Management Essay Examples for Free - Page 12

Reflective Portfolios Report

Reflective portfolios Reflective portfolios have numerous advantages that enable them to create significant growth in students when applied appropriately. It helps focus one’s thinking, translate theory into practice, and document progress as time passes and their competencies improve (Kadry and El Hami, 2019). Portfolios are also flexible, which is particularly...

Strategic Leadership and Performance Development

Introduction Strategic action and decision-making have become increasingly important to businesses in the contemporary environment. To generate value for stakeholders and make profits, business leaders have to develop and implement both short- and long-term strategies that would help the company to stay competitive. Strategic leaders, who are represented by executives...

Quality Management Systems and Organizational Performance

Abstract Quality management programs are essential for the organization’s performance since they help companies to maintain and improve the quality of products and remain competitive. This paper discusses one of the quality management programs, namely, Total Quality Management. TQM makes companies focus their attention on customer satisfaction and regular quality...

Sustainable Project Management: Overview

Introduction Sustainable project management is the management of project-arranged alterations in organizations or their policies with specific attention to environmental, social, and economic effects of the project and its outcomes and impacts both for the present and future generations. With the rapid growth of interest in sustainability prevailing in all...

Time Delays and Cost Overruns in Large Public Construction Projects

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify how quality can be applied in many ways to various aspects of the construction process. And this model will help us to study a different element of the cost of quality which can be implemented by the main contractor within...

Technology-Based Changes for Company Goals

Implementation The implementation stage will require careful planning and systematic assessment throughout all the stages of change. The central issue is to make everyone work together as a team. To achieve that, before planning the implementation, I will focus on gathering information about customers’ wants and needs to make sure...

Evaluation of Performance Management System

Introduction Nowadays, performance management plays an essential role within organizations as it is an imperative human resource practice. According to Mone and London (2018), performance management is a continuous process of communication between managers and employees designed to assess the current expertise of the latter in order to improve organizational...

YAS Cycles – Business Excellence

Introduction Business excellence is essential for businesses to remain competitive and grow their value. In developed countries, such as the UAE, the level of competition is usually higher than in other locations, which makes business excellence particularly relevant. Business excellence awards can assist businesses in attaining this goal since they...

Why Are Companies Removing Plastic Straws From Their Company?

Explanation of the Observation The use of plastic materials has become a common habit of people across the world, making it a demanded product in multiple spheres. From an economic point of view, plastic is a significantly beneficial material that possesses such qualities as lightness in weight and durability. Importantly,...

Customer Services as a Business Success Factor

Customer services are among the most direct forms of interaction between clients and the company. Along with the company’s main product, they shape its image and influence the loyalty and attitude of customers. Numerous customer service standards have evolved during the first two decades of the 21st century due to...

Application of Location Models for Assessing Spatial Coverage

Location modeling is a method of determining the optimal locations of different facilities that have crucial importance for human health and wellbeing, like emergency or healthcare services. First location models were developed in 1970th, and since that time, scientists have worked hard to extend and improve them. This paper aims...

Performance Management at Apple Inc.

Role of HR Practices in Performance Management Apple’s iPhone is arguably the most popular and recognizable smartphone on the planet. Since its launch in 2007, the corporation has sold over 1.3 billion iPhones. Between the years 2001 and 2018, the stock price of Apple had increased by an impressive 15,000%,...

Relationships in the Business Supply Chain

Abstract Supply management is an important part of modern business, and it is essential to establish adequate relationships between the buyer and the supplier within the supply chain. The concept of supply chain management is described in brief, and more attention is given to the supply chain relationships. This paper...

Total Quality Management: Local Car Care in UAE

Abstract Total Quality Management (TQM) is an effective strategy that organizations employ in enhancing the quality they deliver to customers. Local Car Care (LCC) is an organization in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that provides premium services to car owners. The analysis of the company using the six-sigma model, Kaizen...

Toyota’s Car Recall: Risk Management

Introduction Any activity is accompanied by risks since there is always the possibility of financial losses and strategic failures. It is impossible to prevent or anticipate all the risks; still, the companies can study the unfavorable factors that can negatively affect the success of the enterprise to reveal such factors...

The Mississippi Power Company: Organizational Culture

Introduction This paper will discuss the Mississippi Power company and its organizational culture. In 2005, the Mississippi Power company, just for twelve days, managed to restore electric power after Hurricane Katrina despite high levels of destruction. The company was able to accomplish that difficult task thanks to its approach to...

“ISO 9001:2015 in Plain English” by Craig Cochran

ISO 9001:2015 in Plain English by Craig Cochran provides a detailed explanation for the international standard document of the same name. According to the author, one of the triggering factors to write this book was his own experience of reading the original version back in the 1980s, when his enterprise...

Etisalat’s Call Centre: Customer Satisfaction and Service Level

Abstract Etisalat is a leader in the telecommunication industry in the UAE as it holds 55% of the market share. Even though historically, customer satisfaction with the services of the company was high, currently, more and more clients express their dissatisfaction with Etisalat online. A review of the literature revealed...

Hospitality Management. Internship at Hotel Fenix

Hotel Fenix in Madrid is a part of the Gran Melia Hotels chain offering luxurious experiences to guests from around the world. The hotel is located on the Plaza de ColĂłn, in the exclusive neighborhood of Salamanca, which is in the center of the financial district of the city, surrounded...

The Sustainable Change Management

The essence of sustainable development is that the development of the current generation does not go against the interests of future generations. In the classical definition, people understand the balance between ages as the balance of needs, and they interpret the word “needs” in different ways. Firstly, we can talk...

Basic Components of the Disaster Recovery Plan

Introduction The functioning of any unit presupposes the high risk of undesired outcomes that might be triggered by multiple factors. Additionally, the chance of disaster and critical failure remains an important determinant of the organization’s work and development. Under these conditions, the disaster recovery plan becomes a critically important tool...

Coase and Penrose: Critical Comparison

Introduction Understanding how companies emerge and develop is crucial to the effective management of organisations and the creation of environments where these companies can prosper. However, the analysis of an organisation’s perspectives and the identification of the pathways for its successful development are unimaginable without an appropriate theory to support...

Project Manager of Global Green Books Publishing

Introduction In case if the efforts of project participants and the available resources are not skillfully managed and coordinated, a project will likely experience limitations that would prevent it from being successful. In the case of Global Green Books Publishing, the company did not meet the set deadlines due to...

Training and Team Motivation Reflection

A team is a form of group, the members of which work together, and that is often applied by companies, colleges, and organizations. Each person of a team is a unique individual with a specific set of skills and knowledge, while the team members can accomplish greater goals in collaboration....

Construction Quality Management: Barriers to Success

Pursuing higher quality is a natural goal for an organization to set and pursue, especially in the industry that is known for its high competition rates. Therefore, organizations have to follow both innovative and time-tested approaches for quality improvement and compliance with quality standards. The Total Quality Management (TQM) framework...

Organizational Behavior Theory Overview

An organization is a system where people are involved in cooperative action, trying to reach a goal. The employees are the core of the organization, as their talent, skill, effort, and behavior define whether the organization is effective or not. Organizational theory and organizational behavior are the disciplines of the...

Leadership Plan: MedResearch Project

Abstract This paper contains a leadership plan developed for the MedResearch project management team. The rapid advancements in the clinical research industry and the new opportunities for the company required the efficient operation of all its functional divisions. The team operation was additionally complicated by the ongoing pandemic restrictions and...

Interview with an Human Resources Professional

Background To preserve the anonymity of the interviewee, it was chosen to omit any names of organizations or persons providing information on the relevant HR practices and their implementation. The current interview was performed with Mrs. X (name changed) who has experience working in the HR field for over ten...

Egyptian General as a Role-Model for the Modern Manager

Abstract People do not always become managers for hard work, but rather for power and money, especially in the government structures. However, the real leadership that the fictional character Ali shows is different – charismatic, kind, and emotionally wise. Ali gained respect by working hard and being considerate towards his...

Organizational Behavior Study Design and Methodology

Abstract Organizational behavior is a critical issue for many companies. The domain covers the three levels to be considered when assessing the employee performance, which are the individual member level, the working teams and units, and the level of the personnel. The proposed study will enable companies to reassess the...

Learning and Development for Organizational Success

In a world of increasing competition between nations, firms and individuals need for learning is constant. New tools and technologies are created every day and organizational performance results from the capacity to use them fully. As a weak local government will come under fire from taxpayers, a non-competitive firm will...

Aspects of Organizational Culture

The culture is a complex subject which has been approached by various researchers from different angles. The culture in separate organizations is not different from the culture of the society as a whole. This paper aims to explore aspects of the organizational culture and describe the complexity of the issue....

Location-Based Services for Emergency Calls

Introduction In both the business environment and public relations, it is paramount to be ready to respond to people’s needs 24 hours a day. What is more important is that services are provided promptly and in a place where they are needed most. In Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) location-based services...

Wal-Mart’s Productivity and Systems Theory

Introduction The most feasible strategy for companies in the retail industry can develop competitive advantages against their close rivals in the development of an organizational culture that is enshrined in a systems theory that is holistic. For instance, if Wal-Mart intends to maintain its lead in the retail market, it...

Theory of Complex Adaptive Systems

Complex adaptive systems (CAS) is the term defining complex systems that can adapt to a continuously changing environment. Such systems have certain peculiar characteristics such as the ability to self-regulation, i.e. the possibility to find the best possible ways to evolve with preserving the highly effective rates of functioning, openness...

Organizational strategy of Johnson and Johnson Company Ltd

Abstract The objective of this paper is to examine the structural design of an organization and provide an analysis of the factors that affect the choice of design. In this case, the paper examines Johnson and Johnson Company Ltd to determine how the overall work is divided and organized for...

Knowledge Management: Key Issues

Knowledge and Information Knowledge is a systematic reliable representation of objects and phenomena of reality. Jones and Mahon (2018) claim that “knowledge can be defined as what information, understanding or skill we gain from either experience or education” (p. 3). It is used by people to rationally organize their activities...

Abu Dhabi Ports Company: Management Approaches

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to observe, identify, and analyze the management approaches of Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC). It also aims at finding out what makes this company one of the most successful businesses in the UAE, and to discuss its mission, vision, and goals, and methods...

Kizad Industrial Zone: Quality Management

Abstract Khalifa Industrial Zone (Kizad) is an industrial park that was developed by the government of Abu Dhabi with the primary goal of attracting investors as a way of diversifying the economy. The question was to determine how management of this industrial park can embrace effective management strategies that foreign...

How to Developing High-Performing Teams

Introduction Developing high-performing teams is the core objective but also the biggest challenge of any manager or leader. It requires balancing performance objectives, commitment, and accountability, as well as emotional aspects of interpersonal relations and conflicts. An optimal high-performance team invigorates each member with energy, pushes performance to achieve strong...

Leader–Member Exchange: Definitions

Literature Review Literature Review for Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Definition of LMX Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) has become a widely used concept in leadership studies, and practitioners also apply this idea in their day-to-day practice to ensure the effective performance of their teams. The LMX theory emerged in the 1970s when Dansereau...

Organization Development: Theory, Principles and Goals

The rise of organizations can be considered as one of the most important features of the contemporary world. The transition from an agricultural economy to an industrial and then to a postindustrial economy with a dominance of the tertiary sector increased numbers and kinds of organizations. Therefore, an acute need...

Comparison Between the US and Lebanese Business Forms

The decision on the form of business might be among the most crucial ones as it determines a plethora of further features of affairs – starting from management and ending with taxation. To explore the types of commercial companies to a great extent, a comparative approach may be an appropriate...

Strategic HR Report. Work Plan of a Modern Company

The contemporary business environment presents a variety of challenges to companies, regardless of their size and industry. Human resource (HR) departments have to understand these trends and their influence on workplaces in order to provide their companies with effective management strategies. The three main changes that have occurred in the...

Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Transformation

Enterprise Rent-A-Car (ERAC) has gone through a business transformation to boost its capabilities and drive competitive differentiation. Despite extensive investment in training and an institutionalized value system, the downstream benefits of client satisfaction, work-life balance, and productivity are suboptimal. In this report, integrated change initiatives are proposed to address the...

Organizational Behavior Study: Data Analysis Plan

Abstract The proposed study will investigate the topic of organizational behavior and its relation to the problem of employee motivation. The purpose of it is to research the methods and techniques to strengthen staff performance in a company. It has been hypothesized that it is possible to increase the motivation...

ChevRon Organization Analysis

Introduction The author of this report has become familiar with the local Chevron office in the past. The company is a large international energy producer that primarily engages in oil and gas production. However, while its central office oversees the operations of the foreign branches, it allows them to maintain...

Change Management: Theory and Practice

Introduction This paper is a review of six articles written by Ezzamel, Willmott & Worthington (2001), Fleming & Spicer (2003), Orton (2000), Morrison & Milliken (2000), Piderit (2000), and Vince & Broussine (1996). The researchers explored organizational change issues by investigating the factors that impede (or support) the process. This...

Relationship Between Crisis and Change

A crisis can precede change and can also act as a motivation for a change process to take place. It can concurrently take place alongside a given change effort. As a result, it may potentially derail or shift an organization in a different direction. When an ineffective change is carried...

Feedback Loops for Whole Foods Market

In the past, many professionals used to explain concepts using linear flow charts. In modern days, things have changed and models with interactive elements have replaced linear charts. Every element in an interactive model affects the operation of other elements in the system. These interactive elements are what scholars call...

Organizational Culture Overview

Introduction An opportunity to address the values ​​and norms of business activities at the corporate level is a significant aspect of the development of any organization. Maintaining the relevant principles of adaptation to cultural behavior forms the background of organizational culture as an important phenomenon. This is a set of...

The Importance of Organizational Behaviour

Introduction Trust has been named the pillar of effective relationships. Experts from different fields which include political science, management and other disciplines agree with this notion even though there is little that has been done to determine the actual role of interpersonal trust between individuals or among groups of people...

Organizations as Complex Adaptive Systems

Introduction Speaking about complex adaptive systems (CAS), we presuppose that a system’s complexity is seen due to the interaction of its elements and its connection with the environment. Some scientists argue that organizations can be treated as CAS, but McDaniel emphasizes that they have many common characteristics (diverse agents that...

Company Transformation Factors That Drive Success

Introduction The implementation of changes within organizations is one of the tasks that attract the close attention of many scholars and business administrators who want to make sure that the companies remain competitive for a long time. This paper is aimed at examining four articles that can illustrate the challenges...

Organizational Crisis in Theory and Practice

Organizational Crisis Problem According to Carmeli and Schaubroeck The issue of organizational crisis can be analyzed from both practitioner-oriented and scholarly perspectives to come up with plausible arguments. According to Carmeli and Schaubroeck (2008), organizations are prone to failure from time to time and this aspect underlines a crisis. However,...

Managing and Coordinating the Human Resources Function (5HRF)

Abstract In this report, I reviewed the purpose and critical objectives of human resources (HR) management and the importance of this function in the context of contemporary organisations. I developed my understanding of how the HR functions can be delivered and evaluated in organisations and how this can add value...

Best HRM Practices: Apple and Amazon

Introduction Apple and Amazon do not need an introduction: these two Fortune 500 corporations have been disruptive to their respective sectors and revolutionized the way customers perceive technology, consumption, shopping, and entertainment. Apple’s iPhone is a bestselling and arguably the most recognizable smartphone: every fifth smartphone bought worldwide is an...

Apple’s Production Management

Introduction It seems reasonable to state that production management plays a crucial role in the scope of operations management. To assess its importance to a significant extent, it might be rational to explore the experience of a notable international company. Such a firm, usually, pays a lot of attention to...

Aspects of Human Resource Management

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is a policy or internal integrated function of an organization that focuses on recruiting, managing, and ensuring the activities of people who work in the enterprise. The company’s human resource management strategy is the primary direction of management’s actions towards staff. The concept includes a...

Operations Management in Space Age Furniture Company

Introduction Operations management refers to the process of planning and managing the efficient production of goods and services. The application of best business practices can help a company ensure its resources’ rational use, which influences customer service and product quality. This paper focuses on the case study of a company...

The Unitedhealth Group’s Human Resources Position

Introduction The UnitedHealth Group is a large American company that operates in the sphere of health insurance and medical services. Its revenues on a global scale are the highest in the industry, as well as its corporate culture, and human resource policies are attracting the best professionals. Such a state...

Project Management for Department of Veterans Affairs

Introduction The Department of Veterans Affairs (DoVA) is an organization managing the health-related needs of veterans living in New Orleans, LA. The specified community has a set of truly unique characteristics, the high levels of project capability and the potential of improving quality of veterans’ lives (“Department of Veterans Affairs...

Emotional Intelligence and Behavior Modification

Within the set of managerial skills required by organizations, the new ones do not seize to appear, and, in recent years, most of them come from the soft skills area. Emotional intelligence tops the list, while behavior modification represents one of the strategies to provide incentives for organization members. In...

Globalization: Leadership and Organizational Learning

As globalization dictates companies’ success, they search for intensive competitive strategies and thus move to foreign markets. In a context of globalization, the leaders need to be competent at business peculiarities, implement ethical and respectful approaches with the foreign subordinates, and be open to innovative ideas. While at the national...

Management and Managerial Skills

Management is a very challenging job. Someone requires managerial skills to undertake such a challenge. There are three specific managerial skills that managers are supposed to possess depending on the level of management. The three managerial skills include conceptual skills, technical skills and human relations skills (Chapman, 2008). Top-level management...

Challenges in Implementing Talent Management in Culturally Diverse Organisations in Qatar

Purpose of the Research This research paper focuses on the proliferation of multi-cultural organizations and the need for blended approaches that take into consideration different cultural orientations and their potential influence on the management of talents. Existing talent management strategies leave much to be desired in relation to the means...

Changing Organizations for a Knowledge-Economy

Introduction Operating in the waves of sound changes in financial markets such as real estate services and facilities management companies leaves organizations being impulsive and unsure of the future. In an effort to prepare for ever changing world, organizations must devise strategies that respond to changes and maintain business activities....

Natural Resource Management

Barriers to Effective Natural Resource Management Currently, the old systems of natural resources planning do not cope with the new requirements of the natural resources development process. This has led to proposals for a new system designs that can easily cope up with those new requirements. Nevertheless, the new systems...

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Introduction Medicine is one of the most essential industries since it is responsible for the physical well-being of the world’s population. Various certified specialists care for seriously ill patients and provide constant professional help to them and their families. It is necessary to mention that doctors are not the only...

Management Skills: Scholar vs Practical Approaches

Scholars have identified changes in the management method where new and easy management approaches have been adopted. From a practitioner’s point of view, management is a profession like any other that only demands specific skills, but scholars have a different view of the subject, whereby they view it as an...

Management. “Winning” Book by Jack Welch

Winning is a book that gives different ways that managers can apply to succeed in the management process. The writer Jack Welch is renowned for his success in managing the General Electric Company. The company succeeded year after year, regardless of the stiff competition. Every year he came up with...

General Overview of Human Resources Management: The Impact of the Technology Industry

Introduction Employees as individuals and an organization as a whole benefit a lot from establishing an effective system of attracting, protecting, and rewarding employees who are often referred to as ‘human resources’ (HR). Large companies usually create an HHR department that serves a specific role as a mediator between employees’...

Multi-Touch Screens vs. Mouse-Driven Screens

To develop a successful ordering application for a major chain restaurant, the information technology director must carefully consider business requirements for all departments, and have a close oversight of information system managers to coordinate implementation of new policies and ensure productive use of new technical resources. With technology becoming more...

Management Insights for Practice and Scholarship

It is important to note that management is not static; rather, it is a dynamic entity whose needs changes depending on the situation at hand. It is based on this perspective that obtaining information and learning new management processes is an absolute necessity when it comes improving one’s repertoire of...

The Impact of Management Information System on Organization

Introduction The issue of researching on management information systems is of interest to scientists specialised in management and computer studies. Thus, there is advancement in technology handling information. Beside, implementation of effective management information systems transforms organisation decisions making process from irrational to rational. Hence, an organisation acquires significant benefits...

Validity, Reliability and Accuracy

Introduction The noun validity emanated from an adjective valid which referred to the state of being legally or officially accepted; it may be also considered as a state of being logical and true. Reliability refers to the state of being trusted to deliver or do something in a fine manner....

Analysis and Report by Miral Company

Working on the Yas Island project, Miral is facing four key issues. They are tasked with creating the entertainment of the future and have to formulate new ideas and build unique projects based on innovative designs and technologies. The company has to balance the previous task with the need to...

Executive Compensation Is Unfair

Introduction Executive compensation has been a controversial topic for many years. The reason is that some people believe CEOs receive wages that are too high. In some cases, the ratio of executive compensation to median employee salary reaches 300 to one. Not only is it not fair in the context...

Starbucks’ Management and Operations: Starbucks Delivery

Management Team The management team will focus its attention on the organization of delivery areas, routes, and the types of products that will be available for delivery. It would be rather important that the management selects professionals who can advise in the way to keep products fresh and hot for...

IBM: Creating Competitive Advantage

Introduction Competitive advantage is an attribute gained by a company or an organization by developing its resources in such a way that the company outperforms its competitor. A competitive advantage exists when a company or an organization delivers to its customer products or services same as those of competitor but...

Management and Leadership: Two Distinct but Complementary Systems

Introduction Kotter (1990) argued that management and leadership have distinct characteristics but also complement each other. The difference between leadership and management is sometimes difficult to define. This is due to the fact that healthy organizations have leaders who perform similar duties and roles as those of the managers. On...

FMCG: Supply Chain Management Practices

Introduction This research project is going to examine the key dimensions of supply chain management that can contribute to the development of FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) beverages in Johannesburg. Pursuant to this goal, this paper will pay close attention to the competitive advantages available to applicable organizations and the connection...

Property Management Systems

Ease in making reservation Property management systems have been the latest invention in the business world. Property owners have realized the need to employ technology in their business enterprises. Property management systems in the area of making reservations have successfully been approved and are currently in use in major restaurants...

Know-How: Definition and Concept of Know-How

Know-how can be defined as the technical knowledge that a person possesses to do something smoothly and efficiently (Blackwell, 1951). Know-how is used to distinguish people who have skills and knowledge on how to get something done. It also distinguishes those who do not have the skills required. A person...

Strategic and Tactical Human Resources

Introduction Strategic and tactical human resources are closely related. Shpak (2015) points out that tactical human resources deal with the short-term and immediate needs of the organization while strategic human resources deal with the integration of human resources over a long period. This paper discusses the functions of tactical and...

Short-Term Wins & Momentum in Change Management

Introduction Within the potential change, initiative milestones exist that are to be achieved throughout the process. These form part of the eight stages of organizational transformation as described by Kotter, 2012. Planning and celebration of short-term wins are the sixth phase of the process and form a very crucial step....

The Legal Forms of Business and Management Decision

Abstract Businesses exist in various forms, but the major distinction is between public and private businesses. Within each of these two types of business, there are various forms of businesses by certain statutes. In the public sector, the government is the main owner of corporations, but in the private sector,...

Enterprise System Recommendation

Introduction An enterprise system is a software package designed to support business processes and facilitate information flow among outside and inside stakeholders. Enterprise systems help to simplify and redesign business processes so that they can be automated (Turban et al., 2017). There are four types of enterprise systems, including enterprise...

Project Resource Management for Agile Environments

Introduction Resource management is an integral part of businesses that must be considered when establishing a new company, implementing a new strategy, or maintaining the current success. This business aspect tackles the issues of staffing, equipment and is responsible for finding the right balance between the supply and demand of...

Change Management: Error Analysis and Solution Search

Introduction Change management is an essential skill for any manager who intends to drive his/her organization towards achieving sustainable progress. However, change can negatively affect the motivation of the human resource because sometimes, when organizations institute it, they do not consider how it will affect their staff in the long...

Aspects of Hiring Processes Management

Introduction Effective management strategies are crucial in project execution. Hiring activities also require strategic management of “human, physical, and financial resources” (Kerzner, 2010). An effective hiring strategy is applicable in the recruitment of workers with desirable experience, skills, knowledge, and talent. Notably, such workers are crucial for excellent operations at...

Interview with a K-12 Business Manager

Introduction Purchasing and supply is essential part of the effective functioning of the organization. Many businessmen consider an established procurement process, which is carried out by high-profile people, to be the key to the entire business (Seven key objectives for procurement success, 2016). This paper aims to describe the main...

Determining Human Resource Information System Needs

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) focuses on a higher level employment database management. Information system entails the use of computers. The system incorporates the online hiring process. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) improves the Human Resource Department’s functions. Assessment of Change Types and New Developments in Technology and Government Statutes...

Why Is Great Customer Service like a Team Sport?

Similarities between a sports team and a customer service team can be identified. The customer service team can emulate the example of a sports team to achieve the goals of the organization. Coordination and mutual respect are a few qualities that a customer service team needs to develop to achieve...

Sampling Strategy and Sample Size for a Quantitative Research Plan

Population The study wants to use the librarians and the library users of the Clayton County Public Library System as the population of the study. Johnston and Sabin (2010) advise researchers to obtain the study population from the appropriate target population to enhance the generalizability of the findings. The study...

Domino’s Case Study: Supply Chain and Competitive Advantage

The supply chain developed by Domino’s has a series of competitive advantages. First, and foremost, it is necessary to point out the benefits of the centralized purchasing that allows the company maintain the high quality of its products and provide sustainable quick service. Domino’s supplies its stores with 240 products...

Effective Manager Reflective Report

Opening part To make more achievements in life, a man should be self-critical to what is being done currently. In fact, it is better to take this principle as a given in order to succeed in every beginning. A leader should have no doubt if something goes wrong. Instead, one...

The National Competitiveness Issue

Introduction During the period of economic crisis, the issue of national competitiveness is a viral topic for many businesses. The Economist discusses this topic in details paying attention to current economic conditions and prospects. The reporters see competitiveness as an activity greatly supplied of cheap labor. Among defective arguments are...

XYZ Company: Training Needs Analysis

The success of a company depends on its productivity, performance, and employees. Thus, every company needs training to enhance workers’ motivation, which is the main prerequisite in the company’s development. One of the leading retail networks for the food market is XYZ company. Although it has good performance, the company...

Personnel in Technology: Effective Technology Support Team

Introduction In the current times, technology is interwoven within society in such a way that there can be no existence without it. And since technology is everywhere, there should be providing support for the systems and the operators by people everywhere in the world. This paper is going to look...

Organisational Behavior and Ethics: Conflicts in Organisations

Abstract Conflicts are inventible in organisations and this means that managers must be prepared to ensure all employees continue to work despite the existence of disagreements in their places of work. The causes of conflicts in organisations range from natural to manmade and this means that not all of them...