Human Resource Management Essay Examples for Free - Page 5

Bullying in the Workplace: Psychological Distress of Employees

Introduction and Purpose Bullying is determined as the abuse, violent dominance, or intimidation of another person by using pressure, compulsion, harsh taunting, or threat. Considering the question of bullying in the workplace, it is feasible to define four main types of this phenomenon, including abuse of power, digital bullying, mental...

Human Capital Management in Nursing Home “Active Retirement”

Introduction The target organisation is a nursing home Active Retirement, which name actually embodies the mission of the facility. Specifically, it lies in creating an atmosphere where the residents feel sufficiently comfortable and protected not to focus on their age. The vision of this involves providing space for various activities...

Discussion of Employee Retention

Introduction When it comes to recruiting and maintaining critical personnel, an effective employee retention program may have a significant impact. A wide range of factors may boost a company’s total productivity and profitability. Retaining a high-quality worker is more cost-effective than hiring and training a new employee of the same...

Group Theory and Its Practical Applications

Group theory entails studying dynamic aspects of teams to enhance their effectiveness and cohesiveness. Two or more people working collaboratively in an organizational setting for a common purpose compose a group. In today’s work environment, collaborative work has become common. Notably, this shows that groups play important roles in different...

Ethical Decision-Making and Hiring in a Business Setting

Abstract Present-day companies face the challenge of hiring personnel with respect to ethical considerations applicable to this process. It is well-established that legal guidelines in this area can be misleading due to their ambiguity and the conflict with a company’s interests. Moreover, the significance of the code of ethics and...

Researching of Occupational Health and Safety

Work-related ill health is any health condition that results from an individual’s occupation. The ill-health is usually caused by work itself or the working environment (Jones et al., 2019). For example, Law enforcement officers are at risk for high blood pressure, sleeplessness, and many more due to stress. Risk is...

Cultural Humility at the Workplace

What is Cultural Humility Cultural humility is a concept that helps people to embrace diversity in a lifelong process of exploration, curiosity, self-reflection and self-critique. It is a journey of recognizing the power imbalances and biases as well as respecting others’ values and beliefs and continuously reflecting on them. With...

Job Satisfaction and Employees’ Attitudes

The four employees’ attitudes and levels of job satisfaction differ due to diverse working positions, personal characteristics, life situations, social life, and other factors that could influence their working environment. The first employee, who is a marketing product manager, is working in a stressful environment where the supervisor forces the...

Managing Diversity: Annotated Bibliography

Khan, N., Korac‐Kakabadse, N., Skouloudis, A. and Dimopoulos, A. (2019) ‘Diversity in the workplace: an overview of disability employment disclosures among UK firms’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(1), pp.170-185. The present article aims at discovering the current stance of disability employment as an integral part of workplace diversity...

Diversity Management Issues: Colonialism and Discrimination at Work

Introduction The colonization of New Zealand is an inalienable part of its history, culture, and modern lifestyle. Indigenous communes inhabiting the islands originally had a set lifestyle, beliefs, and traditions. The consequences of colonisation influenced every individual of the society, and preventing its negative impacts refers to each citizen walking...

Impact of Conflicts on the Organization

Conflicts usually indicate a weak organizational culture in the organization. Such a culture is typical for young organizations in which the system of norms and values is not completely formed, and the method of shared values is not created. However, it often happens that a mature organization in which the...

Relevance of the Four-Day Workweek

Introduction This short report will discuss the pros and cons of introducing a four-day week. The purpose of this article is to put the introduction of the four-day workweek in perspective and try to analyze the multifaceted and ambiguous aspects of this problem through the study of publications and research....

Lacoste, Pull & Bear, and GAP: Human Resource Practices

Executive Summary Human resource management is essential for every organization to find, employ, train, and manage talented and skilled employees. Not all companies draw sufficient attention to this activity, which makes them utilize insufficient practices. Thus, the purpose of the given report is to overview human resource practices of Lacoste,...

Coaching Solving Interpersonal Conflict at the Workplace

Introduction Coaching is a process that encourages an employee to improve job skills and problem-solving. One of the problems that can occur in a workplace is interpersonal conflict. In this assignment, a coachee will be encouraged to commit to specific actions that would ultimately improve their job performance. For that...

Retention and Separation of Organizational Resources

In developing the organization and improving the efficiency of its work, the leading role belongs to the staff. It follows that retaining the most valuable employees and attracting professionals are critical aspects of a company’s success. After a thorough review of Java Corp, it was found that the company has...

Different Ways Managers Can Respond to Conflicts

Introduction No matter what the workplace setting is, as long as at least two staff members have to collaborate, conflicts are unavoidable. The severity and intensity of workplace confrontations may vary, yet disagreements will inevitably occur, forcing employees to spend time managing their relationships along with workplace tasks. Therefore, for...

Training 4 U Services Ltd Project Report

Introduction Training 4 U Services Limited Company is an institution that offers college education. The institution is expanding and aims to move its learning approach onto an online platform that will successfully work with its learners. This report is objectively aimed to discuss ways through which the Training 4 U...

Retraining Personnel: Digitalization and COVID-19

Introduction Human resources (HR) management plays an essential part in the general field of business administration, and there have been several significant changes in the industry recently. One of them is the continually increased necessity of retraining and reclassification of personnel. Digitalization, globalization, the prevalence of automated processes, and the...

Pay-for-Performance Plans and Rewards Classification

The compensation plan usually depends on many factors that determine the type of organization, such as service or manufacturing, and the type of work of the employees. The goal of performance rewards is to increase productivity, retain employees, and increase motivation and engagement. The remuneration system must be fair and...

Mandatory Employee Benefits and the Laws Governing Them

Introduction Businesses provide various benefits to employees including medical coverage, social insurance, family and medical leave, retirement benefits, holidays, and vacation. The benefits are termed mandatory benefits that a company should provide to its employees. Organizations must have a good understanding of mandatory compensation to enable them in drafting compensation...

Chemical Hazards: Amazon Facility

Amazon is one of the most successful modern Internet companies: it owns a network of online stores on five continents. However, few people thought that under the guise of glorious success, there are colossal human resources. Amazon is very demanding of its employees, and in some aspects, its success was...

Cognitive Biases in the Workplace

Introduction A workplace environment requires accurate and unbiased analysis of information, as well as the decision-making approach that relies on objective judgments. However, workplace biases as a common problem in a business setting often clouts the judgments of managers and employees, leading to poor decision-making, lack of fairness, drop in...

Human Resource Management for Knowledge Workers

Summary Managing Human Resources is challenging, and supervising employees to evolve within corporate culture and be a profitable asset is even more complicated. Investments in human capital result in one goal, which is to gain a competitive advantage. Yet, the approaches to acquiring this advantage through employees are ambiguous, as...

Communication Issues That Employees Have Encountered in the Workplace

Introduction The selected scenario concerns communication issues that employees have encountered in the workplace. More precisely, in the given case, employees ineffectively use digital communication tools, which results in their dissatisfaction and may even undermine their performance, as in the case of an individual who receives many work-unrelated emails. This...

Leadership & Employee Well-Being

Introduction Any company, organisation or facility constantly works on enhancing employees’ efficiency, which, in turn, leads to improved overall productivity. Understanding what issues may cause employee effectiveness problems to develop employee performance is essential. Several factors deteriorate magazine journalists’ productiveness, such as inappropriate leadership style and issues interfering with employee...

Employee Protection and Workers’ Compensation

The company hired me as a business consultant to help it deliver decisions regarding employee protection. The main topics that the company managers want to be covered include workplace discrimination, regulations concerning employment-at-will and exceptions when this doctrine cannot be used, and the problem of undocumented workers’ compensation. For this...

Southwest Human Resource Management

View of employees The Southwest Airlines company’s HR choice concerning the view of their employees might be defined as the one where staff is treated as assets. In such a manner, the company manages to treat each employee with respect and prioritize their long-term fruitful cooperation. The company invested in...

Talent Management: An Internal Control System

Introduction An internal control system (ICS) provides guidelines concerning the optimal decision-making outline for all employees. The accomplishment of company goals is a multidimensional phenomenon that involves the intersectionality of dynamic institutions. The pillars that attribute to the function of a business enshrine effective human resource management, compensation scale, profitability...

Reward Management Practices and Its Impact on Employee’s Motivation

A few years ago, monetary and non-financial remuneration systems were mainly used by large companies, but today, in the toughened conditions of the personnel market, many enterprises are adopting this method of attracting valuable personnel. Rightly wanting to get the maximum productivity from the staff, small business owners understand that...

E-Recruitment Data Quality in the Hiring Process

Job satisfaction is an important factor in assessing the effectiveness of recruiting methods. Jha and Bhattacharyya (2012) conducted a study among 352 Information Technology (IT) executives to examine the relationship between the recruiting process and the subsequent job satisfaction of workers (p. 63). The researchers concluded that a better candidate...

Supervision, Its Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction Any position requires training and support for the employees, which they can obtain from more experienced or competent colleagues. Relationships between senior and junior employees aimed at improving performance with elements of training, evaluation, and monitoring are called supervision (Simpson-Southward et al., 2017). In psychotherapy, supervision is designed to...

Recruitment and Selection as Management Process

Introduction In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to find qualified workers, which forces them to fight among themselves for professionals and raise wages at all levels in order to get quality employees. This can be beneficial and convenient for employees, but it is economically ineffective...

The Supervisors-Employees Conflict Source

The complicated structure of corporate organizations unambiguously implies the emergence of various kinds of conflicts. Since the structure of any medium or large company suggests the involvement of supervisors, employees, and the HR department, these frictions usually conflict with each other. The cause of such disputes may vary from team...

Talent Management: Attracting, Retaining, and Securing Employees

Practices to Attract New Employees The modern perception of employment has gone beyond the conventional patterns of placing a position opening and waiting for a response. Today’s job market is overwhelmed with opportunities for employment, especially when considering the fact that millennials, as the vast majority of the modern talent...

Investing in Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing

Executive Summary The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the prominent issue of mental health and wellness in organizations and workplaces. Mental health issues affect more than half of the workforce, and it is a considerable personal and professional challenge. Employees affected with mental health disorders have decreased productivity, absenteeism, and lead to...

Southwest Airlines Human Resource Recruitment Plan Proposal

Introduction Southwest Airlines is a company with a rich history of exceptional air transportation services, which depends on organizational culture and its HR practices. Over the years, the company has developed a solid and unique approach to recruitment, which has helped Southwest build a team of devoted and friendly professionals...

Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization

Abstract Organizational culture plays a fundamental role in the functioning of modern organizations. It serves as the factor moderating behaviors and decision-making processes of employees. Moreover, it presupposes a specific code of ethics to determine the nature of individuals’ behaviors and solutions. However, shaping and sharing these two concepts might...

Employee Performance & Rewards in Banking Sector

Abstract The aim of the study was to identify the impact of the reward system on employee performance in the banking sector of Karachi, Pakistan. Rewards are essential for every organization. They can engage the organization mission and mend the overall sense of community. Good quality of reward makes organization...

Improving Organizational Performance and Management

High-Performance Working (HPW) Strategic human resource (HR) management has gained significant importance in rapidly changing workplaces and knowledge-based economies over the years. Currently, organizations perceive employees as a crucial competitive advantage source. According to Ashkanasy et al. (2017), HR practices are inimitable, rare, and valuable organizational assets associated with path-dependent,...

Human Resource Management Stages and Recruitment Approaches

Introduction The term human resource management means the process of recruiting, hiring, deploying, and management of a firm’s staff members. HRM is commonly referred to as human resource (HR) and it creates, puts, into effect the policies that govern the employees and the relationship people have with a given organization....

Master of Business Administration Applied Immersion Teamwork

Introduction This individual reflection paper examines various aspects of teamwork that I found helpful during our final Global Master of Business Administration (GMBA) Capstone group project, “EcoDee.” It connects environmentally conscious tradespeople with like-minded consumers in need of their services. Using different concepts, such as Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)...

Impact of Employee Motivation on Productivity in Oil and Gas Sector in UAE

Abstract Purpose The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between employee motivation and productivity in the Oil and Gas Sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The central research question was “What is the impact of motivation on employee productivity in the Oil and Gas Sector...

Industrial Hygiene: Definition, Code of Ethics, and Importance

Definition of Industrial Hygiene Industrial hygiene is the science of preserving and enhancing the health and safety of people at jobs in their communities. Health and safety risks include an extensive type of chemical, physical, biological, and ergonomic factors. Professionals attempt to predict the possible consequences of exposure to damaging...

Business Excellence & Employee Engagement in the UAE

Employee engagement has been found to be positively linked to business and organisation success. Employee engagement is a concept used to describe the connection between employees and organisations (Singh et al, 2016). Employee engagement is the force through which employees feel zealous and excited towards their jobs and their organisations....

Assessment of Impact of Teamwork

Introduction Teams are a fundamental part of any organization as they are responsible for outcomes and attaining existing goals. Under these conditions, teamwork acquires the top priority as one of the factors that should be given much attention. The aligned cooperation between individuals can create the basis for achievements and...

Rights and Safety of Food Delivery Riders, Drivers in Australia

Introduction In today’s world, given the development of communication technology and the COVID-2019 pandemic, food delivery services have become very popular. The main advantage of such services is simplicity, saving time, and lack of contact, which is important in the context of the new virus. These services have become extremely...

Disability Services Australia’s Implementation Plan

A detailed implementation plan can make it easier for an organization to implement a project or idea. At this stage, clear instructions and steps are drawn up that must be followed to implement the plan successfully. Thus, the implementation plan includes documented steps, a budget, and calculated risks needed for...

Diversity Sensitive Employee Orientation

Introduction The workforce has become more diverse as women and racial/ethnic minority groups increasingly become a majority in the workplace. Organizations today bring together people of different ethnic/racial backgrounds, religions, ages, genders, income, nationalities, relationship status, work experience, educational achievement, and cultural beliefs and values, among other dimensions of diversity...

Kia Motors America, Modern Recruiting, and Online Space

Introduction Human resource (HR) management is a unique business practice as it involves both serving and leading people to achieve their and personal goals. Recruitment is a complex organizational practice within HR management where employers try to find, gather and attract the most talented and suitable individuals to work with...

Employee Motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors

The article seeks to discuss the pay-for-performance payment model and the things that motivate human beings. According to Mackenzie (2018), employee compensation does not only revolve around money; therefore, business leaders need to identify the various factors that influence performance. In this case, it might be necessary to focus on...

Effective Working From Home and Virtual Meetings

Working from Home The first case of COVID-19 infection was recorded in a small town in China before it was announced as a world pandemic by the World Health Organization due to its devastating impact on the wellbeing of individuals globally. All countries were affected by the rapid spread of...

The Issue of Equality in the Media Workplace

Introduction The study of tolerance as it relates to media practices seems necessary for several reasons. On the one hand, the need for media education is becoming increasingly evident. It is essential to teach mass audiences, starting at school age, how to resist manipulative technologies in communication, for example, how...

Training and Development in Small Business

Introduction Bright Collection is a fashion and design store based in Los Angeles, California. It specializes in making and designing customized clothes based on the event customer’s taste, wants, and preferences. It has around thirty workers including designers, artists, technical specialists, and sewers who do the final making of the...

Human Resources: Impact of Psychosocial Hazards

Psychosocial hazards may arise in work organizations due to poor work design, social context management and organization. They may have the potential to cause psychological harm like work-related stress and depression leading to poor output by the staff working to achieve a particular goal. This paper will reflect an article...

The Issue of Workplace Harassment and Its Influence on Employees

Introduction Race, ethnicity, religion, age, or disability are examples of factors leading to harassment. Employers are obligated to ensure that their workplaces are free of harassment. Every employee who undergoes workplace harassment has the right to open legal proceedings so as to ensure accountability. Employees’ performance is negatively impacted when...

“Goal Setting in Teams” Article by Van der Hoek

Main Concepts The chosen article discusses the importance of goal setting as a tool to improve team performance in specific environments. The authors state that performance management acquires the top priority in modern society as it helps to increase effectiveness and attain better results. They focus on discussing the concept...

The Chicken Mix International’s Diversity Problem and How to Solve It

Hypothetical Training Situation Chicken Mix International is facing a diversity problem due to its mixed branch employees. The company needs to train its managers and supervisors who interact with its employees in all its branches. Diversity Training Program Introduction of Diversity in the Workplace (1 mins). Presentation: Various Issues on...

Assimilation in the Multicultural Work Team

The introduction of the members The first part of the paper requires the introduction of three members of a multicultural work team who are looking for a new workplace. N.N. is a representative of the Muslim diaspora – a migrant from a developing country in Central Asia who moved for...

Workplace Safety and the Semco Method

Introduction Most civilized countries oblige employers to provide a healthy and safe environment for their workers. Indeed, in Australia, the 2011s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act states that if a risk is impossible to eliminate, it should be minimized (Dean et al., 2021). Violation of these requirements at a...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Job Performance

Introduction COVID-19 is an unforeseen global pandemic that recently emerged unpredictably. The pandemic has turned the field of work upside down (United Nations, 2020). This pandemic has adversely affected all sectors including the education sector, transport sector, health sector, and more so, the business sector. All these sectors have been...

Workplace Diversity: Assessment of Findings

Introduction Diversity in the workplace is an important social topic of the twenty-first century. Understanding and accepting diversity in the workplace is about providing a comfortable existence to everyone by recognizing that each individual is unique and respecting this difference. An important role in the regulation of relationships is played...

Compensation Effectiveness Evaluation

Summary In the modern global economy, identifying and implementing workforce strategies is a significant challenge. Therefore, human resource strategic planning is vital to every company, and it should always align with the organizational objectives and goals regardless of size. In this case, to attract and retain human capital, the human...

Employee Absenteeism and Business Proposal to Address It

Introduction Unfortunately, the current state of organizational structure causes losses in the revenues of the firm. The lowered quality of the service and customers’ dissatisfaction results from one main problem that I want to discuss further. In business, as in a complex mechanism, each part of the mechanism is important;...

Employees Management: The Main Aspects

Introduction Managing employees is important in every organization since it monitors productivity via the utilization of resources. This essay focuses on seven aspects: the cultural and historical impacts of a region on labor relations, how industry sector features influence worker’s issues, risks of ignoring worker’s problems, and benefits of addressing...

The Human Resource Information System: Strategy to Seek and Sustain Buy-In

Introduction Human resource information system (HRIS) is a system used to collect, process, store, and share employee’s data within an organization. The software provides a centralized repository of master data for workers needed by the human management unit to make critical decisions (Fırat et al., 2019). It encompasses basic human...

“The Job Evaluation”: Article by Colin Baker

Article Summary The article written by Colin Baker covers the importance of job evaluation and how it should be conducted. The essay helps identify whether its purpose is to determine the pay rate for a given job. The article points out that if a corporation wishes to keep its top...

Contributors of Work-Related Stress and Work Burnout

Introduction An organization’s labor force is a significant contributing factor to its success. The human resource department has gained a considerable number of research from labor economists and academics. For employees to be an effective input in an organization, they need to be in their most productive state of physical...

Training and Development: Embracing E-Learning Concept

Promoting training and development is one of the crucial parts of implementing proper talent management in the workplace. By insisting on continuous development and encouraging employees to train and acquire new skills, an HR manager will create a team of competent and reliable staff members with the propensity to self-directed...

Impact of Employee Engagement Programs

Contemporary businesses view employees as one of the most valuable assets available to them. Many business fields are highly competitive, and turnover, workplace conflicts, lack of motivation, and absenteeism of employees can substantially impact the competitive advantage and sustainability of a venture (Rana and Chopra, 2019). Furthermore, an unhealthy work...

Impact of Culture and Language on Employee Productivity

Language and culture largely influence employee productivity in a business. Language determines the effectiveness of communication within the organization. It also determines how much impact a business can have on the market since a business mostly penetrates a market whose language and culture it understands. Similarly, culture affects the way...

Locke and Latham’s Theory at the Personal Workplace

Introduction Sustaining a high level of motivation and interest in professional activities is a significant concern for organizational behavior. Numerous studies have shown that increasing employee motivation greatly impacts team collaboration, communication efficiency, and leadership influence, promoting a productive atmosphere (Shoaib & Kohli, 2017). For me, of special interest is...

Social Media Policy to Control and Monitor Employee Online Behaviors

Introduction Organizations may need effective social media policies to control and monitor their employees’ behavior on online platforms in a world characterized by a vast dependency on social media. Downcity Motors is a family-owned company located in Charlotte, North Carolina, specializing in motor vehicle dealership operations. The company sells BMW,...

Singapore Airlines: Managing HR for Cost-Effective Service Excellence

Organization’s Point of View A firm’s dimension is never complete without Crew Resource Management, which sharpens the strategic abilities. The CRM can adapt to changing market capabilities and customer expectations that lead to the growth of quality in the services supplied, cost sensitivity, and all of these things. This aids...

Importance of Preparation for Work

Personal Values and Interests As a person begins the self-discovery journey in their career, an essential part of the process is establishing what is important to them. This realization is critical because it helps motivate and influence a person to achieve their personal goals. According to van Hoorn (2017), personal...

The Role of Human Resource Management Department During a Merging Process

Merging is when two or more organizations collaborate to work together as one entity by putting their resources in one pool. Most of the organizations which merge majorly have common goals and objectives that they strive to achieve (Scholarworks & Jordan, 2019). Some of the main components of the organizations...

Employees’ Compensation Benefits

Introduction The employee benefits and privileges entail a variety of cash, indirect or non-cash compensation customarily provided to the workers besides the regular salaries. The primary aim of this type of payback is to ensure that they have increased the economic security of various staff members and, most notably, improve...

Maslow’s Motivation Theory in Relation to Job Satisfaction

Workforce inspiration is a favored and critical subject in the management of a business entity. It is well known that motivation is a procedure that eventually prompts people to behave in the desired way. Highly motivated employees are essential to the success of an organization (Jungert et al., 2017). Over...

Improving Employees’ Performance With Non-Monetary Rewards

Introduction: The Management Problem AlMassaleh Real Estate Company is a publicly listed company in the Kuwait Stock Exchange, although three-quarters of the share currently belong to one family. Founded in 1989, AlMassaleh Real Estate Company soon became one of the most prominent real estate businesses in Kuwait. The initial idea...

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Management

Indirect Discrimination Case Workplace diversity and inclusion are essential terms in this century. A colleague with the ailment was discriminated against at work due to changing working shift patterns. Diane was on medication for schizoaffective disorder, which caused her to become sleepy in the evenings. It was a retail outlet,...

The Acculturation and Benefits of Inclusive Management

Introduction Countries and institutions have increasingly become multicultural with the intensification of globalization. As human resource management practitioners, there are consequences to the acculturation strategy. Cultural identity explains changing levels of individuals’ psychological well-being. Furthermore, individuals who integrate have the most diverse network of connections and achieve the best job...

PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm’s Employee Loyalty Initiative

In the PwC case study, it was found that Millennials appreciate jobs that leave them time to do other things in life, which is a unique perspective compared to their counterparts from other generations. It was surprising to discover that the generation valued intrinsic, altruistic, and social rewards. This means...

Employees’ Emotions, Attitudes, and Behavior

Introduction Employees who know how to regulate their emotions are less prone to be grumpy or respond in an unproductive manner in the workplace. Workers who let rage and terror take over are unable to think carefully or even concentrate on one topic at a time, losing time and productivity....

Interpersonal Conflicts in a Workplace

Introduction Conflict is an essential element in the functioning of any society. In today’s world, when the “speed of life” increases daily, when stresses are familiar to almost everyone, when people connected by ties of joint business activities collide in their interests, then conflict occurs. It disorganizes people, puts them...

Management of Workplace Stress

Introduction Work related stress could lead to poor performance, health, and welfare issues in employees. It is hence important to identify employees’ stress levels and create a conducive working environment for them. There are many factors that lead to work related stress. This paper comprises of primary and secondary research...

Group Development: Understanding Team Dynamics

Comparison of the differences between a ‘group’ and a ‘team’ A group is a group of people placed together in an organization, such as a division or company branch. On the other hand, a team is a collection of individuals collaborating on their tasks to achieve a mutual goal (B2W-CMI...

Medical and Other Employee Benefits in 2021

The three important benefits are medical benefits, retirement plan, and employee assistance. These benefits are crucial in the modern world since advancement across different fields has increased life’s unpredictability. Current life is difficult to predict what will happen in the next few minutes, and therefore having a good medical plan...

“Use Six Steps to Coach Employees…” by Heathfield

This article talks about what problems a company may face when working. Workers do not always show themselves to be productive people and sometimes need to rest or re-learn their craft as technology changes. In this case, the management needs to monitor progress at work for the work to go...

Human Resource Management: Duke’s Team-Based Approach

Abstract In 2005, Judy Rosenblum, who was the head of Duke corporate organization, started thinking about the environment of learning. Rosenblum was forced to think about environmental learning after realizing that the offices of the doctors could be transformed into a collaborative effort involving cutting-edge technology. She assembled a group...

Training and Development of Employees

Introduction The world is changing to the point of no return as globalization and innovation become the forces of the future. As a result of such economic and cultural shifts, the number of businesses has grown significantly over the last few decades. Thus, to compete with other organizations, companies have...

The Most Efficient Managerial Communications

Introduction As a rule, company executives coupled with their subordinates (CEO and heading supervisors) constantly search for the most efficient managerial communications to facilitate more effective organizational development in team-forming frames. It is essential to integrate appropriate managing communication approaches in order to motivate, promote, and enhance company participants for...

Effective Techniques of Advancing Employees’ Job Satisfaction

Abstract Human resource issues have been affecting the performance of most business organizations. Most business operations are centred on the effectiveness of the department. Companies experiencing such problems are facing problems like employees’ turnover, customer dissatisfaction, workers’ job dissatisfaction, and increased cost of management. To manage the issue of job...

Online Safety Training Programs

Safety training is vital for any employee in any organization since it provides them with information regarding certain conditions at their workplace. Offline safety training is becoming less popular since most classes include theory, which can be learned via special websites. Nowadays, multiple platforms for such courses help one acquire...

Researching of Team Development

Introduction The formation of the team is only the initial step of the process required to facilitate the effective cooperation of individuals in a company. For example, Tuckman described four stages of team development that include elements such as conflict and the development of creative confrontation that are necessary to...

Discussion of Human Resource Management

In the modern business industry, human resource management (HRM) is of particular importance. It is an effective tool for achieving the successful functioning of the organization. This is due to the fact that a lot directly depends on the company’s employees, in other words, the human resource. Their management is...

The Role of Motivation in the Management of Employees

Introduction Different factors, such as technology innovations, globalization, growing desires of people, and increased competitiveness, have influenced the management approaches to various jobs, including food service assistant and scientist jobs. It is crucial to manage human behavior and keep workers motivated effectively. Several approaches to organizational behavior and theories of...

Creative Problem-Solving Demonstration

Technique That Will Best Help To Solve the Problem Identifying the right problem-solving technique was very important for this team. My team needed a technique that would allow all the members to participate actively in the discussions in order to arrive to the best solutions possible. We had a number...

Managing People and Organizations: Remedies and Solutions

Introduction Human resource is an essential component of many service- based organizations. The human resource department accounts for a large proportion of a company’s production cost. An organization that does not manage human resource well is likely to face serious problems. This paper will discuss human resource management problems in...

Types of Interpersonal Conflicts in a Workplace

Introduction Most people prefer to avoid conflicting relationships, not talk about them, hide them as long as possible. Everyone understands that conflicts have existed and will continue to exist, they are an integral part of human relationships, and one cannot say that disagreements are useless or pathological. They are normal...

Type-Voluntary and Type-Cyclical Unemployment in Modern World

Type-Voluntary Unemployment Unemployment is a state in which a person is trying to find a job but is having no luck. Unemployment is often regarded as a crucial economic indicator. The unemployment rate is calculated by dividing total jobless persons by whole employed persons as a general rule. Several governments...

Employee Morale and Its Effects on the Workplace

Employee Morale Changes in working conditions have led to a rethinking of employee morale. Company’s effectiveness depends on how consciously all stakeholders participate in activities. The high morale of employees plays a significant role in the company’s sustainable operation (Chapman & Sisodia, 2015). The effectiveness of employees implies not only...

Recommending Stand-Up Desks for Employee

Dear Mr. or Ms. Councilman, In the attachment, you can find the report on “Recommending Stand Up Desks for Employees.” This report suggests the solution for the problem of how to improve the working environment of employees and increase their productivity. The report consists of a detailed analysis of the...

Google: Human Resource Management

Role of HRM for Organizational Success Cunha, Morgado & Brewster (2003) and Bonavia and Marin-Garcia (2011) conducted separate studies regarding the impact of HRM on organizational performance through testing model of structural equation based on the data of huge European business firms and identified that HRM has a greater impact...