Analysis Mentoring Effectiveness

The company’s success, dictated by its employees’ professionalism, always leads to expansion sooner or later. The expansion implies more jobs, and the transfer of experience in this situation is necessary to maintain the company’s growth rate. Support not only for operational, and financial, and reputational activities directly depends on the results of this training since when making commercial offers, young employees will act as the face of the company. In order to analyze this issue in more detail for presentation to management, five research questions need to be formulated.

The first question is: is the expansion of the company always accompanied by an increase in profits?

Reynolds, N. S., & Holt, D. (2021). Sustainable development and profit? A sensemaking perspective on hybrid organizations and their founders. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(4), 2147-2159. Web.

Current trends suggest a critical attitude to the company’s environmental and social responsibility reputation. The authors emphasize that the development of the company and its profit are constantly associated with reputation factors that they affect to the same extent as the company’s operating activities.

Ajayi, O. A., & Olaniyan, T. A. (2019). Contextual understanding and utilization of entrepreneurial leadership in business development. American Journal of Management, 19(3), 11-18.

In addition, an essential point in understanding the company’s expansion is leadership. The company’s further development depends on management decisions, as expansion can take place according to various scenarios. Finally, the leader can supervise the mentoring process and directly participate in it, in connection with which the leadership style also determines the profit in business over a long distance, according to the authors of this article.

Rahayu, S. M. (2019). Mediation affects financial performance towards influences of corporate growth and asset utilization. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(5), 981-996. Web.

Finally, another factor that highlights the company’s growth and, as a result, profit is the proper management of assets and their efficient use. Proper use of assets can increase the market value of a corporation, which is actually reflected in the growth of the entire company. Financial indicators grow as the company’s assets grow better in quantitative and dynamic terms.

The second question is: how effective is mentoring within the company?

Tsyganov, V. (2019). Tutoring mechanisms of business management. In 2019 IEEE 21st Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) (Vol. 2, pp. 60-67). IEEE. Web.

Adaptive business management mechanisms under conditions of uncertainty are based on a cognitive approach and take into account the human factor. The more likely events are known, the better the mentorship goes. The stability of the company is a fundamental factor in this matter.

Ranaweera, P. P. P. V., & Nishanthi, H. M. (2018). The impact of mentoring on job satisfaction: A study of operative level employees in ABC company limited. 5th HRM Student Research Symposium 2018, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

Proper mentoring can improve employee job satisfaction if an employee feels like a part of the company, a vital link, and efficiency increases. The mentoring mechanism allows for speeding up this process, but it remains a relatively resource-intensive method.

Baran, M. (2018). Design mentoring approach in companies in Poland. Contemporary Economics, 12(3), 285-300.

Mentoring can be highly effective within a company and help achieve all goals. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define the roles of participants and their duties and rights. As a result, each employee understands how to act, and there is knowledge of the zone of his influence.

The third question: does a new employee always have to be young?

VilÄŤiauskaitÄ—, B., SavaneviÄŤienÄ—, A., & Navickas, V. (2020). Managing older talents in the context of an aging society. Economics and Sociology, 13(4), 213-226. Web.

Mentoring older employees have specific problems in the future. However, at the same time, age talents have greater career mobility, experience, and often an understanding of critical issues. The authors argue that training such employees is more accessible and less resource-intensive.

Robinson, R. A. (2021). Mentoring in life and science. In African American Chemists: Academia, Industry, and Social Entrepreneurship (pp. 103-116). American Chemical Society. Web.

Older employees appreciate the very idea and essence of mentoring more. The value orientation, in this case, serves as a severe foundation of trust in the mentor, which increases efficiency. Young employees, as a rule, have different motives and values.

Garringer, M., & Benning, C. (2019). Fueling a relationship movement: Employers’ critical role in growing and supporting youth mentoring in America. MENTOR: National Mentoring Partnership.

However, young people are still being relied upon, taking into account the professional preparedness of an experienced mentor. In other words, the high qualification of the mentor, both in the main operational activity and in the pedagogical one, plays a vital role in the preparation of young people.

The fourth question: how to create a compelling commercial offer?

Arli, D., Bauer, C., & Palmatier, R. W. (2018). Relational selling: Past, present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 169-184. Web.

A good proposal is a compromise or balance between solid relationships built on proven methods and personalization, partly improvisation in operations. The conditions for effectiveness are almost always individual, but the fundamental theoretical foundations rarely differ. Differences are manifested just in practice, in the direct work on each client’s proposal.

Wei, M. M., & Zhang, F. (2018). Advance selling to strategic consumers: Preorder contingent production strategy with advance selling target. Production and Operations Management, 27(7), 1221-1235. Web.

The availability of a product or service and the reduction of time for production, delivery, and implementation are the most critical factors in competitiveness. Pre-sales based on strategic consumer behavior is a promising scheme for creating sales offers that capture the customer. According to the authors, Foresight prevails over momentary profit and, as a result, can bring much more with a preventive sales strategy.

Kwak, H., Anderson, R. E., Leigh, T. W., & Bonifield, S. D. (2019). Impact of salesperson macro-adaptive selling strategy on job performance and satisfaction. Journal of Business Research, 94, 42-55. Web.

There are approaches focused on the seller himself. The employee must be involved in the work process and satisfied with the results. In this case, external factors and the sales environment are of secondary importance and offers to customers become more and more effective.

Fifth question: how to create an effective mentoring program?

Giacumo, L. A., Chen, J., & Seguinot-Cruz, A. (2020). Evidence on the use of mentoring programs and practices to support workplace learning: A systematic multiple-studies review. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 33(3), 259-303. Web.

The performance of individual employees, coupled with mentoring programs, does not always translate into positive performance for the entire company. If the mentors themselves are employees of the company, then they must devote time to the student, sacrificing operational activities. This issue requires more systematic research, according to the authors.

Mullen, C. A., & Klimaitis, C. C. (2021). Defining mentoring: A literature review of issues, types, and applications. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1483(1), 19-35. Web.

Mentoring ceases to be a simple concept and acquires a complex background. According to the authors, mentoring is deep, equal learning with transformative social value. Effective programs necessarily include social, psychological, value, and cultural aspects.

Ghosh, R., & Manongsong, A. M. (2021). Designing and studying mentoring programs: Review and discussion. Handbook of Research Methods in Careers, 120-137. Web.

An effective mentoring program includes a necessary theoretical foundation. Behind it, research data and related variables are highlighted during the mentoring process itself. Finally, the experimental process itself must have a monitoring and evaluation system to constantly monitor the student’s progress and the mentor’s work.

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BusinessEssay. (2023, January 14). Analysis Mentoring Effectiveness.

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BusinessEssay. "Analysis Mentoring Effectiveness." January 14, 2023.