The Importance of Human Resource Program Implementation


With the current trends in commercial activities, the importance of human resource capital has been of high consideration. This is in the realization of the role played by the workers in an organization. In all organizations, the leadership styles are determined and promoted by various theories in which the corporate governance uses various leadership techniques to guide their workers in the organization’s attempts to achieve its goals. The well-being of the organization is, therefore, dependent on the relationship between the management and the workers. In the corporate governance system, the aspect of organizational behavior will therefore rise. Organizational behavior relates to how the relationship between the management and the workers is defined. With this concept, various organizational aspects will arise in correspondence to how this organization will undertake its activities towards achieving its goals. Therefore, depending on the nature of the organizational behavior, various sets of adaptations by the organization are instituted which will therefore help it to achieve its goals and missions.

In many organizations, the office of human resource management plays a predominant role in executing various strategies and programs aimed at improving the performance of the workforce. With various technicalities and ways to improve the workforce performance phenomena, therefore, this department offers various tools that may however vary from one department to another due to diversity in corporate goals and objectives. In most of the tools used by HR for the administration of employees’ service to the organization, their core purpose is to formulate a basis of motivation to the workers, which will thus foster improved productivity, and performance of the employees to the organization. Generally, these programs involve motivational relations comprising of incentives, improved working conditions, better services, and improved relationships between the management and the employees. (Moss, 2000).

Workers pension retirement program

Within my organization, employees’ motivational schemes are not an exception. Various implementation programs have been instituted by my organization that has perhaps emphasized the current state of good business prospects.

The recent development of the worker’s pension insurance scheme is perhaps the biggest in the human resource management within my organization. This is an insurance scheme aimed at providing retirement benefits for the workers at their retirement. This was a program developed in the realization of the importance attached to the use of incentives in the promotion of workers’ productivity within an organization.

Role of HR in the program planning

Within an organization, the aspect of managerial tasks is an important tool in every aspect of attempting to execute its various strategies. To my organization, various managerial tasks have been used to synthesize the achievement of the above insurance scheme program. For its achievements of the program however passed through a well-spelled planning strategy by the HR department.

The planning aspect of this program is captured by many parameters. In all corporate activities, planning is an important factor, which is employed by management in trying to strike a relationship between its resource volume and the respective goals and missions to achieve. This is in the realization of the aspect of limited resources within the organization’s framework, coupled with the various goals and objectives to meet as targets. With the limitation in the parameters of the resources, therefore, the HR department waged the use of planning as an important tool for the achievement of the program targets. (Variyan, David, 1993).

The aspect of planning was mainly geared towards formulating an analysis of the relationship between the program implementation and the respective role it would play in ensuring the organization’s achievement of its goals. To the department, the program was to act as a motivation for the workers towards increased productivity hence efficiency and quality of activities. With an improved motivation, therefore, the workers can have a positive attitude towards their work. Within the planning stage, the department related the various employees’ salary scales with a feature of a monthly contribution towards a pension scheme and the possible relevance of such activity towards the employees themselves and the organization in achieving its goals. (Schippman, 1999). Therefore, the program is comprised of two variables in consideration; one, the employees benefit relation and the broad effect on the companies output and growth goals.

In recent years, the organization has been overwhelmed by the goal of increased expansion and output which would perhaps imply overseas expansion with increasing quality and quantity of output. However, in the management review on the factors to consider in achieving this, the aspect of the role played by the workers was not an exception to consideration. However, with its diversity in activities, this aspect was left to the HR department which is more concerned with the employee relations to the organization. (Kay, 1995).

To the HR department, planning of the program followed a research study into the relations of the prevailing conditions of employees and the organization’s current state of the output. In its findings, however, the prevailing neglect to the good working conditions and incentives by the workers was perhaps the main contribution to the low output and couple of organization’s inefficiencies embraced by this organization. In its recommendation, therefore, employee motivation and incentive would have been the main implements to fight this low state of activity.

In planning for the program an analysis of the broad aspects of employee motivation and use of incentives was considered. To the department, employee motivation was deeply rooted in the corporate governance of the organization. With the general aspects of corporate governance, the organization’s behavior was thus defined in terms of the parameters ascribed to the nature of the organization. Employees played an important role in the realization of its goals and objectives. With any intention of increased growth, this was, therefore, to be sanctioned by an increased motivation to the employees’ contribution towards the aspects. To the department, the organizational behavior defined the leadership aspect. With various styles, therefore, the conflict theory within an organization was thus to develop. Broadly, employee motivation helps to minimize conflict between themselves and the organization. The worth of an organization is defined in terms of the content of conflict working within the key aspects of the organization. (Lious, 2000).

Since the program was beneficial to both the employees and the organization in achieving its goals, its implementation was to be a motivation for both of the parties. However, the benefits were to be embraced by the parties on different grounds. Firstly, to the employees, the program was an incentive and a motivation that not only helped them to improve their performance to the company in the short run but was also a booster in their financial stability in the long run during their retirement period. Coupled with this program were other employee advisory services in which they could get immediate financial assistance in case of emergencies that required financial authorities. (Carpenter, 2002).

Therefore, from one aspect of the planning tool, the program was to be a benefit to the employees. This was also coupled to a directly affiliated incentive scheme of increased employee remunerations. With this better pay therefore the employees can adequately remit their deductions towards the scheme without many pinches due to the concept of motivation acting within them. To the HR resolutions, motivational aspects within the organization were to compliment an increased state of the organization’s activity. Motivation and incentives play an important role in the broad activity of the organization. Therefore at one point, the planning stage involved an analysis of the benefits accruing to the employees as the first beneficiaries.

Elsewhere, an analysis of the benefits accruing to the company from the program was an evaluation done by the department. With the increased motivation to the workers, there was, therefore, an increased scale of activity in terms of the organization’s output. With motivation, the worker’s productivity was subject to a radical boost, hence resulting in increased efficiency in terms of quality and quantity of output. Initially, the goal of the organization was to foster an increasing growth and expansion both in capacity and output volume. To achieve this, however, various factors were to be considered amongst which was the recognition of the role played by the workers towards these goals. (Olander, 2004) Consequently, as an organizational behavior aspect, the role of employees’ contribution towards these goals was positively correlated. In all aspects, employees’ motivation is a compliment to an improved level of organizational activity. With the program as an incentive, the employees were motivated towards working harder, ensuring optimal costing through quality work at low cost and generally improved output/volume.

In every program activity within an organization, the cost variable should be an aspect of consideration. This program was not an exception to this rule. Through the facility of analysis by the HR department, the planning involved an interpretation of the cost variable that would be as a result of the program. Indeed, this was adequately analyzed by the department where it drew the relational authorities between the program and its cost to both the employees and the organization. However, in the full context of its analytical results, the program showed a spell of cost economies to both parties. (Bloodgood, Alhan, 2002) To both of them, the short-run showed a financial expenditure. However, this expenditure was far outdone by the long-run benefits ascribed to both of the parties. To the employees, their retirement was brightened while for the organization its goals were to be adequately met.

Either, the socio-cultural aspect was a point of study by the team. Elsewhere, this forms a benchmark in consideration by an organization in developing any program. This involves the aspects of socio-cultural spheres that may often be pronounced by a program. To the HR department, however, this concept was adequately captured by its understanding of the effects of the program on the socio-cultural phenomenon of the employees. (Barresse, Scoris, 2003).

With the improved status of the employees, the social-cultural attitudes were consequently developed. The pensions insurance scheme was a broad diversification into the improvement in the welfare of the workers. Consequently, workers find themselves better off than before regarding their life patterns. With stable living conditions, they will have an improved state of socio-cultural interactive phenomena between themselves and society.

Role of HR in designing the program

The design comprised an analysis of the financial parameters that the program was to take. Firstly, it involved the monthly contribution of some small financial fee from the salaries of the workers. However, this was to be directly deducted from their gross pay before the final remittance of their net pay. This was to form part of the general deductions that were to be constituted within the normal salary deductions. (Sundem, Stralton, 2006) To ensure a positive attitude towards the program, the organization had substantially increased their salaries which would therefore commensurate with the amount of contribution. To the HR department, it had played an important role in the design purposes of the program. Through an evaluation Protocol dedicated to the department, it adequately managed to formulate a basis of a good design that would adequately help to ensure a continued contribution by the program to both employee benefits and the organization’s achievement of its goals and objectives. (Stankard, 2002).

Within the organization, the HR department is specially mandated to deal with employee relations and the broad sphere of the organization. With its understanding of the concepts of organizational behavior, the department uses various tools as implements in developing a good employee relationship with the organization. (Mills, 2003) Broadly, the design of the program concurs with an understanding of the vital roles played by the concept of organizational behavior. With this understanding, therefore, the department adequately understood the role played by the adequacy of this concept within my organization. Firstly, it involves the relations between the employees themselves and between them and the organization. However, the design of this program was only aimed at providing positive support to this relation, which would therefore benefit both of the parties to it. With the good relations, the employees were thus adequately motivated into their role-play within the organization. This design was aimed at complementing the aspect of job satisfaction within the worker’s fraternity. (Makin, Cox, 2004).

However, job satisfaction was just a variable operating within the limits of the organization. The design was therefore aimed at ensuring a campaign towards promoting a positive attitude in the worker’s roles to the organization. Consequently, this led to the aspect of job satisfaction. With job satisfaction, therefore, the workers were adequately motivated towards their role within the organization. This implied greater performance of their duties that led to increased efficiency hence higher quality and quantity into the production output. The organization’s goals of growth and expansion even to reach foreign countries were either to be the resultant features of this program. (Heller, et al, 1998).

Role of HR in the program implementation

Within the first four months of the program implementation, the organization’s financial results had reached an impressing standard where both the output and cost-related factors were successfully improving throughout the period after the program implementation. In a consensus resolution pass by the department, the program was to start immediately and was to have a perpetual effect on the future of the organization. Its implementation was to operate within the expansion and growth goals of the organization. This was in the recognition of the parameters that operated within the scope of the program where the variables employed were both the employees’ benefits to the program and the broad organization’s aspect of achieving its goals and objectives. (Fisher, 2002) On behalf of the organization, the HR department worked in ensuring a relational concept between the employees and the organization. With the ethical concepts and respective knowledge within the department’s frontier of service executions, it was able to modify the respective role that was to be played by the program into promoting the organization’s aims and objectives.

The role of the program to the aims of the organization

The program on its own was a tool in a drive for the success of the company and the workers as a whole. The financial results of the organizations went in flourishing, with consideration into the expansion and growth nature of its output. However, the success of these aspects can be ascribed to the prevailing impact of the program itself. Within the frontiers of the success, two contributing aspects would be attributed as the resultant consequence of the program. These were benefits of employees’ motivation and improved standards of the output, and broad activities of the organization. In consideration of the motivational aspect of the program, the employees were motivated to even improve their service delivery towards the organization. (Detomasi, 2002) This was the foremost initiative to improving the positive outlook of the organizational behavior operating within the organization. With this aspect, the workers could now adequately relate with one another and between them and the management. This was an important implement towards developing an improved state in which the workers would now adequately perform their duties within the organization. Organizational behavior defines the limits in norms, values, morals, ethics, and cultural concepts. Organizational behavior varies considerably depending on the nature of the organization, which may be defined in terms of the goals, and objectives of such specific organizations. (Dosi, Nelson, Winter, 2002) The uprightness of these behavioral aspects is however limited to the interactive forces that may be working within the different parties to the organization. (I.e. workers and management). Positive organizational behavior is a bilateral conception that acts as a tool for the improved status of conditions and defines the activities of the organization. To this organization, therefore, the positive consequences to a sound organizational behavior were however not an exception. Perhaps its current state of an increased volume of activity and profits can be attributed to the consequences of positive organizational behavior. Either, the program implementation itself led to a situation in which the employees were motivated towards their role-play to the organization. Consequently, they could thus act in a more improved manner, which could therefore lead to an improved activity of the organization. (Stapledon, 1996).

Either, success has also been embraced by the organizational output in which case, the volume of activity has relentlessly increased with an improved state of growth and expansion. In all the expansion and growth states, this can be explained under the economies of scale that the organization benefited from the program. At one point, it was able to enjoy an increasing state of activity by the workers. Either, the growth could also have been attributed to the optimal costing aspects that operated as a result of this program. With the implementation of the program, the workers were motivated to increase their service delivery to the organization. Various economies had therefore resulted from such activities related to the improved spheres of service delivery. This was the beginning of efficiency and productivity in their activities.

Success factors and their contribution

Broadly, the organization is comprised of various departments and activities that cordially work in coordination with one another to result in the broad activities of the organizations. In all these departments, costing is an issue working to ensure that all activities within the organization are subject to a basis of optimal costing. However, optimal costing is complimented by employees’ activities where their daily organization and to role-play imply whether the organization is to meet an improved scale of costing parameters. For consequent motivation to the employees by the program, however, the employees were aimed at standards of optimal costing. The employees were firstly motivated to work hard. Either, improved efficiency was the resulting consequence of the motivation. With the aspect of efficiency, the quality and quantity of output were improved. This was the beginning of an evaluation of parameters of optimal costing. To the organization, optimal costing was a brilliant source of cost-saving measures that the company would otherwise get from the implementation of the program. The activities in all departments were done by authorities which ensured that the least cost was observed from the activities of the organization. In all aspects of activity and duty performance, the employees were ascribed towards providing recommendable cost-saving related methods of duty performances. (Toulson, Smith, 1994).

With the changing structure of the corporate governance and organizational behavior, therefore, the employees were better motivated in observing relations into their duty play to the organization that would lead to improved use of cost-saving measures of service delivery.

Shortfalls in the program implementation

Like any other program, however, there were various shortfalls in its implementation Due to the nature o the diversity in the organizational behavior, there were various corporate disagreements between various parties and departments towards that implementation of the program. However, this concurred with the generalized nature of program implementation in organizations. Due to the conflicting nature of persons within an organization, the general nature of program implementation is solely invited in by the varying nature of these people, where acceptance and opposition are the normal counteractive consequences of such. To this organization, it was however not an exception to these conflicting enterprises from the parties.

At one point, the workers argued of the program to be expensive and only acting to exploit the substance of their financial authorities going as payments from the organization. However, the long-run benefits were directly affiliated to them where they would get retirement insurance benefits from a small financial contribution from their payments. (Mills, 2003).

Since the organization was also to benefit from the program indirectly, it had also to contribute towards the success of the program. In realizing the broad context into the reasonableness of the motives behind the worker’s rejection of the program, this was high time into the organization implementation of an increased payment that was to adequately commensurate with the percentage of the contribution towards the program fund. However, this was proposed by the HR department in its study results of the ways that could lead to the implementation of the program with the least conflict possible to work within the organization. On the management side, the rejection of the increased pay to the workers was its short-run result in the implementation of the program. To the management, the proposal of increased pay commensurate with the program deduction was seen as an increased state regarding its expenditure. However, this would only be an expense in the short run especially when compared to the economies which would be borne in the long run period as a result of the employee’s contribution towards the role play to the organization. In the role played by the HR department in implementing this program, however, it was able to adequately help in striking a balance between the worker’s interest and the benefits that would accrue as a result of the program.

Conclusion and recommendations

In general, therefore, employees program are usually important tools that organizations use as a comparative tool to improve the motivational status of the workers towards improving the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives. The main conceptions in such programs are the broad concepts of organizational behavior and corporate governance interrelationships. These help to define the various structures interacting with one another to promote relative improvement in the activities of the organization. In their bid to achieve improved performances, organizations should use the tools of various motivational programs. The aim of these programs is virtual improvement in motivational ethics borne of the same to the workers. This is in the understanding of the respective results that would be contributed by such motivation and incentive developments. As a respective conclusion to this organization, therefore, the retirement insurance program is working within the broad limits of the security and improvement in the duty performance of their duties by the workers. Such a program would therefore act as an incentive to them. In which case, they would be highly motivated towards their service delivery to the organization. The resulting consequence would be efficiency in their activities and hence the high scale of activity to the organization embracing an increased growth and expansion.


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BusinessEssay. "The Importance of Human Resource Program Implementation." December 17, 2022.