Management Essay Examples for Free - Page 16

Quality Management and Value Creation in Business

Quality and value management for the company The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) labels quality management to be a strategy based on several principles. Some of the most important of these principles are to be focused on customers, involvement of the people and correct leadership (“Quality management principles”, 2009). It...

People Work and Organization: Manager Influence

Introduction The Case Study 5 “KD Transport” is clearly concerned with the issue of managerial effectiveness, as the fact that KD Transport began to loose its competitive edge, while being ran by John and his wife Ursula, points out to both individuals’ inability to realize that the effectiveness of employees’...

Qantas Airlines: Labor Management

Labor, as a factor of production, is a very useful ingredient for the production of goods and services. The Australian labor market is dynamic in the way it responds to both economic conditions and policy changes, coupled with the influences from trade unions, association of employers, state and federal governments,...

Innovative Management in the Engineering Industry

Introduction Innovation is an important aspect of management not only in an engineering industry but in all other industries in an economy. It defines destinies and the directions of both small and large organizations. In a volatile situation such as a highly competitive environment, innovation becomes a threshold to success....

Corporate Memory Management

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the process of memory management is closely linked with IT management issues, as all the information storage processes are held with the assistance of electronic systems and saved in digital form. The fact is that the business is conducted electronically...

ABC Company Technology Trend: On-Demand Computing

Introduction This report describes the need for on-demand computing which would enable the ABC Company to cut its costs on IT. It was requested by the company’s executive management team for strategic management planning. ABC has been facing cost pressures from high energy prices and lower level of automobile trade....

Impact of New Public Management on the Society

Introduction In the past decades, there have been numerous changes globally resulting in the transformation of society. For instance, there has been a dramatic change with regard to information technology resulting in the growth of the global economy. This is due to the fact that there has been increased global...

Implementation of ERP in SMEs

Definition of Small and Medium Enterprise Small and Medium Enterprises are companies or organisations which operate with low or medium range of capital, employees and profit structure. The definition of SMEs can be different in different parts of the world based on the economy and size of large and small...

Management: Outsourcing and Insourcing

Make or Buy An organization exists mainly for the purpose to provide a good or service and make a profit. The inevitable long-term objectivity is profitability. Profitability results from the efficient use of resources while manufacturing or production is being undertaken. This economic efficiency is usually pursued by organizations in...

Building Society and the Banking Sector in the UK

Introduction A ‘mutual’ building society has no shareholders, only members. That means its owners doubles as its customers- the investors and borrowers. Drawn from a co-operative savings group, this concept emerged in the 19th century in the United Kingdom. In the UK today, buildings have gone into full banking services...

Yummy Biscuit Manufacturers: Operations Management

This paper talks about a medium scale organization that has been facing a lot of operations related issues. The report starts off with a brief introduction to what operations management is about. Then, it moves on to discuss the company’s background and brief history, while moving on to put light...

How to Succeed in the Business World

A quick survey of people around the world will easily show that many people would rather be employed than start their own business. The business world is considered to be dangerous and demands a lot of responsibility. However, the irony is that without entrepreneurs, employment would virtually be eliminated and...

Pros and Cons of Multi-Cultural Teams

Introduction A multicultural team is one in which its members are from different backgrounds, nations and cultures. The world is growing immensely and is getting densely populated so multicultural teams will soon be the norm in organizations. The trend of such teams began in the year 1990 and now it...

The Woolworth’s Management Success Story

The sphere of business management covers the development of effective tools and internal controls, procedures and policies, aimed at stimulating and measuring profitable results of company’s operations. The analysis of Woolworth’s strategic management is concentrated on the approaches centralized within the organization and the success it managed to reach by...

Innovation Management Characteristics

The Business Context Macro-environmental analysis In order to work out a strategic plan for the companys development, the management of this organization should pay careful attention to the external environment or those factors which may affect the performance of the firm in the foreseeable future. For this purpose PEST (Political,...

Business Problem Management

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the only truth for any investor sounds the following: a good management team is the most important factor for any company. Nevertheless, it is extremely difficult to estimate the management level, as some aspects of this process are deeply hidden within...

Small Firm Size Impact Upon Psychological Contracts in the Workplace

Abstract This research study was concerned with the impact of small firm size upon psychological contracts in the workplace, from the point of view of owner-managers. In this regard, 10 owner-managers from the northern part of Portugal were interviewed to further shed light on this issue. Literature concerning psychological contract...

The Effect of Globalization on Nike Co

Introduction Globalization creates new problems and opportunities for global retailers like Nike, Co. To survive bad remain competitive, Nike uses foreign labor and outsourcing strategies in its production. The US economy depends upon international labor supply and international business relations. This in itself would contribute to the surge in exports...

Organizational Change Management Effectiveness

Introduction Change management is the process by which changes that are deemed significant are implemented in a systematic manner so that an organisational change can be effected. For a change in an organisation to be effective, the management must have a solid plan that assures them of positive results at...

Building an Interview Process

Introduction Interviewing is not a silly game as one thinks. It needs lot of hard work if one wants to do interviewing process successfully. In simple words, future of any organization lies in interviewer’s hands. Interviewer is a person who is responsible for recruiting proper candidates from those who are...

Delegation as a Management Tool

Introduction Delegation may be simply defined as a management tool that involves assigning some responsibilities to other members of staff in the organization in which case, the assignee will make all decisions appertaining to the delegated responsibilities as he/she would on other responsibilities falling within his/her his job description. Moreover,...

Human Resource Development Program

Sir Richard Branson is an entrepreneur, founder and chairman of Virgin Group of Companies. Virgin Atlantic is based in London, England, an international company encompassing publishing on global issues, retailers, aviation, and entertainers. He started his empire when he was only 15 years old. He managed to build his business...

Business Management Course Review

The lecture series during the course of the program was indeed highly informative and provided me with knowledge gained from practical experience by successful businessmen. Each lecture was distinct in approach and enabled us to understand the dynamics of business and all its related aspects. During the first week of...

Managers and the Paradoxes they Face in their Positions

Introduction Leadership is demanding. It requires consistency and humility to manage consistently. However, managers face profoundly difficult situations when playing their roles. These difficulties are referred to as paradoxes. Organizations require stewardship to perform. Management is the core process that brings performance in organizations. The problems faced in management are...

How To Conduct An Interview: A Few Tips

Introduction Interviewing is one of the main functions of an organization. Based on the interview, the right people are selected for the organization. ABC Inc. is one of the well-known companies that recruit many brilliant people. It originated as a consultancy company. It is a company that is primarily engaged...

IBM Culture and Principles of Good Leadership

Introduction Individuals coming into the IBM from any other place should be aware of the availability of a type of hothouse quality within the company. This was like a secluded tropical environment, which had been set aside from the rest of the globe for a long period. In addition, IBM...

A Simple Engineering Process

Introduction This paper aims to discuss an engineering process in connection with the following concepts: 1) Theory of Constraints (TOC) that was worked out by Eliyahu Goldratt, 2) Total Quality Management (TQM), a method for improving performance and monitoring; 3) the importance of scheduling, and 4) budgeting. The project, which...

Managing Diversity Across Cultures

Due to the increasing globalization in the world, people are interacting all over and exchanging their culture, backgrounds, and beliefs (French, 2007). This has helped in creating diversity at the place of work, promoting creativity in organizations. Management today is more concerned with maximizing and capitalizing on the diversity at...

Cantech Corporation: Process Improvement Analysis

Business organizations all over the world are increasingly been faced with enormous challenges coming against a backdrop of harsh economic situations and shrinking global markets for their products and services. The ongoing financial meltdown coupled with escalating costs of production has brought an ominous experience even to the most assiduous,...

Global Considerations for Human Resource Managers

Introduction Every organization has a purpose which it holds to operate in the environment – whether to earn profits through selling daily usage products or not earn any profits and do voluntary welfare work. Organizations are made up of many constituents that consist of several departments that are responsible for...

Integrated Marketing Communication in Intel Company

Introduction Intel is a company that deals with the production and marketing of electronic products, specifically computer chips. The firm was established in 1968 by Bob Noyce in partnership with Gordon Moore. In the recent past, there has been advancement in the business environment, particularly for technology. This has increased...

Training and Development in Human Resource Management

Outline This paper will look at training and development perspective in a business organization. The paper will present various steps that are taken in employee training and development including formulation of training policy. There are poor levels of supervisory skills in any organization that can be improved by mentoring and...

Supply Chain Management and Business Success

Abstract This report discusses Supply Chain Management paying particular interest in the role it can play in increasing the strategic position of a firm. Different facets of supply management are also examined and their roles in business productivity are established. The conclusion is that Supply Chain management is very important...

Dell: Total Quality Management Survey

Introduction Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback. TQM requirements may be defined separately for a particular organization or may be in adherence to established standards,...

Value and Risk Management

Value Management is one of the vital management aspects that is applied in general focus in management and this pertains to even the advancement of Asset control focus. It can also be defined as a way of management specifically designed to give morale to people, skills enhancement, and encouraging inventions...

Managing Change and Innovation in Gillette Company

Introduction Change and innovation are closely connected issues aimed to improve organizational performance and competitiveness. Creative and innovative acts consist of two basic elements. The first element is new ways–new in that they are different from the established ways of doing things. Second, they must produce better results. Being both...

Conflict Management Similarities and Differences

In organizations, employees disagree on how to carry out the activities of a company because for example the organizational structure of a company may not be well defined such that the employees may not know what they are expected to do this may lead to a conflict of interest between...

Business Process Management and Mapping

Introduction In order to avoid duplication of roles and duties between individuals and departments, any organization should lay down specific procedures. Proper management, support, and governance should be employed to ensure business success. This is discussed below. Business Process There has been no conclusive agreement on the standard definition for...

Organizational Behaviour Concept and Problems

Introduction The concept of organizational behaviour began to be recognized as a discipline only during the early years of the 20th century. The first person who can be credited with this (although in a very crude way) was Frederic Winslow Taylor through his principles of Scientific Management. The crude way...

Management of Information Systems in Organizations

Aims/Objectives The aim of the paper is to describe and analyze the main strengths of implementation information systems in modern organizations Introduction: The increasing standardization of information technology, and more specifically its use, is changing the quantity, quality and means of production and distribution of information. This raises substantial questions...

Management: Motivation, Leadership, Team Building

Introduction The key to successful management comprises of motivation and good leadership as well as team building skills. All organizational outcomes including finance flow from these components of successful management. For this goal to be achieved leadership and management skills have to be properly combined and the managers have to...

Government Influence on Business in UK and US

In Great Britain, the national government and to some extent the European Union has been playing and continues to play a big role in influencing business activities. From time to time, the government amends the regulations and frameworks which cause business firms to alter their way of operation. Trade is...

Training and Development Recommendation

Introduction The training and development process entails a behavior modification which is usually carried out officially and systematically which is as a result of planned experience, instruction, and learning. Training and development play a key function in the accomplishment of organizational objectives and most of these goals are more often...

Readiness for Change Versus Resistance to Change

Introduction The world is in a constant state of change and seemingly lacks organization and no one or no organization can escape the effects of operating in a continually dynamic, evolving landscape. So huge are these forces of change that the future success, and the very survival, of thousands of...

The Electoral College, a Uniquely American Tradition

Introduction In U.S. presidential elections, close races occasionally occur. The Electoral College is a mechanism, by which ties are nearly impossible. If a tie should happen, the nation would have found itself in a predicament and heated controversy. This appears to be a complex solution to a simple problem, a...

Company A’s Inventory Systems

Executive Summary The inefficiency of Company A’s inventory systems has dealt a major blow to turnovers and overall firm efficiency. The Company has observed that goods have been poorly stored and disposed of. Moreover, some retailers have complained that delivery schedules are not satisfactory. For months, the Company executives have...

Management. Organization Design

Organization design in essence entails the plans in which an organization intends to achieve its stated objectives. Organization design play the role of formulating human resource management strategy; HRM strategy may be described as a calculated means by which a firm deploy its human resources to accomplish its purpose and...

Accountability and Organizational Change Process

Accountability for change Change leadership implies seeing the future and being able to lead the people to co-create it. Conscious leadership infers that leaders and consultants become more conscious and aware of the deeper and more subtle dynamics of transformation, especially regarding people and process dynamics (Bridges, 2009). Conscious change...

Organizational Structure and Change in Organization.

Introduction The design of an organization’s structure is one of the most important tasks that managers are responsible for. In order to design a structure that can achieve success in today’s fast-paced and competitive global market, managers must take into consideration multiple factors, all of which have tremendous impact upon...

Ford Motor Company: Total Quality Management

Introduction Employing Total Quality Management (TQM) is considered one of the most successful choices that the management of a company might make. Many companies have decided to use TQM to improve their productivity and increase customer satisfaction. One well-known organization that relies on TQM is Ford Motor Company. The present...

Management of Operations in ‘Starbucks’

Abstract The following report deals with the expansion of the giant leader of the industry in specialty coffee, ‘Starbucks’. The focal point of the study where Starbucks can improve in the course of their operations management is the response that the company should give to the recent market research which...

Key Factors for Success in Running Successful Projects

Introduction Business sponsors have declared your business project as one of the complete successes of their organization. It is reported by end-users that the productivity and quality of the project was a leap according to their previous experiences. The company’s status has acquired a heroic position due to the success...

Work Life Balance Programs in Organizations Analysis

Over view Social demands and economic conditions have changed the role of work worldwide. Initially, people worked out of necessity and for the need to survive. However, this has changed over the years and so has the workforce composition. Though work is still a necessity today it should also lead...

Process Management in Firms with Quality Systems

Summary The paper aims at exploring whether organizations can benefit from process management when investing in quality is carried out. Firms may manage their processes even though they have already documented the same processes through investments. In order to address the research question in the most satisfactory manner, the author...

Operations Management and Decision-Making

Operations management is one of the main components of any business and enterprise functioning. This function is necessary for the implementation of processes that ensure the creation of a quality product or service, as well as its successful implementation on the market on an ongoing basis. Processes are its central...

Supply Chain Management Changes and Leadership

Abstract Since the present-day market is characterized by a high propensity to change, it becomes inevitable for businesses to involve themselves in the change management process to stay afloat and boost organizational performance. Supply chain redesign is one of the most challenging tasks an organization can undertake, a fact that...

Understanding Organizational Cultural Diversity

Organizational cultural diversity is a set of beliefs and values or understandings which are held by different people in the organization. It is also a structure of forms of perceiving, evaluating, believing, and acting. This serves to bring a relationship between different communities and the environmental settings. (Christopher, 2006) Every...

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Cultural diversity in the workplace provides strength as well as challenges to businesses today. Diversity is a reality in today’s workforce. Diversity is otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups, to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups. It...

Human Resources Management Department’s Role

Introduction Human Resources Management is a rather important function of every company. One can even say that this very function is basic and all other are built on its basis, as far as the work of any company depends greatly upon its workers. That is why every ambitious organization has...

Knowledge Management: Improving Functioning of Business

Executive Summary In the present day business context knowledge management with its components change management, best practices, risk management and benchmarking is occupying a vital position with respect to its contribution to the enhancing the competitive advantage of the firms. In this connection it becomes necessary to study various aspects...

Knowledge Management: Important Tips

What do IT managers need to know about ‘knowledge management’ in our days? The unprecedented growth of knowledge in the 20th and now in the 21th century has brought about the necessity to manage knowledge. The new world order, though far from being fully defined and agreed to, is beginning...

Quality of Work Life Improvement Techniques

Introduction Managing human resources is a highly complex and competitive task in modern organizations. Human resource management demands mastery over many areas, including psychology. The most difficult issue of employee management is their ever changing behavior. In spite of a number of behavioral theories developed by experts in the field,...

Organisational Structures for Effective Management

Introduction Organizational change is an important mechanism of adaptation to the existing realities of the business landscape. New organizational structures are emerging because of advances in corporate culture, leadership strategies, knowledge management, and technology (Hatch 2015). Efficient organization of the working process has the potential of increasing quality, productivity, cost...

Chief Executive Officer’s Role in Organizational Change

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to investigate different aspects of organizational change and clarify the role of the CEO in its development. Throughout this project, the main focus will be the work of managers in the company FIAT Chrysler (UAE). One of the initial steps is to give...

Leisure Service Organizations and Organizational Structures

Outline the service context in which leisure service organizations operate and discuss the essential differences between mechanistic and organic organizational structures. Leisure service organizations are varied in nature. They are each different and provide different types of services and demand different service performances from service employees. Studies show that there...

Engineers and Organizational Behavior

Introduction The study of organizational behavior has gained importance in the past few decades due to the significant changed and added complexities in the organizational work force. Johns (1996, p.6) defines organizational behavior as the study of “attitudes and behavior of individuals and groups in organizations”. Engineers are expected to...

How Can Organization Implement Effective Performance Management?

Introduction Organizations are known for practices such as planning, budgeting, sales, and billings. When we talk about performance management, it reminds us that being busy is not the same as producing results. It also points out that training, commitment, hiring the best people and hard work alone cannot produce the...

Clark Faucet Company: Project Management Methodology

When writing a Clark Faucet Company case study, consider researching its project management culture. We are happy to share a management plan for Clark Faucet Company that will help increase its benefits. Problem Definition In 1999, Clark Faucet Company is recognized as the third-largest supplier in both the commercial and...

Team Effectiveness and Success Factors

Introduction In our lives, there are various competitive forces that pressure us to increase our productivity and exhibit high levels of performance in order to succeed. As such, we often try to find innovative ways that can give us a competitive advantage against other competitors. With this realization, people often...

Sprint Corporation: Kotter’s Eight Stage Process of Change

Abstract Changing process is excessively complicated. To redefine leadership as the prerequisite of change is an enormous challenge for today’s organization. How should they take steps to move toward a shared vision of management’s changing process is a vital question. The eight-stage process of change composed by Kotter is a...

McDonald’s Company Operation Management

Operation management is a specific area of business activity that is concerned with the administration of various business practices (including production and service delivery), with the primary objective to create the highest level of performance possible within this or that organization. Basically, it is a never-ceasing process of converting raw...

Operations Management: How to Idealize Your Operations Strategy

To idealize operations strategy, we need to first think about its two major components- operations and strategy. Operation means activities and procedures implied in regular process of commodities manufacturing. Strategy refers to the planning for achieving organizational objective. Stevenson, W. J. (2006), argued that combining those aspects, operations strategy is...

Operational Analysis and Effectiveness in Organization

Introduction The role of operations in the day to day functioning of organizations is very important, especially in the manufacturing sector. As a result the topic of operations management has grown in importance as organizations have begun to understand the need to streamline operations. “Operations management is concerned with managing...

Management People and Organizations

Introduction Organizational environment and work relations have a great impact on an employee and his motivation, objectives, and personal achievements. For this reason, every employer tries to select the best place he/she can contribute to and fulfill his life aims and career goals. The essay examines scenario 2 as a...

Aspects of Operational Management

Introduction Operations management refers to the management of resources, goods, and services in an organization with the main aim of ensuring efficient and effective operations. Organizations involve handling resources, goods, and services in the pursuit of achieving their goals and or objectives. As (Robert H. pg. 4) observes, operations management...

Change Management Processes

Introduction This essay describes the change management processes within the project management framework and the various processes of initiating, monitoring, and closing phases of a project. The organization selected for this assignment is a large software organization with more than 1000 employees. The project for which this study is being...

New Millennium Management in Modern World

Management During the course, I acquire knowledge and skills important for managerial profession. Now, I understand that the development of a managerial philosophy forms the foundation for the goal-setting technique. The management philosophy presented here is not intended to be an ideology but rather an individual philosophy. The reader may...

The Relationship Between Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture

Executive Summary Knowledge Management is an important issue with businesses today. Today, knowledge is the strategic key resource. Knowledge management is an approach that many commercial companies use to deal with knowledge. For years organizations have coded, stored, and transmitted knowledge. However, the current advancement of information technology has made...

Leadership and Management: Challenges

Abstract Leadership is a very important skill that is not possessed by all; hardly very few people are blessed with this skill. Being a leader is not easy; it poses many challenges and the person who overcomes these challenges makes a successful leader. A leader instills confidence and provides motivation...

International Management and Diversity Factor

Introduction A firm’s production ability provides a new paradigm which it uses to penetrate new markets globally. Global penetration is often laced with global issues such as taxation, government regulation, economic concerns, and cultural diversity. Of these issues, cultural diversity is significant as it affects employees. If not carefully handled,...

Conducting Business Process Change

Introduction Business change is an inevitable process for any organization that is success-oriented and is committed to achieving high levels within a given market.Some of the factors that make the change process inevitable include competition coupled with advancement in technology for instance information technology. This paper touches on the importance...

Leadership and Management Principles Comparison

Introduction Leadership and management are important assets of a firm that should not be ignored if the organization intends to achieve any success in its activities. These two aspects define the success of the firm. Currently, the world is becoming very competitive. In order to survive in this competitive world,...

Human Resource Management and Business Process Re-Engineering

Literature Review Armstrong (2003) and Price (2007) argue that human resource management coordinates the core functions of business process re-engineering towards the goals and objectives of a business organization. Melão and Pidd (2000) established that Hallmark considers human resource management as an important best business practice for managing the implementation...

The Fail of General Electric Company

Introduction General Electric (GE) is a US-based conglomerate company headquartered in Boston. Henry Lawrence Culp Jr. is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of this company. The main products of GE are electrical distribution, finance, healthcare, gas, software, water, wind turbines, etc. GE is a large-size company that has 283,000...

Fly Emirates Company’s Organization Management

The Emirates company launched its first two aircraft in 1985 and has been actively developing since then. Although the company has been following the goal of quality, not quantity, it grew up to have a fleet of more than 265 aircraft. Currently, it is one of the biggest air companies...

Leadership, Power, Politics, and Conflict in Organizations.

Classic research studies on leadership have set the stage for the theoretical development of leadership. Recently there is renewed research interest in the “Big Five” personality traits and effective leadership. To manage organizations today, where change has become rather a continuous factor, leaders need to be strategic and have the...

Enterprise Resources Planning Systems

Introduction Enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems are gaining momentum in the modern business world due to their efficiency and relevance in the present-day business environment. An ERP is a standardized information system that integrates organizations’ “business functions around a common database and standardized processes that are configured to fit the...

Zensar Technologies Management Case

Introduction The current global organizational changes threaten to make yesterday’s managers outdated. However, the awareness of the changes and how to take advantage of them offer tomorrow’s manager’s countless opportunities. Even though the nature of managerial function varies across organizations and changes continually, one general thread pervades nearly all managerial...

Business Project Management and National Culture

There is no use denying the fact that in the modern world rivalry is one of the main forces that influences development of society and individuals. Moreover, various organizations and companies are also affected by this issue and try to organize their functioning in the way that could help them...

Data Governance in Business Organizations

All companies need to use high-quality data to achieve success in their fields. It is necessary to organize the data in such a way that a company can solve the problems it faces with the help of it. The usage of data of questionable accuracy increases the risk of loss...

Customer Relationship Management and Operational Management

Operational management technique The processes occurring at the present stage in the world economy have led to a revival and development of estimate activity, urgency, and demand for results in market conditions. The predictive analytics and its key category – ROI – are a complex indicator of expediency, utility, and...

Public and Private Administration Comparison

High-quality management lies at the core of public and private organizations. However, because of the distinctions in the structure and objectives of the two sectors, professionals have to master the art of administering people differently in governmental and business settings. By examining differences between public and private administration in terms...

Organizational Analysis: Term Definition

Introduction According to Mabely, Storey and Salaman (2001), an organization structure can be regarded as that relationship existing between the roles of any one given organization, and its different divisions or parts. The authors see the purpose of such a structure as one that is dedicated to work and responsibilities...

Time Management: Importance, Benefits, and Techniques of Achievement

Time management is defined as the proper utilization of time for the appropriate purpose. In general, management of time includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, particularly with the aim to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of personal and organizational time use. Since it plays a very important...

Managing in a Global Context

Importance of Managing People in a Global Context In the era of Globalization, Companies try to differentiate themselves mostly through the labor force as imitation is very minimal in this case. This illustrates the importance of managing a workforce. Employees contribute directly to Organizational Development and change is the permanent...

Business Processes Management, Re-Engineering

Business re-engineering can have a ‘happy ending’ if well implemented. Business Process Management (BMP) can refer to a method of aligning efficiently a company with the needs and wants of a specific client. It is a holistic approach of management that aims at promoting business effectiveness as well as efficiency...

First-Line Managers & Their Responsibilities

Executive Summary In any organization – may it be a large corporation or just a small business enterprise – first-line managers usually hold the most important responsibilities. They are in direct contact with all the important enablers of the organization. They maintain superiority over the overall workforce. They are in...

South Korea Strategic Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry

Abstract This research was set up to discover which HRM practice would suit the strategy of the service or hotel industry. A comparison between a selected manufacturing and service firms was made during this research. From the research, it was discovered that the practice of HRM in organizations can be...

Management and Personal Management Competencies

Introduction The process of management consists of controlling and directing people in the organization to harmonize and coordinate the people towards the direction of attaining the goals and objectives that the organization has set. For people to be able to attain these organizational objectives, the management uses the resources available...

Corporate Functional Management in Organization

Abstract Many organizations are currently organized as functional organizations. The idea is to manage across functional areas rather than managing down the functional structure. The focus in these organizations is the customer, not the interests of the functional areas. A functional organization has departments such as marketing, engineering, production, and...

Understanding and Managing Organizations

What is organizational behavior? Organizational behavior can be defined as the study plus the application of knowledge about how individuals, groups, people act in many organizations they work for. It also involves the study of the whole organization, the various strategies which are used by the organization, how these organizations...