Gender Wage Gap It refers to the difference that exists between the average salaries earned by women and men. In most countries, female workers are considered to earn less than their male counterparts. Women from minority groups take home lesser salaries than white women because of other discriminating factors affecting...
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Introduction WBA plc is a London-based company specializing in developing IT solutions and software for various retail, manufacturing, and communications businesses. Questions and problems in human resource management arise in the context of the continuous growth of the company. The lack of specialized skills and young professionals, due to the...
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Summary The scenario portrays the manager, Juanita, who has difficulties with assessing her employee’s personality traits. Sandra’s personality fluctuates depending on the situation, which is why Juanita wants to find a strategy that would help her have a clear picture. There are specific tools the manager can use to achieve...
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Chapter seven focuses on how human resource management in the public sector utilizes performance appraisals to improve organizational efficiency. I will address the most important elements in the chapter. I will apply the question posed, and I will discuss why public sector employees need to know these things. Outcome-based criteria...
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Introduction Organizations are increasingly adopting the concept of mindfulness as a tool for enhancing their effectiveness and productivity. Businesses face various challenges, such as a high rate of employee turnover due to workplace stress and burnout. Equally, lack of work-life balance and conflicts among employees negatively impact organizations. These factors...
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Introduction Workplace favoritism is a phenomenon in which people in positions of power, such as managers, value some employees more than others for personal reasons. These causes may include them being part of the same group or religion, acquaintances or friends outside of work, or lovers, and a variety of...
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Today, a key dichotomy is observed that includes cultures of safety and cultures of blame. In the first case, leaders and decision-makers take effective measures that promote healthy workplace relations, in which each member of the team is to feel safe and confident (Kaplan et al., 2017). Cultures of blame...
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Many employers have differing opinions from that of their employers on how discretionary benefits should be issued to the workforce. Since they are not mandated by law to be provided as a compulsory benefit to employees, there is a bone of contention as to whether employees are entitled to the...
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Absenteeism is a significant issue since it can adversely affect the whole business. Some research articles demonstrate that there is a link between this issue and organizational culture, meaning that the latter can either contribute to the problem or help employees avoid this behavior. The summary and analysis of the...
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Keeping the employees motivated is a crucial task for any organization. Motivation benefits employees themselves and the organization as a whole, which consequently attains sustainability and success. Employee motivation is the energy or effort the employee willingly uses to achieve their needs and organizational goals. There are several ways to...
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In the recent decade, the workplace environment that many people have become used to is increasingly facing structural changes. With the development of leadership and administration theories, as well as changing trends regarding organizational structure, the employees of today have to work in conditions that are very much unlike any...
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Leadership Competencies Altogether, the interviews conducted among the participants revealed critical information linked to the four outlined themes. Thus, the main challenge of using virtual space regarding leadership competencies is leading through mediated technologies. For this reason, for team leaders, it is vital to possess specific skills to be successful....
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The education sector is one of the crucial elements that determine a country’s growth and development. Recently, competition has increased among institutions, requiring that each school aims at the highest level of productivity. The Pleasantville School District evaluated its pay policy and decided to employ a person-focused pay policy to...
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Apple Inc. is one of the major technology companies in the world. Being in the tech industry known for rapid changes and advancements, the company must implement strategies that ensure its competitiveness and success. A key determinant of organizational success is the quality and capabilities of the human resource, as...
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Gender diversity in modern firms is a critical concept representing inclusivity and a healthy culture. Employee management and human resources strive to include more women in the workplace, including the diversity of women of color, LGBTQ+, and women with disabilities. The corporate world may be a difficult place for many...
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Overview The team experiences high stress levels related to micromanagement. The team members express their dissatisfaction with repeating detailed control checks that require them to repeat weekly task lists for cross-reference. Some members believe that their skills are underutilized or not suited for the tasks. The managers remark that they...
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The primary scientific idea in the field of motivation is that rewards of any kind, or so-called external stimuli, are helpful and work only if the rules are simple and the direction is quite apparent. Daniel Pink talks about the degree of influence of external factors, reward, and punishment, on...
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In their article, Scarborough et al. (2019) address workplace diversity, investigate workplace diversity policies in the paradigm of affirmative action, and evaluate how diversity is viewed by people. The significance of this research is determined by the fact that in the present day, diversity in the workplace has become a...
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Organization of product sales is the final and most important stage in the activities of any organization in the field of production. As a rule, developing countries are a good market for products because there is less competition, while labor, infrastructure, and manufacturing are cheaper. This is a clear advantage...
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Employment Experience Reflection Upon reading the article on young workers’ experiences and perspectives, I found many correlations with my personal experience as a worker. Currently working as a school bus driver, I have experienced the challenges of temporary unemployment, diminished promotion opportunities, labor market change, the gap in education, and...
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Cultural Diversity Diversity and inclusion within an organization give access to various skills and viewpoints, resulting in increased creativity and revenue. This is a result of the continued growth of the domestic workforce and the globalization of industries. It is always easy talking about the idea and meaning of cultural...
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The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean country globally known for its large sugarcane plantations that the Spanish colonizers introduced in the 16th century. Agriculture is the backbone of the country’s economy, and sugarcane is the main agricultural product grown in the southeast part of the country. Bad governance in Haiti...
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Diversity in the workplace refers to the differences between individuals through identifying themselves and how others perceive them. It entails various aspects such as race, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, mental conditions, and physical conditions. Organizations practicing diversity in the workplace are also likely to attract more applicants and hire talented...
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Comparing and Contrasting Questionnaire Results with Previous Studies and the Meaning to Scholars Studying the Same Topic The questionnaire results and previous studies demonstrate the truth regarding the work-life balance in employed women, although they have key differences and similarities. One of the similarities is that the increased number of...
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Teamwork involves coordinating and collaborating with people across boundaries of all kind; expertise, distance, time zone to get work done. Most people have to work in teams given the fast-paced global operations, crazy shifting schedules and ever-narrower expertise. Besides, the issues we face today are so significant and so challenging...
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It is essential to closely review the state of the labor market to define its type and the need for government intervention. My local labor market, St. Louis, has the most job postings in Missouri during the last quarter of the previous year (“St. Louis real time labor market summary,”...
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Conflict in work environment is inevitable since there are different people from different backgrounds, professions, values, family set up, ideas, ways of thinking, and religion among others. All these affects the way people work and react to different situations. People also react differently when in different environment hence there is...
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Introduction Business promotion and brand marketing are considered the backbone of progressive concern. But, the more critical issue is project management, development teams, and organizing resources with consideration and appropriation of cultural differences. Project managers are supposed to be equipped with basic organizational skills so that their workforce can contribute...
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Introduction Communication must be free-flowing for an organization with several departments and high interdependency. All the departments comply with each other’s needs to avoid discrepancies in the day-to-day manufacturing operations. Here, the objectives of each department must be aligned so that no such situation is created where the office corridor...
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Differences between Hiring for Task and Hiring for Organizational Fit Staffing is the set of activities aimed at attracting and selecting individuals for positions to enhance the achievement of organizational goals. Increasingly, companies recognize that having committed employees with superior competencies can represent an essential source of competitive advantage. Therefore,...
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Introduction The relationships between employers and workers are usually stipulated by various employment agreements and contracts that cover their responsibilities, job conditions, requirements, wages, fringe benefits, and others. In particular, contract employment, which implies a set time duration, including one, three, and five years, can benefit all participants of work...
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Over the years, the idea of the correlation between workplace efficiency and success has been modified several times. As far as the introduction of nap time to the workplace is concerned, it may be concluded that the idea of quality rest to produce quality output is extremely beneficial (Cassidy, 2017)....
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Every individual is unique, and therefore when subjected to stressful situations, they react differently. Various factors contribute to stress at the workplace, which includes a disorganized work environment and unhealthy organizational culture. Supervisors who undertake more projects than their team can usually handle over-load their subordinates. Subsequently, this creates a...
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Conflict capability questionnaires are growingly becoming essential in conflict management as it facilitates easy analysis of capabilities in conflict situations. This is because the tool utilizes role profiles to identify the potential one has in disputes. The colleagues in Joe’s organization in this regard present different capabilities. He might primarily...
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Diversity is a concept of acceptance and respect towards everyone. It takes a plethora of forms and embraces the differences between people. Diversity is a spectrum that unites humanity’s intolerance toward one another. It is vital to support and protect diversity because it allows people to get free from prejudice...
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Introduction In current conditions, cross-cultural management and intercultural communication problems are becoming more and more relevant: business and intercultural ties are expanding, international companies and associations are developing, and global collectives are being formed. Challenges and Barriers Within the personnel management system framework, two approaches to the management of cross-cultural...
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The changes that can be observed in the modern world influence how work in different sectors is performed. Globalization is one of the aspects that has led to shifts in many industries since some companies are operating internationally. Technology is another essential aspect impacting various professional fields. One of the...
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Donald Rubendall should adopt a liberal approach for hiring Ms. Gibson as his Human Resource Generalist to be presented to the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The approach would be objective and tactical in ensuring continued organizational attributes entailing flexibility and openness. In essence, Ms. Gibson is worth hiring for...
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Every organization aims at improving its performance and limiting losses. Teamwork in businesses is one of the factors that led to the growth and development of many firms. Leaders have also been encouraged to ensure that employees work collectively since it helps them learn from one another and achieve organizational...
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Employee assistance program is a support plan which the employer offers to employees in order to promote their wok performance. This program ensures that personal problems of employees do not affect the performance of the employees at workplace. They are benefits which employees and their family members get through the...
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Introduction Many modern enterprises have introduced information and communication technologies. Telecommuting is a working method that enables employees to work outside of the office, frequently at home, at a client site, or while traveling while still carrying out their duties and interacting with coworkers (Onyemaechi et al., 2018). This opens...
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Introduction Despite the intention to provide equal and safe working conditions and change the representation of workplace diversity, there are still many concerns about employees’ gender and race. In specific fields and high occupational positions, most women and ethnic minorities remain strongly underrepresented. At the same time, men do not...
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Introduction: Human Resources Overview Human Resources (HR) plays a critical role in every organization, involving various activities associated with the employee lifecycle. It includes recruiting and onboarding new talent, providing opportunities for employee development and training, managing compensation and benefits programs, monitoring and providing feedback on employee performance, ensuring compliance...
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Introduction Employee training and human resources management have long been crucial components of enterprises. This paper will examine the strategy used by a consultant to evaluate the needs of a company named Fabrics, Inc. The evaluation will include the approach’s merits and drawbacks, the data sources used for the analysis,...
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Introduction Effective implementation of human resource (HR) plans significantly impacts a company’s success and sustainability. Principally, HR ensures the hiring and retention of qualified and competent candidates. In this regard, recruitment and retention are key to the success of a Fortune 500 company. Through this, the organization can attract and...
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Introduction Established by Thurston Wood and Tanner Emerson in 1975, the Tanglewood Department Stores sell various products, from clothing and home utilities to electronics and camping gear. However, the chain’s primary point of differentiation is its focus on the distribution of ‘outdoor’ items (Kammeyer-Mueller, 2021). At this point in its...
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HR Executive Summary The largest low-cost airline in the world and a well-known American airline is Southwest Airlines. The corporation currently employs 60,000 people (Harvey & Turnbull, 2020). With 103 domestic destinations and ten international ones, the firm primarily serves the domestic airline market (Harvey & Turnbull, 2020). The link...
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Introduction As the globe moves toward a knowledge-based economy, many companies have had little choice but to increase their efforts and resources dedicated to cultivating their employees’ skills. A company’s success depends on its ability to recruit, hire, and retain talented people in today’s increasingly complex and fast-paced business environment...
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Introduction As an HR generalist, it is important to understand the major functions of HR as they relate to the employee life cycle. This cycle includes recruitment and selection, onboarding and orientation, performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and separation and offboarding (Malik et al., 2022)....
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In the contemporary competition-driven world, organizations strive to enhance their performance in a way that outweighs competitors and enables the completion of company goals and serving its mission. In this regard, while the technical, technological, and economic opportunities are more or less equally available to all organizations, the most valuable...
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Introduction Human resource professionals have been forced to think aggressively about their position due to the well-known COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the pandemic has led to adapting to socially isolating tactics and overall new workplace conditions that HR managers may not have expected. Organizations have adopted a remote working approach and...
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Introduction The Human Resources (HR) department is in charge of recruiting the finest talent the firm requires to achieve the company’s goals. The candidate search is accomplished through a rigorous recruitment process that starts with the initial position questionnaire or interview. Consequently, a job analysis is performed, followed by a...
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Summary Data analysis shows that people leave their employment places because of several reasons which carry different weights. The analysis shows that of those surveyed, forty-eight percent cited compensation and benefits as a reason to leave employment. Twenty-two percent cited flexibility, seventeen percent cited leadership, and five percent cited the...
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Introduction Performance management is the continuous communication process between an employee and a supervisor. The procedure occurs throughout the year to support an organization’s strategic objectives. It includes setting objectives, clarifying expectations, identifying specific goals, feedback provision, and reviewing results. Managers use this tool to monitor and evaluate workers’ progress...
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Challenges of Creating a Performance-Oriented Culture Creating a performance-based culture entails using a systematic approach to manage the performance of the team, individuals, and the entire organization. The performance-oriented culture will always demand high-performance metrics at all levels of operations. The approach necessitates several aspects, such as innovative methods for...
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Introduction Diverse cultural traditions enrich a community by adding depth and richness to its social fabric. Religious belief, language, customs, traditions, and fashion all contribute to the wide range of cultural diversity in contemporary society. Cultural diversity can be described as the ability to accept and even appreciate diversity in...
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Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is the main body managing employees across the globe. HRM deals with the processes of hiring, recruiting, managing, and the deployment of employees in organizations (Chai & Sutner, 2020). In most organizations, the HRM department tends to coordinate with the other sectors in a firm...
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Introduction Background of the Study Over the last few decades, the concept of human resource management (HRM) has continued to attract the attention of scholars, corporate leaders, policymakers, and other experts in the business and management realms. As competition in almost all sectors and fields continues to increase, employees have...
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Introduction Nowadays, many Western businesses locate their production plants abroad, which helps both domestic customers and employees by giving them a chance to make a livelihood. The economies of the nations with the lowest labor costs are typically seen as being in the formative stages, indicating that they lack some...
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Remote work has been gaining popularity recently, but the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated its adoption and changed how work is perceived. Remote work has many potential benefits for businesses and employees. This report explores the remote work trend and its impacts on businesses and employees. The drivers of remote...
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Introduction Human Resource (HR) professionals play a critical role in promoting positive workplace culture, providing opportunities for career planning, and ensuring that employees feel supported and engaged. Effective communication is essential for HR professionals to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. Chat instant messaging tools can facilitate informal, yet accurate communication...
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Introduction The proposed project provides a self-paced online learning platform with training in specialized industry-related skills, career advancement, and leadership development to address the shortage of essential abilities and behaviors in employees. This approach is economical, adaptable, and advantageous to businesses and people. Businesses can increase efficiency, production, work satisfaction,...
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Introduction Employee engagement, retention, and well-being are crucial to an organization’s success. In today’s fast-paced corporate world, effective practices and strategies for maintaining staff motivation, satisfaction, and dedication to the organization’s goals should be implemented to stay ahead of the competitors. This memorandum aims to make recommendations for improving Java...
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AC 1.1 The HR industry’s core resource is its workforce, which is why it is sometimes referred to as a people profession. In fact, advancements like information and communication technology (ICT) have made it possible for employers to handle a variety of corporate operations. However, success and motivation are built...
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Problem The identified problem is that employees in the workplace are not experiencing the necessary growth and development opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge, leading to stagnation and potential turnover. The problem of fostering employee growth and development in the workplace has been identified through data and observations indicating...
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Introduction Biases and workplace discrimination based on race, gender, religion, pregnancy, and disability are prohibited under the law. Discrimination in the workplace has existed in the United States since the early 1900s and continues to be a problem (Kaltiso et al., 2021). Beginning in 1865, business owners were permitted to...
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Background Interpersonal communication is how people exchange words, feelings, and emotions using verbal or non-verbal means. It can be done in many ways, which include face-to-face, through facial expressions, in the form of a voice, body language, and gestures. An organization commonly uses interpersonal communication during client meetings, daily employee...
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Overview: The Importance of Having Highly-Developed HR Business Partners HRBPs are key to implementing HR and business strategy. They ensure that HR and the business work towards the same goals. By having skilled HRBPs, organizations can better leverage employee knowledge, skills, and abilities. This increases productivity, cuts costs, and boosts...
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Introduction A company’s ability to be a good or bad employer is primarily determined by the policies, practices, and culture it has in place. A good employer values employees and provides a safe, productive, and positive working environment. Such employers typically offer competitive salaries, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement....
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The food industry is among the most profitable fields due to the constant demand from customers. Despite the global challenges, people will continue to use the services of food chains and stores. As a result, giants like McDonald’s and Starbucks, as well as others, endure sick leave problems, disciplinary issues,...
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The new base salary refers to the initial amount paid to the employee, excluding any allowances. A new base salary positively impacts the employees’ job satisfaction in a company by attracting top talents, increasing motivation, and boosting loyalty (Purwanto, 2020). Employees in a company always put themselves in that state...
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The recent COVID-19 pandemic caused many people to shift from traditional in-office work to working from home. Studies show that before the pandemic, only 5% of Americans worked remotely, but the number had grown to 37% by April 2020 (Yang et al., 2022). The remote working model remained popular after...
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Nowadays, when companies extend rapidly, the issue of optimal office layout has become especially relevant. Throughout the history, a number of approaches have been elaborated to create a productive and comfortable working environment. While it is desirable that employees feel better at work, the emphasis on productivity in designing offices...
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Introduction Successful business plans frequently begin by establishing an efficient and productive workforce, and the method in which work at a firm can be maximized to ascertain workers fulfill their assigned duties. As such, in every organization, worker motivation is an essential aspect of personnel management (Mishra, 2017). In that...
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Introduction Globalization is a powerful force that is dictating a wide range of human and business operations today. More companies are diversifying and expanding their operations, thereby attracting more people with diverse backgrounds to complete a wide range of activities. This trend has affected most of the traditional business aspects,...
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Introduction Companies worldwide face the daunting task of attracting and retaining employees. The competitive attribute of businesses exacerbates this challenge hence necessitating strategies for attracting and retaining competent employees. One of the mechanisms deployed by companies is utilizing employee benefits. However, the employee benefits must be tailor-made to respond to...
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The Rationale for Picking the Article The article written by Kim and Lee (2021) revolves around the problem of employees’ emotional exhaustion and its overall impact on the organization. This article was picked because it provided enough detail regarding the significance of employee burnout and outlined the biggest issues that...
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Introduction Wise employers understand that attracting and retaining outstanding workers requires a reasonable salary and benefits package. Wages, salaries, bonuses, and commission plans fall under the compensation category. Managers should pay attention to the benefits component of worker compensation and perks because these add a lot to employment contracts by...
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Description of the New Benefit A fitness program can be described as a group of exercises designed to improve and maintain physical fitness. The purpose of a fitness program is to improve the overall health and well-being of employees. The outcomes of the new benefit include that healthier employees with...
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Introduction Insurance has become a common product intended to help people identify, manage, and protect risks. The decision to have such a protection is evidence-based and allows individuals to prevent unexpected losses. In some cases, government policies compel individuals to purchase insurance coverage in an effort to protect the interests...
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Introduction The efficient management of an organization depends on many internal and external factors, among which one of the most essential is personnel. Using motivational mechanisms to stimulate employees is becoming increasingly important in human resources management. Personnel should be considered not an expense but a company asset, which can...
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The developed reward and recognition program is intended to motivate and maximize the level of employee job satisfaction in a clinical department. The strategy is timely, evidence-based, and capable of supporting the delivery of positive results. The involvement of all key stakeholders, including project leaders and employees, is critical to...
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Many hiring managers believe that applicants must sell themselves to the company during an interview. Many people overlook the importance of the employer selling the firm, job, and culture to the recruit. Recruiters must grasp the job description and seek talents and abilities that fit with it to guarantee that...
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Human resource management at SEIIC currently faces several issues which affect the company’s development and level of competitiveness. Staff turnover, the lack of top talents, and bureaucratical complexities are affecting the HRM and becoming key obstacles to reassessing the company’s path. To respond to these issues, it is vital to...
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Introduction When it comes to international HRM procedures, businesses continually follow talent market trends. These techniques are now being reviewed at SEIIC and are mostly based on US patterns. For instance, the average employee’s annual compensation rise is merely a few percent. For a variety of reasons, SEIIC HRM does...
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Management and employees share responsibilities for workplace health and safety. All employees must work together to participate in an efficient safety program. Training, its management, and the prevention and control of training risks are all components of the occupational safety program. OSHA is important for enhancing decent working conditions because...
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Introduction Organizational performance and consequent competitive advantages in a respective industry depend on the selection of human resource management (HRM) practices. Since human resources are the core asset of contemporary businesses where talent is highly valued, it is essential for business entities to facilitate HRM to engage experts in their...
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Introduction Employee retention involves actions on the part of managers and administrators to ensure the sustainability of employees in the organization. It creates an environment where employees want to stay and work in the company. For schools there is a problem of high turnover, which leads to a drop in...
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It is not a secret that there is a severe lack of human resources and trained workers in the engineering sector. The world’s population is expanding enormously, and technology is developing quickly. Many of the most significant components of people’s lives are in the upkeep and maintenance of engineers, both...
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Companies have consistently followed talent market trends when it comes to employee wages and compensation. As a result of the constantly shifting business climate and intermittent legal requirements resulting from COVID regulations, many organizations are currently re-evaluating their benefits and pay strategies (Fulmer & Li, 2022). The compensations and benefits...
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Introduction The purpose of a performance diagnostic checklist is to identify issues that may be affecting employee productivity. The checklist can be used to pinpoint areas where employees may need additional training or support or to identify organizational or process issues that may be affecting performance and ways to counter...
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Introduction Employee performance is one of the major factors ensuring the productivity of any company. In the healthcare industry, the quality of a company’s services directly depends on the total performance of staff. The patient’s health and treatment outcomes are connected with the medical providers’ performance. Therefore, the employee’s productivity...
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Introduction It is hard to disagree that there are numerous components that define the success, efficiency, performance, and competitiveness of organizations. Skillful and competent leaders should be aware of such factors and understand that diversity, equity, and inclusion are among them. The modern world is a place where discrimination is...
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Introduction Employee health and wellness determine the productivity of employees in organizations, making health and wellness programs crucial determinants of a conducive work setting. The workplace environment presents employees with job-related challenges that can affect the health and well-being of the most critical company resources. The current work setting has...
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The problem I face is the lack of stable and satisfying employment. The current job is emotionally taxing, since it does not allow me to spend quality time with my family and myself. It has become apparent that the solution lies in finding another job, which would increase my satisfaction....
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Many different situations can occur in the workplace, each of which requires regulation by managers and supervisors. In particular, this applies to cases when the welfare and health of employees of organizations are at risk. In this case, especially established regulations are applied, which provide an opportunity to correctly assess...
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Abstract Purpose. This research aims at analysing the employee engagement practices at Bosch, Germany. Such an endeavour was expected to help companies around the world to adapt its employee engagement practices for the post-COVID period. Moreover, the research closed an important gap in the current body of knowledge. Research Questions....
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Proper management in the modern business environs is an essential criterion that may highly determine the success of a company and its recognition in the market. One of management’s aspects is controlling personnel, especially in the distribution of immediate duties. Managing human resources is characterized by methodologies and approaches designed...
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Flexibility in work is increasingly appreciated in the modern world, and therefore many companies are implementing flexible work policies (FWPs). This practice implies that there are no severe restrictions on the schedule, place of work, or contract between employers and employees (Soga et al., 2022). Currently, the world is becoming...
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Introduction Managers should ensure employees are motivated if the organization they lead is to achieve its goals and objectives. Motivation is the psychological process that arouses and directs people’s goal-directed behavior (Kinicki & Breaux, 2022, p.512). Various motivational theories offer different perspectives on how employees should be inspired. The content...
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Introduction The intentional method of managing individuals in a business or organization effectively and efficiently so that they contribute to their organization’s ability to compete favorably is known as human resource management. It is made to optimize worker performance in support of a company’s strategic goals. Employee engagement, as a...
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Introduction Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a system of methods and approaches that creates a structure for personnel management that meets the company’s long-term business goals. The main feature of SHRM is the focus on the organization’s long-term development in the context of its goals (Greer, 2021). Human Resource...
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