89 Nokia Research Topics & Essay Examples

đź“ť Nokia Research Papers Examples

  1. Nokia Company's Strategic Market Management
    Business essay sample: As a mobile handset manufacturer, Nokia has had to face stiff competition from other market players, the company needs a change of strategy to remain a competitive in future.
  2. Goals, Objectives, & Vision of Nokia Company
    Business essay sample: What are the goals and objectives of Nokia company? 📲 Nokia adopted the corporate structure in 2003 due to market needs. 📊 Read more about Nokia’s mission and vision in this paper! 👉
  3. Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
    Business essay sample: The work analyzes the role that managers' effectiveness and HR development play in improving the performance of the employees and the realization of an organization's goals.
  4. Knowledge Management Theories at Nokia
    Business essay sample: Knowledge management at Nokia follows the connectionism theory and the knowledge spiral model. They inform most of the decisions taken in the case study.
  5. Nokia Company's Success Exploration
    Business essay sample: Nokia group consist of four key businesses which include; mobile phones, multimedia, networks and enterprise solutions.
  6. Nokia Change Management & Organizational Changes
    Business essay sample: Investigating Nokia change management? 📟 Nokia has undergone organizational changes that have transformed it from a small manufacturing company to a leading corporation. 🏆 Read this paper to learn about Nokia organizational strategy, failures, and other transformations. 🗞️
  7. Assessment of Nokia Group as a Corporate Global Company
    Business essay sample: The main objective of this paper is to evaluate Nokia Group as a corporate global company, which determines its success as a single case study.
  8. International Management and Diversity Factor
    Business essay sample: As globalization and competition continue to affect businesses, diversity training becomes a strategic tool that organizations can use to foster sustainable growth.
  9. Nokia Marketing Plan Analysis
    Business essay sample: Nokia, the pioneer of mobile phone producers in the whole world, has many differentiated products. This report is a marketing plan concerning to market these products.
  10. Nokia Company's History and Analysis
    Business essay sample: This research will provide a short description of the Nokia company, the reason behind choosing this particular company, its target market, and the current situation of Nokia.
  11. JIT: Strategic Plan and Implementation
    Business essay sample: Incorporating strategies to support the global strategy will undoubtedly see the emergence of another formidable player in the production of prepaid cell phones.
  12. Nokia - The Global Mobile Communications
    Business essay sample: Nokia is a multinational corporation that has dominated mobile manufacturing and sales in the world. It was ranked in fifth place by Interbrand in 2009.
  13. Nokia Wireless Headphones' Marketing Management
    Business essay sample: This paper will seek to develop a marketing strategy that Nokia will use in its new model of wireless headphones.
  14. Nokia's Integrated Marketing Communication & Brand Building
    Business essay sample: The IMC strategy is important for a company, like Nokia, which is interested in penetrating the market aggressively by using IMC tools.
  15. Nokia: Market Planning
    Business essay sample: Segmentation, targeting and positioning are the most important elements in marketing. Segmentation helps to identify market segments where a product can be marketed.
  16. Managing Organizational Change: Company Focus
    Business essay sample: Technological advances and a dynamic business environment have led to the significant rise of organizational resources in the whole world.
  17. Examples of Right and Wrong Decisions in Marketing
    Business essay sample: Discussion about how marketing is defined in terms of satisfying customers' needs and wants on examples of companies.Examples of right and wrong decisions in marketing.
  18. Approaches to Strategy and Strategic Management Plan
    Business essay sample: Determining the strategic management framework for the appropriate managerial levels within an organization is a vital step in meeting its needs and ensuring that it is run appropriately.
  19. Ratios Analysis of Nokia & Motorolla
    Business essay sample: The essay analysis is written with a view of learning more about Nokia and Motorola and uncovering why one is a market leader and the other is merely a peripheral player.
  20. Financial Analysis of Nokia Corporation
    Business essay sample: This paper aims to carry out a comprehensive financial analysis of the financial statements of Nokia Corporation and draw inferences on the financial status of the corporation.
  21. The Logistics Management of the Nokia Company
    Business essay sample: Nokia company has excelled in customer response through proper planning and very accurate logistics management strategies.
  22. Quality Integration in Nokia’s Logistical Process
    Business essay sample: Logistical management in Nokia is made possible through the company's commitment to quality, it is through quality that Nokia can have a competitive edge.
  23. Are the Nokia Company’s Facilities Designed for Logistics Efficiency
    Business essay sample: This paper looks at Nokia company logistics, which, leads the entire world in as much as mobile devices manufacturing is concerned.
  24. Nokia Company’s Transportation System
    Business essay sample: Nokia company's success is heavily dependent on a transportation system that allows a large capacity at a minimum cost.
  25. Nokia: Implementing and Validating the Quality System
    Business essay sample: Quality management (QM) allows companies to present products or services with consistent quality as a result of standardization and simplification of work.
  26. Nokia: Entrepreneurial Firm's Growth Mismanagement
    Business essay sample: The history of Nokia, a more than century-old company, comprises a variety of spheres in which the company conducted its activities.
  27. Nokia vs. Apple: Comparing Competitors
    Business essay sample: This comparative analysis will focus on Nokia and its competitor Apple with an emphasis on the topology of innovation, leadership, and organizational structure as well as culture.
  28. Nokia’s Supply Chain Management
    Business essay sample: The presented project is devoted to the in-depth analysis of Nokia’s supply chain as an example of technologies’ integration, optimization, and sustainability management.
  29. Nokia Corporation's Financial Performance
    Business essay sample: Nokia Corporation uses the current ratio, or a liquidity ratio, to determine the company's capacity to satisfy its numerous short-term obligations.

🏆 Best Nokia Essay Titles

  1. Nokia’s Strategy and Tactics of Two Sides of the Reason and Purpose
  2. Changing Business Environment for the Nokia Company
  3. Examining Nokia’s Brand Identity and Positioning
  4. Finland and Nokia: Creating the World’s Most Competitive Economy
  5. International Business: How Nokia Seeks Global Business
  6. Management Strategy and Practice of the Nokia Corporation
  7. Marketing Mix and the Brand Reputation of Nokia
  8. Market Segmentation of Nokia
  9. Nokia and Smartphone Marketing Plan
  10. Nokia: Business Details, Marketing Strategies, and Analysis
  11. Nokia Company: Organisation and Profitability
  12. Nokia Crisis Management Analysis
  13. Nokia: General Business Environment and Value Chain Analysis
  14. Nokia: How Branding Has Contributed to Its Success
  15. Nokia Human Resource Management Analysis
  16. Nokia; Innovation and Market Shifts
  17. Nokia Internal and External Problems
  18. Nokia Mission Statement Overview
  19. Nokia Multinational Communications Corporation
  20. Nokia New Product Development
  21. Nokia Pricing Strategy Overview
  22. Nokia Product Design Analysis
  23. Nokia Product Life Cycle and Blue Ocean Strategy
  24. Nokia: Still Not Ready to Accept Its Failure
  25. Nokia Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturers of Mobile
  26. Organisational Culture and Values at Nokia
  27. Product and Innovation Management of Nokia
  28. Social and Environmental Sustainability In Nokia’s Business Activities
  29. Strategic Human Resource Management Case Nokia
  30. Strategic Issues for Nokia: Formation and Planning
  31. Strategic Plan For the Intended Growth of Nokia
  32. Supply Chain Analysis of Nokia Company
  33. The Internal Reasons for Nokia’s Failure and the Multidimensional External Forces That Brought Changes to Nokia
  34. The Nokia and Samsung Brand Personality
  35. Business Model Dramatically Transformation at Nokia
  36. The Nokia SWOT Analysis
  37. The Rise and Fall of Nokia
  38. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Nokia
  39. Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of Nokia
  40. Different Cultural Issues that Nokia Will Face

âť“ Nokia Research Questions

  1. What Actions or Lack of Actions Contributed to Nokia’s Fast Decline?
  2. What Measures Would You Recommend to Nokia to Eliminate the Marketing of Fake Nokia Handsets?
  3. What Political Riks Does Nokia Face in Asia?
  4. What Strategic Mistakes Did Nokia Make in the US Market?
  5. Why Has Segmentation Been a Successful Marketing Strategy for Nokia?
  6. Why Are Nokia Sales Declining?
  7. What Was Nokia’s Business Model?
  8. What Is Nokia’s Competitive Advantage?
  9. How Is Nokia Still in Business?
  10. What Is Nokia’s Strategy?
  11. Can Nokia Bounce Back, and How Does the Company Make Money Today?
  12. Can Nokia Make a Comeback?
  13. Is Nokia Failing Again?
  14. Is Nokia Really Indestructible?
  15. What Causes the Downfall of Nokia?
  16. Will Nokia Rise Again and Become the Top Company?
  17. Will Nokia Bounce Back in the Smartphones Market?
  18. What Should Nokia Do to Revive Its Market?
  19. What Problems Have Nokia Company and What Solutions?
  20. What Was Nokia’s Biggest Mistake?

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BusinessEssay. (2025, January 28). 89 Nokia Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://business-essay.com/companies/nokia-research-topics/

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"89 Nokia Research Topics & Essay Examples." BusinessEssay, 28 Jan. 2025, business-essay.com/companies/nokia-research-topics/.


BusinessEssay. (2025) '89 Nokia Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 28 January.


BusinessEssay. 2025. "89 Nokia Research Topics & Essay Examples." January 28, 2025. https://business-essay.com/companies/nokia-research-topics/.

1. BusinessEssay. "89 Nokia Research Topics & Essay Examples." January 28, 2025. https://business-essay.com/companies/nokia-research-topics/.


BusinessEssay. "89 Nokia Research Topics & Essay Examples." January 28, 2025. https://business-essay.com/companies/nokia-research-topics/.