot of experience in the automobile sector and has been known for fulfilling the customer requirements. The company was founded by Henry ford in the early 1900s (Bonham 1). Ford Company is a global force in the manufacture and sales of vehicles (Brinkley 543). It ranks second in the United States and takes the fourth slot in the whole world.
Objectives of the Firm
Ford Company has been successful in the automobile business for a long time now (Bonham 2). Behind this success in such a competitive field there must be an established mechanism through which the company operates (Hockessin 24). The automobile industry has been experiencing lots of uncertainties and as a result many players have had a rough time trying to operate in the sector. However the ford company has been capable of riding through the tide (Bonham 4). At this point the paper endeavors to navigate through the objectives of the firm. The following is a list of the objectives of the ford company.
- To sell vehicles
- To make profit for stockholders
- Job creation
- Innovation
- Service delivery
- Customer satisfaction
Market Conditions
The automotive business environment has been experiencing changes in recent times that have affected the market conditions in many ways. The economic status of the world which has been experiencing crisis has also had a profound effect on the market conditions of the ford company (Bonham 6). An overview of the company’s market condition indicates the need for changes to effect efficiency (Hoskisson et al 67). More focus is on the improvement of the industry so as to be able to compete and manufacture better quality vehicles. In a report to the congress the company has admitted of having been overshadowed by the economic crisis that befalls the world. This was followed by n assertion that the company was responsible for certain miscalculations that turned out to be costly.
This is usually facilitated by the departments in the organization such us finance, human resource, sales and the rest. Even though the departments are managed differently, they have an impact on the entire company. Any simple decision that is made in the sales department will ultimately affect the marketing of the company. When making budgets for the year, the company needs to make overall decisions for the company that must be implement in every department Every department is important in ensuring that the company achieves the set goals.
The managers may tend to neglect certain department or give priority to the departments that they feel are more important in the organization. Before they know or realize it, they find the company not running into the direction that it was meant to. It is therefore important for the company to ensure that every department has strong codes that they are operating on and that the personnel there in are working equally hard.
The marketing strategy may also be hindered by the distribution of the product. The company may do all that they can to ensure that their products are known all over. Such efforts may however be hindered by the fact that the consumers are not access to the products that they have been told about. As a company launches into extensive marketing strategy, it should also have in place a strong distribution channel that will ensure that their products go as far as their marketing strategy.
With the expansion of e-marketing, local products are gaining a lot of popularity on the international market. The customers that may be curious to have a taste of the products may however be disappointed as they realize that the company cannot supply them with the products.This is usually caused by companies that are still experimenting on the capability of their advertisements reaching far.This may however be dangerous as it may cause complete lack of trust among their clients that were anxiously waiting for the products. As companies invest into modern means of advertising, they should realize that their products may be demand further and therefore make arrangements o how to reach their customers on time.
Another problem that is brought about by distribution is where the company fails to take a statistics of where and how much of their products are on demand. This usually causes unfair distribution of their goods where the customers may have more than what they need or lesser than what they need. Both situations can be disastrous to the company as the former will make the products to get spoilt ad thus bringing losses to the company.
The latter case will make their customers to resolve to other similar products and thus making the company to loose its market share.The company should therefore take tie to find out the places where there is much demand for their products and those that the demand is not much. It will save them from having to loose their potential customers or incurring losses due to some goods thaw re not purchased. The trend may also keep changing and thus requiring the company y to frequently carry out the researches.
Different customers that the company may have may also have an impact on the microenvironment market. There may e different types of clients that may be depending on the company which include consumers, retailers, governmental or international. All this customers will influence the purchasing power of the companies’ products. The company also needs to introduce different packaging to suit the needs of their clients. For instance, international purchasers will require their goods to be packed in a way that will allow for easier shipping while direct consumer clients may require slightly smaller packages for their products.
This may also affect the branding of the products of the products where by international purchasers may want to acquire different brand names to suit the situation in their country.This should be well; handled by the companies so that it maximizes on its sales.
The company may also be faced with the problem of competition from other companies producing similar products (Hockessin 36). This is something that can not be avoided but adequately handled to ensure that it maintains and improves its market share. To counter this problem, the company needs to be involved in extensive sales promotion tie sure that their products are not scraped out of the people minds. They also need to ensure that they carry out extensive market research to know the changes in technology and customers’ preferences for them to supply them with correct products.
A lot of changes are taking place and with a variety of products that customers can choose from, it has become the duty of the companies to make products that will always be satisfactory to the needs of their customers. They should also invest in high quality production so that their products stand out. The company will also need to develop a powerful customer relations team that will enhance its relationships with their customers.
The microenvironment factors that may impact on the company are other business institutions and organizations.Organizations that deals in the quality assurance may require the company to meet certain qualities which may affect their sales strategies. Other financial institutions may also deny the company some of the financial support that they may need to expand their trade practices.
The company may also be working with other organizations or companies that may provide them with substandard services and thus hindering their ability to effectively market their products. Such companies may include those involved in making the packages and those endowed with the responsibility of transporting its products.The Company may have not grown much and thus relying on other companies for the providing of such services. Unless there is proper coordination, the companies may be a big let down to the company that could be doing all that they can to ensue high and quality production.
Product Demand
Demand represents the conviction to buy products. Ford Company has several factors that determine the nature of demand for its products (Bonham 6). Just like any other form of demand for the products factors like income, price of the vehicles and customer preferences affect the demand for the ford company’s products (Bonham 24). The launch of new vehicle product normally has a profound effect on the demand of the company’s products.
There was a period in the 1990s when the product demand for the ford company vehicles was so low (Bonham 8). The major problem was the quality cost relationship. The company’s customers wanted high quality products at a low price. During this time the overall earnings of the company were low. The company had consequently neglected the satisfaction of the needs of its clients. The company was put on the spot to readjust its costs and deliver quality products at an affordable price. The demand of it’s [products during this time had a profound impact on the whole company.
Ford Company Market Communication
Ford Company has endeavored to be on the top of their competitors, to achieve this they have employed several methods in fighting their competitors so as to have a competitive advantage over them (Bonham 24). Ford Company has employed differing modes of marketing communications which is synthesized and complemented to form a strategy known as the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). In order to have a competitive advantage the Corporation has employed sales promotion and advertisement through the use of newspapers, magazines, radio, Television-marketing, and others.
Sometimes the direct marketing and personal selling is used by the corporation Ford company has a number of sales men and women who conduct oral presentation of the corporation automotives to new clients or existing clients (Bonham 25). The sales agents usually perform business to business sales. They approach existing business and firms where they initiate corporation and most times they manage to win automotive procurements with many companies both local and international. Where automotive are involved and in this case Ford company technical advice is necessary. Ford company sales men compose presentations in a bid to convey to the potential and existing customers on the benefits of Ford company products (Bonham 26).
The sales persons offer insurance advices, financial services mainly on insurance and investment. Ford company sales persons engage in live, interaction relationship with the customers where they carry on the road shows and one to one business communication (Bonham 26). Ford Company involves a convoy of business partners and the sale persons in conducting road shows, whereby they communicate to their clients and potential customers about their Ford Company.
During these activities, large trucks carry the Ford company banner around different cities (Bonham 26). The sales persons involved communicate vital information about these products to the customers at the same time given insurance and financial services to them. These live interactive relationship aims at enhancing personal interest and at the same time maintaining attention and response which makes the presentation interesting thereby arousing the desires of the public to purchase the Ford vehicles.
Sales Promotion is also conducted by the Ford investment corporation so as to portray an instant appeal and boost anxiety to sell (Bonham 28). People are given incentives to buy Ford vehicles through use of coupons (Bonham 28). The coupons shows that for each purchase of either of the two automotives one is entitled to win things like tires, free insurance cover, warranties extensions and others. Although this method increases sales it has a major draw back of being copied by the competitors and mostly it does not increase or initiate customer loyalty. The Ford Company also uses sales promotion in the areas where the market of the Ford Company is mature company and arouses the need to boost its sales through communicating to the clients and potential customers (Bonham 28).
Ford Company involves the use of public relationship as a communication strategy. This is a media tool which aims at promoting goodwill of the Ford Company to a target market segment and other clients of the automotives. Ford Company carries out the public relations so as to ensure that it does not antagonize the market of the Ford Company, especially during the times when their demands becomes low or decreases. The public relations are carried through interviews and speeches through the television and the radios and the use of the Ford company corporate magazine, financial statements and sometimes they distribute brochures in major cities where they have most clients.
Ford Company also employs the use of Publicity (Banham 123). During some of their sales promotion activities, corporate activities and the community based activities; they attract the media who covers such activities in the newspapers or the television news segments. This benefits the Ford company products that are the as they are made known to customers without necessarily having to pay for the services as the media covering such events do that as part of their day to day activities
The Ford also uses advertising as marketing communication strategy, the marketing department of the corporation usually set out funds to pay for media advertising services. The media involves include the TVs, billboards, radio, branding and also sponsorship.
Direct marketing as a mode of communication is also involved; Ford Company ensures the sales of their products by carefully selecting firms and individuals within different market segment and communicating to them about the nature of their products. This is done mostly through the sending brochures to them by use of emails, mails and telemarketing all aimed at communicating to the target market. Ford Company is not left behind in the use of technology; it has been able to edge out its competitors through the use of online marketing channels (Hockessin 42).
This includes the use of e mail banner campaigns, pod cast, use of search engine and others thus doing away from the traditional offline marketing. All these methods have helped to boost marketing communication of the Ford Corporation and have integrated their marketing mix to maximize their Ford company impact on customers mind thus resulting to maximum revenues due to increased sales.
Different medium are in use for advertising, sales promotion and also the personal selling. The campaigns used are focused towards enhancing and promoting sales of the Ford products. The televisions are used to a great extent. The images projected in the television shows how the Ford vehicles are sleek, comfortable, and are machines with supersonic speed. The images show the automotives on the move thus bringing in a reality of the functioning of the automotives. This has greatly improved the marketing communication as the use of the television has helped to convey a great deal of information that would have required more time and more resources so as to reach the target market
The Ford Company employed a multiple forms of communication. The use of e-marketing has helped in extending the market communication to a wide range of clients and potential customers. This is because the use of internet is universally accessible; log banners and the use of search engine have increased communication by the use of a mouse click. The use of blog banners and the internet at large have brought positive results in increasing communication of this product to the customers.
Ford uses images of sleek vehicle in the media and such images are accompanied by texts to communicate their advantages. For instance, for the first time ever Ford is introducing Classic new brand.It is stinking hot in the US market. Powered by 4.0-litre V8, the automotive delivers 309kW and more than 400Nm of power and revolves at a rate of 8400RPM. Its speed is unbeatable it rockets to 100km/h in less than 4.5 seconds for manual transmission, and less than 4.0 seconds for the double clutch transmission in speed M drive logic.
Such images and advertisement have been instrumental in that in the past fiscal year the Ford Corporation have been able to sell more than 500 units of the products in the market segments where Televisions sets were used to convey the availability of the Vehicles in the US market. Use of personal selling and the direct marketing have increased the sale of the Ford in the US market. It has been noted that more than 95% of those currently owning the automotive would recommend it to their friends.
The Ford uses this attribute of Ford strength to strategically develop market communication and improve on its brand. Direct marketing have introduced giving of Ford guides to the clients so as to be able to maintain personal relationship with the clients. This has helped to maximize the sale of the Ford and at the same time maintaining the existing customers.
Ford needs to understand that there has been an increasing competition with the US automotive having more than 200 dealers. Therefore, there messages should be strong and powerful to hear in such a crowded and a competitive environment. Ford should increase the internet availability and accessibility 24/7 (Hockessin 66). The goal of communication marketing is to make sure the existing clients are retained and potential ones are attracted by the firms.
The centre of the Ford campaign needs to be around establishing an effective and a consistent use of media across all the media platforms available in their market segments. There is need to add more appealing images in the e-marketing so as to attract people to their blog sites. Use adverts with a great breadth of appeal will help to execute the greatest number of attention than the offline advertisement combined.
The Ford products also need to be branded so as to help the customers not to be swayed away by other corporation selling the same model s of automotive. This will help the Ford to stand out by giving effective services to their clients thereby maintaining a good relationship with their clients and goodwill. This will also help to attract more clients to the market who will have their needs and expectations satisfied by the Ford Corporation. The branding of their products would also help to boost motivational factors to the sales persons so as to be able to be meeting their set goals.
The Ford Company would also need to employ the integrated marketing communications rather laying more emphasis on the media advertisement alone. This will help to cut thousand of dollars used in creating a bulk advertisement and distribution of the same. The bulk of these advertisements can be cut through the use of research budget.
Analysis of the Ford Company
Ford motor company remains the largest automobile company in the US. The company boosts of high margins and its financial position has been improving over time. However as the company leadership concedes there is a shift in the industry which has redefined performance. Globalization has had far reaching consequences on the prospects of the company. A study commissioned by the company revealed that the old system of operation was not bearing much fruits. As a result the company has been losing customers as its sales margins dwindle. The global financial crisis also had negative implications for the motor company. During this time the company’s financial position came under much scrutiny. The effects originated from the reduced number of customers for its products.
Fuel prices have been the perennial enemy of the company and its operations since the days of yore. A look at the company’s financial charts and tables indicates that one major cause of strain in the financial system of the company has been the fluctuating fuel costs. The company is yet to find a viable solution tom its fuel needs. Ford motor company is listed on the New York stock exchange. A look at recent ratings of its stock indicates that the company has been experiencing some lows. As a recent the stocks of the company have not been attractive in the market. To make matters worse the company has been operating below its targets. The following is one report of the company’s performance in the New York stock exchange.
“Ford Motor Company Common Stock” (NYSE: F)
“After Hours: 12.15 ⇑ 0.04 (0.33%) 7:59PM EDT”

Another indicator of trouble in the company’s prospects can be seen in the following report which shows the dwindling number of sales of Ford Tractors in the United States. The table indicates the manner in which sales have been falling from the year 1999 to 2009.
Analysis of the Automobile Industry
The automobile industry in the united sates has experienced a shift in its operations in the last few years. The advent of globalization has been the major factor behind the radical shift in the industry. As a result factors that determines success and viability in the industry have changed all over a sudden, For instance insistence on product quality has been the major focus of automotive companies in the US. A good quality base was all a company needs to lay so as to survive and advance its sales. However new factors have emanated that have stolen the show from the aspect of quality. As much as customers will still demand quality of product it is no longer the driving force.
Success in the industry now lies in factors like distribution and service delivery. Certain brands of vehicle might be of good quality but the customers cannot access them at their convenience. Convenience has become the key word in the whole handling of the customers. Therefore distribution has to be customized to meet the needs of the customers. The two are just an example of how the state and nature of automobile industry in the United States. Globalization has definite had a profound impact on the sate of the industry.
Ford Company is a major player in the automotive industry. With the advent of globalization the market environment has changed to a great extend. The company recently commissioned a study of the automotive sector to determine the atmosphere. The results were astounding as it came out that the sector has undergone a metamorphosis. Focus has shifted on the product quality to distribution patters.
The availability of the product is now the key determinant of the success of a company in the industry. S a result time has come for the companies to shift their focus from the strategies of yore and embrace change. Many players have come to concur with the ford company that the scenario has drastically changed and the automobile industry has experienced drastic change. Customer satisfaction has become the focal point in the operation of the sector. In the past the delivery of quality automotives was the key aspect of the success of a company. However without a clear customer focus coupled with an efficient distribution system the major thing today.
The paper has taken an analytical look at the whole automotive industry and the changes that have been witnessed in the past. Special reference has been given to the ford company which is a major player in the sector. All the factors that play a crucial role in the sector have been discussed with reference to the Ford motor company. Proper analysis has been done of the effect of various parameters on the effectiveness of the company.
Works Cited
Bonham Russ. The Ford century: Ford Motor Company and the innovations that shaped the world. Washington: Artisan, 2002.
Brinkley Douglas. Wheels for the world: Henry Ford, his company, and a century of progress, 1903-2003. Michigan: Viking, 2003.
Hockessin Winsock. Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization: cases. New York: Cengage Learning, 2008.
NYSE. Ford motor company common stock. 2010. Yahoo finance. Web.
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