Management Essay Examples for Free - Page 18

Operations, Change and Risk Management

Management Defined An organisation is a group of people who work together with coordinated efforts to achieve certain objectives or goals. Organisational goals and objectives are of various categories, and it is this variation of the goals and objectives which classify organisations into three main categories namely profit-making; service-based and...

British Airways: Idea Management

Any well-meaning organization needs to capture good ideas for the betterment of its operational processes. This need is largely encompassed in the concept of innovation management, which refers to the generation and preservation of new ideas for purposes of organizational development (Cannella & Mcfadyen 2016). Idea management affects different aspects...

Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship

“What an entrepreneur needs to be successful is not luck but great technology and good networks. When pitching to venture capitalists it is important that you have a highly detailed business plan. The more detail about the product or service and how it has features that are more sophisticated than...

The Business Process Management Concept

Introduction Business process reengineering (BPR) is one of the earliest management processes, which precisely focus on white collar non-productive services. Introduced in the early 1990s, companies which attempted to employ the reengineering process at that time failed. The main reason for this failure was because; BPR principles that were used...

Leadership and Management in Action: Basic Functions

An organization can only achieve its specific objectives and wide goals if it operates while taking note of some management concepts. These concepts enable an organization in hospitality industry to run smoothly. The major functions of management include: plan, organize, direct, and control (Davidson, 2009). Planning This makes up the...

Planning, Diagnosing and Managing Change

Introduction Change management is an important organizational process directed at defining the current problems within an organization, understanding the organizational culture and behavior, introducing specific training programs, and accepting and integrating changes through specific approaches, strategies, and plans. All these procedures are crucial for sustaining a competitive advantage and organizational...

Operations Management: Theoretical Perspectives

Introduction Operations management refers to an administrative field that focuses on the planning and running of processes that aid in the manufacture and distribution of goods and services. Thome, Scavarda and Scavarda (2016) allege that operations management guarantees that organisational activities are efficient. It is an essential function in an...

Innovation and Action Plan for Its Implementation

Introduction Contemporarily, organizations value their employees better than they did a few decades ago as it has dawned on them that employees are the greatest asset at the disposal of any organization. One of the factors that have led to this paradigm shift is the increase in popularity of concepts...

Dubai Holding: Change Management Analysis

Introduction Since every organization and its approach towards business operations matters to the entire business fraternity and the consumer world, strategic planning has become a necessity in almost all modern companies. According to Ajmal, Farooq, Sajid, and Awan (2012), each piece of skill, knowledge, technique, or a business strategy, which...

Change Management and the Effective Leadership Role

Introduction Change management is a diverse and multi-faceted process. It is not restricted to a certain type of organization and does not have a rigid framework. Instead, its flexibility and diversity allow the managers to apply its principles to any entity which requires change at a certain point. However, this...

Customer Relationship Management in Small Business

Successful business organizations use different strategies to empower, mentor, and guide their workers to meet the needs of the targeted customers. Skilled managers apply evidence-based techniques and strategies to improve the experiences of their employees. The outstanding objective of such initiatives is to drive organizational performance. The concept of Customer...

Performance Management: Purposes and Components

Purposes of Performance Management and its Relationship to Business Objectives Research is consistent in that performance management frameworks are developed with the primary objective of enhancing the performance of the employee and the organization by not only identifying performance requirements but also providing regular feedback and helping individual employees to...

Performance Appraisal Importance in HR Management

Abstract The human resource department plays a significant role in an organization’s success. Employees from the most important asset in a company. Performance appraisal, which involves discovering, evaluating, and promoting human performance in a company helps in accomplishing an organization’s success. For companies to cope with the competitive market, they...

Quality System Requirements and Principles

Introduction To guarantee long-term value creation, companies that trade in both products and services must deploy effective quality management systems. Such systems entail initiatives, policies, plans, specific procedures, processes, resources, and incentives aligned consistently that they can play critical roles in maintaining a satisfied customer. For the systems to operate...

Service Quality Assessment and Management

Introduction Services, in most cases, are intangible, thus differentiating service companies from manufacturing companies. When the focus of each is on the customer, as posited by Thomas (2009), they are viewed as service providers, albeit. Of importance is thus a focus on the specific needs of a consumer in order...

Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employee Relations

Two internal and two external factors that impact on the employment relationship Two internal factors affecting employee relations include the management style and activities of the union. In this case, the management style that the company adopts will increase integration among workers or cause conflict between them and the workers....

Human Resource Planning Role in Aligning Skills with Jobs

Introduction Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a primary aspect of any organisation. HRP helps in the recruitment and retention of highly qualified personnel who can undertake crucial activities in an organisation. However, despite the current high unemployment levels in the United Kingdom and across the world, many corporations struggle to...

Organization Theory and Design

What is the definition of the organization? An organization is a social grouping of individuals, with a common goal, with a set of structures and systems, and whose activities and objectives are linked to the external environment. Organizations are composed of social entities or people who can know and understand...

Organisation Theory, Culture and Structure

Introduction Different organisations have adopted different approaches to leadership and management. They are often faced with a wide variety of management strategies from which they are to select the most effective and efficient approach in their activities. Management and leadership are among the key principles of the organisation’s theory and...

Communities of Practice and Their Characteristics

What are Communities of Practice? Communities of practice are described as groups of individuals or people who come together to create and share information that is of particular interest to them. These groups are usually formed by people who want to engage in a process of collective thinking and learning...

Business Strategies and Interpersonal Roles

Case 1 Interpersonal roles portrayed by Adams Border Line managers are mandated with the role of implementing policies and strategies that will see their organizations succeed. The quality of decisions made by line managers coupled with their leadership and interpersonal skills determine whether they will be able to build an...

Customer Service: A Practical Approach

How is technology enhancing the requirement of excellent customer service? Provide an example of CRM and technology that you have personally experienced Customer service is the backbone of every business and, therefore, it should be taken into consideration by organizations. Customer relationship management, or CRM, refers to the means that...

Business’ Processes and Systems Importance

Introduction This report presents the importance of business processes and systems as powerful tools in increasing a company’s innovation capabilities through integration, exploitation and coordination of firm’s processes and resources. These processes and systems enable organisations to capture, share and store knowledge. Fire Doors Ltd emerged as a result of...

Integrated Management Information System – Analysis

Introduction Management is a practice of distributing the input of the business by controlling, directing, organizing, and planning with the aim of offering and generating products and services preferred by consumers to achieve the objectives of the business. Therefore, the Integrated Management Information System (MIS) is considered the analysis of...

Organizational Behavior and Successful Human Resource Management

Why organizations need an awareness of their environment The increased economic activities in various parts of the world result in the production of more energy to meet the consumption demands. This massive production is responsible for environmental degradation experienced in various regions fuelling fear that if things continue this way,...

Why Operations Management Is Important for Companies?

Introduction The area of operations management involves designing, planning, and supervising organizational production, manufacturing, or the offering of services. In particular, operations management concentrates on the integration of approaches that facilitate the efficient transformation of inputs to outputs with the view of fostering the success of an organization (Heizer 76)....

Change Management in the Company’s Work

Introduction Organizational change is one of the most important elements of firms’ functioning as it guarantees the gradual development of companies and their further becoming leaders in various spheres. At the same time, it is critical to align the correct alteration of some patterns and the introduction of the new...

Process Management Concepts

What is performance excellence? Performance excellence is a mixed method employed in a performance management system that leads to the following major outcomes: enhancement of general organizational strength and performance; distribution of constantly progressing value to clients and partners; promoting and maintaining organizational sustainability; arranging favorable conditions for personal and...

Meeting Stakeholder and Quality Needs

Managers are key individuals in institutions since they perform key activities that define performance levels in various business units. They are the ones who set the pace for performance in institutions by providing the requisite support and incentives that are vital for achieving exemplary performance. As noted by scholars, managers...

Operations and Supply Chain Management in Business Process

Introduction The rapid globalization rate has contributed to the high competition in the manufacturing industry as well as other sectors of the economy. This has therefore led to the adoption of operations management as well as supply chain management as some of the systems that lead to the success of...

Leadership and Management Concepts and Differences

Discuss the Concept of Managers as Effective Leaders In the context of this question, discussing the managers as effective leaders and the leaders as efficient managers and underlining the gravity of these concepts is critical. As it was mentioned earlier, determining the differences between management and leadership is vital. The...

Organizational Change’ Management Sphere

Abstract The increased topicality and importance of the sphere of business result in the appearance of new ways to organize the functioning of particular companies with the central aim to guarantee their rise and stable performance. For this reason, the sphere of management devoted to the organizational change acquires the...

Total Quality Management in Aviation Operations

Introduction Total quality management (TQM) is a popular approach to managerial practices used to improve efficiency of operations. Its flexibility allows a wide range of applications and usually yields considerable increase of productivity. The following paper aims at determining the applicability of TQM to aviation operation management field. This is...

Leadership and Management: Exploring the Concepts

Meanings Attached to Leadership and Management as Concepts Leadership and management are foundational elements within any team since they provide the bulk of process coordination and allow setting clear goals, at the same time ensuring that the team members perform at the required level. The approaches toward defining leadership and...

The Role of Organizational Change in Business

Coaching The term coaching refers to a form of personal development in which an individual, the coach supports the learning of his or her client through the achievement of specific professional or personal goals. In leadership, it plays a detrimental role as senior leaders who either coach their followers or...

Lincoln Electric Company’s Management

Introduction Lincoln Electric Corporation, a today’s world leader in the welding equipment and consumables industry with more than one hundred-year history, was founded at the end of the 19th century as a small company with $200 capital investment. Initially, the founder of the Lincoln Electric Company, John C. Lincoln aimed...

The Core Objectives of International Management

Introduction The core objectives of international management comprise the formation, development, and maintenance of the company’s competitive advantages with the opportunities to conduct business in different countries, as well as the appropriate utilisation of economic, social, cultural, and other characteristics across these countries. Effective management, which ensures success for the...

Organizational Development: Job Design and Motivation

Describe the motivational approach to job design. What are the key dimensions that lead to high work quality and internal motivation? In organizational management, work design is concerned with the creation of jobs and teams that can lead to high levels of employee satisfaction and productivity. To achieve the objectives...

Human Resource Managers’ Role in Organizational Change

Introduction Organizational change is a revolutionary process of altering the way an organization operates in an attempt to meet some defined goals and objectives. Change is an inevitable practice in organizations since they have to adjust to dynamic business climates to remain competitive. Organizations have to remain aggressive to seek...

Total Quality Management: Employee Responsibilities

Introduction To retain a strong market position and remain competitive in the current global market, companies find themselves without any option than to integrate the philosophy of total quality management in running their activities today. That is the case with Etisalat Telecommunications Company. It is the case when everyone is...

Supply Chain Management Tools and Techniques

Abstract Strategic Sourcing is a process targeted at the optimization of the supply base at the same time with minimizing the Total Cost of Ownership. This process is based on a broad analysis of spending patterns as well as a clear definition of the needs and requirements of the business....

Insiders and Outsiders Role in Leading Organizational Change

Introduction In general, organizational change entails planning and executing change in order to realize effectiveness throughout an organization. To be successful, the top leadership in an organization must demonstrate a high level of commitment and attempts must be made to involve those who are likely to be affected by a...

HRMS TECH-Services Company Business Plan

Objectives Every new business venture must have some prescribed objectives. The objective should aim at pushing through the market the service and products a company intends to offer for sale. The objective of the current business plan summary is to market and sale 600 units of the HR system to...

Performance Management Cycle and Practice Community

Introduction Organizational performance is mainly influenced by the commitment and contributions made by employees to achieve their work targets. Thus, companies use the performance management cycle (PMC) to realize the full potential of their workforce. The performance management cycle is an annual process through which companies set and help their...

International Human Resource Management Practices

Human resources management process and practices contribute greatly to accomplishing organization’s strategic objectives through its contribution to effective management and analysis of the human resources needs. The obligations of organization’s human resources management (HRM) are planning organization’s human resources, employees training and development, recruiting, selecting, transferring, promoting and demoting of...

Airline Companies: Remuneration and Effective Performance

Executive summary Human resource (HR) management is the most critical link between organisations and customers. The HR department deals with the well-being of employees. Employers are increasingly becoming aware of the fact that employees are the most valuable assets in an organisation. Therefore, companies have come up with diverse ways...

Business Excellence Practices for Self-Assessment

Introduction Business Excellence is regularly depicted as remarkable practices in dealing with organizational improvements and attaining results, all given a set of crucial concepts or values. These practices have developed into models to demonstrate how an excellent organization ought to function. The models have been produced and improved because of...

Enterprise Resources Planning in Modern Business

Introduction Enterprise resource planning is one of the emerging trends in business management operations in the modern society. Leon (2008) says, “Enterprise Resource Planning refers to automation and integration of a company’s core business to help them focus on effectiveness and simplified success.” The system enables a company to integrate...

Business Excellence: Quality Award Programs’ Analysis

Summary Business excellence is dependent on the strategic application of quality management tools and criteria to the overall management of a business based on different aspects generally applicable in various countries individually and regionally. Quality management is a vital aspect in the management of businesses as it ensures competitiveness in...

Toyota Production System Operation Management

Elements of lean management Lean management is an efficient method of eradicating waste in the production process. The muscular approach system is derived from the Toyota production system (TPS). TPS is mainly built on two pillars, namely Jidoka and Just-in-time (JIT). Lean management is focused on creating high-quality products. Additionally,...

Excellence Awards and Quality Standards

Excellence Awards Excellence awards are prizes that are given to companies that are outstanding in one way or another. An excellence award is given to an organization as recognition of the company’s role in achieving excellence in providing quality products and services. The award may also be awarded to a...

Quality Management, Lean Operations and Performance

Abstract This report entails an analysis of two operations management topics, which include quality management and lean operations. The report outlines a brief introduction illustrating the significance of management in organizations’ efforts to attain long term survival. However, the attainment of long-term success is influenced by the effectiveness and efficiency...

Organization Design and Management Systems

Introduction Several factors influence the success of an organization. These factors arise from various sources such as the firm’s history and its ownership. In addition, the effectiveness with which the firm’s activities are controlled also affects its success. For example, ownership and control of a firm may influence other aspects...

Applied Problem Solving in the Workplace

Introduction Problem-solving prototypes are essential in addressing the multiple issues that emerge daily in the workplace. The types of problems that arise vary in range, magnitude, and complexity. They can be technical or issue-based. They can be technical or issue-based. In essence, a complex problem is a multi-faceted issue whose...

Value Management

Introduction There are various people who are affected by the construction process of any building or other structures. Such effects can be positive as well as negative. Positive impacts include good communications, good lodging facilities, and a higher expectation for everyday life. Construction projects are expected to bring changes not...

Performance Appraisal System in SGS Company

Executive Summary This proposal entails an illustration of the fundamental issues that the consultancy firm will take into account in offering consultancy services to SGS (HK) Limited. The proposal identifies the strategic objectives that the company should take into account to revitalize its competitiveness. Additionally, the proposal identifies the issues...

Cultural Differences: How to Achieve Competitive Advantage?

Abstract In the era of globalization, cross-border mergers and acquisitions are playing vital role to expand brand in the competitive market for which the companies outgrow their original cultural boundaries. At the same time, there are many other factors for which companies get employees from different cultures, for instance, recruitment...

Crisis Management Process at Organizations

Introduction Definition Crisis management can be defined as a managerial practice that aims to help the company react to an undesirable event. A situation that could warrant the use of crisis management will most likely be of a scale that would cause disruptions in the normal operations of a company,...

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company: Organization Development

Abstract Organizational development is a concept that has gained popularity in the current competitive business environment. Companies are struggling with environmental forces and their success depends on the strategy that they embrace. Organizational development proposes a way in which companies can deal with these forces, especially when it comes to...

Activities Management for Achieving Results

Introduction The organizational and artistic of an institute in the Inter-relationship of procedures and tasks of the organization Organizational culture is commonly held and relatively stable beliefs, attitudes, and values that exist in an organization. Organizational structure is based upon the organization’s objectives in terms of its input, conversion process,...

Personal and Management Skills

Introduction Managers in the 21st century should have the necessary skills which will enable them to be effective in discharging their duties (Harrison, 2005, p. 7). According to me, effective management is necessary for an organization to succeed. Management is concerned with getting people together to accomplish goals and objectives...

Operations Management Priorities and Concerns

Process Improvement Techniques for Organisational Operations For any organisation to succeed in improving productivity, the management needs to employ well structured and defined quality management techniques for continuous improvement. Although many strategies have been adopted by practitioners in management to improve productivity, the most prominent strategy is the concept of...

Effective Change in the Banking Industry

Introduction The global business environment has changed significantly in the recent past. Certain developments such as the internet, management theories, outsourcing, and online banking have transformed how different organizations pursue their objectives. Many players in the global banking sector have been focusing on various approaches that can promote performance and...

Dynamic Organizations and Impact on Productivity

Abstract The world market is increasingly becoming competitive due to globalization that has been enhanced by technology. It is coming out clearly that dynamism is very important for firms to survive market changes. Firms must be in a position to change with the changes taking place in the market and...

Statistical Quality Control in Business Production

Introduction Statistical quality control (SQC) or statistical process control (SPC) refers to a group of analytical instruments and techniques used by process engineers to guarantee the quality of a process or product. Statistical quality control helps process managers to evaluate the quality of manufacturing course and solve emerging problems (Evans...

Total Quality Management’ Role in Organisations

Overview of Quality and Total Quality Management Various researchers define quality differently. For instance, perceived quality may be said to be the judgements of consumers about the overall superiority, excellence and value of an entity (Rowley 1998, 325). Reeves and Bednar (1994, 437) state that quality is excellence, value and...

Business Intelligence Systems Management

Introduction Business intelligence refers to the procedures and devices used to convert raw data into information that can be used in analysis. The term was formulated in 1865. It is associated with Richard Millar Devens. The scholar used the phrase to describe Sir Henry Furnese’s deeds. Henry was a banker...

Business Excellence, Its Perspectives and Models

Introduction Business excellence refers to exceptional practices adopted by organisations to achieve outstanding results regarding their performance and productivity levels. Businesses are regarded as flourishing if their strategies result in continuous financial profitability compared to others in similar lines of operations. The idea of business excellence is based on eight...

Total Quality and Stakeholder Management

The formation of total quality management (TQM) as an approach to the managing processes for projects and businesses started in the middle of the twentieth century (Zink 2007). During this time, the companies came to a realization that the concept of quality should not apply to goods and services exclusively...

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice

Link the KM frameworks to key KM concepts and the major phases of the KM cycle Being able to acquire information fast, process it in q high-quality manner, and distributing it efficiently means improving both the organizational and production process within a specified organization. Therefore, knowing the basic KM framework...

Business Management Improvement: Information Systems

Introduction Business organizations play significant roles in fostering the growth of economies besides creating profits for the owners. The efficient management of business organizations is crucial for creating opportunities for growth not only for the firm but also for their respective industries and the overall economy (Ward and Peppard 72)....

Emirates Airlines Quality Management

Introduction Quality management has increasingly become an essential activity in business organisations, especially with the increase in the level of competition. Organisations need to manage and produce high quality goods and offer high quality services for them to be successful. It is one of the surest ways through which an...

The History & Evolution of Quality Management Quality

Quality Management was a natural offshoot of industrialization. Quality management became necessary to help reduce the quantity of defective products arising from production processes. Companies that managed to increase the quality of their products and to reduce defects in their finished products remained profitable. This report looks at the evolution...

Change, Coaching and Mentoring Fundamentals

Coaching Purpose of coaching and how it could be implemented in an organization Grow model is one of the most used methods of coaching. This model provides one of the simplest and powerful frameworks for coaching process. Through the Grow Model, it is easy for the employees to find their...

Strategic Leadership Role in Change Management

Executive Summary The most recent debates on leadership concepts tend to stress on leadership and innovation. Innovation is one of the key matters facing businesses at the moment. Innovation and generation of new ideas are important for product development and overall productivity. Every leader knows that an organization needs a...

Procter and Gamble Company: Development Issues

Introduction As social, economic, and cultural aspects of life keep transforming in the world, organisations need to understand that organisational change is becoming an irresistible factor in the corporate world (Adkins & Caldwell 2004). Organisational culture is a form of administration or control technique that companies use. Organisational culture involves...

Enterprise Resource and Material Requirements Planning in the UAE

MRP System The way MRP works in UAE enterprises MRP is usually associated with the management while it is more applicable to resources and manufacturing rather than to areas of business that deal with providing services. In this respect, it is necessary to analyse the integration of MRP system in...

Managing Information System

Acknowledgment I thank the Almighty Lord for granting me peace and grace in the period of my research. God has always been faithful, loving; he is a constant source of my endless love to him. May HIS love reign every day, AMEN. I would also like to express my sincere...

Quality Management Issues: Theory and Practice

Literature Review In today’s enterprises, quality management is characterized by the use of simple yet powerful tools that are designed with the goal of helping organizations achieve their production objectives (Mahadevan, 2007). An example of this is observed when considering Brakes India Limited (BIL), a well-known manufacturer of braking systems....

Innovation and Organizational Culture

The need to appreciate the role of leadership in an organization makes it imperative to look at the actual performance of companies in the market place as a source of learning for organizational leadership. This paper relates to four case studies from some of the most successful companies in the...

The Management and Organizational Dynamics

The modern perspectives of effectiveness The premises on corporate actions seem to have either clear or implied purpose of building managerial efficiency. In fact, the level of effectiveness is an expansive notion characterized by a number of perspectives. These consist of open system, organizational learning, high performance work practices, and...

Cultural Diversity and Group Relations in the Workplace

Executive summary Company (X) is in the process of diversifying its business operations into a new business environment defined by people from different cultural backgrounds. At the same time, the management of company (X) has realised that the performance of the company is on the decline. A study was conducted...

Dubai Customs’ Quality Management and Innovation

Abstract This study presents the relationship between the implementation of quality management systems and innovation in Dubai Customs. The study embodies a rich literature review on innovation, change, and quality management systems. The research uses personal interviews and self-administered questionnaires to collect data for a sample of five interviews at...

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company: Program Governance

Introduction Background In the current competitive business environment, companies are finding themselves in a very challenging environment where they have to fight for survival. They have to find ways of offering their customers unique products that meet their needs in the best way possible while at the same time lowering...

Management and Organization Development

Introduction Management development is the process that sees managers in an organization improve their skills, benefiting themselves and the organization (Rothwell and Kazanas 199, p.71). For the organization to succeed, the management team has to engage in individual management development (Rothwell 1998, p.81). When the management leadership is backed by...

Leading Change in a VUCA World

Background Information The events in the business environment are frequently compared to natural phenomena. Thus, similarly to cyclones and hurricanes, strong winds of change that were blowing in business turned into a real storm that was named VUCA. VUCA is an abbreviation from volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (Hollingworth 2016)....

Downsizing’ Process and Effects

Introduction Downsizing in the corporate world is used to mean the process in which a company re-organizes its structure by bringing about layoffs in a part of the workforce of the company (Drew 4). There are several reasons as to why a company would decide to layoff part of its...

Middle Managers Driving Change in Organization

Executive Summary The current paper provides an analysis of the problem of implementation of change by middle managers in an organization, and the associated difficulties. The paper is based on a literature review. It was discovered that companies are required to change extremely fast to survive in the market and...

Performance Measurement Systems: Designing and Updating

Introduction Performance measurement is incredibly important in the public and private sector organizations. Indeed, performance measurement in the public sector has been playing a vital role in different governments around the globe since the early 1980s. For example, the American government developed the American Government and Performance Results Act in...

Observation Project: Process and Management

Introduction Our observation was meant to explore the impact of group leadership, problem-solving, and conflict management. We identified a group to observe, and this was a team of engineers in as constructing a firm ready to begin working on a project. The team comprised of an Architect (Mohamed), a Structural...

Knowledge Management Theories at Nokia

Introduction There are two kinds of knowledge. Gao, Li and Clarke (2008) refer to them as explicit or tacit. Absolute knowledge is transferable through physical media. It is quantifiable and firms can trade it. On the other hand, tacit knowledge has no definite formula. The transfer of silent knowledge can...

Frugal Innovation and Change Management in India

Introduction This is a reflective report, which captures thinking towards leading and managing change and promoting creativity and innovation within an organization. The report evaluates why change is so prevalent and so necessary for organizational success and survival. In this report, I make use of frugal innovation in India to...

Hexaware Technologies Company: Quality Improvement Issues

Introduction The business environment in which organizations operate today is frequently changing, and it is becoming more and more complex. Organizations, both private and public, feel increasing pressures that force them to react quickly to changing conditions and to be innovative in the way that they operate (Turban, et al....

Creativity Management: the Way to True Inspiration

Chapters One – Four Summary Chapters one through four covers the earliest steps to the creation of Pixar. The first chapter introduces Ed Catmull, who is the author of the book and the President of Pixar/Disney animation. It goes over his love of animation and his first experiments in 3D...

Impact of Training during Organization Change

Change within an organizational setting is a force that cannot be avoided, especially in the modern society where technology is increasingly redefining the manner in which things are done. According to Vinesh (2014), successful organizations have learnt how to manage change in a way that is not disruptive in nature....

Complexity Theory in Change Management

Executive Summary The organizational change is an integral part of every company nowadays. All organizations should be able to adapt to the rapidly changing environment. Globalization, technologies, pluralism, and multiculturalism are factors that predetermine the need to adapt to alternations to remain competitive in the sphere constantly. Managers may utilize...

Operations Management: Processes and Resources

Introduction Operations management (OM) is a faculty of management that is concerned primarily with supervising, designing, and controlling processes within a production function; the essence of OM is to redesign business operations, especially in light of producing goods while tendering services. OM takes into consideration the responsibility of underscoring the...

Service Industry Operations Management: Southwest Airlines

Introduction The service industry has undergone phenomenal growth over the past few decades. For example, the industry has created employment to a significant proportion of individuals across the world. The industry’s rampant growth has attracted numerous scholars, who are concerned with studying different aspects associated with it. One of the...

Performance Management System: Advantages and Disadvantages

Aim and Role of Performance Management: Increasing Value and Promoting Growth Although the concept of performance management is relatively new to the global business environment, it has already become an integral part of the corporate processes and the quality management frameworks in companies worldwide (Madjid 2014). The foundation of performance...

Management Decision Support Systems

Management decision support system is a platform that correlates volumes of data and information. Management support system is a decision-making tool that facilitates organizational operations. The architecture assists managers to understand, manage, organize, and redistribute, business processes. Management decision support system is not a decision model, but an aggregate component...

Quality Management: Dubai Excellence Awards

Over the last few decades, excellence models have become increasingly popular among business organizations. The strategies are used to facilitate competitiveness and reduce operational costs. The models achieve this objective by adopting methods used to assess total quality management principles and practices. The principles are made part of everyday operations...

Human Resource Management’ and Marketing’ Relations

Introduction The contemporary business organization is continuously operating within a highly competitive and uncertain market. As the business environment and situation continues to get complicated, people working with the organizations are seen as important elements to help in creating or enhancing the competitive advantage. Studies have indicated that employees’ job...