Managing Human Resources in the Organizational Context

Developing Professional Practice

The job of a Human Resource (HR) manager might seem comparatively easy and lacking the connection to the rest of the organizational processes, yet the stated assumption cannot be further away from the truth. An HR manager plays a key role in laying the foundation for the consistent organizational performance and the opportunity for a company to sustain its competitiveness. By acquiring and improving the skills associated with critical thinking and logical reasoning, an HR manager remains capable of making the decisions that will benefit a company in both short- and long-term perspectives.

The focus on the active collaboration should be regarded as the top priority for developing professional practice. With the emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, experience sharing, and complex problem-solving, participating employees will gain valuable skills. Simultaneously, creating the setting in which the target demographic will feel most comfortable to perform their key roles will be critical. For this reason, as an HR manager, one has to perform a regular analysis of the group dynamics in order to identify problems therein and address the emerging concerns as expeditiously as possible.

Due to the opportunity for building a team of talented experts and enhancing their professional development, an HR manager can create premises for a continuous success in the selected market. With the focus on critical thinking and active listening, an HR manager can foster the atmosphere of collaboration and support in the organizational environment. Given the desirable outcome described above, there are currently three development needs to be pursued in order to attain the required level of expertise.

The first need involves acquiring the ability to perform an all-embracive analysis of essential external and internal influences shaping the performance of staff members. The second need is tied to the development of empathy as the platform for understanding employees’ needs and aspirations. Finally, the third need embraces the concept of creating a culture of continuous professional development to encourage employees to acquire new competencies.

Evolving Role of HR

With the introduction of new elements and theories into the HRM area, the role and responsibilities of an HR manager and the HR department, in general, take a different shape. Modifications to the role of the HR department allow one to maximize the utility of its performance and lay the foundation for a strong corporate philosophy and effective relationships in the workplace. While the role of an HR manager includes a vast variety of responsibilities, recent changes have made the focus shift toward raising employee engagement and loyalty as the issue on the agenda of the HR department.

In addition, to embrace the complexity of the modern HR agenda, managers have to consider the crucial external forces shaping the choices to which they are restricted in a diverse workplace. Traditionally, three major factors determining the selection of HRM strategies are singled out; these are the creation of a global talent market, the powerful technological change, and the promotion of collaboration across different departments and disciplines. Consequently, alterations in the HR function, the value chain of HR, and the strategies deployed by HR managers can be observed presently. Overall, the focus on fostering the professional growth in employees and introducing innovative talent management techniques as the vehicle for fostering corporate development and increasing profit margins can be observed. The described trend reflects the shift in the business philosophy and the recognition of the importance of human resources as the essential organizational asset.

In light of the described change in the global economic context, one may name the need for encompassing every aspect of a company’s performance and the influence of HR-related choices on the identified areas as one of the essential needs of an HR manager. In addition, acknowledging the huge role that technology currently plays in the successful implementation of HR strategies is a crucial need that has to be met. As an HR manager, one must embrace the opportunities that innovative IT tools provide for collecting feedback from employees, delivering important information to the target demographic, and structuring the dialogue within the corporate environment. Therefore, there is the need for incorporating IT and ICT innovations into the corporate context. Finally, the need to seek additional options for offering staff members professional development choices has arisen for HR managers. Managing these needs will allow one not only to raise one’s competency levels but also set the platform for employees’ development, thus investing in a company’s human resources.

Employee Engagement

For a company to perform well in the intended area, staff members have to be loyal and engaged in the corporate processes; otherwise, one can expect the quality of performance to drop. Higher employee engagement rates cause a positive change in staff turnover rates due to the rise in the level of loyalty in employees. Specifically, the promotion of engagement among staff members is tied intrinsically to organizational commitment, which manifests itself in higher levels of employee involvement and readiness to collaborate and communicate in the workplace. Therefore, strategies for employee engagement should be recognized as one of the crucial vehicles for encouraging corporate growth.

In order to promote employee engagement in a particular organizational setting, an HR manager has to foster the setting in which employer engagement is seen as a natural aspect of workplace relationships. Implying that employers should be more proactive in offering additional support to vulnerable groups regarding employment options and benefits, the described notion allows building employee engagement. As a result, the levels of organizational commitment and readiness to respond to emerging issues in a decision-making manner based on initiative and critical thinking will increase rapidly in the corporate setting.

In order to advance the phenomenon of employee engagement in the corporate context, an HR manager has to consider several crucial development needs that have to be met in order to prompt employee engagement. Specifically, the need to perform a regular assessment of employees needs and respond to them adequately deserves to be named among the key ones. Moreover, as an HR manager, one will need to create premises for a positive onboarding experience for staff members. Thus, new staff members will be more enthusiastic about their job, creating a change in the corporate culture. Finally, an HR manager has to meet the developmental need of restructuring employee relations to design a system of reciprocal communication between managers and staff members. The significance of the job of a line manager grows exponentially at the described stage of employee engagement since a lien manager serves as a mediator between staff members and the organization.

Human Resources Function

The HRM area has seen vast changes recently, the trend toward encompassing every possible aspect of a firm’s functioning in order to select a proper HRM framework being the key one. An all-embracive analysis of an organization, including the external and internal factors causing shifts in its performance has led to a massive shift in the perception of the HR function and the extent thereof in the corporate environment. As a result, the contemporary interpretation of the subject matter has begun to include the concepts as broad as contributing to the improvement of a company’s performance through respective changes in the organizational environment. The latter, in turn, is scrutinized as the entity affected by both external and internal factors.

To meet the described goals, HR managers need to deploy the frameworks that help to encompass broad organizational issues. For this reason, the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and Human Resource Management System (HRMS) have been designed as the method for controlling the impact of inward and outward influenced shaping the quality of staff’s performance. Consequently, the current trend in the HR function can be described as the increasing focus on maintaining the levels of employee satisfaction and engagement high to retain the competitive advantage and meet customers’ demands for quality.

In light of the changes mentioned above, the developmental needs of HR managers have suffered vast changes. For instance, the current focus on the skills for increasing emotional engagement and empathy as critical abilities can be noticed. Additionally, the need for locating the connections between different aspects of a company’s performance and linking them to the alterations in the HRM processes is an important developmental need that HR managers currently have. In a broader context, the identified need is connected to the necessity to acquire analytical skills for dissecting organizational issues in the workplace. Finally, gaining education required for building a cross-cultural conversation in the workplace has to be placed on the list of development needs faced by HR managers in the environment of the contemporary business. The lessons that HR managers will learn as a result will cause a change in the paradigm of workplace relationships toward a more accepting, culturally diverse setting.

CHRM and Organizational Performance

The improvement of performance quality remains one of the priorities that companies set in order to build a sustainable competitive advantage in the selected market. Thus, for a Certified Human resource Manager (CHRM), it is critical to seek the strategies for high-performance work (HPW) and building a culture of HPW that leads to the establishment of and high performance work organization (HPWO). Thus, the concept of improvements in organizational performance becomes institutionalized and internalized within the organizational environment, becoming a natural process for staff members. Consequently, premises for the continuous professional growth are set for employees.

The abundance of strategies that are expected to create system of HPW in the organizational context makes it comparatively easy for HR managers to control the factors defining the quality of delivered performances. For instance, the application of the Total Quality Management (TQM) system is quite common in organizations that attempt to pursue improved performance and distinguished results. In the described setting, the need for an HR manager to introduce motivation tools for controlling employees’ performance arises. Thus, seeking out innovative theoretical perspectives on staff motivation becomes an important developmental need of HR managers. Similarly, the described approach enables an HR manager to establish a system of sustained organizational performance (SOP) in the organization, leading to a gradual improvement in the levels of organizational performance. Thus, as an HR manager, one will have to pursue three developmental needs associated with the described notion, which include shaping the workplace culture toward an HPW-driven one, creating a role model that employees can follow, and learning to control changes in performance quality.

Reward Management

Since employee engagement and motivation are seen as central issues in modern HRM, managers have to design new methods of incentivizing employees for delivering better performances and developing loyalty toward their organization. Applying the specified knowledge to the context of a specific organizational environment, which is represented by the Emirates Group in this case, one has to admit that the update of the corporate benefit package suggests not only monetary incentives but also emotional feedback. Employees have to receive praise in order to remain motivated and continue to perform to the best extent of their abilities. For this purpose, incentives will be utilized to motivate employees.

Applying the analysis to the company in question, one will realize that the use of the reward management system will encourage staff members to improve the quality of their performance, thus leading to a change in the company’s current position in the selected market. Applying the existing tools for evaluating the company’s performance in the market and the advantages that it boasts compared to other rims, one will need to mention the technical aspect of the firm’s performance. The lack of diversity and a uniform leadership approach, in turn, currently represent the problems that the company will have to manage in order to keep the levels of its competitiveness in the selected area.

For an HR manager, some of the needs associated with the professional development will include exploring opportunities for multiplying incentives or staff members. In fact, the reconsideration of the reward system and the creation of a new one can be regarded as an important objective that will prompt a better understanding of incentives in a firm. The second need includes acquiring the ability to integrate complex company analysis tools into the assessment of a firm’s competitiveness rate. Finally, the third need represents the urge to build the environment in which employees will receive both financial reward and praise for their accomplishments.

Resourcing and Talent Planning

The notion of talent planning and the associated concerns are quite similar across different labor markets, yet differences in legal frameworks of specific countries set boundaries for the selection of specific resourcing and talent planning techniques. In the UAE context, the described processes condition the labor market to be characterized as loose due to medium levels of employment and an increase in the amount of money paid to employees in private and especially public organizations. Additionally, the UAE market can be described as not quite young since most organizations tend to prioritize professional characteristics of candidates over their age. Comparing the UAE labor market to the one of the U.S., one will notice that the situation in the latter is significantly different, with the propensity toward tightening being one of the most frequently mentioned descriptions of the American labor economy.

In light of the information described above, the developmental needs of an HR manager include the necessity to create a flexible and effective tool for workforce planning. Given the fact that the organization in question may fail to find the experts of the required level of proficiency in the labor market, it is essential for an HR manager to meet the developmental needs of effective workforce planning, application of a needs analysis, and the promotion of professional growth in staff members.

Employee Retention

To build a long-term framework for managing its performance in the target market, an organization has to invest in its employees and their professional development, as well as the improvement of the workplace environment. A rise in turnover rates will jeopardize the plan to encourage the acquisition of new skills in staff members and investment in their development. Therefore, tools for employee retention have to be designed for a company to create a strong and loyal employee base. Alterations to the workplace environment and introduction of new benefits are the essential steps toward increasing retention rates. As long as staff members are aware of the efforts that their organization makes in order to keep their needs satisfied and are able to provide feedback, opportunities for retention rates to keep increasing will remain numerous. Thus, the development needs of an HR manager in the specified domain include a proper understanding of cultural and economic factors causing a drop in retention, the awareness of the strategies for increasing retention, and the use of tools for measuring changes in employee turnover.

Overall Summary

The significance of the role that the HR function plays in the corporate setting has grown over years, making companies to shape the tools used for addressing employee-related issues. AA better understanding of the factors that affect employee engagement and motivation is currently needed for companies to build a strong team of experts and keep performance levels high. Therefore, as an HR manager, one should consider expanding their skill set and applying innovative strategies for addressing the needs of staff members. With the application of motivation theories and the change of corporate values toward an employee-oriented HPW system, one will be able to sustain a strong competitive advantage in the UAE market.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, October 19). Managing Human Resources in the Organizational Context.

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"Managing Human Resources in the Organizational Context." BusinessEssay, 19 Oct. 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Managing Human Resources in the Organizational Context'. 19 October.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Managing Human Resources in the Organizational Context." October 19, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Managing Human Resources in the Organizational Context." October 19, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Managing Human Resources in the Organizational Context." October 19, 2022.