10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples

Some brands send letters and hand flyers to their potential customers. Others use social media promotion. Why is that? Well, they’re using push and pull strategies, which are very different from each other.

Want to know what these are? Keep reading, and don’t forget to check out our examples!

🔝 Top 10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples

  1. Nelson & Prada Company's New Product Launch
  2. Saudi Telecom Company's Knowledge Management Plan
  3. International Marketing in the Parker Pen
  4. Garuda Indonesia Airlines: International Marketing
  5. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.: Company Analysis
  6. Forecast/Budget/Control in Health Care Marketing
  7. Amazon.com Firm's Supply Chain Management
  8. Disney's Competitive Strategy Analysis
  9. Adidas Company’s Marketing Strategy

↔️ What Is Push and Pull Strategy?

Push and pull are promotional strategies that marketers can utilize. These two different tactics can be used as a combination or separately. Businesses have different goals in mind, which dictate whether to choose a push or pull strategy for marketing.

Why Use Both Pull and Push Strategy?

Using both approaches is called a push-pull strategy, and it is a great option. For example, a company can use push strategy to send goods to warehouses, and then turn to pull-based system for sales. Using the right technology is essential in achieving this.

What Is an Advantage of Following the Push and Pull Strategy?

Push marketing strategy helps customers know that a brand exists and is active in the market. It allows for long-term planning and better control. Pull strategy has benefits such as lower cost and higher service levels.

🆚 Difference between Push and Pull Strategy

Although both strategies have similarities, there are some key differences.

⬅️ Push strategy ➡️ Pull strategy
  • When using push marketing strategy, you are essentially pushing your product upstream through distribution. It’s also necessary to incentivize each party in the supply chain to move the product forward.
  • Push strategy examples include radio commercials, events, and street banners. These strategies are often difficult to measure and also expensive to implement. They are not likely to contribute to efficient distribution for businesses with an average marketing budget.
  • The basic idea of a pull strategy is to increase demand for a product and allow the consumer to stumble upon the brand themselves when browsing social media or looking for information.
  • There are also digital pull strategies that help to target customers and also measure the results. For instance, an advertisement of your product creates an appeal and demand for your business, forcing consumers to go to retailers to look for that product.

👍 Best Push and Pull Strategy Examples

Have a look at how various companies use push and pull strategies separately or in combination.

Dunkin’ Donuts Push and Pull Strategy

One example of push marketing is one employed by Dunkin’ Donuts. The company gave coupons to people who responded to online and radio station ads in the Boston area. As a result, a huge number of people redeemed these free coupons, tried the food, and became returning customers.

Harley-Davidson Push and Pull Strategy

Harley-Davidson advertises a lifestyle people desire. Lifestyle marketing is a pull strategy, and Harley-Davidson depicts the ultimate desire to be a free soul and ride off into the sunset.  

Tesla Push and Pull Strategy

Tesla relies on a push strategy for marketing. It includes selling cars directly in mall showrooms and spreading awareness through word of mouth. Thanks to tremendous brand loyalty, Tesla doesn’t need expensive advertising.

Amazon Push and Pull Strategy

Amazon uses both approaches. The push strategy involves placing warehouses near city centers. It helps make people interested in what’s stored inside these warehouses. Amazon also uses a pull strategy when it sells goods from third-party sellers. 

Other companies with great push and pull strategies include:

  • Netflix 
  • Disney 
  • Sony 

These push and pull strategy examples will provide enough inspiration for your business case study!

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BusinessEssay. (2024, May 11). 10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples. https://business-essay.com/strategies/push-and-pull-strategy-research-paper-examples/

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"10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples." BusinessEssay, 11 May 2024, business-essay.com/strategies/push-and-pull-strategy-research-paper-examples/.


BusinessEssay. (2024) '10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples'. 11 May.


BusinessEssay. 2024. "10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples." May 11, 2024. https://business-essay.com/strategies/push-and-pull-strategy-research-paper-examples/.

1. BusinessEssay. "10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples." May 11, 2024. https://business-essay.com/strategies/push-and-pull-strategy-research-paper-examples/.


BusinessEssay. "10 Push and Pull Strategy Examples." May 11, 2024. https://business-essay.com/strategies/push-and-pull-strategy-research-paper-examples/.