Background McDonaldâs is one of the leaders in the food industry and one of the most famous fast-food restaurant chains worldwide. The company operates in 119 countries with over 200,000 employees and consolidated revenues of more than $21 billion as of 2019 (McDonaldâs, 2020). The company concentrates on meeting its...
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Pages: 11
Introduction Employee motivation is considered one of the main factors that influence the performance of the whole team, department, and organization. There are a plethora of factors that increase or decrease subordinates’ motivation. The role of a good leader is to assess these factors and decide what meaning they have...
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Pages: 5
The issue of motivating a productive employee to keep working for a certain company has always been pressing both for large and small organizations. Many studies have been carried out to uncover the best retention and development practices along with reasons why workers tend to change jobs and seek a...
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Pages: 13
Introduction Job satisfaction is a term that is used to refer to the way in which one is contented with his job and in most cases, Job satisfaction is among the important factors that determine the employeeâs motivation in any given organization. This aspect heavily impacts the production capacities as...
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Pages: 7
Introduction Management needs to ensure that her employees are and remain committed to the organization. This is so since the employees greatly influence the functioning of an organization and if at all they are not committed then the organization may fail to meet its objectives. Currently, there has been great...
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Introduction In the era of globalization and decreasing barriers between cultures, workplace diversity facilitates better collaboration and the necessity to encourage commitment to embrace change and differences. Both tangible and intangible benefits can be achieved, ranging from conflict resolution to increased exposure. Researching the problem of the lack of diversity...
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Pages: 3
Introduction Organizations that operate in present-day competitive business environments cannot overlook the concept of motivation and its role in a workplace setting. The research topic selected for this paper revolves around motivation, which is an aspect that has recently attracted huge scholarly attention. This topic developed following the remarkable performance...
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Pages: 6
Introduction Human Resources (HR) are considered among the most valued assets of organisations. In that regard, many executives realise that the value of such asset depends on the skills and the competencies it holds, and thus, consider learning as an organisational necessity (Phillips and Phillips, 2009). Providing learning opportunities to...
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Pages: 10
Introduction Human resource management stops with neither the hiring nor the allocation of tasks to the employees. It is a continuous process which deals with many factors such as remuneration and skills levels. The latter is emphasized mainly to ensure that employees are well qualified to tackle more complex job...
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Pages: 7
Introduction Different organizations embrace different dimensions of management. We have those that are team based and thus encourage the participation and empowerment of employees. On the other hand, thereâre those that empower the managers to be in control of both the individual and organizational performance. The former is evidenced in...
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Truly talented HR professionals focus all their skills and energy on creating a top-performing workforce that delivers stable results. To be able to lead people into becoming true professionals, an HR specialist has to possess a range of people-oriented skills that define the role and the meaning of his or...
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In the past two decades, workplace surveillance including email, social media, and Internet monitoring has gained considerable attention of academicians and the mainstream public. The pervasive explosion of new electronic means has prompted businesses to adopt technology to increase productivity, augment profitability, and competitiveness. In this same vein, employers deploy...
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Pages: 9
Introduction McDonald’s is a global multinational corporation, which is represented on all six continents and in over 100 countries. 80% of the company’s fast-food restaurants are owned on a franchise basis. The company offers a uniform product, with some accommodations considering local customs and beliefs since one of the main...
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Pages: 16
Introduction The field of Human Resource (HR) management presents an important dilemma for employers in terms of rewards and performance. On the one hand, employees are viewed as the main asset of the company and its main capital (Crager, 2002). On the other hand, employers go along the costs reduction...
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Pages: 11
Introduction The notion of business ethics is very popular nowadays. It appears to be necessary for any company that strives to maintain a positive reputation. However, every business is a very complex system of interrelated elements. As a result, not only its reputation but also other aspects and characteristics get...
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Introduction The success of any organization depends on its leadership. Not every boss is a true leader; assuming a position of authority does not necessarily signify the ability to lead. In this paper, three leaders â Albert John Dunlap, John Woolman, and James Burke â will be analyzed with regard...
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Pages: 12
Introduction In order to be accepted and respected by the present-day global business community, a company has to meet the requirements of corporate social ethics. Unethical conduct can often improve short-term financial bottom-line results, which is tempting. In the long run, however, such a company will lose credibility and face...
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Pages: 7
Abstract Human resource management features personnel administration, organizational management, industrial management, and manpower management. According to Mathis and John (2008), it is the management of an organization’s human resources and factors related to them. This paper aims at identifying different human resource strategies used in the successful development of big...
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Pages: 8
Abstract This report covers the definition of employee performance appraisal systems, through a short history of where it started. The importance of replacing the traditional methods with the modern methods of appraisal is discussed. There are various methods that an organization can apply to evaluate the employeesâ performance. The commonly...
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Pages: 14
Introduction The notion that fun and humor in the workplace have a positive impact on employee morale and performance is prevalent amongst businesses across the globe. Fleming and Sturdy (2009, p.573) indicate that this belief has led to the knowledge that there is âconsiderable evidence that the management of fun...
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Abstract A review of the literature on employee retention was conducted to determine within which theoretical frameworks it is relevant to discuss the issue of employee retention; what factors can influence the employeesâ decision to stay with the organization in the public sector; what factors can affect the employeesâ decision...
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Pages: 34
Background information Empowering workers refers to the act of offering staff authority to make and act upon decisions they deem appropriate to the organization. Most managers are often quick to delegate responsibility but reluctant to hand over real authority to their juniors. Competent and hardworking staff may find themselves frustrated...
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Pages: 10
Introduction Background information Organizations, both private and public are faced with the challenge of accelerated changes within operation areas (Nadler, 2008). There is a relentless pressure on managers to expedite operations and minimize operational costs. To beat this challenge, private and public entities are beginning to explore the best approaches...
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Pages: 13
Introduction As we progress in the 21st century business-wise, human resources and capital management continue to take centre stage in the development of business strategies. Retaining and attracting people to the Multinational Corporations is increasingly becoming more and more of a priority today in all types of organization hence the...
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The main aim of this paper is to shed more light on the issue of performance appraisal and particularly motivation technique as one of the key components that organizations have to engross in their organizational culture to enhance their effectiveness towards attaining the set goals. This paper is dealing with...
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Pages: 13
Introduction Unionization has been decreasing in the United States over the last few decades. Unionization is generally the state where the workers are organized or come together to achieve specific goals that may vary depending on the category of workers. The majority of the unions are formed with the sole...
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Pages: 6
Introduction Human resource management is often regarded as the key aspect of successful business activity. Considering the fact that the strict hierarchy and the delegation system are the most important values of the proper diversified business activity, it should be stated that the proper HR practices generally shape the entire...
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Pages: 10
The Human Resource Management (HRM) functions in an international organization, encompassing a variety of actions or activities. Basic among these activities is decision taking regarding the organizational requirement for more workers. The international organizations department for Human Resource Management decides on whether to send expatriate workers to a particular location...
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Pages: 9
Introduction It is becoming significantly imperative to understand the operations of multinational enterprises due to globalization of business. While there is no conventional agreement for the term globalization, in economics, it is used to refer to international integration in commodity and labor markets (Bordo et al.2003, p.187). There have been...
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Pages: 14
Introduction Employee relation is a comparatively popular discipline which involves the atmosphere inherent between the employer and employee (Taylor, 2002). Employee relations therefore carry a lot of weight bearing in mind that human resource is gradually becoming the focal point in the business arena. Employee relations therefore play a crucial...
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Summary of Newspaper Article The article by Adam Liptak titled “Muslim Woman Denied Job Over Head Scarf Wins in Supreme Court” that was published in The New York Times on June 1, 2015, discusses a lawsuit against Abercrombie & Fitch. The company was accused of employment discrimination by a woman...
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Pages: 9
Introduction Corporate social responsibility is a voluntary action by organizations that involves the incorporation of the stakeholdersâ communal and the environmental concerns into the business. This involves putting into consideration matters that are not primarily business oriented. Moreover, it is the process of bringing into the company issues that were...
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Pages: 8
Introduction Many managers are contending with the issue of how to manage a workforce that is made up of different age sets and be able to make them realize the objectives of the organization. At the same time these achievement should be done in a peaceful and harmonious environment. If...
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Pages: 13
Introduction Blue Gum is a manufacturing company established in Australia. The company deals with the production of custom made clothing and promotional products which supplies the inhabitants of Australia and countries far and beyond. Furthermore, The Company is grounded or established in most states in Australia (Sydney, North Queensland) and...
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Pages: 9
Introduction The misuse of drugs, alcohol and other substances is a concern to almost everyone. Employers are equally concerned with drug and substance abuse among their employees because it increases the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace, absenteeism, reduced productivity, and the harm they cause to the misuserâs...
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Pages: 11
Introduction Health and safety are very important issues that any workplace must comply with. In accordance to legislative requirements and effective in its daily operation and service delivery an industry must meet the workplace health and safety standards (Richardson, 2004). A work place is a place where activities of different...
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Pages: 10
Introduction Human nature is important while considering employees’ motivation. Hence, the job of a manager in a reasonably big Multi-National Company (MNC) is to get things done through the employees as the tasks are multifaceted and involve different departments. For the above aspect, a manager needs to practice motivation of...
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Pages: 12
Introduction Schuler, (1984) demonstrates that every organisation is incorporating all sorts of strategies in order to have a competitive edge over their competitors and to keep up with the ever changing external environment but most fail because they fail to incorporate strategic management in the organisations most important resource and...
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Pages: 14
It is a systematic process of evaluating the human resource needs of an organization and thereafter making the appropriate human resource allocation based on their skills and competence as required by the firm (Stone, 2009). It is the development of a plan aimed at matching the size and skills of...
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Pages: 11
Introduction Diversity management is a concept that entails the understanding that every individual is unique, and recognises the differences between people. Gender, social class, income level, sexual orientation, and many other factors including the ethnicity are considered to the main ones while discriminating people that have equal rights and opportunities...
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Pages: 11
Introduction Globe Limited has a number of problems facing her salespersons. One of these is the fact that these staff members know very little regarding warrant and thus perceive it as unnecessary. In a real sense, they cannot confidently convince a customer to buy a warranted product. They do not...
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Pages: 9
Introduction Apart from a few cases, the boards of directors in companies have over time been composed of males. However, this trend has been changing, though at a very slow pace. According to Rosener (1), based on the recent figures, the female gender is composed of 11 percent of Fortune...
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Pages: 15
Introduction This paper looks into the most appropriate position for me taking into account that the organization I work for is expanding and restructuring. I, therefore, have an opportunity to determine my perfect position taking into consideration relevant leadership style through which my strengths and weaknesses can be compared and...
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Pages: 6
Executive Summary This report outlines the analysis and evaluation of an Australian Company that is seeking global expansion to Indonesia. The analysis entails company description, human resource practices and general structure. The evaluation of the host country is provided with reference to the business culture and comparison given to the...
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Pages: 13
Introduction Both human beings and animals need a certain force that will derive them towards achieving goals. We refer to this driving force as motivation. According to researchers, motivation can be extrinsic or intrinsic depending on oneâs social background. Nevertheless, motivation plays a significant role in the lives of people,...
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Pages: 13
Introduction Human Resources Management (HRM) is one of the most multi-faceted, diverse, and demanding fields in the area of management. Since the past few years, the field of Human Resources management has witnessed pioneering changes. Nowadays, new strategies and methodologies are being constantly evolved and adapted in order to enhance...
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Pages: 12
Introduction Human resources are very important components of any corporate organization as explained by Dawson (2003, p. 147). To ensure better performance of human resources, it has been a tradition of different corporate organizations and business entities to have human resource departments headed by human resource managers. The functions of...
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Pages: 12
Introduction Motivation refers to the force that drives an individual or a group of persons toward achievement of certain goals (Calver, 2001). Motivation can either be intrinsic or extrinsic (Miner, 2002). There are various theories put in place to explain as to why employees should be motivated. Some of the...
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Pages: 8
Employee motivation is an important aspect of the modern-day work environment since employees play a crucial role in the realization of company goals. It follows that several theories have been floated in a bid to explain factors that may influence their productivity at these stations of work. Maslow The hierarchy...
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Pages: 7
Introduction The report is based on how the theory and research on Human Resource Management (HRM) influence Wal-Mart storesâ operations. Human Resource management entails the management of an organizationâs employees. The report covers issues in HRM that Wal-Mart undertakes that should be emulated by other organizations for their success. The...
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Pages: 11
Communication Communication is generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, or even information that is conveyed through words, actions, or symbols. Organizations and companies utilize two types of communications namely; downward form as well as upward form. upward communication entails subordinates sending messages to the leaders who are above...
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Pages: 11
Statement of business problem Following a poor performance at the Incredible Ventures Company, a board resolution passed the need to cut down on company spending especially on miscellaneous dockets, and redirect the money to fund a new line of products which the company thought to be a possible recovery path....
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Pages: 6
Introduction Preparing people or putting them through a prescribed procedure has always been a process existing in or produced by nature within human resources management. Human resources management (HRM) is identified as a strategic activity that is engaged in business processes. These include bringing people in and out of the...
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Pages: 11
Introduction The interest in enhancing fire-prevention propaganda is currently among the priorities in teaching the basics of safety. In that regard, the UK government devotes substantial efforts to the issues of fire safety propaganda, specifically among children of primary school age. Additionally, many efforts are devoted to raising the image...
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Pages: 10
Introduction An HR audit is a practice used by organizations to develop and evaluate ways of strengthening workforce performance. The main issues considered in the evaluation process include; methods of cost reduction, employee motivation and means to improve productivity and growth in an organization. Evaluation of HR audit is based...
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Pages: 14
Introduction Diversity can be defined generally as the act of acknowledging, understanding, celebrating and valuing the differences that exist among people. This should be undertaken with a lot of respect given to the personâs ethnicity, both mental and physical ability, age, gender, class, race, personal spiritual practices, sexual orientation and...
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Pages: 7
Introduction The field of human resource management (HRM) has constantly tried to find its position in the organisation (Drucker 1954; Wright, Dunford & Snell 2001). When the organisation operates through good times, HRM assumes an important position with increased expenditure done on training, employee involvement, recruitment increases. However, during difficult...
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Pages: 13
Introduction The issue of high number of high school drop outs has been rampant in the past decade. Young people drop out of school for various reasons such as peer pressure, drugs, other crime-related issues, violence, teenage pregnancy, poverty, and disability among other factors. Statistics show that the rate of...
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Introduction Organizations are familiar with the forces that have an effect on the way they function as well as the way in which they are managed. The advancement in technology as well as, product/ service, transforms challenge managers, the main challenge faced by managers is how to manage. The challenges...
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Pages: 9
Introduction to the topic Human resources management is relatively a current idea and it mainly includes a large range of plans and practices to manage the staff in the organization. Human resources are the most precious assets in every organization. So, proper training and developmental activities are essential to developing...
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Pages: 13
Introduction Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a person to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. This was a saying by Confucius, 5th century BC. It is the reason why most managements invest in training their staff, so that they can...
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Introduction With the ever increasing pressure on business organizations, it has become clear that getting the best of talent in the industry market is the only way of sharpening their competitive spearhead. However, how can an organization ensure that it has only the best in comparison to other competing organizations?...
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Pages: 8
Introduction Team building has been the new trend in organizations that cater to the global environment. Team building is also known as clustering or the conduct of specialized groups to attain specific tasks, but which tasks are focused on one mission or objective. The connection between teams is performance. âIf...
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Pages: 11
Introduction Pay for performance is a payment scheme that is designed to tie the payments of employees to their job performance. The advocates of this plan hold the notion that it can attract and retain better and competent workers offering certain incentives for enhanced performance. Pay for performance can also...
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One of the most challenging tasks in human resource management is to implement an effective reward and recognition system. Human resources are some of the most important resources in an organization. The way human resources are managed has high contribution to success or failure of an organization. Well managed human...
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Pages: 9
Introduction Competitive business environment has made organizations to be more careful in how they manage their resources. Successful organisations or companies are those that manage their resources in order to ensure that every resource contributes positively to the organizationâs performance. Human resource is one of the most important resources in...
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Cross-cultural management involves dealing with people from diverse cultural groups at the workplace. People come from different backgrounds and cultures thus affecting how we operate in the work place. This is because people have different values that lead to differences in their attitude feelings, behavior and thinking in the work...
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Introduction Motivating employees is a key determinant of success or failure of any given organization. This motivation directly influences the organizationâs elements of production such as productivity levels, profits, morale and product & service delivery. In the absence of such motivation these production element are adversely affected and therefore for...
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Introduction The Abu Dhabi national oil Company was founded in 1971 as an oil and gas producing company. It has expanded its activities to create other affiliated companies and subsidiaries in the Middle East. It runs its operations in both Middle East and Africa. The company is currently producing an...
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Introduction The current evaluation form for the company doesnât seem to capture the most important elements of performance appraisal. Performance evaluation for employees is a momentous task that seeks to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each worker and how the latter can be improved to boost the returns of...
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Pages: 6
Introduction A great amount of writing is available about leadership, its techniques, strategies, change management and competitive advantage by a variety of authors but it has been acknowledged that the central role in all these theories is that of a leader. In turn the leader has been described as one...
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Pages: 9
Introduction Workersâ compensation can be defined as a term of insurance coverage that covers medical care as well as monetary benefits for employees who sustain injuries in the process of performing their employment responsibilities. This form of insurance gives employees the right to sue their employers if they feel that...
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Pages: 9
Outline Introduction. Moral Leadership and Ethics. Leadership vs. Management. Conclusion. Introduction In any business organization, there are a number of stakeholders involved, starting with the employees, customers, suppliers and the management, among others. Therefore, there is the need to ensure that all these people interact and relate well with each...
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Pages: 8
Introduction Carrefour Kuwait is a retail subsidiary of the Carrefour International Group founded in France. Carrefour international is the largest retail business in Europe and the second largest in the world after Walmart with sales of 108.629 billion Euros. It has businesses in 30 countries mainly in Europe, Asia, North...
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Introduction Employeesâ motivation and job satisfaction are some of the factors that determine the success of an organization (Harrell, 1958, p.85). Motivation and job satisfaction are especially important in the press industry. Employees in a press company have to be highly motivated for them to be involved in the required...
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Pages: 18
In any competitive business environment, structures need to be put in place to ensure that every department operates at optimum efficiency. Coffee Bean Industries is no exception. The Human Resource department helps the company to meet its clientsâ demands. Without specific guidelines, an organization can over-exhaust its resources. These resources...
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Pages: 9
Executive Summary Human Resource Management is an aspect of normal operation and maintenance of businesses with regard to recruitment, development of benefit packages, compensations, and training. Sufficient number of staff members is opposed to the cost cutting tendencies clearly visible in business of the twenty-first century. History of management shows...
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Pages: 9
Introduction Aaronâs Inc. is a company that deals in furniture, appliances, computers, and electronics amongst others. The mission of the company is to supply retail products to its customers. The company also engages in manufacturing activities; Aaronâs Inc. is vertically integrated due to its operations in retail and manufacturing sectors....
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Pages: 16
Introduction It is always necessary and recommended for a company to continually address issues related to employees as frequent as possible. There are various ways of accomplishing this necessary measure in the organization. Some of the major ways of addressing issues related to the level of job satisfaction in a...
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Pages: 7
Work Motivation Introduction Motivation is a psychological feature that uplifts a personâs extent of commitment. It takes account of the aspects like reason, conduit, and sustainable performance in a fastidious committed direction. Motivating is course of action of the management to influencing peoples performance pedestal on this knowledge and experience....
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Pages: 10
The objective of this report is to examine and make a critical analysis of the different human resources aspects connected with the expansion of an organization into international markets. This report presents the issues concerning the human resource issues in respect of an organization functioning on a hypothetical case in...
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Pages: 16
Privacy can be described as the absence of invasion or intrusion into the personal space of an individual (Hubbartt 1998, pp.20-21). The privacy of the people at the workplace has been a controversial subject for a very long time. The two major sides of the controversy are the employers and...
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Pages: 10
Summary of the Journal article The journal article starts by outlining the necessary complementary capitals that drive human capital to effectively help in realization of the strategic objectives of a company. The complementary capitals include the social capital and the organizational capital and when the two are added to human...
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Pages: 19
Executive Summery Recruiting a business analyst requires a through process that will ensure the candidate has a clear understanding of the organizational goals and strategies. The changes in the global business environment mean that every business should be strategic in its operations so as to ensure prudent approach to strategic...
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Pages: 9
Introduction The first thing is to understand the meaning of human resource management. This is a department or a system in an organization that deals with employing, managing and giving directions to employees in an organization. In other terms, this is the department that deals with the employeesâ compensation plan,...
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Pages: 6
Introduction Diversity can be described as a noticeable heterogeneity in a given place, objects or living things. Diversity at the workplace can be described as the differences and similarities that people bring to the organization in terms of race, skills, culture, gender, nationality, age, religion, job title and the general...
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Introduction Effective Human Resource Management in an organization entails an understanding of the strategies and culture of an organization. Using Jet blue airline as a case study, the essay notes that Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEO) provides a framework in which an organization can be legally compliant with employment issues....
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Pages: 10
Introduction Kamuga Motors Company is a motor vehicle manufacturing company based in United Kingdom. The company employs five hundred people who work in different capacities within the company. Among its employees, there are engineers that are responsible for designing and modeling different body parts of vehicles. It has strong sales...
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Pages: 14
Introduction The fundamental principles that determine the progress of an organization are sound decision making, the kind of leadership, employee motivation, working environment, quality and quantity of work done, and most important is strategic human resource management. Instances where an organization is on its way to the bottom, as compared...
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Pages: 11
Introduction Literature on human resources management is gaining grounds. Many aspects of human personality such as self esteem, group belonging, and self-actualization, are gaining grounds as far as management of human resource is concerned. Interest in humanism and humanization has transformed Human resource management over a period of time (Pareek...
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Pages: 17
Introduction Inequalities in the labor market across the world have for long been seen to intersect with gender, race, and class where financial processes represent a powerful force in terms of social and monetary disparities. It should be noted that inequality is the process whereby; there is a lack of...
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Pages: 8
Introduction Organizations are continually faced with the task of motivating their employees for increased motivation and productivity. Job and organization dissatisfaction, high burnout among employees, work-induced stress, and high rates of employee turnover are signs that employees in a firm are not motivated enough to be as productive as the...
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Pages: 13
Summary The Human Resources Management is a fundamental phenomenon for any kind of business. An ambitious company should pay much attention to the development of its HRM department if it plans to withstand the competition in the world market. Ford Motor Company, the organization chosen for this research, is one...
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Pages: 16
Introduction âThe most beautiful sight that we see is the child at labor. As early as he may get at labor the beautiful, the more useful does his life get to be.â This was a statement by Asa G. Candler, founder of the Coca-Cola Co. (cited in Levine 1). This...
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Pages: 15
Introduction Self-motivation is very crucial for those who have the ambition of being leaders at some point in life. This is especially applicable to those who are starters. The type of motivation required to ascend to high level of leadership is powerful. It is not a matter of chance that...
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Pages: 11
Introduction According to, Graham and Bennett, recruitment is the first part of the process of filling a vacancy; and includes the examination of the vacancy, the consideration of sources of suitable candidates, making contact with the candidates, and attracting applications from them. H. Graham and R. Bennett, (1995). Adds however...
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Pages: 9
Executive Summary The role of women in business is an issue that was highly researched. There are certain shifts in the way businesswomen perceived are perceived, all having a common theme of the difficulty to reach the top of the corporate world. This report focuses on the changes in the...
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Pages: 11
Executive summary Waterway Industries is a canoe manufacturing company, headquartered at Gosford, NSW. Like many companies, Waterways started off small and has since grown and expanded its business in many areas and regions. It therefore follows that its human resource management issues have also expanded. Despite creating favorable working relationship...
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Pages: 9
Organizational structure Cooper Cameron and Cytec industries are companies which are both listed in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). They began trading at NYSE after a spin-off from parent companies; Cytec from Cyanamid and Cooper Cameron from Cooper Industries in 1993 and 1995 respectively (Black, 2009). Both companies have...
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Pages: 10
Introduction The study of industrial relations was partly a result of the ascending and descending of the trade unions and communal negotiation in the twentieth century. âThroughout that time the phrase âindustrial relationsâ was often synonymous in popular discourse with union power and strikes, whereas collective bargaining was widely regarded,...
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Pages: 12
Introduction The success of every organization depends on the ability of its human resource management to recruit, select and continuously ensure that it enhances the performance of its staff. There are different principles involved when recruiting, selecting, and conducting employee appraisals to determine their performance. All these principles and practices...
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Pages: 9
Introduction Team development refers to the procedures that are put in place in order to improve the effectiveness of the work groups by helping the group members to be well conversant with the objectives of the organization and their job description. It also helps in promoting good interpersonal relations between...
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Pages: 8