Business-Related Documentary Film Analysis

Introduction section

The world of corporate culture comprises not only economical or financial issues, but also regulates the social development. The thing is that the interests of the most powerful persons in the United States and other countries are placed higher than the well-being of a nation. The paper indicates the main ideas of several documentaries, so as to outline the major points in the business. Furthermore, the purpose of the paper considers the analysis of current flows in the business and corporate interests. Owing to the negative slant in the policy and decision-making of corporations the intentions toward healthier food and nutrition as well as cleaner and safer environment are not determined. Thus the paper is divided into additional four sections. Several documentaries are represented in each section, so that to evaluate the whole idea of corporate negative influence on society.

Reviewing documentaries

Looking at the three documentaries, namely The Corporation, Supersize Me, and American Jobs, there appears a thought about the mechanisms which regulate Americans’ lives. These mechanisms are related to the objectives of capitalism for the spread of business. The thing is that the corporations are motivated by supposed profits. This is why it is vital to analyze suchlike business-related documentaries in terms of their appliance to the US reality.

The treatment of business does not reflect the mistrust of the society. The thing is that in the era of technological innovations and high service management the idea of care about a customer is highlighted among companies. The leaders of big businesses correlate customers’ hopes to their production lines. This is made for so-called programming on the product significance. Individuals do not even notice such psychological tricks from the side of major players in the food industry.

This is why most of the customers are caught in the trap of marketing technologies. Advertisements also provide a vision for a customer in so-called originality and use of the product. Thereupon, such points on labeling and branding promote the cultural and traditional peculiarities of the nation or its new generations of people. This connection is too firm. It is difficult then to designate an individual from his preferences gained using the initial societal trends.

The contents of the documentaries provide a reasonable evaluation of the time. In the United States the corporate spirit for gaining more profits does not rely on the human or ethical factors. This is outer the rational understanding of the current situation in the country. It seems like “sink or swim”, and nobody will care about an individual life, except this very individual. People just express their positive attitude toward the business. It is seen in one of the documentaries when the terrific statistics are announced. It concerns the fact that every fourth American visits fast-food restaurants, like McDonald’s or Pizza Hut (Supersize Me, 2006). Documentaries also represent the positive reflection of the society on the corporate impacts and the use of them. It is a paradox, but it projects the reality of time.

The negative depictions of business continue due to several reasons. First, notwithstanding the modern styles in management, the main point of business according to three films is a definite product. This is why the product and the advertisement drive the progress of the business. It is spread worldwide nowadays. Modern management styles solely provide better provision of the buying power. This is why the result is more significant due to the sufficient process in the personnel’s work and its proficiency as well. On the other hand, this flow of corporative influence is so high owing to the long history of capitalism in the United States. Its shapes and impacts are felt in every kind of activity among Americans.

The filmmakers are radical and highly critical of the business. First of all, it is because of the reason for suchlike documentaries. The problems of ethical and health domains are considered in the films. So they are the requests on the corporate cultures which neglect the customers’ well-being and approach on humane at all. It is rather fair when the publicity just criticizes the actions of corporations using mass media. It is a real challenge for filmmakers, because mass media in most points represents the interests of corporations in numerous advertisements. Thus, the liberal attitude of filmmakers would not make weather.

Moreover, their discussion in the documentaries is strong in arguments. Films are full of the reality’s analysis as for the corporate hegemony in the US and worldwide. The voice of narrators and their written remarks are full of irony and sarcasm. This is why each of the filmmakers criticizes the business’s approaches in current and further times.

The documentaries surely influence the attitudes of Canadians. It is because Canada is related to the USA using the trade agreements. Thus, the global impacts of major national corporations are inevitable for Canada. Furthermore, the multiculturalism is also particular for the country. In this respect it is vital to note that the pluralism of opinions is applicable for Canadians. The documentaries provide not only the American truth but the world’s trends in choosing food and in experiencing corporate supremacy over peoples’ lives.

Canada is one of the major partners of the United States. Thus, the documentaries help make some probable changes in the trade agreements and conventions as of the import of American fast-food products. However, in Canada, there are lots of fast foods. So the films may serve for Canada, as one more additional warning for people to think over their food choices.

Who killed the electric car?

The documentary reflects the social problem of the ecological safety and improvements in the country. The electric car is the way out in this uneasy situation with the consumption of oil. The thing is that there is a great contradiction between the owners of energy inputs and followers of the “greenest” way for transportation. The ethical approach in the paper works out that most people got accustomed to consuming oil, that any change toward electric energy will be odd. Such dramatic evaluation of the situation gives all points for stating the paradoxical attitude of the Americans toward implementation of new safer kind of vehicle. This is why the irony in the film provides the idea that people intentionally killed the electric car. Such observation of the first minutes in the film gives ground for rethinking the main causes for the situation.

The documentary provides a concise, but rich content analysis of the automobile industry in America. The accuracy in the depiction represents appropriate visual aids and sound background for making emphasis on the main problem in the film. Documentary is short in time, because the authors seem to promote main idea using some remarks and written slogans. The business affairs are depicted in the film with somehow severed information. In other words, there are solely assumptions about the business (in the oil sphere) and its priorities. It is too difficult to ignore the oil traders and their influence in the automobile market.

The discussion in the documentary is built upon the negative evaluation of the business itself. In fact, it is represented in the film as the main obstacle toward such qualitative change. So no doubts that in the discussion provided in the documentary the business gets a bad rap. It is even emphasized with a point which constitutes that big interests are inevitable for the automobile industry. The business in oil field is considered to be the main deterrent for the electrical automobile industry.

However, the documentary makes a correct assertion as of the ‘evil doers’ in the issue. The thing is that suchlike work dedicated toward global problems was not logically just about one firm or company. Big interests were touched upon. This made a resonance that interrupted the public opinion. There are no hints or hidden senses in the dispute represented in the documentary. Everything is given in the direct estimation calling things by their proper names. The authors make several attempts to involve a viewer in the roots of the subject matter. Thus, the idea of oil corporations that are dominant in the US and overseas is highlighted. This objectivity makes it easier to understand the global scope of the issue.

The selection of actors is chosen according to the predominant stereotypes about the businessmen within the population of the US. The actors are represented according to their particular physical peculiarities and manners as well. Fat and audacious, they enhance the reputation of businesspersons. However, the evaluation of their activities and restrictions which they provide makes one think of the diminished selection of actors. Hence, the authors are apt to illustrate this significant feature in the film with applicable accuracy in actors’ outlook and their manner to speak.

As far as it can be seen, the main “good deed” of business for today is that it was capable once to provide people with transportation means with combustion engines. This feature met customers’ appreciation. In fact, car companies of America and the world made this country the most transportable. This is why the positive side is in the fact that there is no essential problem in the transportation issue. Along with the production of cars it stimulated the building of roads. This is why this feature pretends to be outlined as positive regarding business.

This documentary serves as a supporting means for making the situation a bit improved. The electric vehicle should be put in the production line. However, there may be several agreements between car and oil companies that definitely exclude the probability of electric machinery on roads. Thus, the film is strict and straightforward in arguments for the electric cars. This obviously would serve as the impulse for car producers. In this respect one cannot say with a mere extent of assurance that oil companies will take the message in the documentary for granted. Looking at the business system in the US, it is hard to state that the documentary will influence it.

The system is a huge mechanism that involves a lot of influence and influential people as well. Such people surely have mandates for power in business, politics, and mass media. Sharing supposedly the financial resources, they hardly listen to the common sense. Notwithstanding, the film has enough arguments for insistence on the change in automobile industry.

Fixing Capitalism

When the capitalist structure fails in its firmness, there should be the immediate changes. The discussion in the analyzed documentary considers the significance of tripartite direction for a contemporary corporation. It is represented in economical, ethical, and environmental performance. Thus, the main character in the film, Adam Cormier, discusses the appropriate ways for the capitalism not to be destructed. The real survey on the capitalism, as it is, has drawbacks in the ethical and environmental aspects.

The supposed profits, as it was stated above, are the main stimuli in the corporate design of work. However, the publicity suffers from such ignorance of ecological and ethical concepts by the high and mighties. The examples of huge corporations are identified in a negative slant owing to the remarkable positioning of companies in their profitability, but not in concernment about higher values. All in all, to fix capitalism means to replenish the social and environmental knowledge about the nature and humanity living in its “domain”.

Concluding section

Restating all documentaries in the paper, it is apparent that the business is dominating over the peoples’ lives in the capitalist society. Another point considers that the trends of business are directed toward more gains and profitability as well. The hazardous effects of what is produced for a man are described particularly in the documentary Supersize Me. The urge of McDonald’s-like companies to imposition the allegedly useful food has hidden motives lacking ethical and environmental approaches. This is why it is hard to provide treatment for the business due to its difficult structure and tools which influence it.

However, the business should be concerned, because it became a part of peoples’ everyday life not only in America but worldwide. Business is the sphere of peoples’ relations and communication. This is why people forget about the ethical and environmental approaches when facing with the necessity for proper living. In other words, people themselves do not want to risk their jobs even if the product is dangerous for life. This concerns the corporative structures and their culture to take care of the customer so that to make business take care of it.

For the improvement of the situation, the social position of conscientious in this issue people should be high. It is to be everywhere – in mass media, at homes, in the workplace. Such unpopular means are the ultimate “weapon” to make the system begin to show signs of strain. On the other hand, the business should point out that human values are ignored due to their activities. The business leaders should bear in mind that sooner or later the power of the nation in its quantitative evaluation will destruct their amenities. The documentaries are solely the beginning of such a trend in social relations. Sooner or later people will apparently become conscious about the threats of corporations.


American Jobs. (2008). Web.

Fixing Capitalism. (2008). Web.

Super Size Me. (2006). Web.

The Corporation. (2006). Web.

Who Killed The Electric Car? (2006). Web.

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BusinessEssay. (2022, December 7). Business-Related Documentary Film Analysis.

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"Business-Related Documentary Film Analysis." BusinessEssay, 7 Dec. 2022,


BusinessEssay. (2022) 'Business-Related Documentary Film Analysis'. 7 December.


BusinessEssay. 2022. "Business-Related Documentary Film Analysis." December 7, 2022.

1. BusinessEssay. "Business-Related Documentary Film Analysis." December 7, 2022.


BusinessEssay. "Business-Related Documentary Film Analysis." December 7, 2022.