📝 Google Research Papers Examples
- Google Company Organizational EthicsBusiness essay sample: This paper discusses the organizational ethics governing Google Corporation by evaluating how ethical principles address organizational issues.
- The Google Company’s ManagementBusiness essay sample: This paper considers the types of people that work at Google, the types of services or amenities that Google provides to its employees, partners, and clients in light of its business culture.
- Google' Founder, History and Business SectorBusiness essay sample: Google incorporation is a U.S. based company that concentrates on the delivery of Internet related services and products.
- Google Inc.'s Marketing Strategic CapabilitiesBusiness essay sample: The report examines the Google company’s internationalization marketing strategic capabilities to present recommendations for improvement.
- Google Company's Employee Engagement StrategyBusiness essay sample: This study discusses employee engagement, its key aspects, importance, and relevance in the modern organisations drawing from the case study of Google, Inc.
- Google Employee EmpowermentBusiness essay sample: Researching Google employees empowerment? 🧑💼 As the transnational corporation, Google employs a variety of professionals throughout the world. 🌎 Read this article to learn more about Google’s empowerment methods. 🔩
- How Google Motivates Their Employees? A Case StudyBusiness essay sample: How does Google motivate their employees? 🪃 This paper conducts an assessment and critical evaluation of Google’s way of motivating employees. Read it thoroughly to discover how Google motivates their employees. ➡️
- Google Inc.'s Organizational Leadership in 2014Business essay sample: The paper analyzes Google Corporation with respect to organizational leadership as the driving force behind Google’s exemplary HR practices.
- Innovation and Organizational CultureBusiness essay sample: All organizations have challenges despite how successful they are in the market place. Most of the challenges come as a result of growth and in the pursuit for greater profitability.
- Leadership Styles and Performace in MultinationalsBusiness essay sample: The paper examines different leadership styles in the context of their application to multinational companies and analyzes the relevant theoretical background.
- Google's and Westpac's Human Resource StrategiesBusiness essay sample: This paper discusses the role that human resource professionals play in strategy formulation using the cases of Google Company and Westpac Corporation.
- Google and the Government of China: Cultural NegotiationsBusiness essay sample: This report focuses on the development of a plan for negotiations between Google and the Chinese government, recognizing the main issues and assumptions for both parties.
- Google Incorporation Economic and Business ConceptsBusiness essay sample: Google Incorporation is one of the largest internet-based companies in the world. This research paper reviews several economic and business concepts as applied at the Google Incorporation.
- Marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, AmazonBusiness essay sample: This paper explores how the internet and social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ are useful for companies to market their products and services.
- Google Incorporation's Human Resource PracticesBusiness essay sample: Google Inc. needs to manage its international branches and offices more efficiently to ensure that all benefits provided by the company are also available in the foreign offices.
- Google Company Employee Turnover: Causes and EffectsBusiness essay sample: This report introduces employee turnover, discusses its causes and effect on organizations. Google Inc. is a company with a negligible or tolerable employee turnover rate.
- Google Company's Human Resource Practices AnalysisBusiness essay sample: Google’s HR practices are in tandem with the existing industry standards. Some areas of adjustment in the HR unit have been noted.
- Google's Human Resource and Global Labor MovementBusiness essay sample: The paper discusses the impact of the global movement of labor on the HR management strategy of Google and the influence of inter-country differences in the workplace.
- Google Inc.'s Product Innovation and PerformanceBusiness essay sample: As discussed by Edenlman and Eisenmann, the Google Inc. case study analyzes the process of growth of the company in terms of product innovation and policy frameworks.
- Google Company Marketing Strategy AnalysisBusiness essay sample: The current paper analyses Google Company’s marketing strategies. The paper recommends the company to continue utilizing its current marketing strategies since they have proved effective.
- Entrepreneurship and InnovationBusiness essay sample: This paper reviews entrepreneurship and innovation cases, "The Southwest Airlines: entrepreneurship culture," "Reinventing in innovation at google," and "Nothing unique to offer."
- Google Company's PlanningBusiness essay sample: The human resource manager of Google Company should come up with strategies that encourage teamwork in the organization.
- Google Company InnovationsBusiness essay sample: This paper is devoted to the analysis of the Google Company pointing out its strengths and weaknesses in order to determine recommendations for its future development.
- Human Resource Functions: Training and DevelopmentBusiness essay sample: This paper focuses on training and development as part of HRM functions that determine how organisations can perform in relation to their mission and vision statements.
- Human Resource Strategies: Google Company ChallengesBusiness essay sample: Google is now facing two major challenges: decreasing the autonomy of employees and ineffective leadership that negatively affect the acting of employees and the all organization.
- Google Company: Structure and OrganizationBusiness essay sample: Within the operating environment of Google, there exist various external factors that have influence on its business activities.
- Google Inc.'s Organizational Performance and Social MediaBusiness essay sample: This exploration seeks to understand the effect of social media on how the tech giant Google has adapted its promotion policies to include social networking.
- Google Inc.’s Human Resource DilemmaBusiness essay sample: During the dot-com boom in the late 1990s, Google was the only company that did not experience any employee turnover.
- WL Gore and Google: Comparison of Vision and CultureBusiness essay sample: For two years, Google came up in the Fortune magazine’s top 50 companies to work for. W.L. Gore’s vision is to ensure value and uniqueness in the products for their clients.
- Google INC Analysis, Case StudyBusiness essay sample: This paper examines Google’s case, since it’s inception to its present status as a leader in web search service.
💡 Essay Ideas on Google
- Google’s Business Strategy and Will Show a Thorough Analysis of ItBusiness essay sample: This paper examines Google as a company including its history or origin, its growth, products and services, and the business model it has adopted over the years.
- Case Analysis of Google IncBusiness essay sample: Within a single decade, Google has jumped from an Internet based start-up to the prevailing contestant in the Internet advertising pedestal on search engine technology by the use of Information Technology.
- Google Inc. Management of an OrganizationBusiness essay sample: The paper will analyze these policies in the light of three motivation theories: Intrinsic motivation theory and Need Hierarchy theory.
- Google: Strategic Management CaseBusiness essay sample: Google offered advertising solutions, international internet search solutions, through its portal that means the computing domicile site for a web browser on the internet.
- Consumer Attitude & Behavior in Marketing CampaignBusiness essay sample: This study provides information on how consumer motivation and decision-making strategies differ between different products depending on their level of importance.
- Google: Organization StructureBusiness essay sample: Google is the most used search engine in the world today. Google search engine is known for its ability to offer easy search for information in the internet.
- Google Inc.: The History of the Company’s SuccessBusiness essay sample: Google Inc. is a successful internet technology company originally founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who holds a computer science degree from Stanford University.
- Examples of Right and Wrong Decisions in MarketingBusiness essay sample: Discussion about how marketing is defined in terms of satisfying customers' needs and wants on examples of companies.Examples of right and wrong decisions in marketing.
- Employee Retention and Development Strategies in Small and Large CompaniesBusiness essay sample: Examples of differences and similarities in employee retention and development strategies implemented in large and small enterprizes.
- Talent Management in Modern Organizations: GoogleBusiness essay sample: This paper aims to provide a theoretical basis for talent management and offer unique recommendations for Google to increase employee retention.
- Human Resource Management in GoogleBusiness essay sample: Exact job description and detailed description of desired employee’s traits will help me to eliminate the number of potential candidates, who do not meet the requirement a priory.
- “An Inside Look at Google's Best Employee Perks” by Jillian D’OnfroBusiness essay sample: D'Onfro discusses ways in which Google manages the benefits and retention of its employees and the effect that these practices have on the staff.
- Overview of Talent at GoogleBusiness essay sample: Google case study has revealed that it is more reasonable to identify talent by combining traditional approaches, while strengths management is suitable for talent development.
- Google Business ModelBusiness essay sample: Google Company has sustained an increase in growth and performance for the last few years compared to other technology companies.
- Google: Leading, Managing and Human Resource DevelopmentBusiness essay sample: Appropriate HRM and HRD practices contribute to increased profit margins and a healthy working environment: Google Company has demonstrated a number of significant approaches.
- Google: Human Resources ManagementBusiness essay sample: The present paper will discuss the HRM environment and practices at Google, one of the largest and most profitable global companies.
- Google Merchandise Store's Business Performance in 2020Business essay sample: The appropriate allocation of the Google Merchandise budget will lead to timely investments in the features that need improvement and improve the control over the cash flow.
- The Google Inc. Company AnalysisBusiness essay sample: Google Inc. is a public company providing a host of internet-based products. Google has specialized in the provision of computing and internet applications.
- Google Inc's Ratings Analytical ReviewBusiness essay sample: This research paper analyzes Google Inc’s rating with regards to how analysts view the company’s stock and how it compares with other companies in the industry.
- Google: Company AnalysisBusiness essay sample: Google Inc is one of the largest firms in the world in terms of brand value and revenues generated out of its operations.
- Google Inc.'s Competitors and Financial RatiosBusiness essay sample: The purpose of this memo is to analyze the ratios of Google Inc. and provide the strategies that the organization can undertake in order to be competitive in the economy.
- Company Profitability: Google, Apple, Chevron and ExxonBusiness essay sample: Exxon is arguably the most successful company in the world not only boasting of the highest revenue, but also highest number of traded stock.
- Performance Appraisal at Google and Performance Appraisal StrategiesBusiness essay sample: The Google company employs a performance appraisal strategy geared towards motivating employees rather than punishing them.
- Diversity Management in Google CompanyBusiness essay sample: Google employs different diversity management tactics to enable the different range of people to fit in and boost their value as a result of their variety and difference.
- Google Inc.: Training and DevelopmentBusiness essay sample: The Google Inc. company has developed elaborate training and development strategies for use in the continued build-up of human capital to guarantee long-term performance.
- Human Resources Strategy at GoogleBusiness essay sample: The Google company applies efficient recruitment and selection strategies that avail the best workforce in terms of competence. This paper discusses these strategies.
- Human Resource Management at Google Inc.Business essay sample: This paper provides an insight into how Google Inc. uses its human resources to position itself in a competitive internet services industry.
- Google Inc.: The Human Resource IssuesBusiness essay sample: The scope of this case analysis is to evaluate Google as an organization and come up with solutions to the inherent human resource issues that it faces.
- Google Inc.'s Human Resource Management PrinciplesBusiness essay sample: As for Google, the established human resource management principles demonstrate how the corporation’s managers can directly influence the organization’s performance.
- HR Management at GoogleBusiness essay sample: The chosen reference organization that will be used as a framework for the SLP discussion is “Google”. Google is on 4th place of the Fortune List of Best Employers for 2010.
👍 Good Google Essay Topics to Write about
- Employee Morale and Job Satisfaction at GoogleBusiness essay sample: Employee motivation is a crucial HR function that influences morale levels as does a positive workplace culture.
- Organizational Culture in the Starbucks, Google, and McDonald’sBusiness essay sample: The paper aims to discuss the organizational culture of the world's largest companies: Starbucks, Google, and McDonald’s.
- Reward, Recognition, and Performance Management in GoogleBusiness essay sample: The aim of this paper is to analyze reward, recognition, and performance management processes in Goggle, discuss some problems in this field, and propose sufficient improvements.
- Recruiting and Retention at Google CorporationBusiness essay sample: In Google, the retention of human resources is a strategic activity aimed at interesting its employees in further work in the company despite periodic difficulties.
- Google Inc.'s Corporate Strategy, Threats, and Need to RefocusBusiness essay sample: The paper aims to study Google's corporate strategy, threats, that company is facing and the need for the company to refocus.
- Google’s Human Resource Management: Strengths and WeaknessesBusiness essay sample: Google is one of the many companies, which manages to continuously innovate its HR practices to keep employees satisfied and empowered.
- Alphabet Inc. (GOOGLE) Strategic AnalysisBusiness essay sample: The history of Google can be traced to the initial idea of developing a search engine dependent on links to determine the importance of various pages within the World Wide Web.
- Organizational Behavior and Human InteractionsBusiness essay sample: This paper aims to overview organizational behavior which exists in every workplace and focuses on human interactions within that environment.
- Google Company's Model Analysis in Global Technology MarketBusiness essay sample: This analysis presents a complete company model analysis for Google that has ensured increased profitability over the last five years.
- Google's Corporate Strategy, Problems and SolutionsBusiness essay sample: This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of Google's corporate strategy and identifies its strategic problems.
- Case Study on Google StrategyBusiness essay sample: The paper describes key aspects of the Google company that make it successful: its customer-oriented approach and brand marketing.
- Google Corporation's Management Theories and ConceptsBusiness essay sample: The purpose is to determine how individual management theories apply to the role of the games engagement manager in the Google corporation.
- Google: Human Resource ManagementBusiness essay sample: This paper has aimed to investigate with the contribution of HRM at Google Inc and analyze the process of employee relations and reward at Google in this regard.
- Google’s Corporate and Business Level StrategiesBusiness essay sample: This paper aims to analyze Google’s corporate and business level strategies and their impacts on its 2020 financials, as well as market penetration and product development.
- Google: The Organizational RestructureBusiness essay sample: By becoming Alphabet, Google expanded its domains, which is made of internet search and advertisement, to become a giant technological conglomerate firm.
- Google: Organizational Behavior and Teamwork EffectivenessBusiness essay sample: This report aims to evaluate the performance of Google in terms of the organizational behavior principles promoted in the company and the impact of skills that impact teamwork.
- Modern Lucrative Business TrendsBusiness essay sample: The approaches have changed today as companies now embrace social media and the Internet as the primary advertising platforms.
- Managerial Decision Making: Diversity Inside GoogleBusiness essay sample: The need to establish diversity in the workplace presents a problem for present-day tech companies, and Google is no exception to the rule.
- Analysis of Google’s Leadership StrategyBusiness essay sample: This essay provides recommendations on Google’s leadership approach, compares it with Microsoft, and discusses how ethics affect the direction of management.
- Google's Leadership Structure and CultureBusiness essay sample: The essay examines the problems and possibilities that Google has to explore to develop better processes and succeed.
- Digital Marketing in AustraliaBusiness essay sample: Worldwide eBikes Inc. is aiming to enter the Australian market. Their main means of marketing is digital which will need a lot of strategies.
- Mental Health Within the HR IndustryBusiness essay sample: A happy employee is an effective employee; therefore, workers' mental health control and support are significant in the modern world.
- Motivation Theories Consistent With Google’s ApproachBusiness essay sample: This paper uses several theories to describe an approach to work motivation at Google, an international technology company famous for its strong corporate culture.
- Performance Management and TrainingBusiness essay sample: To improve the performance of employees, the corporation trains its employees to enhance their strengths and eliminate their shortcomings.
- Recruitment and Selection of StaffBusiness essay sample: It is difficult for organizations to have the two activities mutually exclusive, and the perception of consumers and the larger community starts with the recruitment process.
- Corporate Entrepreneurship: Organisation Structure TheoriesThe organizational structure represents the arrangement of tasks and responsibilities within a company. It influences how individuals implement the organizational goal.
- Google Company’s Corporate Culture: Case StudyGoogle values employees open to productive communication, respectful disputes, and new knowledge and should have the ability to be open to new information.
- Factors of Circular Economy in Waste ManagementThe purpose of this study will be to examine how Google, Toronto Tool Library and their supply chain partners are implementing circular economy activities.
- Google Merchandise Store: Improvement RecommendationsOnline business is one of the most prosperous areas of commercial activity. This paper aims to analyze possible recommendations for improving the Google Merchandise Store.
- Analysis of Google LLC CompanyGoogle's four guiding principles emphasize the company's goals and aims. Everything needs to be well-structured, well-documented, and readily available.
- The Google Firm's Compensation and Benefits SystemHuman resource management at Google operates under a four-multi-faceted approach – benefits, discretionary pay, high wages, and equality-based compensation.
- Google and Antitrust: The Ethics IssuesThis paper will address Google's antitrust dilemma, which reveals the company's ethical dilemma in which the welfare of the majority is achieved by ignoring moral norms.
🏆 Best Google Essay Titles
- Accounting Management Technique for Google
- Advertising Industry and Google’s Advanced Ad Trafficking Algorithms
- Online Shopping Behaviour of Google Merchanising Store Customers
- Analyzing the Internal and External Environment of Google
- Antitrust and Innovation: Framing Baselines in the Google Book Search Settlement
- Applying Business Intelligence Techniques to Business Using Google
- Analysing Google and Copyright Issues
- Benefit and Compensation System of Google
- Beware Google Selling Video Ads
- Building Conversational Apps Using Actions on Google
- Business and Government Relations Google in China
- Canadian Regulator Wants Google to Ban Ads for Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency Products, and Initial Coin Offerings
- Capturing Depositors’ Expectations With Google Data
- China-Related Attacks Against Google’s Corporate Infrastructure
- Cloud Computing and Google App Engine Development
- Collaborative Leadership: Google Redesign
- Company Censorship: Google Inside China
- Creativity: Creative Thinking in Google
🎓 Simple Research Topics about Google
- Configuring Your Network Settings to Use Google Public DNS
- Google Corporate Social Responsibility Issues
- Creating Landing Pages for Google Adwords
- Creating Fancy Maps and Pie Charts Using Google API Charts
- Driving Traffic Using Google Adwords
- Email Services and Customer Privacy in Light of Google’s Gmail Service
- Employee Engagement Practices and Organization Performance in Google
- Exploring Google Earth Engine Platform for Big Data Processing
- Google Econometrics and Unemployment Forecasting
- Earning Money Online With Google
- Google Internet Search Activity and Volatility Prediction in the Market for Foreign Currency
- Sentiment-Based Commercial Real Estate Forecasting With Google Search Volume Data
- Google Politics: The Political Determinants of Internet Censorship in Democracies
- The Benefits and Important Information Offered by Google
- Google’s Book Scanning, Legal and Ethical Issues
- Strategies for Online Marketing and Characteristics of the Google Merchandise Store
- The External Technological Threats to Google
- The Reality and Possibility of Modern Alchemy Through the Brilliance of Google
- Google Classroom Instruction Design for Students
- The Relationship Between Google And Our Individual Right
- The Successful Informal System Of Google Company in Driving Performance
- Understanding Google’s Search Platform and the Implications for Antitrust Analyses
- Using Google Tools For Detecting The Provenance Of News
- The Strategies and Competitive Environment of Google
❓ Google Research Questions
- Can Google Search Data be Used as a Housing Bubble Indicator?
- Can Google Econometrics Predict Unemployment?
- Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?
- Are Google’s Business Practices Ethical?
- What Are the Core Competencies of Google Inc?
- Can Google+ Become Successful in Making Its Space in Between Facebook & Linkedin?
- Can Google Data Help Predict French Youth Unemployment?
- Can Google Trends Improve Your Sales Forecast?
- Should Google Organize Your Medical Records?
- What Is Google’s Organisational Structure and Culture?
- Has Google Reduced the Ability to Retain Focus?
- Does Google Leverage Market Power Through Tying and Bundling?
- What Are the Main Factors and HRM Procedures That Have Contributed to the Success of Google?
- What Benefits Are There for Internet Marketers Using Google Plus?
- What Problems and Challenges Does Google Face?
- What Were the Key Factors Behind Google’s Early Success?
- What Were the Reasons Catapult Bi-Lo Moved to Google Apps?
- Why Has Google Dominated the Search Industry?
- Why Is the Human Resource Team at Google Efficient?
- Can Google Really Deliver Country Specific Searching?