Economics Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

International Expansion of Multinational Corporations

Globalization has taken over with advancement in digital technology that has made it easy to facilitate operations ubiquitously. International business has improved considerably as institutions are now able to expand the scope of their operations beyond their local countries. However, penetrating foreign markets can be challenging and it is why...

The Covid-19 Pandemic’s Impact on World Economy

Introduction Since the commencement of the Covid-19 pandemic, many peoples’ lives and livelihoods have been greatly affected around the world. Not only has the pandemic led to a health crisis, it has also caused a distress on the sources of income. This is because the pandemic has led to the...

Consumer Behavior’s Impact on Marketing Strategy

Consumer behavior is expected to evolve rapidly accordingly to people’s demands, opportunities, cultural values, lifestyle, and market trends. Considering those constant consumer alterations, any marketing strategy should be highly flexible and predisposed to adapt, acquire and meet the needs of the new tendencies. It is evident that consumer behavior theory...

Pakistan’s Impending Demonetisation by D. Scinto

Introduction This month, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, proposed the implementation of demonetization to “sift out the corruption from Pakistan’s infectious culture.” Essentially, Khan intends to eradicate a portion of the country’s circulating currency, catch tax swindlers, and reduce black money. Although not new, this proposal has shocked many citizens,...

Government Intervention in Providing Goods or Services

In economic theory, government intervention in the markets for goods and services meets different perspectives and expectations. One of the forms of government intervention is protectionism. It is an economic policy aimed at temporarily restricting the import of imported goods and supporting the production of similar domestic goods and services....

Causes and Consequences of Market Equilibrium for Price and Quantity

Environmental macroeconomics is necessary to form a dynamic general equilibrium of all trade processes and market relations. This paper considers the production of environmental goods (electric cars) based on Niu et al. (2022). Equilibrium Price and Quantity of Goods The U.S. has an increased supply and demand for electric vehicles....

Macroeconomic Factors Affecting the Aviation Industry

The aviation industry is highly vulnerable to external economic variables because it influences and relies on so many businesses. Furthermore, since the company has cross-border operations, many pressures from other parts of the world and the domestic market impact operational dimensions. Fiscal policies, pay disparities, and positive and negative externalities...

Globalization, Tourism, and Human Resource Management

The reason why COVD-19 implications are particularly focused on tourism, although one might be interested in globalization, is because of the inevitable interconnectedness of these concepts in the modern world. COVID-19 has imposed a restriction of social interactions on a global scale to minimize the contamination with the virus. Due...

Macropoland: Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy

A recession is a crisis at the macroeconomic level, distinguished by a sharp decline in financial activity. Under its conditions, the inflation rate decreases due to reduced consumer incomes and has no favorable effects. Moreover, the high level of unemployment and, consequently, the lack of business activity and investment carries...

Gentrification in Neighborhoods Around the World

Abstract Community hub also can be named as a center for social and cultural activities. Areas where individuals of a community tend to assemble for bunch exercises, social bolster, open data, and other purposes. They may in some cases be open for the complete community or for a specialized bunch...

Equity Valuation Concept and Methodology

Introduction This paper researches and analyzes the concept of equity valuation and the different techniques used for equity valuation. The characteristics and scope of equity valuation models are described with benefits and shortcomings of the models. The different models applied to valuate equity are described with practical application and the...

The Real Gross Domestic Product

In 2012, the nominal GDP was $700B with a price index of 110. Thus, the real GDP of this year was $700B/110 × 100 = $636B. In turn, in 2013, the nominal GDP was $850B with a price index of 140. Thus, the real GDP of this year was $850B/140...

Negative Impact of China’s Investment in Africa’s Economy

Introduction For decades, mineral-rich Africa has attracted China, which has invested in African mining and infrastructure. According to public data, the State Development Bank of China has transferred more than $50 billion worth of investments in 500 projects in 43 African countries in recent years. Critical experts describe China’s policy in...

Basic Income Should Be Implemented in Australia

Introduction Over the last 25 years, the Australian government has significantly increased the conditions attached to social security benefits. Its policies differ from those in most developed countries, whereby benefits are paid at a flat rate and financed by general taxation instead of contribution from workers. This shows that the...

Analysis of Low Minimum Wage in the US

Introduction The minimum wage is also referred to as the living wage. It is the amount, as stipulated by the United States labor law, that employers pay their employees on an hourly basis. The minimum wage as mandated by the government of the United States is 7.25 U.S. dollars per...

The Economic Recession of 2007 to 2009

Introduction After the world experienced the impact of the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939, it enjoyed a revived economic performance that made investments and other forms of business operations to be active. However, in December 2007, an unexpected turn of events occurred following critical mistakes in the financial and...

The International Sales of Goods Contract

Introduction People need contracts when purchasing and selling goods to affirm the transaction’s occurrence and protect each other from irregularities that may lead to dispossession of the items through court orders. The contract protects buyers by assuring them that the seller has transferred the possession of the things to them;...

Globalization and Its Impact on Nation-States

Introduction Globalization is a multifarious activity that entails economic, legislative, geographical, ideological, and environmental affairs which are rapidly changing the human experience of the world. The earth is speedily becoming more globalized and all nation-states will continue to face numerous global problems and threats, such as pandemics, climate change, pollution,...

Housing Policy Against Homelessness Problem

Introduction Homelessness is a major challenge across the United States of America. In the beginning of 2020, the country has over 580,000 homeless individuals spread across all states and represent the nation’s diversity. In the same time, the state of California had over 161,500 homeless people. The state is renowned...

China’s Economy and Its Possible Collapse

Name: The briefing paper discussing the economic issues China is likely to face in the near future is intended for Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, the UN’s Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). Subject: Worries of a Chinese economic freefall and associated concerns about...

Impact of Market Revolution on Traditional Economic and Social Gender Roles

At the beginning of the 19th century, a market revolution significantly reshaped interpersonal and business relationships in the United States. It was not enough for people to work for some self-sufficiency purposes but to focus on gaining profits and materializing their incomes (Locke and Wright 2019). The quality of family...

Effects of the Political Risk on Bitcoin Return and Volatility

After the global economic crisis of 2008, various financial institutions and investors lost trust in the conventional banking systems. Through this, Blockchain technology was invented to create Cryptocurrency as a means of exchange designed around the digital use of encrypted figures. The world’s largest crypto, Bitcoin, was invented in 2008,...

The Effects of Globalization on Employment and International Trade

Abstract The phenomenon of globalization has reached a tremendous scale over the past several decades due to the application of innovative data management tools for sharing ideas and experiences. As a result, the modern economy hinges on globalization processes and the opportunities that they provide. Specifically, globalization has affected the...

Oil Price Decrease and Its Effect on Kuwait’s Economy

Executive Summary The pandemic caused the oil cost reduction, affecting Kuwait’s total revenue during the past year. Although the government strives to balance the production and export of its natural resources, there was a 2% drop in this sector’s contribution to its GDP within one year. Since the global oil...

Discussion: Public Administration

Introduction Globalization has posed unprecedented challenges to public administration’s philosophy and practice. Many people believe they understand the benefits of a globalized society. Trade thrives without borders, cultures coexist, and communication and technology link faraway regions to local villages and even to one another in their living rooms (Frederickson et...

Sugar Price, Demand and Supply

Introduction Sugar price increment has been a significant trend in most regions of the world due to some economic subjections that have necessitated the trends. According to business perspectives, product prices vary because of the operating costs that the producers must meet, which go all the way to the end-user...

Case Study: Brazil’s Economic Development

Brazil celebrated nearly a decade of uninterrupted economic development in 2014, suffering a deep recession at the end of 2014-2015. The Brazilian economy was suffering from dropping global commodity prices and increasing deficits in the aftermath of the crisis. Early in 2017, there were indicators that the economy was starting...

Consumer Behavior in the UK Retail Market

Introduction The retail sector plays a crucial role in the UK’s economy by supplying goods and offering services to end-users. The manufacturers depend on the retailers to supply their manufactured products. Therefore, the retailers take over the manufacturers’ role in identifying and building consumer-base. The retailers’ performance is significant to...

Globalization Has Negative Effects on Society

Introduction Globalization refers to the increased speed with which people, goods, services, capital, technologies, and cultural practices move throughout the world. Globalization’s most evident effects are undoubtedly those on the business sphere (Lang and Ms Marina 16). Globalization has resulted in significant growth in trade and economic exchanges, as well...

China’s International Business Environment Analysis

The senior management teams of multinational organizations, particularly in the United States of America, Europe, and Asia, are in agreement that globalization is the most significant obstacle they must overcome in the modern era. For these corporations it has become increasingly difficult to create internationalization strategies and determine which countries...

Assessing the Cost of Leadership

Abstract Assessing the cost of leadership is emerging as a major concern for organizations operating in different sectors of the economy. In the GCC region, companies in the energy sectors are making heavy investments to empower their managers to ensure that they can deliver the best outcome in their assigned...

Impacts of NAFTA in the Economies of America, Canada and Mexico

Abstract Business activities are the key drivers of economic growth and development. In order to experience viable improvement in the economy, factors such as tariffs and other restrictions should be considered to lower their impacts. Following the competitive nature of the world, the US, Mexico, and Canada decided to form...

The UAE’s Economic Growth and Climate Change

Introduction Life in modern civilization across the globe revolves around the generation of energy. As such, inadequate or power outages result in massive blackouts that incapacitate economies. In addition, people depend on energy for their daily work including lighting, communication, heating, and transportation hence making it indispensable and the most...

The Next Macroeconomic Cycle and Its Risks

Summary COVID-19 has had an immense negative impact on the global economy since its wake in 2019. The disease left many people unemployed following the governments’ directives to prevent people from accessing densely populated areas to avoid further spreading the virus. The pandemic led to the rise in the inflation...

Is Free Trade Beneficial to Americans?

Introduction Free trade is an agreement signed by countries to cooperate and function freely in trading economically. Individual duties and tariffs are determined, and trade barriers are minimized to provide free movement of goods and products, including imports and exports, through member borders without restrictions. In the United States, regional...

Negligence and Product Recalls

Introduction Manufacturing and processing plants have an inherent responsibility to ensure that the products they bring to the marketplace are of the highest quality and safety. Every country has a body responsible for ensuring that the products are assessed for these standards. In the United States, the United States Consumer...

Economic Agents’ Behaviors in Monopoly and Perfect Competition

Introduction A natural monopoly is a theory circumstance in which only one business can provide goods and services to the people. A pure monopoly is the inverse of a perfect competition market, in which there is an unlimited number of companies. The monopolistic market can limit output, raise prices, and...

The Evolved Federal Reserve’s Role in the US Economy

As the US central banking system, the Federal Reserve plays a crucial role in its economy. However, its role has become even more significant over time, as it has adopted a more active economic policy. Now, the Fed has a larger balance sheet and a broader range of objectives and...

China Belt and Road Initiative

Introduction The Chinese government is working to rebuild the silk road through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The initiative is one of the most ambitious programs by China for foreign trade and investment program. The initiative is very broad in terms of scope. The Chinese state banks are part...

Impact of International Economic Conditions, Trade and Financial Policies on Brazil

Abstract Economic conditions are the current economic state of a region or country. The circumstances alter over time, together with the business cycles and economy, as a region’s economy undergoes periods of contraction and expansion (Genna, 2018). Technology, on the other hand, is equipment and machinery created from scientific knowledge...

Minimum Wage and Efficiency Wage Theory

Equilibrium Wage Rate Minimal wage is the state’s payment for all employees per hour. Each country calculates minimal wage based on various economic factors such as consumer and production spending. The increase or decrease of the minimum wage causes many changes in the country’s financial system. The increased minimum wage...

Trade Wars: Factors and Objectives

Trade wars The emergence of a free market, capitalism, and explicit competition has led to the global phenomenon of trade wars. This presentation will focus on the concept of protectionism as the leading cause of international tension and trade wars. The advantages, disadvantages, and implications of protectionism will be analyzed....

UK and US Financial Markets: Structures, Functions, and Global Impact

Executive Summary The report below explains the nature and background of financial markets in the UK and the US. It also briefs about the relationship between the UK financial markets and the US. The UK is a significant contributor to the development of financial markets globally since it hosts the...

Canada’s Social Policy on Affordable Housing

Introduction Housing is a fundamental human need that has attracted the attention of many nations due to the continued upsurge in population. It is defined as “a residential environment that includes, in addition to the physical structure used by man for shelter, all necessary services, facilities, equipment, and devices for...

Laws of Economics: Model of Supply and Demand

The fundamental laws of economics are based on the use of the model of supply and demand and their potential balance. As we know from theory, such a balance is defined by the state in which the number of goods or services consumers want to purchase is fully equal to...

International Trade Policy: Impact of Import Tariffs

The Impact of Tariff On the Net Importer Production in United States (Steel) In the United States, the tariffs are established on all the materials which are imported from the other countries. The five percentage tariff is set on the steel (Galbraith, 2018). Tariffs are the tool contributing to supporting...

Review of Auctions and Dynamic Pricing

English and Dutch Auctions First of all, it is necessary to characterize each type of auction, some of the most famous among them are the English and Dutch auctions. The Dutch system involves an auction in which the seller determines the so-called cut-off price. If at the beginning of the...

Hydrogen in the Renewable Energy Sector

Abstract Purpose: This project examines the existing dynamic between the involvement in sustainability issues and the perception of the role of hydrogen in the modern renewable energy sector among business students. It summarizes the existing research on the economies and diseconomies of hydrogen production, its precise use in the renewable...

The Monetary and Fiscal Policy Use by Governments

There are two major ways for the government to influence the economy: via monetary or fiscal policy. Monetary policy is the central banks’ tool for managing the overall supply of money to control and stabilize the inflation rate and promote economic growth (Mathai). Fiscal policy includes the government’s economic decisions...

The 1929 Great Recession vs. 2007 Economic Crisis

Introduction In the US, the commonly known ‘Roaring Twenties’ was used to refer to a period of social growth and exuberant expansion. However, the period came to an immediate and dramatic end in 1929 after the stock market crash. The occurrence paved the way for the 1930’s Great Depression, which...

Economic Stability and Monetary Policy

Introduction Economic stability and complexity of the financial system are indicators of the efficiency of state management and its welfare. Nevertheless, in spite of a large number of specialists and rich experience, modern systems can be called highly developed but not perfect. Analyzing how well a modern economic structure is...

The State of the Macroeconomy in the United States

Introduction Macroeconomics is a discipline of economics concerned with the economy’s overall behavior and performance. Microeconomics, on the other hand, is concerned with an individual’s, a group’s, or a corporation’s influence. In the light of Thakur (2022), macroeconomics is the branch of economics that investigates large-scale economic phenomena such as...

Strategies for Service Industry to Survive COVID-19

Introduction The retail sector constitutes the final stage of the delivery channel, thus, is highly essential. Retailers break the bulk, interact with customers directly, understand consumers’ specific needs, and help populations make crucial decisions on consumption trends. Accordingly, the retailing subdivision involves both goods and services providers. Kiosks and shops...

The Role of the Federal Reserve in the United States

Governments have a long history of overstepping their boundaries. In certain cases, the government defies the Constitution, while in other others, it defies Biblical precepts. The government has violated several biblical precepts, which violate God’s creation. Economic policies are one area where the government has strayed from biblical principles. For...

Economic Trends in the Real Estate Industry

Introduction Before the pandemic, there were problems related to economic accessibility. However, now this situation aggravates the problems, but on the other hand, correspondingly, it provides opportunities for many. Many families have relocated outside the cities and the states due to the rapid inflationary costs of buying and renting. Although...

Healthcare Issues From an Economic Standpoint

Introduction Healthcare is a significant segment of the US economy, as it is an integral part of people’s lives on which their well-being depends. Healthcare is important to the economy because of the funds’ size and the potential budgetary implications. It is estimated that the health sector accounts for almost...

Analysis of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Trading across national borders is a critical component of doing any business. When exchanging goods, scholars argue that many factors are taken into account. In the past, trade between the United States, Mexico, and Canada has been unevenly distributed. The hefty tariffs on U.S. exports to Mexico are causing market...

Researching of Supply and Demand

Summary The situation in the industry is considered to be in equilibrium, in which the prices for a product are set at such a level that the volume of wishes of the population corresponds to the number of manufactured products. For example, entrepreneurs are ready to supply the necessary assortment...

Regional Economic Integration in the Americas

Communication and the global trading system play significant roles in the modern world, and many countries build their relationships by creating stable trading contracts. Two or more countries usually sign regional trading agreements to place organized movements of goods and services between distant parts of the world (Chandran, 2017). Countries...

Impact of Global Financial Crisis

The financial market shows a reckoning hedge in terms of bank analysis and funding matrix. The crisis has engulfed the global financial systems because the great recession is at the epitome of affecting people, jobs, and savings. The lending standards in 2007 began with cheap credit incorporated with lax lending....

Gross Domestic Product Data and Effects

Importance of Understanding about GDP Data GDP is an indicator for tracking the health of an economy, which considers aspects such as a nation’s investment and consumption. Knowledge about GDP data can help to determine an economy’s status. If the GDP data shows an increase, the economy is implied to...

Trade Issues Between U.S. And Mexico

Introduction The U.S. is Mexico’s major commercial partner by trade volume; Mexico ranks third for the U.S. after China and Canada. In 1992, the United States, Mexico, and Canada became signatories to the North American Free Trade Agreement, designed to remove trade and investment barriers (Butler et al., 2019). Since...

Sustainable Development of Canadian Green Economy

Introduction The Canadian economy is experiencing specific changes that make it efficient and productive; the shifts are reflected in the prospects for sustainable development. First, explaining the essence of sustainable development in the economy is necessary. Namely, sustainable socio-economic development nowadays is one of the most critical points for the...

The United States’ International Trade Dynamics

It is important to note that foreign exchange dynamics and their associated rates are determined by a multitude of factors, which encompass various economic, political, and social aspects of nations. The most fundamental drivers of exchange rates come from the supply and demand for a particular currency, and the difference...

Price Adjustment During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Demand refers to the quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price over a specific period. The underlying relationship between the quantity demanded, and the price is referred to as the demand curve. Demand is more responsive to prices compared to...

Global Trade Impact on Countries

International Trade Global trade enables countries to extend their markets and get access to commodities and services that might otherwise be unavailable in their own country. Consumers are accustomed to seeing items from all over the world at their local grocery stores and retail outlets in today’s global economy. Consumers...

Urbanization and Technological Development in the Philippines

This study is devoted to the Philippines, namely, considering such phenomena as urbanization and technological development on their territory. During the work on the study of the region in question, previous hypotheses about the high level of urbanization and the high potential of technology in the Philippines were confirmed. The...

Microeconomics: Consumer Demand Theory

Properties and Characteristics of the Theory With the unlimited nature of human wants, consumers are tasked with making decisions on how to acquire commodities and services at favourable market prices. The theory bases its arguments on the law of diminishing marginal utility; it gives vivid clarification on why a demand...

Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Religious Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Summary Religious tourism is a key feature in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s economy as it strives toward being less dependent on oil and gas revenues. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with diverse regulations that affected how people travel and interact. To curtail the spread of the...

Comparative Advantage and Trade Between Countries

The theory of comparative advantages is an economic model showing the benefits of trade for two analyzed countries, neither of which has absolute advantages. Relations between countries of different levels of development create economic ties of varying degrees of maturity, so Smith’s theory becomes inoperative (Gnangnon, 2020). David Ricardo’s theory...

Improving Customer’s Perception of Value

Introduction There is a systematic methodology for developing service skills that entrepreneurs and business executives can use to improve company profitability. Specifically, Timm (2014) refers to the strong correlation between career growth and service skills. In tenth chapter, titled “Exceed Expectations with Value: Build Customer Loyalty with A-Plus Perceptions of...

Aspects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

Modern developed countries lean towards a market economy, where the government’s involvement is limited. However, it still can influence certain financial processes through monetary and fiscal policy. Monetary policy controls the overall money supply, interest rates, and inflation level, while fiscal policy includes the government’s direct economic decisions on spending...

“The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith

Division of Labour Adam Smith promotes the notion of division of labor which is dividing production processes into different stages. He believes that division of labor can make people specialize in one type of work that will increase overall productivity. This is clearly shown in his famous saying, “The division...

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

The International Monetary Fund, IMF, and the World Bank are the result of the international economic convention of 1944, which aimed at establishing financial cooperation around the world. Although the two institutions originated with the same general goal of maintaining the global economy, their functions have been evolving over the...

Poverty and Reform in African Economies

The current five most rapidly expanding economies in the world are all based in what is consistently the poorest continent, Africa. In 2019, Ghana, South Sudan, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Côte d’Ivoire had global economic expansion ranging from 8.79% to 7.28% (Mitchell, 2019). These are enormous leaps in comparison to the...

The Supply Chain Crisis of 2021 in the US

Introduction The supply chain crisis of 2021 in the US left many stores with empty shelves and many customers – without the required goods and caused a gradual increase in the costs of day-to-day living. COVID-19 is cited to be the main reason for the struggle, but blaming the disease...

Global Trade and Its Impact on the National Economy

Global trade includes the exchange of products between different countries around the world. The process plays a critical role in the economic field of all governments, as the international export and import of products directly affect the national gross domestic product. One of the leading export systems includes transactions between...

Social Security Benefits and Program Analysis

Introduction The introduction of the Social Security program has revolutionized people’s perception of retirement and the cost of living after leaving the workforce. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Social Security has ensured that people of retirement age, people with disabilities, and families suffering from the loss of a...

Gross Domestic Product and Investments

Calculating the output of an economy and predicting possible complications is an essential task for economists, usually fulfilled by the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Two types of GDP, namely actual and potential, are commonly implemented to ascertain the state of the economy. During economic growth, as GDP changes...

The Key Economic Factors Which Affect Housing Prices

Introduction In the contemporary world, accommodation is a considerable issue for many people. Housing prices changes are an appropriate instance of effects, supply, and demand cause to price elasticity. Economic theories explain the compounds of apartments cost. In addition, they partially depend on particular economic variables. This essay will examine...

Taxes and Other Public Revenue Types

Public revenues contribute to the government budgeting: they provide it with money, enabling it to spend on general needs. There are many sources of public revenue: ideally, they complement each other. When there is a lack of revenue from one source, the temporary excess from other sources can balance it....

The AT&T and T-Mobile Merger Analysis

AT&T announced its interest to acquire T-Mobile On March 20, 2011, on a cash transaction of $39 billion. This merger process involved the transfer of license from DT to AT&T. Hence a legal process had to be followed by incorporating legal bodies like the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and the...

Business-Government Relations: Illegal Monopolization

Supporting businesses, including both major corporations and SMEs, is one of the key goals of the state government. Thus, state authorities will prompt the increase in economic growth rates (Lawrence and Weber 165). By enhancing entrepreneurship within the state, governments will set the stage for a rise in economic and...

Business Expansion and Strategic Mistakes

Introduction In any business field, international expansion is a high-risk strategic movement that requires due preparation. Despite having the resources to initiate transnational operations, many organizations fail to navigate the waters of the multicultural world, which results in significant losses. This essay will summarize and discuss the article by Seah...

The New Post-COVID-19 Reality: Challenges for Business

The breakout of COVID-19 has fast become a significant, unexpected disruption in business and is ready to wreak havoc at levels unforeseen by a financial model, economic forecast, or business strategy. According to Li et al. (2020), “the pandemic of COVID-19 has drastically changed the way people work, communicate, and...

Determining the State of Competition in Industry: The Main Tools

Determining the state of competition in an industry is a necessary step for every company which considers venturing into a new field. There are three main tools which can help businesses conduct preliminary analysis and decided whether starting operations in a particular industry is a sound strategy. Namely, these are...

How Coronavirus Impacted American Economy

Anna Maria Andriotis is one of the reporters at The Wall Street Journal. She reports in the card division for American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover, and banks. She also presents reports on consumer credit paying attention to issues affecting borrowers in the U.S. She is a competent and determined...

The Federal Trade Commission: Defective Products and Deceptive Advertising

Manufacturers are responsible for their products and advertising, and this responsibility is under the control of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Their handling of trade practices includes, among other things, the regulation of false advertising and the control of defective products. Advertising always gives certain guarantees to consumers, and if...

Entering Global Markets: Benefits and Challenges

Entering global markets is an effective method of reaching consumers around the world and expanding business. eBay is an example of a company that failed to perform well when it entered the global markets in China and Japan. Various reasons defined the unpopularity of the organization on the international markets....

Milk Producers and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus restraints have resulted in restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, and schools closing. Therefore, farmers numbers of potential clients are considerably decreasing due to the chaos in the worldwide supply chains (Newman & Bunge, 2020). On the contrary, the stores and markets are still in need of fresh dairy products and...

The Problem of Economic Disparities

Kapadia, Reshma. “The High Cost of Inequality.” Barron’s, 2020, pp. 21–26. Reshma Kapadia examines the effects of income and wealth inequality on the American economy in her book High Cost of Inequality. She provides a thorough analysis of current financial trends in America and how exactly they were influenced by...

Economics in Everyday Life

The article demonstrates the usefulness of economics and economic terms in everyday life. Its author discusses some of the domestic problems that tend to occur in families. It utilizes some of the economic principles to resolve those issues (Mankiw, 2021). The main problem is the fair allocation of chores between...

Demand Elasticity and Opportunity Cost

Elasticity The price elasticity of demand is an essential economic instrument without which entrepreneurs cannot make crucial decisions on markets, business performance, and competitive approaches. Consumers vary their consumption level of commodities depending on the utility they derive from them, which makes goods and services show different elasticity. Overall, essential...

Global Factors of International Trade in UK Business

The international business performs the sale and purchase of goods and services from other countries. International trade can be carried out by businesses and governments (Wagner, 2019). The essence of international commerce is to reach an extensive market which increases productivity. UK businesses need to trade with companies from other...

This Is the Way: Reddit Traders Changing Economics

Introduction The article “This is the way’: the Reddit traders who took on Wall Street’s elite” is of particular importance because an event is observed there that happened recently. The described situation is an example of social forces’ influence on the financial industry. According to Parnell (2014), shifts in public...

Advantages and Drawbacks of International Trade

Introduction The development of international trade can be viewed as a part of ongoing globalization. This process seems beneficial from the perspective of greater opportunities for individuals and businesses around the world. However, the advantages of this field are inevitably accompanied by specific drawbacks deriving from the possible regulations of...

Social and Economic Impact Assessment Report Summarized

Social and economic impact evaluation is an essential process that allows for estimating the effects of a plan or project on value addition, jobs, and productivity. The report by Macroplan (2019) evaluates the changes made to the Crows Nest OSD floorspace allocations plan released in November 2018. This paper aims...

Implications of Globalization through Technology on the Global Economy

Introduction Research on the effects of technological revolution on the international economy is growing significantly. Technology has changed the manner in which firms and countries organize production, invest capital, manage processes, and trade goods. For instance, erudite information technologies allow instantaneous communication among systems of far-flung set-ups of international enterprises...

Sino-American Trade Relations and Restrictions

After listening to the clip about the imposition of tariffs or trade restrictions on the United States in sales of chicken feet to China market, the potential effects of such actions become obvious. It is clear that trade restrictions can pose detrimental impacts not only to the countries involved but...

Impact of Business Structures on Environment

Introduction The report will assess the impact of business structures on the environment and challenges within the global business environment regarding corporate social responsibilities and professionalism. It also examines the effects of implementing a code of conduct, support from the governing entities, and professional bodies in tackling ecological issues. The...

Globalization Through Technology and Impacts on Economy

Purpose According to (Butollo, 2020), the emergence and prevalence of technology are the roots of numerous changes in the business and economic sectors globally. Technology has converted the world into a global village, countries conduct businesses amongst themselves with ease. (Pagani, 2017) suggests that sharing of information has been a...